Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

26 May 2021


janina, jasonjgw, John_Paton, Joshue, Joshue108, scott_h, SteveNoble, SuzanneTaylor
janina, Joshue108, Judy

Meeting minutes

<jasonjgw> trackbot, clear agenda

<trackbot> Sorry, jasonjgw, I don't understand 'trackbot, clear agenda'. Please refer to <http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc> for help.

XR Accessibility User Requirements (XAUR) - open issues.

jgw: Notes a full agenda, will try to adress as many as possible

<Joshue108> https://www.w3.org/TR/raur/

<Joshue108> RTC A11y User Requirements published, announcements to follow

<Joshue108> https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues

<Joshue108> https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues/168 Signing Avatars

<Joshue108> Branch with suggested edits on Signing avatars https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/xaur-signing-avatar/xaur/index.html

<Joshue108> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/xaur-signing-avatar/xaur/index.html#text-description-transformation

jgw: Notes that RAUR/me I'm back. Let's here it for Xfinity

<Joshue108> JS: Josh's text is good - facial expression is very important

<Joshue108> We should not discourage developers

<Joshue108> JOC: Oops. I can add that back in.

<Joshue108> JW: Leaving this open to include these cases and issues is useful.

<Joshue108> SN: +1 to Jason

<Joshue108> I've worked on Maths and Science dictionaries that were state of the art.

<Joshue108> Pushed boundaries - we don't want to discourage developers.

<Joshue108> Look at OCR for example.

<Joshue108> Similar parallels.

<Joshue108> Its advanced now.

<Joshue108> JB: Francis do you want to comment?

<Joshue108> FB: I think this summarises well what we heard last week.

<Joshue108> We don't want to discourage also, excellent.

<Joshue108> This is a comment for Wendy https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues/169

<Joshue108> Deaf and signing issues: Automatic Speech Recognition [XAUR] #169

<Joshue108> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/6d5bf713d9d7c65ecda104c213ad47b0e98cfbe1/xaur/index.html#voice-commands

<Joshue108> Is this the one it relates to?

<Joshue108> FB: The technology doesn't do so well with me!

<Joshue108> Transcripts are not always accurate.

<Joshue108> It can be limited.

<Joshue108> JOC: I'll follow up on GH

<Joshue108> JW: Discusses error rates, reduction etc neural networks etc

<Joshue108> It is improving. Hope this helps

<Joshue108> We can move this to GH.

<Joshue108> JW: Any new comments?

Media synchronization.

JW: We are discussing introducing a note track doc for this, underway.

Steve has been looking at literature and summarizing

What is the future line of development of this work?

Lets discuss and take up action items.

<janina back>

JS: I want to capture what is in the wiki and formulise it

I can start this in June. Repurposing the wiki.

JB: Some more may join soon.

JW: I have some time at the mo, so can help

and then put it into a Git repo

JS: That's what I am thinking

We need to express that these are important limits.

It will go out for comments.

We'd like WCAG 3 to pick it up (and others)

Want it to be usable.

SN: Just to update you - it now covers diff kind of syncronisation

I'd like to cover more on XR

JW: Steve, would you like to complete work on wiki or GH?

SN: Either is about the same.

<discussion on wiki/GH stuff>

JS: Its up to you really

JW: We can do an auto wiki media => HTML

<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to say I'd be happy to help Steve with the XR sync stuff

JB: Just to say two others have joined the call

JB: Is there any future input on XR needed?

Josh: we had a couple of issues on XAUR
… one was relating to signing avatars
… a suggested edit in text transciption need
… there was an issue around diff btw animated vs real video of human
… concerns about nuances of facial expression being lost
… we don't want to squash the potential that is here for signing avatars to improve over time
… and there is a preference for real interpreter signing

Josh: the other issue related to @@@

<Joshue108> Raja: There are some issues between natural signers and digital

<Joshue108> Size should be mentioned

<Joshue108> Raja: We have PIP, usually very small

<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to say do we have references for our doc?

<Joshue108> Raja: I can send Josh references to the importance of size for signing avatars etc

<Joshue108> JB: We may need to discuss this in multiple places.

<Joshue108> JB: You also note this isn't covered in WCAG.

<Joshue108> This is useful for Silver/AGWG.

<Joshue108> WCAG G54 https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Techniques/general/G54.html

<Zakim> Judy, you wanted to ask about covering this in WCAG AND XAUR

<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to say the G54 technique is actually a good reference

<Joshue108> JOC: This is good link to add to the XAUR, thanks Raja :-)

<Joshue108> JW: Just to pick up on the second part of this, Steve N is doing great work here.

<Joshue108> Comments welcome - this work will likely evolve to NOTE track

Web of Things and Devices and Sensors use cases.

<Joshue108> JW: This is a new issue that has been forwarded to us

<Joshue108> JS: We may not have responded, but we need to think if we have a11y use cases in this space.

<Joshue108> Are there new kinds of AT etc?

<Joshue108> We were asked but had no specific ideas.

<Joshue108> Dont need to come up with this right now

<Joshue108> SH: We covered a lot last time - are there specifics?

<Joshue108> JS: They have certain manufacturing, farming user needs etc

<Joshue108> but they want specific a11y use cases / user needs

<Joshue108> and we didn't answer

<Joshue108> JW: Can you remind us of the scope?

<Joshue108> JS: There are some creative applications that may not exist yet.

<Joshue108> May be fuzzy between devices and sensors and WoT.

<Joshue108> SH: <discusses barometer on Wheelchair etc>

<Joshue108> SH: Needs some specifics

<Joshue108> JS: There may need to be combinations to do useful stuff.

<Joshue108> Sounds like a topic of interest.

<Joshue108> Will put it on for next weeks

<Joshue108> JS: WoT didn't give us scoping guidance

<Joshue108> SH: I've reported on this in the Education context.

<Joshue108> Needs to be defined.

<Joshue108> SH: What about IoT in science labs where materials can be moved around, or getting info off the smart board to the students device etc.

<Joshue108> JW: We did discuss them but didn't compile or filter them to WoT

<Joshue108> Lets bring that back next week, not much time left

Joint working group meetings at TPAC 2021.

<Joshue108> JW: This is being discussed in APA, Janina update?

<Joshue108> JS: Usual, who do we want to meet with, and with what agenda?

<Joshue108> The earlier we get the request to meet in the better

<Joshue108> JB: Discusses the benefits of sharing user requirements docs etc at TPAC

<Joshue108> JS: Its useful for APA

<Joshue108> lets think about what we want to do

<Joshue108> JB: Thanks folks for joining

<Joshue108> It would be good to get TF members joining, via suitable channels

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 131 (Sat Apr 24 15:23:43 2021 UTC).


Maybe present: JB, jgw, Josh, JS, JW, SN