13:09:23 RRSAgent has joined #personalization 13:09:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-personalization-irc 13:09:25 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:09:28 Meeting: Personalization Task Force Teleconference 13:09:28 Date: 17 May 2021 13:11:20 remove agendum 2 13:11:27 remove agendum 3 13:11:42 agenda? 13:11:51 chair: Sharon 13:12:40 agenda+ Review updates to the explainer - https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/181 13:12:49 agenda? 13:13:32 zakim, clear agenda 13:13:32 agenda cleared 13:13:54 agenda+ Review updates to the explainer - https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/181 13:14:09 agenda+ i18n issue #144 (waiting for a response back) - https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/144 13:14:28 agenda+ Open Content module 1 issues https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%221%29+content+module%22 13:56:17 janina has joined #personalization 13:59:20 Matthew_Atkinson has joined #personalization 13:59:30 agenda? 13:59:36 present+ 14:00:25 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Holidays 14:01:20 CharlesL has joined #personalization 14:01:40 becky has joined #personalization 14:02:26 JF has joined #personalization 14:02:31 Present+ 14:02:48 present+ 14:02:48 scribe: janina 14:02:52 scribe: janina 14:03:11 present+ 14:03:18 zakim, next item 14:03:18 agendum 1 -- Review updates to the explainer - https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/181 -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:03:36 Sharon: Notes this is the PR ... 14:04:11 Sharon: Asks about the various expected edits, what remains? 14:04:39 JF: Believe only remaining is bold/italic vs strong/emphasis 14:05:28 http://www.w3.org/respec/ 14:05:55 CharlesL: Notes preference in W3C for strong/emphasis 14:06:06 johnNotes CSS styling is still available 14:06:26 JF: The semantic includes visual, but can be styled 14:07:18 CharlesL: Notes screen reader settings used by some users 14:09:30 Sharon: Will look at PR for any gotchyas and approve or inform the list 14:09:51 JF: Notes also more recent updates? Are those included? 14:10:39 [discussion re whether the PR has the latest and greatest} 14:10:50 s/\}/]/ 14:11:34 These are JF's latest changes https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/181/files/876929e665c6042ecca329ae4033dac404abe11f..ee0e82229ad30642d512441c75ab6930acf8b08e 14:11:44 The latest is here: https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/pull/181/commits/ee0e82229ad30642d512441c75ab6930acf8b08e 14:12:13 For reference, the date was the 13th of this month. 14:12:16 zakim, next item 14:12:16 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, janina 14:12:21 q? 14:12:24 ack jf 14:12:25 q? 14:12:25 ack me 14:12:34 zakim, next item 14:12:34 agendum 2 -- i18n issue #144 (waiting for a response back) - https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues/144 -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:12:51 Sharon: Notes this is dangling for i18n 14:12:56 Sharon: No response? 14:13:11 becky: looks at history 14:14:56 Q+ to say we've waited lon genough 14:15:18 ack JF 14:15:18 JF, you wanted to say we've waited lon genough 14:15:39 janina: Suggests misunderstanding not cleared via github, we should ask for mtg as needed to clear 14:15:46 jf: Agrees we should move on 14:17:38 janina: Will ping addison 14:17:42 zakim, next item 14:17:42 agendum 3 -- Open Content module 1 issues https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%221%29+content+module%22 -- taken up [from Sharon] 14:18:20 Sharon: Seems destination/action/purpose -- are we good? 14:18:31 Sharon: Where to start? 14:18:39 q+ 14:18:55 Sharon: Are we still looking at possibly combining these? 