14:50:35 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:50:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/14-pbgsc-irc 14:50:38 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:50:40 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 14:52:56 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021May/0018.html 14:53:03 agenda+ Community Video Project 14:53:11 agenda+ ISO JTC 1 SC 34 / JWG 7 14:53:18 agenda: Around the Table 14:53:24 agenda+ AOB 14:53:57 agendum 3 = Around the Table 14:54:00 agenda+ AOB 14:56:56 George has joined #pbgsc 14:57:06 Daihei has joined #pbgsc 14:57:18 present+ 14:57:19 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 14:57:26 present+ 14:57:34 present+ 14:59:00 present+ 15:00:06 wendyreid has joined #pbgsc 15:00:15 present+ 15:01:01 present+ 15:01:23 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 15:01:29 present+ 15:01:32 chair: Tzviya 15:01:44 great to hear your voice, Avneesh!!!! 15:02:03 zakim, who's on the call? 15:02:03 Present: George, Daihei, avneeshsingh, tzviya, wendyreid, Ralph, Bill_Kasdorf 15:02:25 present+ Ivan, Dave 15:02:42 present+ Liisa 15:03:08 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-pbgsc-minutes previous 9 April 15:03:16 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:03:18 present+ Mateus 15:03:20 present+ 15:03:53 zakim, next item 15:03:53 agendum 1 -- Community Video Project -- taken up [from Ralph] 15:04:03 mateus has joined #pbgsc 15:04:07 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Jx5VvkMTQ4EL0Xfb3pDMDUiccq79mmIPHetSRfbziFM/edit?usp=sharing 15:04:10 present+ 15:04:29 Tzviya: ^^ proposal sheet; the idea is to do short videos 15:04:37 ... we opened that sheet to the public 15:04:41 present+ Garth 15:04:59 ... we only got one suggestion from the community, on encryption 15:05:09 ... I'm not sure what that is intended to mean 15:05:16 ... it was added anonymously 15:05:20 liisamk_ has joined #pbgsc 15:05:26 q+ 15:05:28 q+ 15:05:30 ... if it's about DRM, it's probably out of scope for talking about what W3C is working on 15:05:40 ack dauwhe 15:05:44 ... if it's about LCP, it's also probably out of scope for what we're working on 15:06:07 Dave: it's been a common request for years: people want a way to share EPUBs with some assurance that it will only be readable by the intended receiver 15:06:10 ... e.g pre-publications 15:06:22 ack liisamk_ 15:06:26 ... there's no way to do it in EPUB itself; it has to be done at the RS level 15:06:40 Liisa: we're planning another BG conference day for June 22 15:07:00 ... we've invited Laurent for EDRlab to give an update on LCP 15:07:05 ... and the status of Thorium 15:07:27 ... we want to social a bit the idea of referring to Thorium more in this conference day 15:07:32 s/social/socialize 15:07:44 Tzviya: we're thinking of ~5 minute videos 15:08:12 scribe+ 15:08:18 liisamk__ has joined #pbgsc 15:08:25 Ralph: All of those who attended the AC meetings have seen the videos. 15:08:58 ...Videos are pre-recorded. I have recommendations. Speaker sends the video, and I can clean up a bit. 15:09:12 ...I send them out to get captions, which are proofread 15:09:32 ...I prefer that the speaker proofs in their own language 15:09:48 ...We have a tool that converts that into Transcript. 15:09:59 ...We publish that on the Website. 15:10:13 ...We prefer slides in HTML, using one of a few tools. 15:10:42 ...If a presenter can't do that, we can work with PDF. 15:10:53 q+ 15:11:58 ...It is woth brainstorming about who gives great presentations that the Publishing COmmunity might want to hear. 15:12:06 q+ to suggest AGWG 15:12:14 q+ 15:12:20 ack ge 15:12:28 George: what is the tool for HTML slides? 