18:03:25 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 18:03:25 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/05/06-aria-at-irc 18:03:36 Zakim has joined #aria-at 18:04:18 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group - App Dev and Test Writing 18:04:36 CHAIR: Seth Thompson 18:04:50 rrsagent, make log public 18:04:58 rrsagent, make minutes 18:04:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/06-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 18:05:04 present+ 18:05:13 present+ Matt_King James_Scholes 18:06:15 rrsagent, make minutes 18:06:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/06-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 18:07:02 jesdaigle has joined #aria-at 18:08:33 scribe: Matt_King 18:09:15 TOPIC: Update on current sprint (sprint 5) 18:09:31 This sprint ends May 14 18:10:03 Seth: Onboarded Howard and Z 18:10:16 Whole team running at full capacity. 18:10:37 In process of migrating API to graphQL 18:11:22 Howard writing test coverage of whole schema for the API 18:12:10 Example: in past, tight dependency between types of entities, such as every test run had to be associated with an AT and browser version combo. 18:12:36 Now, there is a more generic config entity that could expanded in future. 18:13:14 Nearly done setting up new sandbox environment. Staging and prod are on a W3C server. 18:13:47 Alex setting up additional script to deploy to an AWS instance that can be used as a sandbox to share changes more frequently. 18:14:03 Will enable more frequent testing with stakeholders. 18:14:33 Also improving how we build/spec the environment itself. 18:15:39 Z is starting to clean up the existing harness js file. 18:16:24 This one long file that presents a test and validates the form field values and communicates with parent frame to change page appearnce (e.g., view layer) 18:16:53 Z changing to an APIand port to more maintainable library 18:17:26 Will not change how the test running feels but will enable us to add features 18:17:52 Jes: enables sharing issue between aria-at and aria-at app , e.g., like raise issue button 18:20:12 Z: Currently when the page is rendered, the code has to query the DOM to make changes instead of going back to the JSON objects 18:20:27 This is a primary change 18:20:58 The library will be a modal view controller minus the view 18:21:11 present+ 18:21:17 Provides event handlers to maintain state 18:21:37 Can query current test instead of harvesting from DOM 18:25:55 All: discussion of separation of presentation from test data collection 18:26:19 James: What is aim around public consumption of the API 18:26:48 Will there be documentation. 18:27:05 Jes: We document everything we do, whether public is further conversation. 18:28:52 mk: We are doing to support immediate project needs but do not have specific goals for public consumption of API 18:29:04 James: good that it could support rapid prototyping 18:29:19 Seth: Library Z is working is agnostic WRT where data is stored. 18:29:41 Agree can be used for rapid prototyping. 18:30:17 Other question is what is our stance relative to publishig aria-at app API docs 18:31:45 Z, what is format likely to be? 18:32:01 z: Could be NPM lib or something else 18:33:23 James: QIs this a js lib vs a web api? 18:38:45 James/Z/Seth: discussion of mechanics of test rendering from the source csv through html/json to app 18:44:46 mk: how far we from getting rid of generated files in aria-at repo 18:45:08 seth: there is not necessarily dependncy on Z's work for that 18:47:10 rrsagent, make minutes 18:47:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/06-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 18:49:15 seth: Didn't know that we had this strong consensus on getting rid of genn'd files in the aria-at repo. 18:49:46 mk/james: Eager to get rid of them b/c they they generate merge conflicts that are slowing merging in a big way 18:50:07 james: keep in mind the way the gen'd files enable preview 18:50:25 seth: Say we get rid of need for gnerated files tomorrow? 