15:58:32 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg-spc 15:58:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/26-wpwg-spc-irc 15:58:38 Meeting: SPC Task Force 15:58:40 Chair: Ian 15:58:54 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2021Apr/0007.html 15:59:06 agenda+ scope document 15:59:38 Clinton has joined #wpwg-spc 15:59:42 agenda+ Next meeting 15:59:46 present+ 15:59:49 present+ Clinton_Allen 16:00:22 present+ Tomasz_Blachowicz 16:00:23 mweksler has joined #wpwg-spc 16:00:30 present+ Michel_Weksler 16:00:44 present+ Rolf_Lindemann 16:01:09 present+ Stephen_McGruer 16:01:37 present+ Fawad_Niser 16:01:40 present+ Fawad_Nisar 16:01:43 present- Fawad_Niser 16:01:49 present+ Werner_Bruinings 16:01:57 present+ Jonathan_Vokes 16:02:22 zakim, take up item 1 16:02:22 agendum 1 -- scope document -- taken up [from Ian] 16:02:29 present+ Praveena_Subrahmany 16:02:43 -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/blob/gh-pages/scope.md Draft scope document 16:03:37 tm__ has joined #wpwg-spc 16:04:13 present+ Laura 16:04:26 [Michel walks through the document] 16:04:26 praveena has joined #wpwg-spc 16:04:29 Rolf has joined #wpwg-spc 16:04:36 present+ Sameer_Tare 16:04:44 q+ 16:05:01 queue=Tomasz, smcgruer 16:05:25 -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/pull/55 Pull request 55 16:05:47 SameerT has joined #wpwg-spc 16:07:24 regrets+ Adrian_Hope-Bailie 16:08:22 -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/blob/gh-pages/scope.md#unique-features-of-spc Unique features of SPC 16:11:03 Tomasz: regarding "Scalable" could also add "Ubiquitous" 16:11:58 Tomasz: Regarding "Transaction confirmation" suggest s/3DS/SCA 16:12:19 ...see also pull request for more suggestions 16:12:26 ...it's not only to fulfill regulatory requirements 16:12:31 +1 to Ubiquitous, if that helps us get away from 'across all PSP's merchants' to 'across all merchants'. (I think the latter is a long path to get there and we should start smaller such as PSP-bound, but we should keep it as a path in mind) 16:12:43 q+ to make a comment after the list 16:13:53 q- later 16:14:06 ack me 16:14:06 Ian, you wanted to make a comment after the list 16:14:39 Tomasz has joined #wpwg-spc 16:15:09 IJ: I propose to add "scalable and ubiquitous" to the definition 16:15:17 +1 16:15:19 +1 16:15:20 +1 16:15:20 +1 16:15:21 +1 16:15:40 q? 16:15:45 q+ : comment for the front-end dev - Make it generic since in 3DS world, the merchants simply allow the issuer iframe to present content to the user 16:16:06 ack SameerT 16:16:06 SameerT, you wanted to say comment for the front-end dev - Make it generic since in 3DS world, the merchants simply allow the issuer iframe to present content to the user 16:16:17 q- 16:16:18 q- 16:16:21 q- smcgruer 16:16:53 SameerT: Regarding front-end development built, I think that we should either generalize to apply to both the merchant and RP, or remove it. 16:17:36 Ian: PH also would benefit 16:18:09 Sameer: Note that in 3DS use case, deployment is simple (just an iframe) 16:18:16 ...the issuer presents the content through the iframe 16:18:52 Ian: Perhaps we could say: "Because the browser or secure hardware controls the display, whoever would ordinarily open UX for authentication should have a simpler deployment." 16:19:12 Sameer: Yes, something like that. 16:19:16 q? 16:19:59 -> https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/blob/gh-pages/scope.md#definitions Definitions 16:20:02 IJ: Please have a look 16:20:17 q+ 16:20:29 ack Tomasz 16:20:45 Tomasz: What is the difference between "Credential" and "Assertion" here? 16:22:10 Rolf: In WebAuthn, the assertion is different from the credential. In username/password, the assertion is the same as the credential. 16:22:22 ...all these terms are overloaded and used heavily. 16:22:40 tm has joined #wpwg-spc 16:22:41 ...I think it's ok to refer to the Credential and then you do get() and get back an Assertion 16:22:49 +1 to Rolf 16:24:30 Tomasz: What if we use the Credential Management API? 16:24:39 Ian: That is a possibility. Anything here preclude that? 16:24:58 -> https://wicg.github.io/web-otp/ WebOTP 16:25:22 Tomasz: Also based on the credential management API 16:28:17 Perhaps: "SPC Credential Identifier : An identifier generated during enrollment and stored by the Relying Party in association with a payment instrument." 16:28:25 (Does not preclude multiple being created) 16:30:07 Stephen: There aren't really use cases yet... 16:30:37 ...maybe talk about "payment systems" 16:31:12 zakim, close item 1 16:31:12 agendum 1, scope document, closed 16:31:13 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 16:31:13 2. Next meeting [from Ian] 16:31:14 zakim, take up item 1 16:31:14 agendum 1 -- scope document -- taken up [from Ian] 16:31:23 3 May 16:32:00 RRSAGENT, make minutes 16:32:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/26-wpwg-spc-minutes.html Ian 16:32:04 RRSAGENT, set logs public 16:38:54 jv has joined #wpwg-spc 16:56:44 rrsagent, bye 16:56:44 I see no action items