IRC log of chem-web-pub on 2021-06-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:56:46 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #chem-web-pub
15:56:46 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:57:01 [George]
meeting: Chemistry for the Web and Publishing
15:57:35 [George]
Date: 03 June 2021
15:57:56 [George]
rrsagent, make log public
15:58:10 [George]
rrsagent, bookmark
15:58:10 [RRSAgent]
15:58:45 [George]
15:58:59 [George]
present+ Kumar
15:59:12 [George]
present+ Elaine
15:59:29 [George]
present+ Margaret
16:00:00 [George]
16:00:10 [George]
present+ Cary
16:01:15 [George]
present+ Rajeev
16:01:33 [George]
Chair: Cary
16:01:52 [George]
scribe: George
16:02:23 [Stefan]
Stefan has joined #chem-web-pub
16:02:55 [George]
George has joined #chem-web-pub
16:03:05 [Stefan]
Stefan has left #chem-web-pub
16:03:22 [stefan]
stefan has joined #chem-web-pub
16:04:53 [Stefan]
Stefan has joined #chem-web-pub
16:04:55 [George]
George has joined #chem-web-pub
16:06:41 [Stefan]
margaret hershberger introduced herself
16:06:49 [Stefan]
summary of highlights from sub group
16:07:59 [George]
George has joined #chem-web-pub
16:08:18 [George]
Neil Soipher joined us to help us understand what is possible.
16:08:50 [George]
We decided to focus on semantic suggestion.
16:09:44 [George]
There would be two different styles for interrebpertation.
16:10:26 [George]
George's notes are a poor summary of what Stefan reported.
16:11:54 [George]
The way of presenting the chemistry would help developers like Jaws and NVDA.
16:12:26 [Stefan]
epub aria semantic enhancement
16:12:33 [Stefan]
dpub-chapter - part etc.
16:12:55 [George]
George has joined #chem-web-pub
16:24:34 [George]
present+ Steve
16:24:59 [SteveNoble]
SteveNoble has joined #chem-web-pub
16:25:08 [SteveNoble]
16:25:55 [George]
George has joined #chem-web-pub
16:44:55 [George]
George has joined #chem-web-pub
16:54:57 [George]
zakim, bye
16:54:57 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been George, Kumar, Elaine, Margaret, Stefan, Cary, Rajeev, Steve, SteveNoble
16:54:57 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #chem-web-pub
16:55:15 [George]
rrsagent, make log public
16:55:44 [George]
rrsagent, draft the minutes
16:55:44 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate George
16:59:44 [George]
rrsagent, draft the minutes
16:59:44 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate George
17:01:18 [George]
I am having trouble with the generation of the minutes. I will retest
17:01:56 [George]
rrsagent, make log public
17:02:30 [George]
rrsagent, bookmark
17:02:30 [RRSAgent]
17:03:38 [George]
rrsagent, draft the minutes
17:03:38 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate George
17:12:55 [George]
George has joined #chem-web-pub
17:12:59 [George]
rrsagent, bye
17:12:59 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items