13:10:48 RRSAgent has joined #wot-pf 13:10:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/26-wot-pf-irc 13:10:55 meeting: WoT Testfest 13:11:01 chair: McCool 13:11:03 McCool has joined #wot-pf 13:11:22 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_McCool, Tomoaki_Mizushima 13:12:44 scribenick: kaz 13:13:10 mm: should work on implementation test metadata 13:13:37 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf#Agenda_26.05.2021 13:13:46 topic: Minutes 13:13:54 i/should/topic: Agenda/ 13:14:11 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/05/19-wot-pf-minutes.html May-19 13:14:33 mm: relatively short meeting 13:14:49 ... clarification for discovery 13:15:41 ... any problems? 13:15:45 (none; approved) 13:16:50 topic: Testfest planning 13:16:57 mm: let's start with TD 13:17:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/main/events/2021.06.Online/TD TD area within the wot-testing repo 13:18:51 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/testing/inputs/templates/report.html report template within the wot-thing-description repo 13:19:53 mm: (discuss the requirements for implementations) 13:19:54 [[ 13:20:11 Each implementation represents a working system 13:20:11 that either exposes or consumes at least one WoT Thing Description. 13:20:12 ]] 13:21:15 mm: would have two implementations for both producer and consumer 13:21:37 ek: need update for the implementation result table as well 13:23:31 topic: PRs 13:23:46 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/pull/125 PR 125 - fix(json): Fix json files to be json parsed 13:24:29 mm: (merges the PR) 13:26:03 topic: Test report metadata 13:26:19 mm: (creates a new branch, "test-report-metadata") 13:30:01 ... (copies the content from wot-thing-description/testing to the test-report-metadata branch of the wot-testing repo (locally copied on McCool's PC)) 13:30:30 ... (adds edits to the testing/inputs/templates/report.html file" 13:31:04 ... any updates for the template in general? 13:31:37 kaz: implementation reports are generated by the WGs and no general templates 13:31:40 mm: ok 13:31:53 ... (continue to add updates to the report.html) 13:35:39 ... (goes through the file) 13:37:24 ... (changes the criteria section) 13:37:41 [[ 13:38:18 Our goal is that all required features will have at least two implementations and all optional features will have at least one implementation. 13:38:20 ]] 13:39:53 (some discussion on how to track the resulted behaviors) 13:40:39 mm: (updates the "5. Implementation Report requirements" section) 13:46:32 ... (moves ahead to "6. Systems" section) 13:47:51 ... question about "servers" vs "clients". can be converted to "producers" vs "consumers" within the WoT context 13:50:12 brb 13:50:16 ... (then "7. Security") 13:50:20 s/brb// 13:51:42 mm: (revisits the issue on "servers" and "clients") 13:52:33 ... producers should be assertion tester 13:52:50 s/tester/testers/ 13:53:23 ... one consumer with multiple producers 13:53:59 ... need manual assertions 13:54:35 ek: is there any feature used by both the sides? 13:55:54 mm: maybe we could split the Pass/Fail column into Consumer Pass/Fail and Producer Pass/Fail 13:57:00 ... so could have two separate result columns, one for Consumers and another for Producers 13:59:59 ... maybe we should have two separate tables 14:00:22 ... one for data itself and another for behavior 14:01:08 (we're getting out of time...) 14:01:51 kaz: so will you push the updated report.html to the wot-testing repo? 14:01:56 mm: yes, will do now 14:02:13 [adjourned] 14:02:17 rrsagent, make log public 14:03:01 Mizushima has left #wot-pf 14:03:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:03:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/26-wot-pf-minutes.html kaz 14:13:00 Topic: Minutes review 14:58:51 zkis has joined #wot-pf 15:15:26 Zakim has left #wot-pf