Meeting minutes
<ChrisLoiselle> Unable to scribe.
sl: Looks for update info
Update on May heartbeat draft
Chuck_: Some valid concerns were raised and we've been working those issues out
Chuck_: All -1 votes have changed to +1 and we are good as of the moment
jeanne: Questions?
Commenting on scripts for EO videos
jeanne: Recalls was discussed briefly last week ...
jeanne: This is a series of short videos from E&O about specific SC criteria, but are writing them in a way that will work for both 2.x and 3
<Lauriat> Survey link, I think I found it: https://
jeanne: Comments requested on any script of particular interest
jeanne: It'
It's not necessary to comment on all scripts
. You can pick and choose!
. Survey closes 7 June, I believe
<ChrisLoiselle> due June 7th. Per Brent's email.
Moving to subgroup over W3C calendar app
jeanne: Apologies for overload from the calendar invite
jeanne: Was my error with the new system
jeanne: Proposing to move all subgroup meetings to this calendar
jeanne: Allows subgroup leaders to add and delete participants
jeanne: Have some subgroups set up, but not all
jeanne: If I'm not regularly in your subgroup, please email me with data!
Chuck_: Curious about user error?
Chuck_: Is it very easy to get confused? Or is it just a learning issue?
jeanne: Believe it will be easy and convenient once we learn to use it
jeanne: I misinterpreted a field definition
jeanne: i.e."End Field" is meeting end, not something else
jeanne: But once meeting flagged out of draft, it's forwarded to the list
jeanne: Don't set it to 'confirm' until you know you've got it right!
jeanne: Requesting patience with newbie error!
<Chuck_> Thank you for doing the recon for us
Lauriat: Sounds useful!
Meeting schedule discussion
jeanne: Notes Errors guideline didn't fair as well as hoped on AGWG call
jeanne: Consequently, following discussion, we're going to try and get AGWG info about upcoming decision points earlier
jeanne: So, trying to figure out what various subgroups want in August draft so it can be forwarded to AGWG well before we're trying to publish
<Chuck_> +1 to strategy
jeanne: Does also mean we'll be meeting with AGWG weekly, at least through June, and probably through July
jeanne: Is that OK? Any objections?
jeanne: Do we also need to have Silver on Tuesday in addition?
jeanne: Most interested in hearing from Makoto, so seems he's adjusted
<JF> +1 shawn
Lauriat: Whatever we discuss can also be sent out
sarahhorton: Notes Errors presented to this group multiple times, and also to AGWG some weeks ago, ...
sarahhorton: Absolutely believe in getting concepts out early
sarahhorton: Not sure what will be enough given the experience this week
sarahhorton: How do we get them invested in successful outcomes
Chuck_: Just brainstorming ...
Chuck_: Individuals on both groups have expressed interested in migrating content
Chuck_: Hoping more participants will be more familiarity and investment
Chuck_: Additionally, believe Jeanne is formulating a proposal to AGWG based on a long standing AGWG process
Chuck_: So that may help
<Zakim> Lauriat, you wanted to note the regularity on publishing, in hopes of reducing fears of missing August (or a particular draft) so we can also get used to iterating on the work as helpful
Lauriat: Believe those will help ...
Lauriat: Hopefully publishing regularly will also help
Lauriat: So, if some content piece misses a particular heartbeat, the next one will be soon, and therefore the opportunity to get it in sooner, not later
Lauriat: Heartbeats should also give greater ease about including content, because it will be clearer all drafts can be changed
Lauriat: Recalls also the open question about changing Friday Silver telecon time? Or adding back the Tuesday Silver call?
Lauriat: Thoughts?
Chuck_: I like reduced meetings, but have continued to join even the cancelled Tuesday call just in case
Chuck_: Just incase someone shows up with something to discuss
sajkaj: Like a Clubhouse room! :)
[group rifs on Clubhouse]
<Lauriat> +1 to that idea
<Lauriat> (the meetings, not the clubhouse naming)
jeanne: Hearing no objections ...
jeanne: Tuesday call not deleted, but not formally expected at least through June and July
jeanne: Friday call will continue
jeanne: Please check for AGWG agenda and WBS survey! It's important to the process
Lauriat: Suggest a quick email followup on our list
Lauriat: Makes it clear and provides opportunity for any others to comment
Plan for August heartbeat draft
<KimD> +1 to Tuesday flexibility
<jeanne> o Conformance Options wants a proposal on 3rd party content
<jeanne> o probably more from Errors
<jeanne> o Structured Content wants new material but need more participation
<jeanne> o Accessibility for Children Community Group has restarted and
<jeanne> will be working on user needs and identifying research gaps.
<jeanne> This probably will not be part of the August heartbeat but is
<jeanne> useful to get started.
jeanne: Notes discussion last week ...
jeanne: Conformance Options will have Third Party Content proposal
jeanne: Errors expects to have more content ready
jeanne: Accessibility for Children has restarted and will be working--but not August
jeanne: Asks about Visual Contrast??
ChrisLoiselle: Internal discussions for particular PRs, at the moment no additional
ChrisLoiselle: Can't yet say for August
jeanne: So the PRs are the key?
ChrisLoiselle: Yes
jeanne: So, we'll need to schedule AGWG time for that
SuzanneTaylor: XR subgroup can try to have 2 methods for caption timing
SuzanneTaylor: We can try to go through the process, currently revising the drafts to get more feedback
jeanne: Any timeline?
SuzanneTaylor: Not sure
SuzanneTaylor: Trying to get consensus from group
SuzanneTaylor: probably mid July
jeanne: that would work
jeanne: Goal is to have everything introduced and perhaps through the process by end July
<Chuck_> Janina: Question on contrast. CSS flagged something for us. Is there something we can pass on to CSS?
<Chuck_> Chris: From point of conversing with W3C, there's been discussions between the need to bridge between the groups informally and would like to do that.
<Chuck_> Chris: I haven't spoken to anybody specifically on that topic.
<Chuck_> Janina: Let me know if there's a best write-up I can point CSS towards. I'll make them aware. I think they will be excited to see it.
<Chuck_> Chris: Any email or thread please forward to me.
<Chuck_> Janina: But nothing in the form of draft yet?
<Chuck_> Chris: No, not yet.
Lauriat: Other questions on heartbeat?
jeanne: Other groups not yet reported? COGA input?
Jan_: Just had a kickoff meeting to start work on help and links back to Content Usable
jan Don't know whether it will be ready for August
Jan_: Can touch base
jeanne: Glad to hear it's started
Rain: Exactly, but also another subgroup looking at Clear Words
jeanne: Would be most helpful, thanks
<Fazio> John Rochford EA Draffan are very active on clear words
Jan_: That's our only new guideline which isn't a migration from 2.x so far
<Fazio> we just discussed it yesterday
Fazio: Maturity Model -- will be presenting to AGWG soon, and will be meeting next Friday to preview --
jeanne: Would you like to present next Friday here?
Fazio: Possibly
Fazio: Will run it by the group
jeanne: There's time next week
Fazio: Will advise
jeanne: Please keep Shawn and me in the loop; and please advise when ready to present
jeanne: Usually need a few weeks warning to get calendered onto AGWG agenda
Lauriat: I will update via email on list re upcoming meetings schedule
Lauriat: Bye to all!