11 May 2021


Annette_g, BarbaraH, Dan_Appelquist,  Judy Brewer, Liz, Nishad, Ralph, Sheila Moussavi, Tzviya, WSeltzer

Meeting minutes

previous 13 April

Judy: it would be good to check-in on how we'll vet the resources

Tzviya: yes; Jemma would like to participate in that discussion

Diversity Fund update

Liz: thinking about two versions of the fund
… @@
… need to rewrite the comms to be more user friendly
… e.g. simplify the grammar
… this is largely done, I still need to do a general comms plan: timeline for sending things
… we're loosely calling this "TPAC Fellow"
… can nominate people to contribute in a specific way
… "you have something we'd value to hear"
… a $500 stipend
… "TPAC Fellow" feels in the same family as "W3C Fellow"

<DKA> Sounds great.

Liz: thoughts?

<Barb> +1

<wseltzer> +1

DKA: sounds great to me
… one thing comes to mind: a couple of the 2020 TPAC sessions had external speakers who were invited
… they got a stipend, not sure from where
… that feels like it could be the same thing as the TPAC Fellow idea; it feels similar

Judy: sounds good to me as well, both parts
… having this be able to work, particularly for the first category you mentioned; types of diversity support, needs a 3rd piece to set up accounts in advance
… may also be needed for the Fellow piece; advance setup

Wendy: I am hoping to get good coordination and have something I can go check
… we are getting pressure from W3C Management to bring a proposal forward
… anything that can come from here will help
… making sure that we can get the money to the grantees with minimal extra burden on those we are trying to help

Tzviya: we have some funds remaining from 2020
… our goal is to be raising the funding during June-August for the following year; i.e. have it a year in advance
… I'll talk with Liz to get this in writing
… and get it out so we can start the fundraising

Wendy: terrific
… I would like to be able to bring drafts to W3M in parallel with this group's consideration

More on zotero https://www.zotero.org/groups/2864452/w3c_pwe/library

Judy: when will we discuss the vetting of the resources?

Tzviya: there were 3 volunteers a while ago who signed up to help vet

<Barb> I am interested in vetting the list.

Tzviya: we'd decided that anyone who had an item they'd like to add can add it to the library and the vetters would take a look
… I no longer have the time to be one of the vetters
… if others are interested in the vetting, please volunteer
… we need 3 people to give approval to keep something on the reading list

Judy: I suggest the vetters meet at least once
… and discuss not only what resources are good but also what to do with them

<sheila> I'd be happy to help with vetting, if needed

<tzviya> thank you, sheila

Barbara: I agree a meeting would be good
… if we host a discussion where people are invited to express their learnings from the readings, and even better if we can get some of the authors to talk with us, this would be a way to get people to join the discussion
… I'm happy to reach out to authors

Tzviya: I don't want to make this more work than necessary
… another group I'm part of tried to do a DEI "book club"
… I don't want this to become something people want to participate in but can't find the time

Barbara: it's just a concept of a format to discuss a topic; it can be event driven
… the "book club" idea is just referring to the idea of inviting the author

<Judy> [JB: Thinks that we could consider a range of ways to promote awareness of the reading list, including lightweight approaches]


DEI at the AC meeting

Barbara: was there any discussion of DEI in the AC meeting?

Tzviya: I did a pre-recording
… it will be made public soon
… I didn't get a lot of questions during the live discussion session
… I think people recognized this is important and we need to move forward on this

Barbara: I look forward to the video
… at one time we'd talked about a page for first-time people to make W3C more welcoming
… any updates on a first-timers web page?

Tzviya: perhaps Coralie is working on this; I'll follow up with her
… I'd suggested a welcome email to anyone who joins a group
… each chair needs to set it up for their group

<Zakim> DKA, you wanted to ask about office hours....

Ralph: Coralie is leading a big project to redesign our public-facing web site
… that's part of making W3C more welcoming to potential new participants

DKA: is anyone taking advantage of our "office hours" project?

<Barb> Agree

[Tzviya shakes her head 'no']

DKA: let's take a retrospective look at that

Tzviya: "office hours" was intended to be a set of us offering to be available to speak with anyone new to W3C
… we've not had any requests

DKA: maybe canvass people to see if there might be interest

<tzviya> https://www.ihollaback.org/stand-street-harassment/

Bystander Training

Tzviya: I attended a training session last week; it was impressive
Bystander training [Tzviya's email]
… they got a lot into an hour

<wseltzer> [thanks for the pointer Tzviya]

<Judy> [JB: Thanks for circulating that link Tzviya]

Ralph: +1; a great seminar - MIT had arranged with the same firm to do this for MIT folk

Judy: thanks for circulating that link
… perhaps people on this call could take that training and we could discuss it

<annette_g> I will take a look

<sheila> +1

Tzviya: Hollaback is making it available at no cost during May

<Barb> How long is the training?

<Barb> ok I will review

Tzviya: it's scheduled for 1 hour and was extended a bit to answer lots of questions
… we'll circle back to this in 2 weeks


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 131 (Sat Apr 24 15:23:43 2021 UTC).