13:25:23 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg 13:25:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/27-wpwg-irc 13:25:37 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20210527 13:25:41 Meeting: Web Payments Working Group 13:25:47 Chair: NickTR 13:25:49 Scribe: Ian 13:57:47 present+ 13:58:10 present+ Pierre_Walden 13:58:59 present+ Nick_Telford-Reed 13:59:28 regrets+ Jean-Luc_Di-Manno 13:59:54 present+ Anne_Pouillard 14:00:17 present+ Fawad_Nisar 14:00:43 Fawad has joined #wpwg 14:00:47 scribenick: nicktr 14:01:19 present+ Chris_Wood 14:01:32 regrets+ Stephen_McGruer 14:01:33 Lauren_ has joined #wpwg 14:01:37 regrets- Stephen_McGruer 14:01:45 present+ Stephen_McGruer 14:01:48 present+ 14:01:55 agenda? 14:01:56 present+ Jean-Michel_Girard 14:02:00 present+ Gavin_Shenker 14:02:05 clinton has joined #wpwg 14:02:07 present+ Davor_Davidovikj 14:02:10 present+ Clinton_Allen 14:02:13 agenda+ Usecases/scope 14:02:14 Anne has joined #wpwg 14:02:14 present+ Lauren_Jones 14:02:19 present+ Vincent_Kuntz 14:02:21 agenda+ issue 65 14:02:27 present+ Gerhard_Oosthuizen 14:02:31 agenda+ issue 13 14:02:35 vkuntz has joined #wpwg 14:02:36 Gavin has joined #WPWG 14:02:42 present+ 14:02:46 present+ David_Benoit 14:02:49 present+ Gustavo_Kok 14:02:51 agenda+ review different flows 14:03:00 agenda+ implementing SPC as an issuer 14:03:08 zakim, take up item 1 14:03:08 agendum 1 -- Usecases/scope -- taken up [from nicktr] 14:03:41 -> https://github.com/w3c/webpayments/wiki/Agenda-20210527 Agenda 14:03:58 present+ Chris_Dee 14:04:11 scribenick: Nick 14:04:13 Gerhard has joined #wpwg 14:04:17 present+ 14:04:22 scribenick: nicktr 14:04:27 JMGirard has joined #wpwg 14:04:40 ian: SPC taskforce has been making good progress 14:04:43 ...we meet on Mondays 14:04:57 ...we have a timeline which tries to get us to a FPWD by this summer 14:05:05 ...and shipping code in Autumn 14:05:11 -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/blob/gh-pages/scope.md Scope and use cases 14:05:18 ian: today we'd like to give you an update on scope 14:05:25 [Ian presents] 14:05:49 ian: we have a draft definition 14:06:08 ...I merged a pull request today on features and benefits 14:06:22 ..."here's what you get with SPC" 14:06:33 1. Authentication streamlined for payments 14:06:40 2. Scalabale and Ubiquitious 14:06:53 s/Scalabale/Scalable/ 14:07:07 3. Designed to meet regulatory req'ts 14:07:17 4. Simpler and more secure front-end development 14:07:39 ian: unique features 14:07:49 1. Browser-native UX for payment confirmation 14:07:56 2. Cryptographic evidence 14:08:03 3. Cross-origin authentication 14:08:21 ian: We have also been documenting user stories 14:08:30 ...which we have not yet prioritised 14:08:59 ian: I invite everyone to read the user stories and to let us know if you have questions or to document missing use cases 14:09:10 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:09:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/27-wpwg-minutes.html nicktr 14:09:15 q? 14:09:44 Nick: I urge you to have a look and send comments. 14:10:20 -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/blob/gh-pages/requirements.md Requirements 14:10:22 zakim, next item 14:10:22 agendum 2 -- issue 65 -- taken up [from nicktr] 14:10:38 gkok has joined #wpwg 14:10:52 Issue on Github -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues/65 14:11:51 present+ Eric_Alvarez 14:12:08 zakim, take up item 2 14:12:08 agendum 2 -- issue 65 -- taken up [from nicktr] 14:12:13 https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues/65 14:12:43 ian: do you need payment request for SPC, or are they separate? 14:13:14 smcgruer_[EST]: It's really important that we don't get tripped up by terminology 14:13:42 ...inside a payment handler == inside payment request for me 14:13:51 ChrisD has joined #wpwg 14:14:45 ian: I had imagined you could use paymentrequest constructor and then call SPC 14:14:59 ...or while a payment handler is running 14:15:13 ...or (outside) you just call SPC 14:15:20 ...there's no payment request 14:15:58 ...in this third situation, there's no payment method - it's just calling for authentication 14:16:56 Three scenarios: 14:17:00 1) In PR API on merchant site 14:17:03 smcgruer_[EST]: I think we have concrete users of scenario 3 14:17:08 2) In PR API in payment handler 14:17:22 3) Unrelated to PR API at all (e.g., Stripe experiment) 14:17:24 ...we don't know of of payment handlers that want to use it 14:17:39 ...and I don't understand scenario 1 14:18:55 ian: it could be a method within payment request _OR_ 14:19:08 ...it could be a new API (called SPC) 14:20:03 ...I feel like it's foundational 14:20:05 q? 14:20:31 smcgruer_[EST]: Do you want to get into the JS shape? 