15:12:34 q+ 15:13:50 Ralph: "shower" 15:13:53 -> Reveal slide tools https://revealjs.com/ 15:13:58 ack tz 15:13:58 tzviya, you wanted to suggest AGWG 15:14:28 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:14:34 Tzviya: on who in the community might speak on topics of interest to the wider community, Jeanne Spellman comes to mind 15:14:37 +1 to Jeanne 15:14:46 +1 to Jeanne 15:14:51 Bill: are we thinking to publish these at the same time and announce them at once or roll them out over time? 15:15:04 ... what are we thinking for the initial rollout? 15:15:23 Tzivya: I was thinking we'd announce a bunch at one time, a week or two before a virtual f2f 15:15:38 ack avneeshsingh 15:15:41 ... I find it annoying to release things over time 15:15:47 Avneesh: some more topics: 15:15:52 ... EU Accessibility 15:15:55 -> Shower presentation slide tool https://github.com/shower/shower 15:16:00 ... Accessibilty Metadata 15:16:14 ... Alignment of EPUB A11y with WCAG 2.2 and WCAG 3.0 15:16:45 regrets+ cristina 15:17:17 ... is it better than I provide a high-level overview of these topics and then Cristina give a detailed presentation on the EU A11y Act and someone else give a presentation on a11y metadata? 15:17:33 Tzviya: it might be better to combine into one slightly longer presentation 15:17:37 Avneesh: like a panel? 15:18:01 Liisa: a high-level overview with a business focus and 1 or 2 with more technical depth would be useful 15:18:07 ... the high-level piece needs to get out there 15:18:14 ... for senior management to be aware 15:18:37 ... they don't care about metadata semantics or WCAG 2 vs 3, but they do need to know that this is a legal requirement that is coming 15:18:49 Avneesh: there's also a possible presentation on testing 15:18:59 q+ 15:19:06 ack dauwhe 15:19:09 ... would a presentation on migration to HTML be of interest to see what public feedback we might get? 15:19:17 Dave: great idea 15:19:26 ... I'm not sure who would want to watch a video on testing 15:20:01 ... I think trying to deal with some of the big issues and expressing the fact that there are complicated tradeoffs and not an obvious path forward 15:20:03 ack Ralph 15:20:03 Ralph, you wanted to comment on testing 15:20:08 Tzviya: please add your idea to the sheet 15:21:14 +1 to ralph 15:21:22 +1 to ralph 15:21:22 q+ 15:21:27 +1 to Ralph 15:21:49 ack ivan 15:22:13 Ralph: a presentation on what the WG is doing to make the spec clear on conformance and to develop tests is valuable, doesn't need to be long or in-depth 15:22:30 Ivan: and the work to reorganize the EPUB spec to be easier to use 15:22:35 +1 Ivan 15:22:57 ... even the editors' draft is much more readable now than the EPUB 3.1 or 3.2 specs 15:23:17 Dave: I'll think more about what would be a good things to try 15:23:45 Tzviya: what topics are important for the Japanese audience? what are we missing? 15:23:54 q+ 15:23:56 q+ 15:24:06 Daihei: thinking about it; at the last PBG Asia/Japan/NA meeting there were more than 10 attendees from Japan 15:24:30 ... the Japanese interest has expanded into a11y, applied especially to digital video and digital library environments 15:24:38 ... and applications of fixed layout to various situations 15:25:00 ... and the ability to read other formats, including PDF 15:25:16 s/PDF/PDF and a series of JPEGs 15:25:46 ... I'm thinking about various ideas and would like to come back next week in email on the topics that are typical of the Japanese market that we should talk about 15:25:56 ... so people understand the Japanese digital video situation 15:26:11 Tzviya: should we have any of these recorded in Japanese? 