23:48:55 RRSAgent has joined #epub-locators 23:48:55 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/19-epub-locators-irc 23:48:57 RRSAgent, make logs Public 23:48:58 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), wendyreid 23:49:21 meeting: Virtual Locators TF Telco May 19 2021 23:49:27 date: 2021-05-19 23:49:31 chair: wendyreid 00:00:39 pilarw2000 has joined #epub-locators 00:00:47 present+ 00:00:50 BenSchroeter has joined #epub-locators 00:01:11 duga has joined #epub-locators 00:01:16 present+ 00:01:31 Mary has joined #epub-locators 00:02:01 present+ 00:02:13 present+ 00:02:59 dlazin has joined #epub-locators 00:03:21 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y5JKcwlq1rvGYJ1HoLg0GF-NRiBsBNNZopGuQ0mgHUw/edit?usp=sharing 00:04:01 mgarrish has joined #epub-locators 00:04:07 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 00:06:35 scribe+ 00:06:43 wendyreid: Summary of last week 00:06:59 ... George said let's just use page numbers 00:07:18 ... But there are questions around pagination in reading systems 00:07:31 ... May not be possible to have consistent numbers 00:07:38 q+ 00:07:43 ack BenSchroeter 00:07:45 ... So let's pick it back up now 00:07:51 q+ 00:08:13 BenSchroeter: Would it make sense to look at the use cases and see what would be handled by page numbers? 00:08:26 ack pilarw2000 00:08:27 ... For instance, ones with a start and end requirement 00:08:31 ack pilarw 00:08:39 pilarw2000: Wants to put in a plug for page numbers 00:08:59 q+ 00:09:05 ... The issue isn't really consistent pagination, that happens already (different sized pages) 00:09:25 ... we understand that for a given volume the numbers are consistent internally 00:09:35 ... The real issue is direct to digital 00:09:47 q+ 00:09:52 q+ 00:10:07 ... The only place we need to say there must be some pagination is for those non printed books 00:10:30 ack BenSchroeter 00:10:35 ... May not be that big of an issue since we already aren't consistent 00:11:03 BenSchroeter: If the publication doesn't have page numbers, we want to avoid virtual page numbers from reading systems 00:11:16 ... since we want reading system agnostic page numbers 00:11:27 ack duga 00:11:29 scribe+ 00:11:36 pilarw2000: I meant authoring not reading system 00:12:10 duga: I think George's comment was that we should have a virtual page numbering system that is easy to do without pages 00:12:28 ... google play's secret, we respect the page nubmers when provided, or use bytes 00:12:31 q+ 00:12:42 ... page 75 is the same regardless of device 00:12:59 ... there's issues for citations on certain devices, encoding changes, might be imprecise 00:13:07 ... might need to be unicode code points instead 00:13:16 ... it's doable and easy for both device, authoring system 00:13:21 ... it feels like a hack 00:13:27 ... but maybe it's ok 00:13:45 ack dlazin 00:14:01 dlazin: Was going to suggest what we already do 00:14:24 ... a few points: page numbers are already arbitrary 00:14:40 ... If you have a print book, use it, otherwise we will make something up 00:15:19 ... May be a problem when a digital first appears in print, or various formats 00:15:57 ... We don't have to have a single solution, can use pages, tick things off, then adopt other solutions when needed 00:16:08 q+ 00:16:12 ... Maybe we should recommend page lists when at all possible 00:16:21 ... Then suggest a fallback algorithm 00:16:37 ... which is entirely arbitrary 00:16:56 ack BenSchroeter 00:17:12 BenSchroeter: If we don't do it at authoring and rely on reading systems 00:17:27 ... we run the risk of non-identical page numbering 00:17:42 dlazin: Algorithms should be dead simple 00:17:45 q+ 00:18:00 ... aim for simplicity 00:18:08 ack pilarw 00:18:30 pilarw2000: Want to add page numbers are not the only solution 00:18:47 ... There could also be other numbering systems like section numbers 00:19:05 q+ 00:19:36 ... The types of content that this will be necessary is fiction 00:19:52 dlazin: Why is fiction different? 00:20:00 pilarw2000: Fiction has fewer breakouts 00:20:14 ... Non-fiction has more sectioning 00:20:26 BenSchroeter: A lot of fiction has no section 00:20:47 pilarw2000: Some of our use cases are fiction (or similar) 00:20:59 ack duga 00:21:42 duga: Few points, page lists and non-device oriented page numbering can be fraught due to device ideologies, some just prefer certain page numberings 00:21:52 ... differences across devices etc 00:21:59 ... there's entrenched opinions 00:22:15 ... we'll face a challenge convincing some people 00:22:37 ... we might be able to couch it in supplying references/indexes, better ui 00:23:18 dlazin: How does this role out? In the spec? 00:23:35 wendyreid: This would probably an extension of the navigation document 00:23:56 ... If we have some fallback algorithm, then we would have to specify 00:24:17 ... And this recommendation would have to go through the whole group 00:24:40 ... and it would be at risk since we need two implementations 00:24:49 dlazin: Is there some other model? 