14:55:52 RRSAgent has joined #auto 14:55:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/10-auto-irc 14:55:55 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:55:56 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 14:56:02 scribenick: tguild 14:56:08 Present+ Ted 14:56:14 Meeting: VSSo alignment 15:05:10 Present+ DanielA, Daniel, Ted, Mike, MagnusG, Aimme, Arman, Mario 15:05:39 Daniel summarizes last week, continued overview of VSSo and open issues in github from Bosch 15:05:51 Daniel: currently adapting the tooling and will make it available tomorrow 15:05:54 Present+ Ash 15:06:20 .static attributes and classes, suggestion we should avoid supernodes like vehicle 15:06:40 .we started to discuss mapping to DTDL 15:06:43 Present+ Jeff 15:07:08 .understand from MS, a commitment should be possible with next semester at midyear but no clear idea of what that could entain 15:07:38 .perhaps you can let us know what to expect and suggestions on what to work on in the meantime 15:07:55 Mike: Christian and Bryan suppose to be here? 15:08:07 Jeff: Christian yes and maybe Peter 15:08:18 .you're thinking on next steps? 15:08:54 Daniel: yes, exactly. goal is alignment between VSSo and DTDL, heard you tried it out but want to build up on direction with VSSo and what we should be working on until your semester starts 15:09:07 .how to learn from your requirements, structure and so forth 15:09:26 Jeff: Christian has our main things in his presentation that are holding us back 15:09:51 .when it comes to doing the conversion, he is ok with coding up whatever necessary with existing OWL based tooling 15:10:03 .it is really the relationships 15:10:35 .we would prefer to only convert VSSo and not VSS. Mike and Ash may need VSS converted 15:10:44 Mike: we were going to start with VSS actually 15:11:06 Jeff: that your understanding, VSS in the car and VSSo in the cloud 15:11:23 Daniel: that is one use case, there may be uses for VSSo in the vehicle, for rules based reasoning 15:11:26 Jeff: I see 15:12:14 Mike: our work starts midyear but we want to do some preliminary work. long term we may also provide VSSo in vehicle if it makes sense 15:12:16 Present+ Peter 15:12:54 Ash: probably easier to just go with VSSo since supporting conversion with OWL is more straightforward 15:13:02 .Christian could speak to that better 15:13:13 Daniel: that was my conclusion from last week as well 15:13:19 Present+ Benjamin 15:13:37 .path is clearer 15:13:45 draft minutes 15:13:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/10-auto-minutes.html tguild 15:14:02 s/draft minutes// 15:14:21 Ash: what is GENIVI's position with VSS vs VSSo? 15:15:06 Daniel: VSS is the core truth and we will maintain via tooling generated derivatives 15:15:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/10-auto-minutes.html tguild 15:15:37 .rules will be clear on the mapping 15:15:56 Ash: we need to look at what our customers want but VSSo is closer to our setup 15:16:40 Daniel: I don't think you block anything from choosing one to the other but that said we would benefit from rationale on your choice so we can support other domains 15:16:46 .that perspective will be important 15:17:27 DanielA: since VSS is the foundation and well maintained a pain point will be the tooling 15:18:43 Jeff: regarding relationships, we are finding we are having to make up things 15:18:55 .are you going to provide more we can use? 15:19:02 Daniel: yes, exactly 15:19:17 Jeff: and how we going to solve left/right mirror issue Christian pointed out? 15:19:33 Daniel: instatiated instances can be related or object property of concept 15:19:46 Jeff: as we get those pieces worked out it will go more smoothly 15:19:54 .as I remember those were the big problems 15:20:08 .Christian let me know he is in another meeting today 15:20:41 .our next steps are to look at new tooling for OWL generated VSSo coming soon from you? 15:21:12 Daniel: I'll provide turtle (ttl) file for him to look at so we have some content to discuss in two weeks 15:22:04 DanielA: we need to decide what concepts to map from VSS since you can tell more than one thing. if the mapping is well defined we have a better starting point for what can come on top 15:22:21 .focus of feedback should be on the core ontology 15:22:52 Daniel: even if you have the concepts already mapped, the rest should come automatically 15:23:19 Jeff: we are not going to provide much information on what properties are to be defined but can give feedback on the structure, comparing to other industries 15:23:28 .that will be the real value of what Christian does 15:23:53 .he is doing it with manufacturing and others, has a good understanding of how these things can fit together 15:24:17 Daniel: anything else for today or should we keep the call short for today as we know what we need for our next meeting? 15:24:22 Jeff: good for me 15:24:48 .Daniel, can you send out an email to us about your OWL tooling so I can share with Christian? 15:24:54 Daniel: sure 15:25:09 .anything else from workshop or? 15:25:42 DanielA: regarding extension to core model, is it meant to be included the sensor structure? 15:26:37 Daniel: to be determined 15:26:43 [adjourned] 15:26:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/10-auto-minutes.html tguild 17:06:34 topic: RPC 17:06:38 regrets+ MagnusF 17:06:49 present+ Glenn, Rudi, Ted, Gunnar 17:08:08 Gunnar reports discussions progressing with AutoSAR, how it may be pertinent to services in addition to signals 17:08:32 Gunnar: we have Franca to AutoSAR translation including methods and properties 17:08:43 .binding to Some/IP stack 17:08:55 Present+ Jon 17:12:08 Ted summarizes to Jon activity in the group 17:12:40 s/in the group/in this task force/ 17:13:14 Gunnar: eSync interested in exposing SOTA in a VSC format 17:20:35 Rudi: Magnus has been in more contact with the stakeholders at Woven and in Toyota, I can't give any status update yet interest in catching up 17:22:36 Ted: any updates from AMM session on VSC? attendees we can try to draw in further? 17:23:52 Gunnar: decent attendance, sessions recorded for people to be able to catch up at their convenience. we will be sending out a survey to see what areas are of interest 17:28:16 Gunnar: is there anything you can share from Volvo side? 17:28:51 Jon: we remain interested, will want to use protobuf and gRPC 17:32:11 Gunnar: we understand how much you're doing in-house but there will be need to have open standards to be able to engage partners more 17:32:24 Jon: we're on board 17:37:16 Ted: @@AA 17:38:54 Gunnar: re signals for Android, we're trying to engage Volvo in defining that mapping 17:39:13 Jon: I don't have the right information but that is a valid question 18:15:46 tguild has joined #auto 18:15:49 s/@@AA/similar to CCC's digital key, suspect there are a number of services in Android Automotive that may be worth representing in service catalog. seems Google focusing more on UX, less on other needs in their curation of VHAL signals. curious if there are services Volvo would like to see that aren't part of AA etc/ 18:15:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/10-auto-minutes.html tguild 19:26:20 Zakim has left #auto