15:56:57 RRSAgent has joined #wpwg-spc 15:56:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/19-wpwg-spc-irc 15:57:07 Meeting: SPC Task Force 15:57:19 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-payments-wg/2021Apr/0004.html 15:57:21 Chair: Ian 15:57:24 Scribe: Ian 15:57:38 agenda+ Welcome 15:57:40 agenda+ Scope 15:57:45 agenda+ Deliverables 15:57:50 agenda+ Meeting cadence / next meeting 16:01:08 present+ 16:01:12 present+ Fawad_Nisar 16:01:22 present+ Benjamin_Tidor 16:01:24 present+ Chris_Wood 16:01:28 present+ Jonathan_Grossar 16:01:33 present+ Gerhard_Oosthuizen 16:01:47 present+ Praveena_Subrahmany 16:01:54 present+ Gustavo_Kok 16:02:03 zakim, who's here? 16:02:03 Present: Ian, Fawad_Nisar, Benjamin_Tidor, Chris_Wood, Jonathan_Grossar, Gerhard_Oosthuizen, Praveena_Subrahmany, Gustavo_Kok 16:02:05 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, smcgruer_[EST], Ian 16:02:11 present+ Shyam_Sheth 16:02:20 present+ Stephen_McGruer 16:02:55 btidor has joined #wpwg-spc 16:03:10 present+ Rolf_Lindemann 16:03:12 Chris_Wood has joined #wpwg-spc 16:03:13 Gerhard has joined #wpwg-spc 16:03:17 present+ Adrian_Hope-Bailie 16:03:44 jonathan_ has joined #wpwg-spc 16:04:07 praveena has joined #wpwg-spc 16:04:11 AdrianHB has joined #wpwg-spc 16:04:13 zakim, take up item item 16:04:13 'item' does not match any agenda item, Ian 16:04:17 zakim, take up item 1 16:04:17 agendum 1 -- Welcome -- taken up [from Ian] 16:04:20 zakim, close item 1 16:04:20 agendum 1, Welcome, closed 16:04:21 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 16:04:21 2. Scope [from Ian] 16:04:21 zakim, take up item 2 16:04:22 agendum 2 -- Scope -- taken up [from Ian] 16:04:51 present+ Sameer_Tare 16:05:01 present+ 16:06:37 gkok has joined #wpwg-spc 16:07:48 Q. Should frictionless (data-based risk assessment) be part of SPC? 16:08:11 AdrianHB: We want an authentication API 16:08:23 ...the back end can be "anything"; what authentication means is context-specific. 16:08:29 ...eg., I found a cookie and I'm satisfied 16:08:47 q+ 16:08:47 ...or "I have a FIDO authenticator and get a signed credential for transaction confirmation" 16:09:02 ack Gerhard 16:09:05 present+ Michel 16:09:25 Gerhard: I think we need to be careful about scope 16:09:30 ....2 factor 16:09:33 ...1 factor 16:09:35 ...risk based 16:09:45 ...the moment you say "how is the risk based " done 16:09:48 ...or how is 2-factor achieved? 16:09:51 ...it explode 16:10:05 ...I think we should pick 1 or 2 or at most 5 flows and try to optimize those 16:10:24 q+ 16:10:34 ...we can stick to use cases ; and give optionality but within limits 16:10:36 ack sm 16:11:02 smcgruer_[EST]: +1 to Gerhard. We are interested in SPC-as-it-is...we are worried about the overall user journey 16:11:21 ..I think we should remain tightly scoped in v1 16:11:24 mweksler has joined #wpwg-spc 16:11:37 q+ 16:11:40 +1 to that. 16:11:40 AdrianHB: I don't want SPC to assume only fido-based auth 16:12:08 AdrianHB: The API should say "I am authenticating the payer" but what happens should not only be hardware-based crypto 16:12:16 q+ 16:12:23 AdrianHB: ...e.g., software crypto should be an option 16:12:36 shyam has joined #wpwg-spc 16:12:42 ...so there's an API and a user interaction 16:12:44 ack G 16:12:44 SameerT has joined #wpwg-spc 16:13:00 q? 16:13:40 Gerhard: +1 to AHB. Risk-based auth should support some options 16:13:45 back bt 16:13:46 ack bt 16:14:20 AdrianHB: So perhaps in scope is: 16:14:29 1) Authentication API 16:14:58 2) Merchant calls API 16:15:20 3) Transaction confirmation piece (optional?) 16:15:49 q? 16:15:50 btidor: I can imagine zero-interaction flows. 16:15:59 ....so maybe the ultimate definition is the "payment assertion" format. 16:16:04 Proposal: "A Consent Page" with customer ability to 'skip-the-sheet' based on consent. But it needs 'proof' since it crosses domain' 16:16:27 btidor: Either a hardware token generates the format, or a software authenticator generates the format 16:16:49 Rolf: What is the unique value proposition of SPC? I can do a lot of things with iframes, JS, etc. 16:17:00 ...I agree it is what btidor described: 16:17:09 1) Browser display not subject to x-site attacks 16:17:17 2) Assertion format 16:17:28 ...how the user was verified plays a secondary role 16:17:31 q? 16:17:31 q? 16:18:00 AdrianHB: I would like us to consider the possibility that the "UI" is not per-transaction. 