14:19:06 janina: My recollection is we didn't actually decide 14:19:14 Q+ to propose a path forward 14:19:23 ack CharlesL 14:19:26 CharlesL: Have update on issue 128 14:19:34 CharlesL: Tried to reach out, but email bounced 14:19:44 q+ 14:19:53 Sharon: Close? 14:20:12 CharlesL: Yes, but will add comment. Perhaps the github handle may get action? 14:20:43 ack JF 14:20:43 JF, you wanted to propose a path forward 14:21:08 jf: Believe right question posed. We need to make decision on the 3 attributes vs one 14:21:49 Sharon: OK, Charles will ping via github and close 14:22:03 q? 14:22:07 jf: Notes 3 attribs proposed for some time; combining coming awfuly late 14:22:31 jf: Concerned with the rewrite job 14:22:37 ack Matthew_Atkinson 14:22:51 Matthew_Atkinson: Suggest we might want to look at some other items and delay this one ... 14:23:03 Matthew_Atkinson: Not adverse to delaying this one while we mull it 14:23:19 Matthew_Atkinson: We do have other discrete items, and we've made progress on some 14:23:36 Matthew_Atkinson: We're not quite done with conflict resolution 14:23:50 Matthew_Atkinson: Some of these others may be easier to resolve 14:23:55 Sharon: Link? 14:24:29 Latest question on-list: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2021May/0009.html 14:25:09 Matthew_Atkinson: Suggests various distinctions ... 14:25:19 Matthew_Atkinson: expectation of link vs button, etc 14:26:14 Q+ 14:26:32 q? 14:26:42 Matthew_Atkinson: Believe it's simpler to allow help to be either link or button 14:27:05 Matthew_Atkinson: some destinations might be actions 14:27:06 q+ 14:27:55 Matthew_Atkinson: the notion "opens inpage dialog" seems reasonable, but could be more than, might be several 14:27:58 q+ 14:28:17 q? 14:28:22 ack JF 14:28:40 jf: Agree we could shorten .... 14:29:12 jf: point is what serves target audience best? 14:29:29 jf: believe we need to define both 14:29:37 q? 14:29:46 ack jf 14:30:02 ack becky 14:30:27 becky: Concerned developers were confused having same name in two places. Is that better documentation? 14:31:03 ack janina 14:31:37 Q+ 14:31:49 to also talk about augmenting with icons 14:31:59 Q+ 14:32:01 q? 14:32:26 ack JF 14:32:33 q+ 14:32:38 janina: Concerned we may be over thinking mechanism vs what user needs 14:32:51 jf: we had concerned an onscreen icon 14:33:22 jf: but we may have multiple help icons -- different terms for each is cleanest 14:33:28 q? 14:33:31 q+ 14:33:48 ack becky 14:34:02 becky: Believe Janina provided justification for just using purpose 14:34:23 Q+ to also speak to 'teaching' AI 14:34:24 becky: Developer will understand user's need 14:34:31 q? 14:34:48 ack Matthew_Atkinson 14:34:56 Matthew_Atkinson: interesting discussion ... 14:35:17 Matthew_Atkinson: Believe adding icon may be indeed simplest; but maybe we only need one 14:36:14 Matthew_Atkinson: if we had a way of working out distination vs action ... 14:36:18 q? 14:36:28 ack JF 14:36:28 JF, you wanted to also speak to 'teaching' AI 14:36:42 jf: believe goal is also teachin AI systems 14:36:53 jf: so specificity wins out 14:37:35 jf: Not overly concerned if same icon is used for either 14:37:40 q+ 14:37:41 q? 14:37:51 ack Matthew_Atkinson 14:38:02 q+ 14:38:13 Matthew_Atkinson: Generally agree with explicit is better than implicit .... 14:38:37 Matthew_Atkinson: should we consider the rules we give to a validator? 14:38:59 q? 14:39:00 Matthew_Atkinson: Sometimes both would be valid; but other times not. How do we guide? 14:39:55 jf: Perhaps an Ed Note asking responses during CR 14:40:19 jf: Concerned we may already have devs working from the draft 14:40:44 Matthew_Atkinson: Ask one detail ... 