15:59:20 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg-spc 15:59:20 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-wpwg-spc-irc 15:59:41 Meeting: SPC Task Force 15:59:43 Chair: Ian 15:59:45 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2021May/0011.html 15:59:47 Scribe: Ian 16:00:02 present+ Ian_Jacobs 16:00:09 present+ Bastien_Latge 16:00:20 present+ Stephen_McGruer 16:00:56 present+ Gerhard_Oosthuizen 16:01:17 present+ Werner_Bruinings 16:01:53 present+ Tomasz_Blachowicz 16:01:59 present+ Jonathan_Grossar 16:02:10 present+ Gustavo_Kok 16:02:25 Topic: Requirements Document 16:02:30 wernerb has joined #wpwg-spc 16:02:33 https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/blob/gh-pages/requirements.md 16:02:44 Tomasz has joined #wpwg-spc 16:02:46 jonathan has joined #wpwg-spc 16:03:01 Gerhard has joined #wpwg-spc 16:03:03 -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/pull/71 Tomasz comments 16:03:25 present+ Jean_Carlo_Emer 16:03:30 regrets+ Praveena 16:03:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-wpwg-spc-minutes.html Ian 16:03:50 jcemer has joined #wpwg-spc 16:07:20 Question: What about a hidden iframe? 16:07:47 q+ 16:08:20 ack Smc 16:08:31 smcgruer_[EST]: From the chrome side we talk about "user activation" or user gesture. 16:08:57 ...so visible/hidden is not as important to call out 16:09:22 present+ Clinton_Allen 16:09:39 Jean: In the README there's a section that mentions user activation 16:10:14 clinton has joined #wpwg-spc 16:10:16 smcgruer_[EST]: SPC as a concept requires user activation 16:10:25 present+ Christian_Aabye 16:11:30 Gerhard: I think user activation is required, but there's a balance between clicking a button before you trigger SPC, and no button requirement because SPC itself will require a user activation 16:11:56 ...and a user gesture might be part of consent for lower friction in the future 16:12:10 smcgruer_[EST]: But we'd likely not do that due to on-load UX in your face 16:12:38 Gerhard: User gesture is required, whether to kick off SPC or during SPC. 16:12:55 ACTION: smcgruer_[EST] to formulate a user activation requirement 16:19:12 q? 16:19:16 Tomasz: Regarding "must be available in PR API"; I don't agree. I think it's more closely tied to credential management API. 16:20:14 Gerhard: The credential is important, but the transaction confirmation is important to us 16:24:02 ACTION: Ian to revise requirements to decouple from Payment Request as a concrete requirement. 16:27:09 smcgruer_[EST]: Regarding "SPC enrollment in a transaction." 16:27:25 ...I hear a desired behavior is for one gesture to be used to (1) enroll and then (2) sign 16:27:37 Tomasz: That's not possible in WebAuthn today. Would be great to be able to do this here. 16:27:46 ...In FIDO you produce either the attestation or the assertion. 16:28:26 IJ: Is this a general FIDO issue or a web payments-specific issue? 16:29:11 Tomasz: Would be great: if SPC is enrolled during transaction, they are also used to produce the SPC Assertion 16:31:20 smcgruer_[EST]: This is interesting as a concept. I support us investigating this in some way. But I Think it's a core FIDO question not an SPC question 16:36:10 ACTION: Ian to schedule 2 SPC topics at next WPWG meeting (1) is PR API required? (2) cardinality question for credentials 16:39:20 RRSAGENT, make minutes 16:39:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-wpwg-spc-minutes.html Ian 17:15:58 rrsagent, set logs public 18:31:29 zakim, bye 18:31:29 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Ian_Jacobs, Bastien_Latge, Stephen_McGruer, Gerhard_Oosthuizen, Werner_Bruinings, Tomasz_Blachowicz, Jonathan_Grossar, 18:31:29 Zakim has left #wpwg-spc 18:31:31 rrsagent, bye 18:31:31 I see 3 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-wpwg-spc-actions.rdf : 18:31:31 ACTION: smcgruer_[EST] to formulate a user activation requirement [1] 18:31:31 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-wpwg-spc-irc#T16-12-55 18:31:31 ACTION: Ian to revise requirements to decouple from Payment Request as a concrete requirement. [2] 18:31:31 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-wpwg-spc-irc#T16-24-02 18:31:31 ACTION: Ian to schedule 2 SPC topics at next WPWG meeting (1) is PR API required? (2) cardinality question for credentials [3] 18:31:31 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-wpwg-spc-irc#T16-36-10 18:31:32 ... Gustavo_Kok, Jean_Carlo_Emer, Clinton_Allen, Christian_Aabye