00:25:06 wendyreid: We could publish a separate document as a note 00:25:26 ... And see how people react 00:26:13 ... But we could try to get two implementations if we are confident 00:26:23 q+ 00:26:43 ack BenSchroeter 00:27:11 BenSchroeter: Matt, what are your thoughts around note vs spec 00:27:34 mgarrish: Not really. Whichever you want to do is fine 00:28:18 ... might want to start as a note. Easier to go note to spec than vice versa 00:28:40 BenSchroeter: There was a perception that not having these citations was a barrier to adoption of epub 00:29:22 Ronnie: Don't want this to go the way of the indexing standard 00:29:30 ... want this to get adopted 00:29:38 ... Do we have contacts 00:29:38 ack duga 00:29:54 duga: We have done notes that have become specs, not an absurd way to go 00:30:18 ... in terms of other reading systems, we have the other bigs, unsure of adoption 00:30:30 ... in terms of people, we have play, kobo, others 00:30:38 ... many of them are also w3c members 00:31:12 q+ 00:31:30 ack mgarrish 00:31:32 wendyreid: We have a lot of reading systems vendors listening 00:31:48 mgarrish: Some of this will depend on how strongly worded it is in the spec 00:32:24 ... Could be in the spec but not a must 00:32:46 wendyreid: Best route is note, lay out the use cases and proposals 00:32:54 ... There is probably still a CFI role 00:33:15 ... Note first is also easier to distribute early 00:33:36 ... Note is way easier to read than the minutes 00:34:11 wendyreid: That means going back to the use cases 00:34:18 ... need to narrow down to the core cases 00:34:32 ... for instance, deep linking might not make the cut 00:34:59 ... Then figure out which ones would work with page numbers, and which need something else (eg CFI) 00:35:22 Ronnie: What about getting some tools (eg InDesign) to adopt this? 00:35:36 wendyreid: We can always ask 00:36:27 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1KO-HyLGUUw36F-ruAARHNiPO1aUJCCNeTv3zxGtjuHw/edit#gid=0 00:38:32 ... Added a new column to see if page numbers satisfy the requirement (in the linked spreadsheet) 00:38:48 BenSchroeter: Do we also want a primary/secondary column? 00:38:52 wendyreid: Yes 00:39:27 ... [Reading first entry] 00:39:42 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 00:39:58 ... [continuing to read through, updating as we go] 00:41:07 dlazin: Can we get a catchy name for the different types of page numbers 00:41:14 ... to make it clear 00:42:04 wendyreid: Mary, your research came up. How do people feel about generated page numbers? 00:42:23 Mary: I give them arbitrary page numbers in the index, and people seem to like them 00:42:33 ... they are very familiar 00:42:53 virtual folio (catchy name suggestion) 00:42:59 ... Pages, ranges, etc mean something, once they are in the text they no longer care 00:43:17 ... But once in the text they use other markers (eg section numbers) 00:44:01 Ronnie: How about the word "page link" [?] 00:44:29 Mary: For now need more testing to see what people think 00:44:54 dlazin: Looking at a reader app 00:45:10 ... Looks like they have changed their page numbering recently 00:45:43 ... Only shows current page when there is a page list 00:46:24 duga: What happens if you change the font size? 00:46:48 dlazin: Consistent if there is a page list, but not when there is no page list 00:47:33 dlazin: Maybe chunks as a name? Or maybe "screens" vs "pages"? But people may not like that 00:48:05 wendyreid: Maybe the name will come to us 00:49:35 ... [back to going through the spreadsheet] 00:50:49 dlazin: Are page level boomarks good enough? 00:51:01 wendyreid: Most reading systems are more granular 00:51:21 ... But maybe RS to RS is good enough? 00:52:42 dlazin: How about metric page numbers? 00:52:52 ... decimal page numbers solve all our cases 00:53:32 ... so subdivide pages into smaller sections 00:54:02 BenSchroeter: so 1.027 or something? 