14:21:02 ian: I do want to know if you have to trigger payment request or not 14:21:32 smcgruer_[EST]: I am ambivalent to this issue 14:21:49 ...I do think it should be callable by both merchants and within a payment handler 14:21:53 q+ 14:22:27 Gerhard: I think I should be about paying a merchant 14:22:32 ack Gerhard 14:23:01 Gerhard: I need to be able to trigger SPC from an issuer domain. See usefulness of being able to trigger from merchant domain 14:23:07 ...I want to be able to kick it off from a merchant domain, an issuer domain _or_ a scheme domain 14:23:54 ...I think Tomasz asked if you could just do "credential.create" rather than "paymentrequest.authenticate" 14:24:00 q+ 14:24:12 ...I do think should be bound to a payment 14:24:24 ack smcgruer_[EST] 14:25:04 smcgruer_[EST]: you mentioned that the credential should only used for payments 14:25:24 ...we have heard that others would like to be able to use for other uses 14:25:39 Gerhard: I think we devalue the transaction if we don't bind to payments 14:26:06 ian: could we re-use a credential for other things? Yes 14:26:14 ...but SPC should be payments 14:26:20 present+ Erhard_Brand 14:26:35 +1, I misunderstood :D 14:26:51 gerhard: I think the credential + payment instrument is critical 14:27:14 ...I think secure display is critical 14:27:55 ...I think frictionless is a different construct 14:28:06 ian: would you write up the non-fido use case? 14:28:24 Gerhard: I think we have done that 14:28:38 ...including the explainer 14:28:44 ian: I will open an issue 14:28:46 q? 14:29:57 ian: I am not hearing strong views on SPC invokable independent of payment request 14:30:10 ChrisD: I agree with Gerard that SPC should not ‘embed’ FIDO. Other authentication mechanisms are available. 14:30:35 ian: in the requirements doc, we say you should be able to call SPC from a payment handler or a website 14:31:00 Non-fido challenge defined at https://github.com/entersekt/possession-credential with presentation at http://www.w3.org/2021/Talks/entersekt-20210330.pdf 14:31:08 zakim, close this item 14:31:08 agendum 2 closed 14:31:09 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 14:31:09 3. issue 13 [from nicktr] 14:31:14 zakim, take up item 3 14:31:14 agendum 3 -- issue 13 -- taken up [from nicktr] 14:31:19 https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/issues/13 14:32:28 davor_ has joined #wpwg 14:33:37 ian: one credential per payment instrument? Or one credential for many payment instruments (e.g. while logged into you online banking)? Or many credentials for one instrument (different browsers) 14:35:05 ian: the key requirement is everything is independently addressable 14:35:31 ...we don't want to constrain implementations 14:35:36 q+ 14:36:00 ian: this is what we documented in the requirements 14:36:06 ack smcgruer_[EST] 14:36:23 smcgruer_[EST]: I don't understand the constraint 14:37:01 q+ 14:37:20 ian: The intention is for the credential to be at an instrument (like a card number) level 14:37:22 q+ 14:37:35 ack ben 14:37:37 q+ 14:37:45 Chris_Wood has joined #wpwg 14:38:24 benoit: the binding of a card has been static traditionally but firms like Curve have made that fluid 14:38:48 ian: I don't think the text needs to change 14:38:51 ack nick 14:39:06 nicktr: I want to point out that it's turtles all the way down here. 14:39:35 ...you are talking about about "instrument" v "account"; funding PAN can be represented by a universe of token pans 14:40:31 ...not sure definition of "instrument" is adequate 14:40:45 q+ 14:40:59 q+ 14:41:13 ack sm 14:41:45 smcgruer_[EST]: I strongly believe that the meaning of credential is up to the relying partner 14:41:59 ...I don't think that the SPC spec should force that binding 14:42:40 q+ to mention "2 user account" use case 14:42:52 ...today the