15:50:08 RRSAgent has joined #aria-dive 15:50:08 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/29-aria-dive-irc 15:50:09 inviting RRSAgent 15:50:09 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:50:11 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 15:50:32 meeting: ARIA Deep Dive - prohibited naming resolution 15:50:38 chair: JamesNurthen 15:50:40 present+ 15:51:00 rrsagent, make minutes 15:51:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/29-aria-dive-minutes.html jamesn 16:01:11 msumner has joined #aria-dive 16:03:40 present+ 16:03:46 present+ 16:04:31 https://github.com/w3c/aria/discussions/1449 16:04:47 https://github.com/w3c/aria/discussions/1449#discussioncomment-670281 16:05:22 sarah has joined #aria-dive 16:05:30 carmacleod has joined #aria-dive 16:05:46 present+ 16:05:47 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 16:07:02 1. We change the definition of "prohibited" under Accessible Name Calculation: 16:07:02 Change - "the element has no name" to "the element does not support name from author" 16:07:10 present+ 16:07:38 joanie: How many folks are as immersed in this as aaron, scott and me? 16:07:39 +1 for change 16:07:55 joanie: in ARIA 1.2 we made a few changes that we need implemented 16:08:18 joanie: 1 change is that there is a list of roles where accessible name is prohibited... texty roles 16:08:45 "prohibited: the element has no name. Authors MUST NOT use the aria-label or aria-labelledby attributes to name the element." 16:09:01 joanie: changed the code, nuked the name, broke the universe 16:09:15 joanie: seemed to boil down to interactive generics 16:09:26 joanie: div with tabindex and div with contenteditable 16:09:48 joanie: oh great - maybe we don't have to test - as an authoring thing and the validators can do that 16:10:07 joanie: jamesn pointed out that other stuff in 1.2 16:13:52 jamesn: I do not see "User Agents MUST NOT expose an ARIA attribute to the platform accessibilty API when the element's computed role prohibits use of the attribute." 16:14:59 aaron: I ran into a name generic one - where it wasn't the authors stated role 16:15:46 aaron: for role presentation and role region, if there is no name then it not a region. 16:15:56 scott: was talking about aria-roledescription 16:16:37 aaron: we never really covered the computed role 16:16:46 jamesn: the 1.3 text does cover that 16:18:04 https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1408/files 16:18:24 action: file a 1.3 issue for what to do with global properties that are prohibited on role none/presentation 16:19:47 jamesn: why did we introduce name prohibited 16:20:40 joanie: lets get resolution on the 1.2 issues 16:20:55 joanie: I don't have to test that because there is no prohibition 16:21:55 joanie: we should tripple check... 1.2 CR we have name prohibited and a list of roles.... 16:22:00 joanie: Author MUST not 16:22:10 joanie: Also says "the element has no name" 16:22:15 what does that mean? 16:22:31 there are a bunch of tests that are failing 16:22:51 in terms of end users.... I don't think that a

with aria-label should have an accessible name 16:23:03 paragraphs that are non interactive - are they even nameable 16:23:23 scott: once focusable comes into the mix then nothing was getting exposed 16:23:44 melanie: I tell folks they are wrong if they do that 16:23:50 bryan: yes 16:24:09 joanie: if you are a good author... user agents try to make things suck a little bit less for end users 16:24:22 joanie: user agents are going to caluculate name from content 16:24:36 joanie: if a screen reader user tabs to it then have a nameless thing 16:24:43 joanie: try to correct 16:24:55 melanie: would it be possible to throw an error 16:25:00 q+ 16:25:23 scott: have issues with how permissive html is 16:26:26 jamesn: have browsers ever considered standards compliant mode? 16:26:41 aaron: -1 2 different modes increase complexity 16:27:17 ack me 16:27:40 scott: The element has no name... we were primarily concerned about stopping authors from doing this 16:27:56 q+ 16:28:13 https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/985 16:29:15 jamesn: the accname change is the one that changes the naming calculation. 16:32:21 carmacleod: Joanie proposed change is clearer 16:32:46 scott: can we make that change without having to reenter CR 16:32:55 jamesn: Michael? 16:33:11 MichaelC: I don't see any reason not to 16:33:17 https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/985/commits/c1a460307a845edc0759b41f1cd7bc7416bcc3ff 16:34:00 MichaelC: No need to re-enter CR 16:34:22 +1 this is editorial 16:34:34 scott: does this unblock you? 16:34:47 +1 for changing "the element has no name" to "the element does not support name from author" 16:34:54 joanie: Authors MUST NOT statement is not in 1.2 CR - was added later, so I don't have to test that 16:34:59 + 1000 16:35:18 joanie: going to remove "the element has no name" 16:36:00 jamesn: nothing in the spec that prevents error correction 16:36:20 scott: didn't want to make it explicit at first 16:37:04 scott: can disuade authors from this antipattern 16:37:53 joanie: a reasonable implementation for non interactive, non contenteditable we don't aboide by aria-label but if interactive then user agent corrects 16:39:01 rrsagent, make minutes 16:39:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/29-aria-dive-minutes.html jamesn 16:41:16 q+ 16:41:26 q- 16:41:36 ack m 16:44:23 q+ 16:44:31 ack me 18:56:45 Zakim has left #aria-dive 21:11:23 Francis_Storr has joined #aria-dive 21:56:43 Francis_Storr has joined #aria-dive