16:18:05 ...user should be able to pre-load consent. 16:18:10 q+ 16:18:13 +1 16:18:18 q+ 16:18:26 ack mweksler 16:18:28 +1 16:18:54 mweksler: Regarding priorities, Adrian's comment about pre-load consent is a lower priority. 16:19:01 ...I'd like to define an MVP 16:19:16 ...once we have that, it will be easier to take the next step, and I agree with Adrian's point 16:19:17 q+ 16:19:20 ack Sa 16:19:24 +1 16:19:35 Rolf has joined #wpwg-spc 16:19:47 Fawad has joined #wpwg-spc 16:19:58 Proposal: Assertion format as priority 1. 16:20:02 SameerT: +1 to Michel. Issuers can already do some things today. I would say "look at what you have in SPC today and don't re-invent things people can already do." 16:20:10 That will include data on how the assertion was generated 16:20:19 With scope to evolve 16:20:40 SameerT: So define SPC as a bundle (e.g., data, modal, FIDO) that will help 16:20:42 ack Ger 16:20:48 (assumption is that assertion is a public key signature over tx data) 16:21:08 Gerhard: One way we can perhaps do that is to not define certain flows. 16:21:32 ...we could require explicit consent and define the assertion 16:21:42 q+ 16:21:44 ...and allow the browser to drive the UX further if they deem it of value of users 16:22:00 ack R 16:22:08 Rolf: Two more extension proposals I'd like to mention 16:22:34 1) Especially where mobile phone is used as an authenticator, it would be helpful if the authenticator itself could be the entity that displays the details, and ties it to the assertion 16:22:41 ...from a security perspective this is yet another level 16:22:48 +1 16:23:05 +1 (but does the spec need to say that?) 16:23:09 Rolf: 2) This is for me not only about payments. E.g., "Do you want to share this data with a hospital?" 16:23:21 q+ to comment on non-payment use cases 16:23:38 Rolf: ...the user agrees to a certain "transaction"...this is unsolved in the browser world...x-site scripting is a major attack vector 16:23:51 ...we'd need some flexibility to set the "CONTEXT" 16:23:55 ..whether payment or other data sharing 16:24:14 ...the high-security pieces of these use cases would be very relevant 16:24:21 ack AdrianHB 16:24:22 AdrianHB, you wanted to comment on non-payment use cases 16:24:33 q+ to note we have 5 minutes left and I'd like to discuss next steps 16:24:43 q+ 16:25:04 AdrianHB: I am a big advocate of the other use cases. One piece of this is important is that these are not "open data fields" 16:25:20 ...so other use cases may need strong structure around the data 16:25:29 ...my guess is that could enable more traction. 16:25:43 q+ 16:25:52 zakim, close the queue 16:25:52 ok, Ian, the speaker queue is closed 16:25:59 ack smcgruer_[EST] 16:25:59 smcgruer_[EST], you wanted to note we have 5 minutes left and I'd like to discuss next steps 16:26:11 ack Ro 16:26:19 Rolf: Session auth would be out of scope 16:26:26 ...logged in use case 16:26:36 ...but there are other non-payment transactions and that's all I had in mind 16:26:37 ack mweksler 16:26:56 mweksler: I like the suggestion re: authenticator display 16:27:11 ...however, I think auth display is lower priority 16:27:17 ...I think non-payments use cases should be out of scope 16:28:45 I can start the doc 16:29:30 Next Meeting: 26 April 16:29:39 ACTION: Michel to work with Ian on the beginnings of a scoping / requirements doc 16:29:54 Stephen: We want: 16:29:56 a) User journeys 16:29:58 b) Spec 16:30:00 c) FAQ 16:32:30 RRSAGENT, make minutes 16:32:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/19-wpwg-spc-minutes.html Ian 16:32:33 RRSAGENT, set logs public 16:46:48 mweksler has joined #wpwg-spc 17:07:46 zakim, bye 17:07:46 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Ian, Fawad_Nisar, Benjamin_Tidor, Chris_Wood, Jonathan_Grossar, Gerhard_Oosthuizen, Praveena_Subrahmany, Gustavo_Kok, 17:07:46 Zakim has left #wpwg-spc 17:07:48 rrsagent, bye 17:07:48 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/04/19-wpwg-spc-actions.rdf : 17:07:48 ACTION: Michel to work with Ian on the beginnings of a scoping / requirements doc [1] 17:07:48 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/04/19-wpwg-spc-irc#T16-29-39