only reason we have the binding in the explainer is because we store somethings in the browser _in our first implementation_ 14:42:52 present+ Jeffh 14:42:59 q? 14:43:05 ...I think that should be up the RP 14:43:13 smcgruer_[EST]: You could move binding to auth time (rather than static binding) 14:43:14 ack Gerhard 14:43:36 Gerhard: SPC should not require a selection to be made 14:43:38 gerhard: I think that SPC should represent where the money is coming from 14:44:04 ...in other words, a credential == "where the money is coming from" without further user selection 14:44:08 q? 14:44:51 gerhard: I am strongly in favour of 1:1 14:44:53 q+ to ask about regulatory requirement 14:44:57 ack Chr 14:45:03 ...this creates sureness for consumers 14:45:06 q+ 14:45:28 Chris: For SPC to work with open banking, needs to be account (source of funds) 14:45:30 Chris_Wood: in an open banking context, instrument == "bank account" 14:45:44 ach mee 14:45:46 ...it's "where do the funds come from" afaic 14:45:46 ack me 14:45:46 Ian, you wanted to mention "2 user account" use case and to ask about regulatory requirement 14:45:48 +1 to that 14:46:14 ian: I think the dynamic linking regulatory element is important 14:46:32 ...do we know what the specific requirement is wrt to funding source? 14:47:13 q? 14:47:17 ack smcgruer_[EST] 14:47:26 Ian: Question is "dynamic before sig" or "dynamic after sig" 14:47:40 smcgruer_[EST]: I think the binding is at "auth" time 14:47:42 smcgruer_[EST]: I want strong binding at auth time, not enrollment time. 14:47:46 ...not at registration time 14:48:29 q+ 14:48:39 ack G 14:48:40 ack Gerhard 14:49:47 gerhard: if have multiple authenticators, how does that work? 14:49:56 ...can someone take me through that? 14:50:19 smcgruer_[EST]: you will always have a separate credential per authenticator 14:50:36 ...but let's imagine you have a visa card and a mastercard from the same issuer 14:50:55 ...for a particular payment, I select the mastercard 14:51:07 ...the merchant sends that through 14:51:33 ...the RP (issuer) sends the authenticator credentials for that instrument 14:52:08 ...but also (possibly) here are the other instruments 14:52:27 ...by sending the info at authentication time 14:52:27 q? 14:53:04 ian: I am hearing a strong push for the binding no later than authentication but not necessarily at enrolment time 14:53:18 ian: We need to revisit the requirements 14:53:44 ...I believe that there is consensus that what you sign is what you're paying with 14:53:46 q+ 14:53:52 ack nick 14:53:58 scribenick: Ian 14:54:10 nicktr: You asked about regulatory requirement re: dynamic linking. 14:54:27 ...I don't think it binds the instrument; it binds USER, amount, and beneficiary 14:55:02 scribenick: nicktr 14:55:26 ACTION: smcgruer_[EST] with rouslan and Ian to work on refining requirements to support authentication-time binding to concrete funding source 14:55:28 ian: Rouslan and Ian will work on that while smcgruer_[EST] is enjoying well earned vacation 14:55:34 q? 14:55:36 agenda? 14:56:11 ian: I suggest we revisit the next two agenda items next time 14:56:17 q+ 14:56:25 Topic: Next meeting 14:56:41 10 June 14:56:45 ack nicktr 14:57:33 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:57:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/27-wpwg-minutes.html nicktr 14:57:42 RRSAGENT, make minutes 14:57:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/27-wpwg-minutes.html Ian 14:57:45 RRSAGENT, set logs public 14:58:32 zakim, bye 14:58:32 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Ian, Pierre_Walden, Nick_Telford-Reed, Anne_Pouillard, Fawad_Nisar, Chris_Wood, Stephen_McGruer, benoit, Jean-Michel_Girard, 14:58:32 Zakim has left #wpwg 14:58:34 rrsagent, bye 14:58:34 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/27-wpwg-actions.rdf : 14:58:34 ACTION: smcgruer_[EST] with rouslan and Ian to work on refining requirements to support authentication-time binding to concrete funding source [1] 14:58:34 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/27-wpwg-irc#T14-55-26 14:58:35 ... Gavin_Shenker, Davor_Davidovikj, Clinton_Allen, Lauren_Jones, Vincent_Kuntz, Gerhard_Oosthuizen, vkuntz, David_Benoit, Gustavo_Kok, Chris_Dee, Gerhard, Eric_Alvarez, 14:58:35 ... Erhard_Brand, Jeffh