18:51:13 Would this change any thoughts on the test status tracking in the app? 18:51:33 mk: makes it even more important because we will get more draft tests in the the app 18:53:45 seth: What would you say to proposal to a bit more flexible system that allows admins to add tags rather than a drop down that bakes in specific process 18:54:57 mk: consider it but need to be sure the tagging enables process required by the working mode 18:56:29 rrsagent, make minutes 18:56:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/06-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 18:56:38 VenkateshPotluri has joined #aria-at 19:03:07 jongund has joined #aria-at 19:06:50 TOPIC: Community group meeting on Test Writing - new agenda starts here 19:07:05 present+ jongund 19:09:24 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/May-6,-2021-Community-Group-Meeting 19:09:45 present +VenkateshPotluri 19:09:53 Alyssa_G has joined #aria-at 19:09:55 scribe: s3ththompson 19:10:13 TOPIC: Assistive technologies like screen readers should inform the user when they reach the end or beginning of a slider 19:10:36 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/412 19:12:08 James: should (or how should) a screen reader should convey the values of aria-valuemin and aria-valuemax when a user arrives on a slider? 19:12:51 James: from a technical standpoint, when you have an aria-implemented slider, the screenreader doesn't necessarily know any underlying detail about the slider 19:15:11 James: more importantly, the "aria-valuetext" attribute is supposed to be a human-friendly display version of the value 19:20:37 Matt: i just want to make sure we're on the same page: this is a situation where the aria-at project has an opportunity to nudge vendors into a more user friendly space. if we do this, it would be an instance of that... this means communication is really important. and it sets a higher bar for what assertions we're proposing 19:21:40 jongund: how much do browsers know about valuetext? 19:22:52 James: on mac at least, voiceover gives both valuetext and valuenow 19:25:13 Matt_King: this will probably be a philosophical issue we will get to with combobox too 19:26:55 James: what if valuenow, valuemin, and valuemax all just accepted text? 19:30:12 Matt_King: another issue is that directionality is not known, no way to know if a key press is incrementing or decrementing 19:31:52 Matt_King: I guess ideally the web page indicates this 19:32:04 James: we've implemented this before for education clients 19:32:24 Matt_King: we could update APG example to add something like this (maybe even sounds) 19:33:35 Alyssa_G: just to point out, sound alert wouldn't work for braille users 19:35:43 Matt_King: we need to have a separate approach for sliders with and without valuetext 19:35:58 James: we need to have a separate approach for sliders with and without valuetext 19:37:05 Matt_King: does this mean that if valuetext is set, there's no benefit to valuemin/valuemax/valuenow? 19:37:13 James: correct, for now at least 19:38:04 James: so question becomes: should we add valuetextmin / valuetextmax? or if having valuemin/valuemax be numeric offers no value... should they accept text? 19:38:59 Matt_King: the argument for having numeric valuemin/valuemax is that if an a11y API doesn't support valuetext they can at least calculate a percentage from valuemin/valuemax 19:42:03 Matt_King: we should also provide guidance that valuetext can include a range... leaves ideal format up to content publisher 19:44:07 Rating Slider: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/slider-rating/examples/slider/slider-rating.html 19:44:38 Media Seek Slider: https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/slider-seek/examples/slider/slider-seek.html 19:45:24 TOPIC: Compositional Test Plan Creation 19:45:31 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/388 19:47:51 James: how do we test html semantics alongside aria while reusing as much as possible? 19:48:27 James: for many elements there's a way to do it fully in html, a way to do it fully in aria, and a way to do it in-between 19:51:19 Matt_King: a few different angels: where do the tests come from? who writes them? how do they get checked in? 19:52:03 Matt_King: first off, just to clarify ARIA is in the project title, but in the broadest sense... it should include semantics that come from html and svg 19:53:25 Matt_King: (by the way, this matches evolving APG focus too) 19:53:42 Matt_King: as early as this year, we may see pure html examples from APG 19:56:25 Matt_King: in the abstract, there is a bit of an divergence between the aim of APG (feature-rich, practical examples for authors) vs. the aim of ARIA-AT (testing the most atomic, small examples possible) 19:56:49 Matt_King: in the limit i'd like to introduce two categories of tests: attribute testing and pattern testing 20:00:06 James: in an automated world, testing 300 "attribute tests" wouldn't be a problem 20:03:54 rrsagent, make minutes 20:03:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/05/06-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King