17:40:14 RRSAgent has joined #auto 17:40:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-auto-irc 17:40:16 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:40:17 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 17:40:30 agenda+ Welcome Carine 17:40:41 agenda+ Recharter approved and logistics 17:40:57 agenda+ Call schedule 17:41:15 agenda+ advancing Publications 17:41:26 scribe+ 17:41:34 Chair: Peter, Ted 17:41:38 Present+ Ted 17:42:02 Scribe: Ted 17:46:22 agenda+ GENIVI AMM reaction 17:46:25 agenda+ open issues 18:01:09 Present+ Ashish, Arman, Peter, Rudi 18:01:29 caribou has joined #auto 18:01:46 Present+ Ulf 18:02:00 Present+ Adnan 18:02:08 Present+ Erik 18:02:12 Present+ Gunnar 18:02:21 Present+ Glenn 18:03:53 Present+ Carine 18:05:29 Present+ MagnusG 18:06:33 [introductions] 18:14:27 @@1 18:17:28 Ted: @@2 18:18:26 Rudi: the time is good for me on West Coast 18:18:43 Ted: we need something friendly for CEST and PDT 18:18:54 Ulf: it is good for me 18:19:04 Arman: one hour later would be better with kids' bedtime 18:19:23 Ulf: I would prefer earlier than later 18:19:39 Adnan: good for me 18:19:55 Gunnar: good for me and use to it 18:20:04 Carine: not too bad for me, would also prefer hour later 18:20:47 Ted: Sebastian suggested this time was bad for him but we have Erik 18:20:58 Erik: we will make it work 18:22:38 Ted: should we have a 2 hour meeting - combine the VSS/VSSo and Auto WG call in one with people attending section they need to be at? 18:22:52 Ulf: I'd rather keep it like it is, having people drop would be distracting 18:23:20 Peter: agree with Ulf, separation helpful even if it causes people to be late on occasion 18:25:47 Ted: any thoughts on the various breakout calls, too many? 18:26:09 Gunnar: we should see how things evolve, may want to increase VSC (RPC) 18:26:26 agenda+ VSC 18:28:26 PLH 18:28:56 @@summary 18:33:38 Carine: we should talk to Philippe more but there are two strategies, stay at CR indefinitely and even evolve it or move to REC 18:34:01 Peter: we are more focused on the next generation, if there is work necessary on previous it might not happen 18:34:41 Carine: depends on when the next generation is really going to take over and whether we want to drop the previous one 18:35:21 .if it is going to be considerable amount of time or not fully replacing then maybe better to keep it 18:35:54 .some do minor iterations at CR but runs risk of incompatibilities or incomplete test suite 18:39:10 Ted: Philippe also encouraged us to publish v2 as FPWD and not worry about trying to align with Bosch and Renesas since we incorporate changes from them later 18:40:35 Carine: is it a minor improvement or vastly different 18:40:50 Ted: not fully backward compatible and adds a fair amount @@Link 18:41:33 Peter: I wanted to see if there were any thoughts from that meeting, I was not able to attend much myself 18:41:41 .believe Ulf did a demo 18:42:09 Ulf: yes, I demo'd our VISS server used in CCS project in addition to the whole stack from vehicle to db in cloud 18:42:24 .ran our HTTP solution, WebSocket and experimental MQTT 18:42:45 .you can probably find video for it, believe most presentations were recorded 18:43:04 .I thought there were quite a few very interesting presentations and worthwhile for people to look at them 18:43:20 Gunnar: we have most of the recordings and will dig up link and drop in chat 18:43:41 .we had pretty full content on a number of different areas within CVII and other areas 18:43:49 .some good keynote speakers 18:43:56 .we also had a security track 18:44:35 Peter: how was online format? 18:45:15 Gunnar: disasterous the first day, issue with our platform and doing some re-recordings 18:45:38 @@recordings 18:47:57 Present+ Marty 18:53:28 https://github.com/w3c/automotive/issues/385 18:53:45 Erik: we have been discussing is some aspects of VISSv2 should be optional 18:54:15 .should we have a generic concept that is mandatory in order to have compatibility and be seen as a VISS server 18:54:40 .if that is the case we need to be able to make clear to clients what the compatibilities are 18:56:51 Ted: @@agree but minimal and would need discovery 18:57:33 Ulf: agree we can have a base line of mandatory components but then need something in the protocol for the client to understand what is supported 18:58:05 .we need to figure out a solution for that and give client a straight answer as to what is available without having to figure things out by trying and receiving errors 18:58:22 .that is inefficient, inelegant 18:58:37 MagnusG: I agree that would cause needless traffic to client and server 19:01:45 [adjourned] 19:27:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-auto-minutes.html tguild 19:29:41 i/@@1/zakim, take up agendum 2/ 19:29:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-auto-minutes.html tguild 19:31:36 i/@@1/scribenick: tguild/ 19:31:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-auto-minutes.html tguild 19:45:34 zakim, take up next agendum 19:45:34 agendum 7 -- VSC -- taken up [from tguild] 19:45:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-auto-minutes.html tguild 19:47:16 s/@@1/W3C Advisory Committee supported our rechartering, W3C Management and Carine agreed for her to take over as Staff Contact and for me to join Peter as co-Chair from Geotab/ 19:48:33 s/@@2/we have all these breakout calls, some less attended and VSS+VSSo call preceding this meeting and wonder if we should refactor it somewhat. I'll pose to group mailing list too since this time likely not good for some who may otherwise attend/ 19:51:19 s/PLH/Ted: Philippe Le Hegaret who does project management across the W3C WG and I met to discuss transition and state of things. He is advising us to proceed with bringing VISSv1 towards REC and we can choose to stay in CR if we get too much work coming from horizontal review (privacy, security, internationalization, accessibility)/ 19:51:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-auto-minutes.html tguild 19:52:16 s/@@summary// 19:52:59 s|@@recordings|https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/WIK4/GENIVI+Virtual+Member+Meeting+May+2021| 19:53:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-auto-minutes.html tguild 19:54:06 s/@@agree but minimal and would need discovery/agree to having optional features in general, want to be careful which in particular and we would need some form of discovery for clients to be able to understand what is available/ 19:54:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/11-auto-minutes.html tguild