15:26:18 Daihei: it depends on the speakers 15:26:38 ... if captions in Japanese can be provided, that would be really helpful 15:26:42 ack ivan 15:27:00 Ivan: I would love to hear an overview of what you can do with FXL 15:27:18 ... for many authors FXL is still magic and they don't know what it can do and how to do it 15:27:33 ... a presentation on what can be done and how would be useful 15:27:41 ack liisamk__ 15:27:47 ... find someone who can do a really good video on that; that would attract people 15:27:59 q+ 15:28:03 Liisa: something on a11y for FXL would be helpful; that's come up as a concern in our meetings 15:28:10 ... from what I hear the WG is getting there 15:28:16 q+ 15:28:27 ... I can do something about FXL with pop-ups for kids, a11y, and when not to use FXL 15:28:35 Liisa++ 15:28:56 ... we've been working on a decision tree: start with reflow and only go to FXL if you have certain things 15:29:20 Tzviya: we put you in for a mixed reflow/FXL demo, but feel free to change it to your preference 15:29:29 ack wendyreid 15:29:29 Liisa: I do want to do a demo; I think that would help 15:29:50 Wendy: Ken is listed to do an FXL/A11Y update 15:30:03 ... part of the work of the TF is to do some experimental content to show what you can do 15:30:18 q+ 15:30:22 ... any demo should be absolute about "we're going to make this accessible" 15:30:27 ... and Ken is the perfect person to do that 15:30:36 ack Ralph 15:30:36 Ralph, you wanted to comment on language 15:30:36 ... he makes really good FXL books 15:30:55 q- 15:32:58 ack Daihei 15:33:10 Ralph: we can certainly discuss translation of captions as appropriate 15:33:33 ... even if a presenter prefers to present in other than English 15:33:54 Daihei: I'll include the Japanese FXL business, will think about whether one slot or multiple slots 15:34:18 ... I will include this either way either by me or from someone else in Japan 15:34:35 Tzviya: there's been a change from Makoto on how CSS is represented 15:34:48 ... should we have him or Fantasai present that? 15:35:01 It is publishing CG task force 15:35:06 Dave: using the class attributes for the alternate stylesheets? 15:35:17 Tzviya: yes, though this may be too much detail for now 15:35:32 Dave: I don't think it needs involvement from other groups 15:35:59 Tzviya: let's pick dates for the Q&A and work backwards 15:36:29 ... I'll create a Doodle poll 15:36:40 Sept for Q&A 15:36:42 ... but are we thinking July or August or September? 15:36:45 Sep 15:37:13 Wendy: July, maybe August becase for one of these; HTML serialization in EPUB, will help the WG; September will be too late for that 15:37:26 ... if we have to do that presentation in a different context, we can find a way I'm sure 15:37:30 either way :-) 15:37:32 Tzviya: lots of opinions 15:37:38 ack Ralph 15:37:40 August or september is better, looking at practical timelines. 15:38:12 q+ 15:38:23 q+ 15:38:40 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:38:47 +1 to Sep 15:38:57 Ralph: we don't know who will be using July and August for something approximating a vacation 15:39:00 +1 to separate HTML presentation and do it early 15:39:09 ack liisamk__ 15:39:21 Ivan: the HTML serialization is on the WG agenda in 2 weeks so we might not need it in July 15:39:34 Liisa: we might have dual events; some things to talk about in July and some for September 15:39:48 Tzviya: good idea; if we do that then maybe later than September 15:40:23 ... so let's target July 15 15:40:38 ... we need 1 month lead time for the captioning and translation 15:40:50 ... if we reach out to the speakers now they'll have 6 weeks to prepare the content 15:41:13 ... please add to the list by end of next week; 21 May 15:41:23 zakim, next item 15:41:23 agendum 2 -- ISO JTC 1 SC 34 / JWG 7 -- taken up [from Ralph] 15:41:44 Tzviya: just getting this on our radars 15:41:50 ... several are unsure about the steps 15:41:55 q+ 15:42:29 George: my understanding is that this group is alive and looking for items that need to be standardized in their domain 15:42:39 ... most of the work that was originally proposed is completed 15:43:26 ... if they don't have further work the group might be closed and it would be challenging to regenerate later 15:43:47 ... we'd only bring work to them once there are W3C Recommendations 15:43:54 ... so we aren't revising in ISO 15:44:17 Avneesh: right; we could have a TF to brainstorm on how to move things forward 15:44:31 ... the previous fast track process used for EPUB 3.0 and 3.1 was via Korea 15:44:48 ... we have to consider the impact on those if we use W3C PAS 15:44:56 ack ivan 15:45:05 ... I suggest a TF to consider it for some months and come back with a recommendation 15:45:21 Ivan: PAS puts us in a very different situation than the previous paths for EPUB 15:45:40 ... PAS gives us the ability for the document to become an ISO standard as-is without additional editorial work 15:45:52 ... I'm not sure there's even a need for a WG within ISO 15:46:17 ... PAS is a process with JTC1; it's at the high level in the ISO hierarchy 15:46:30 ... PAS comes into the picture when we have a W3C Recommendation 15:47:01 ... it's way to early at this point, though I hear the ISO WG's interest in getting work 15:47:44 ... the only thing is that we should have an agreement on is whether we have an agreement that once EPUB 3.3 is a W3C Recommendation it is our intention to put it through PAS? 15:47:53 ... if anyone asks that question we should have a clear answer 15:48:03 ... that question will come up 15:48:11 ... I don't yet know the answer 15:48:18 ... all the rest is at least a year away 15:48:34 ... the W3C Recommendation is planned for February 2023 15:48:54 ack Ralph 15:48:55 Tzviya: one of the things we have to take into consideration is, as Avneesh said, how EPUB 3.3 affects the earlier EPUB ISO standards 15:50:40 +1 to having a early resolution 15:51:48 q+ 15:53:21 ack George 15:53:30 Ralph: W3M would very much want to hear a recommendation from the WG and BG on whether and when (i.e. how long after W3C Recommendation) W3C should take EPUB 3,3 through PAS 15:53:55 George: I'm not sure the ISO WG understands how PAS might work 15:54:28 ack Ralph 15:54:28 Ralph, you wanted to comment on understanding the agreement 15:56:05 Ralph: refer them to JTC1 for the definition of PAS; the only additional detail is that W3C will only take Recommendations through that JTC1 process 15:56:10 zakim, next item 15:56:10 agendum 3 -- Around the Table -- taken up 15:56:25 q+ 15:56:57 Wendy: the FXL A11y TF is trying to gather samples from publishers of existing FXL content as best practices 15:57:05 ... some publishers have offered material 15:57:17 ... there have been questions on "fair use" language 15:57:33 action: Ralph ask Wendy Seltzer for some fair use language 15:57:41 ack liisamk__ 15:58:29 Liisa: in the BG conversation with Japan last Tuesday, Makoto expressed that he's skeptical that EPUB is a Web thing 15:58:43 ... he's also skeptical that reflow and FXL can be combined 15:58:59 Daihei: when it comes to a11y for FXL, that's true 16:00:03 ... the Japanese publishing industry is getting advice and my plan is to talk with various members and get some idea on how to deal with accessibility for FXL 16:00:17 ... FXL is *the* format for manga 16:00:24 ... this is very important for Japan 16:00:46 ... and this is why Makoto is somewhat pessimistic 16:01:17 ... I hope to come up with a united message expressing the Japanese concerns 16:02:12 Tzviya: I'm hearing a confusing message about what direction we need to head 16:02:20 ... I look forward to hearing more 16:02:44 [adjourned] 16:04:49 zakim, end meeting 16:04:49 As of this point the attendees have been George, Daihei, avneeshsingh, tzviya, wendyreid, Ralph, Bill_Kasdorf, Ivan, Dave, Liisa, Mateus, liisamk, Garth 16:04:53 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:04:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/14-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 16:04:55 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:05:00 Zakim has left #pbgsc 16:18:30 rrsagent, bye 16:18:30 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/14-pbgsc-actions.rdf : 16:18:30 ACTION: Ralph ask Wendy Seltzer for some fair use language [1] 16:18:30 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/14-pbgsc-irc#T15-57-33