13:08:09 RRSAgent has joined #pronunciation 13:08:09 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-irc 13:08:11 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:08:11 Zakim has joined #pronunciation 13:08:13 Meeting: Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference 13:08:13 Date: 12 May 2021 13:08:23 zakim, agenda? 13:08:23 I see nothing on the agenda 13:08:30 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements 13:08:32 Agenda+ CfC Update and Feedback 13:08:35 Agenda+ Marketing and Socializing FPWD 13:08:38 Agenda+ WICG Coordination for Mapping Document 13:09:35 regrets: Irfan, Stephen Noble 13:09:39 chair: paul_grenier 13:59:10 present+ 14:00:20 ADR has joined #pronunciation 14:01:41 Dee has joined #pronunciation 14:01:53 JF has joined #pronunciation 14:02:07 present+ 14:02:07 agenda? 14:02:19 james-gable-nwea has joined #pronunciation 14:02:22 present+ 14:02:30 Present+ 14:02:37 mhakkinen has joined #pronunciation 14:03:42 Present+ 14:03:57 Scribe: Dee 14:04:33 Agenda? 14:05:47 the feedback I got: "Content validation would be easier with an embedded SSML model, but not insurmountable via JSON path. Similar for epub generation. Summary: could go either way, but as noted, with a (historical) preference for not mixing JSON into an XML workflow." 14:06:09 Tom_babinszki has joined #pronunciation 14:06:32 Team reports some feedback about not including JASON in the XML. 14:06:33 present+ 14:07:07 Zakim, next item 14:07:07 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Announcements -- taken up [from paul_grenier] 14:08:57 Paul: Reviewed agenda. 14:09:11 Janina: We need ETS's vote on the APA Charter. 14:09:18 Mark: It is ready to go. 14:09:32 Zakim, next item 14:09:32 agendum 2 -- CfC Update and Feedback -- taken up [from paul_grenier] 14:10:05 Janina: CFC is open through midnight tonight (Boston time). Only messages of support. 14:11:04 Paul: Feedback that came in late, specifically from Janina, issue with receiving email 14:12:25 Janina: Fine to deal with feedback later. Summary, concern that the examples should appear at the end and not at top. Also need clean comparison of approaches at a high level. Can do this in a subsequent draft. 14:12:44 Janina: Examples at end after normative pieces. 14:13:19 Paul: This is not the final form. We will have the opportunity to make updates. 14:14:14 Team will ensure that feedback comments are on the list. 14:15:11 Janina: One comment went to the APA admin list. 14:15:25 Paul: Comment was logged in github. 14:15:35 https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/issues/83 14:16:44 Janina: correction, comment is not in the APA admin list. 14:17:10 Mark: Is there anything coming from the COGA group? 14:17:36 Janina: Responded to COGA and pointed them toward use cases and gap anlayis. 14:17:51 Paul: Will remind COGA in APA meeting today. 14:19:20 Zakim, next item 14:19:21 agendum 3 -- Marketing and Socializing FPWD -- taken up [from paul_grenier] 14:19:50 Paul: There were discussions about upcoming conferences. 14:20:34 JF: We should have a clear idea of our pitch. Need at least an outline. 14:20:56 JF: Educause and Accessing Higher Ground. 14:21:25 Mark: Submitted to IMS Learning Impact conference in October 14:21:49 JF: Can we repurpose the IMS submission for other conferences? 14:22:46 Mark: It may be more specific to IMS audience, but pieces could be suitable. Alternately, if other content is developed, it could be incorporated into IMS presentaiton. 14:23:51 Mark: ATIA should be high on our list. 14:25:49 JF: Put together a synopsis and outline so that we are ready to respond to calls for submissions for conferences. 14:26:36 Mark: Educause would be good. 14:27:03 Educause 2021: The call for proposals will open on April 15 and close on May 10. 14:27:32 Janina: We can use W3C branding. It is up to us to decide our preferred space for collaborating. 14:28:21 Accessing Higher Ground 2021: Deadline May 12 14:29:10 Educause Conference Dates: October 26-29, 2021 14:29:34 Mark: Need to ensure coverage for fees related to conferences. 