00:54:58 Mary: Metric might work for some cases (eg annotations or bookmarks) 00:55:29 ... But when giving them a new location requires orientation 00:55:36 ... Not always relevant 00:56:43 dlazin: Could suggest displaying other context when or perhaps recommend ignoring decimal portion when creating eg an index 00:57:13 BenSchroeter: Same issue with physical books and bookmarks 00:57:50 Ronnie: A rough location can be better, since the reader needs to understand the context around the reference 00:58:49 dlazin: If I had an indexing system that links somewhere, I would want to go to the page and highlight the specific text 00:59:32 pilarw2000: When we embed indexes I link exactly where the target is 00:59:44 ... sometimes you can't even see the top of the paage 01:00:27 wendyreid: Time is up! Homework - can we mark up the remaining use cases? 01:00:42 ... If you disagree just add a comment and we can discuss 01:00:59 ... My homework will be to set up a note (just a skeleton) 01:01:08 ... Do people prefer html or markdown? 01:01:43 dlazin: Why use html? Markdown is better 01:02:24 wendyreid: Ok, will use markdown 01:03:27 zakim, end meeting 01:03:27 As of this point the attendees have been pilarw, duga, BenSchroeter, Mary 01:03:29 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 01:03:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/19-epub-locators-minutes.html Zakim 01:03:32 I am happy to have been of service, wendyreid; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 01:03:36 present+ 01:03:37 Zakim has left #epub-locators 01:03:38 too late 01:03:43 it's ok :) 01:03:59 zakim, make logs public 01:04:06 rrsagent, make logs public 01:24:32 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 01:35:28 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 03:36:35 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 04:09:10 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 05:57:30 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 07:46:11 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 09:33:58 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 10:57:26 ivan has joined #epub-locators 11:22:03 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 11:34:44 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 11:46:50 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 12:00:48 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 12:22:40 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 12:53:06 tzviya has joined #epub-locators 14:13:47 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 14:22:55 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 16:00:55 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 16:03:22 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 16:04:10 Garth has joined #epub-locators 16:36:29 Garth has joined #epub-locators 16:40:37 Garth_ has joined #epub-locators 16:44:16 Garth has joined #epub-locators 17:53:45 Garth has joined #epub-locators 18:11:37 Garth has joined #epub-locators 19:07:03 Garth has joined #epub-locators 19:28:27 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 19:29:05 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 19:44:40 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 19:48:05 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 20:20:13 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 20:22:01 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 20:32:26 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 21:14:20 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 22:07:33 Garth has joined #epub-locators 00:11:30 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 00:25:47 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 00:41:43 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 00:49:16 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 00:59:03 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 01:48:45 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 01:56:23 dauwhe_ has joined #epub-locators 02:49:17 Garth has joined #epub-locators 03:15:34 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 04:23:57 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 07:53:21 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 09:16:48 Garth has joined #epub-locators 09:42:06 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 09:50:03 Garth has joined #epub-locators 10:34:31 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 11:09:36 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 11:26:28 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 11:33:12 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 12:07:43 ivan has joined #epub-locators 12:14:38 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 12:16:11 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 12:51:58 Garth has joined #epub-locators 13:16:31 tzviya has joined #epub-locators 13:51:04 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 13:51:34 dauwhe has joined #epub-locators 14:01:37 duga has joined #epub-locators 15:30:23 Garth has joined #epub-locators