14:41:19 Matthew_Atkinson: Is the example currently legit? Where both can be used? 14:41:37 q? 14:41:48 jf: Believe not explicitly forbidden; multiple attribs not forbidden 14:42:21 jf: Notes authors might do that and we're just trying to augment authoring 14:42:31 ack CharlesL 14:42:36 CharlesL: +1 to Ed Note 14:43:13 CharlesL: My only concern with 3 is that we have to ask for 3 from WHAT 14:43:16 q+ 14:43:30 Q+ to suggest that Matthew and I pull together a 'whitepaper' with the outstanding questions and possible ways forward, and reference that in the Ed. Note 14:43:55 ack janina 14:44:47 q? 14:45:18 ack JF 14:45:18 JF, you wanted to suggest that Matthew and I pull together a 'whitepaper' with the outstanding questions and possible ways forward, and reference that in the Ed. Note 14:45:31 janina: Notes we're replacing data- specifically, with a reserved prefix 14:45:42 jf: Prefers to ask for the attribs without the prefix first 14:46:08 janina: That's another conversation and one that's strategic -- possibly above the TF pay grade 14:46:18 q? 14:47:07 draft proposal: a) add Ed. Note to 1st module, b) Matthew and JF pull together a whitepaper that outlines the issues and possible ways forward 14:47:12 +1 to working with JF on white paper to support Editor's Note about possible ways forward wrt attributes. 14:47:14 q+ to ask about resolving the name of the action help value 14:48:01 +1 to it being a wiki page (thanks Janina) 14:48:14 +1 14:48:35 jf: Clarifies that we need a destination for our Ed Note to point for all the pros and cons 14:48:37 +1 14:48:39 jf: Could be a wiki 14:48:42 q? 14:48:43 +1 14:49:12 q? 14:49:51 becky: Are we agreed on this one? 14:49:52 +1 14:49:56 +1 14:50:04 +1 14:50:05 Sharon: Appears so, and where it lives to be decided 14:50:16 jf: Will get it started 14:51:04 ack becky 14:51:04 becky, you wanted to ask about resolving the name of the action help value 14:51:20 ACTION: JF to start the process of working with Matthew to collect pros and cons, and possible places to host that 'discussion' 14:51:22 Created ACTION-84 - Start the process of working with matthew to collect pros and cons, and possible places to host that 'discussion' [on John Foliot - due 2021-05-24]. 14:51:39 becky: Want to get back to original q? action-help -- are we OK with same name for different values 14:52:08 action="opens_dialog" sort of maps to "hasPopup" 14:52:38 becky: Appears opening in page dialog is too specific -- as we currently have it 14:52:55 becky: Do we need more generic? Or allow two values 14:53:08 becky: There was confusion when they were the same, so we broke them out 14:53:19 Q+ 14:53:38 ack JF 14:53:42 jf: Values? 14:53:45 Becky: yes 14:55:03 [discussion on what we actually mean ...] 14:55:22 q? 14:55:50 jf: On screen text may say "help," but tech may be different 14:56:05 becky: should look at the others where there may be overlap 14:56:14 jf: I propose Matthew and I will consider that ... 14:57:17 q? 14:58:35 q+ 14:58:55 ack Matthew_Atkinson 14:59:19 CharlesL has joined #personalization 14:59:42 matthew: Noting I agree with what's being said, thinking distinction may be helpful to some users; but we also want to encourage creative competition among implementing user agents 15:00:06 Sharon: So we have a plan ... 15:00:12 Sharon: Anything else? 15:01:54 zakim, bye 15:01:54 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been JF, CharlesL, Lionel_Wolberger, janina, LisaSeemanKest, sharon, Roy, Matthew_Atkinson, becky 15:01:54 Zakim has left #personalization 15:01:59 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-personalization-minutes.html janina 15:03:38 rrsagent, bye 15:03:38 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-personalization-actions.rdf : 15:03:38 ACTION: JF to start the process of working with Matthew to collect pros and cons, and possible places to host that 'discussion' [1] 15:03:38 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/17-personalization-irc#T14-51-20