14:32:20 ACTION: paul_grenier to investigate slidy 14:32:20 Error finding 'paul_grenier'. You can review and register nicknames at . 14:32:26 https://www.w3.org/Talks/Tools/Slidy2/#(1) 14:32:28 For the record, a presentation by ETS on the pronunciation work has been submitted to IMS Learning Impact 2021 https://www.imsglobal.org/event/li/2021#:~:text=Learning%20Impact%20brings%20together%20leaders,every%20learner%20make%20a%20difference. 14:32:33 trackbot, status? 14:33:03 JF: Deadline for Educause was Monday and Accessing Higher Ground is today 14:33:06 ACTION: paul grenier to investigate slidy 14:33:06 'paul' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., paulbohman, pgrenier). 14:33:34 JF: We may be able to reach out to organizers or members to gain access 14:33:36 ACTION: pgrenier to investigate slidy 14:33:37 Created ACTION-27 - Investigate slidy [on Paul Grenier - due 2021-05-19]. 14:34:37 ACTION: JF to reach out to Howard Cramer to "hold" a spot (?) 14:34:37 Created ACTION-28 - Reach out to howard cramer to "hold" a spot (?) [on John Foliot - due 2021-05-19]. 14:35:39 Paul: we will use the WIKI for tracking conferences 14:36:07 Zakim, next item 14:36:08 agendum 4 -- WICG Coordination for Mapping Document -- taken up [from paul_grenier] 14:37:01 Janina: this may be premature. Don't we need to settle on direction first? 14:37:39 Paul: concepts are not changing. We want to specify what parts of our authored presentation need to be provided to AT. 14:38:34 Janina: Basically a table. Rows include info to communicate, columns are environments 14:38:37 @mark: Submit an Abstract for ATIA 2022 by June 14 14:38:56 Janina: Table tells implementers what to do. 14:39:22 Janina: We may want to ask ARIA for help with this. 14:40:34 Mark: We need to have technical feedback for the mapping. 14:41:03 Janina: Invite technical experts here. 14:42:10 Janina: suggest reaching out after we have a first public working draft 14:43:01 Janina: If this is a deep technical challenge, we may be able to look for a grant. 14:43:44 Zakim, next item 14:43:44 I do not see any more non-closed or non-skipped agenda items, Dee 14:43:53 Other Business 14:44:32 Janina: Will update announcements. 14:46:19 ACTION: Janina to update formal notifications based on our FPWD abstract and intro 14:46:20 Created ACTION-29 - Update formal notifications based on our fpwd abstract and intro [on Janina Sajka - due 2021-05-19]. 14:46:57 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:46:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-minutes.html Dee 14:47:25 https://github.com/w3c/pronunciation/wiki/Socialization 14:47:47 paul_grenier has left #pronunciation 14:48:01 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:48:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-minutes.html Dee 14:48:10 trackbot, end meeting 14:48:10 Zakim, list attendees 14:48:10 As of this point the attendees have been paul_grenier, Dee, ADR, JF, Roy, mhakkinen 14:48:18 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 14:48:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-minutes.html trackbot 14:48:19 RRSAgent, bye 14:48:19 I see 5 open action items saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-actions.rdf : 14:48:19 ACTION: paul_grenier to investigate slidy [1] 14:48:19 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-irc#T14-32-20 14:48:19 ACTION: paul grenier to investigate slidy [2] 14:48:19 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-irc#T14-33-06 14:48:19 ACTION: pgrenier to investigate slidy [3] 14:48:19 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-irc#T14-33-36 14:48:19 ACTION: JF to reach out to Howard Cramer to "hold" a spot (?) [4] 14:48:19 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-irc#T14-34-37 14:48:19 ACTION: Janina to update formal notifications based on our FPWD abstract and intro [5] 14:48:19 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/05/12-pronunciation-irc#T14-46-19