14:55:53 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:55:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-pbgsc-irc 14:56:06 Zakim has joined #pbgsc 14:56:13 Chair: Tzviya 14:56:22 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committe 14:56:29 s/Comitte/Committee 14:56:43 Date: 2021-04-09 15:01:40 present+ 15:02:11 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 15:02:32 present+ 15:03:37 present+ 15:04:07 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:04:12 present+ 15:04:36 present_ 15:04:37 George has joined #pbgsc 15:04:39 present+ 15:04:43 present+ 15:04:50 Agenda+ Global Engagement in the CG 15:04:50 Agenda+ Planning a Community Webinar 15:04:50 Agenda+ Review videos from WAI EO for publishing content [3] 15:04:50 Agenda+ Around the Table 15:04:50 Agenda+ AOB 15:05:02 present+ 15:05:10 regrets+ Daihei 15:05:26 scribe+ 15:05:34 tzviya: Let's get started 15:05:42 TOPIC, Global Engagement with the CG 15:05:51 present+ Garth 15:05:57 zakim, next topic 15:05:57 I don't understand 'next topic', wendyreid 15:06:01 zakim, next 15:06:01 I don't understand 'next', wendyreid 15:06:11 TOPIC, Planning a community webinar 15:06:25 tzviya: We did an update on the activity last year 15:06:35 ... we haven't kept up with communications 15:06:39 ... we've done some outreach 15:06:51 ... we wanted to discuss some ideas for running another webinar, or other approaches 15:06:56 ... thoughts? 15:07:12 q+ 15:07:25 ack George 15:07:40 George: I think that there has been a lot of webinars that people have been attending 15:07:58 ... people are tired of them, even though its a good thing to do 15:08:02 ... we've produced a lot 15:08:19 ... the community doesn't necessarily know about all of the resources 15:08:33 ... part of it should be leading people to resources to keep up with things 15:08:55 tzviya: I agree, people are overwhelmed on webinars 15:09:01 ... but there's also a number of good ones out there 15:09:10 ... adjacent to or part of 15:09:17 ... DAISY, ebookcraft, etc 15:09:25 ... maybe we can capitalize on whats been happening 15:09:25 q+ 15:09:28 George: and curate 15:09:32 q+ 15:09:33 ... guide people to the good stuff 15:09:35 ack avneeshsingh 15:09:59 avneeshsingh: In webinar it depends on what we want to talk about 15:10:03 ... the topic needs to be engaging 15:10:17 ... people might want to know about the outcomes of our work as opposed to the technical issues 15:10:19 Cristina has joined #pbgsc 15:10:33 ... if I present the epub a11y work in the context of the alignment with EUAA 15:10:47 ... we have a new document with explanations for all of the different content types 15:11:00 ... all of these things are attractive to a multitude of users 15:11:08 ... if we show things like this, it could be successful 15:11:14 ack liisamk 15:11:15 ... we shouldn't talk about the boring techy stuff 15:11:25 liisamk: Avneesh +! 15:11:34 ... +1, what is interesting for the less technical 15:11:44 ... put a lot of faith that people are overloaded 15:11:56 ... people do watch videos or use the materials that come out of a webinar 15:11:59 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #pbgsc 15:12:10 ... we may get lots of people participating asynchronously 15:12:13 tzviya: +1 15:12:28 ... thinking about webinar fatigue and making things engaging 15:12:36 ... we've worked on the weeds for a while 15:12:40 ... the nuts and bolts 15:12:46 ... most people are not interested in those details 15:12:59 ... even a 20 minute update would be pretty boring 15:13:10 q+ 15:13:13 ... readability, testing, accessibility improvements 15:13:27 ... people would be interested in it, but mostly in the accessibility part 15:13:32 ack George 15:13:39 ... should we do an epub accessiblity webinar? 15:14:06 George: I wonder if putting out a document that would link to a series of short videos that people could choose from 15:14:14 [Ralph arrives, with apologies for being late] 15:14:16 present+ 15:14:35 ... this menu that people select from would be organized around various topics 15:14:43 ... accessibility, metadata, etc 15:14:56 mateus has joined #pbgsc 15:14:57 ... rather than trying to put everything into a single webinar 15:15:04 present+ 15:15:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:15:26 tzviya: Brief videos on the various topics we're working on and let people watch what they want 15:15:42 George: It's maybe more work for us, but it also means this content is reusable 15:15:50 [I like George's suggestion to make shorter recordings that people can watch on their own scheduels] 15:15:52 q+ 15:15:54 ... or usable by people in other contexts 15:16:03 ack liisamk 15:16:12 liisamk: I like this idea 15:16:23 ... building a repository of information we can curate 15:16:28 ... push people to share it more widely 15:16:29 present+ BillK, Cristina 15:16:38 ... accessibility, if we have segments on specific issues 15:16:47 ... why a11y is important for this region 15:16:53 q+ 15:16:56 ... it can be sent to many different stakeholders 15:17:00 ... build more buy-in 15:17:06 ack Ralph 15:17:19 Ralph: I like George's suggestion 15:17:23 ... especially the reuse 15:17:32 ... but we don't have interaction opportunities 15:17:51 q+ 15:18:09 tzviya: I like this idea, my word of caution is that we'd need to make sure it doesn't date itself 15:18:22 ... if I make a video about progress on testing 15:18:32 ... we need something that can be used in 6 months 15:18:39 ... capturing the approach vs the progress 15:18:40 ack tz 15:18:43 ack George 15:18:45 George: That makes a lot of sense 15:18:48 q+ 15:19:01 ... some of these videos we can be careful with the message 15:19:25 ... the video I did with Thorium, I put the version everywhere, but I could do another without a version so as not to date it 15:19:32 ... webinars are generally not that interactive 15:19:36 ... I wonder if it might be fun 15:19:41 ... to have a meeting where people can just talk 15:19:50 ... ask questiosn to the community leaders 15:20:06 ... let people just ask whatever they want 15:20:32 tzviya: We do office hours with the AC 15:20:38 q? 15:20:39 ... it's been successful 15:20:41 ack Ralph 15:20:49 Ralph: Riffing on George's idea 15:21:03 ... if we explicity invite people to an AMA/office hours sessions 15:21:08 ... you can ask us anything 15:21:30 ... it's great if we can make the content that is usable for a long time, but it shouldn't be a constraint 15:21:41 ... if we have to do something that's specific, that's ok 15:21:50 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:21:50 tzviya: I will start a document where we can brainstorm ideas 15:22:00 Bill_Kasdorf: I like both of these ideas, library and office hours 15:22:05 ... I'm hearing two kinds of videos 15:22:08 https://docs.google.com/document/d/18TRgpBvXrvGOTll46uUEDFuD1H4-VWqoApatw4WTBZ8/edit?usp=sharing 15:22:09 ... one updates 15:22:12 ... other is tutorial 15:22:19 ... the videos lend themselves to the latter 15:22:24 ... the former will date themselves 15:22:33 tzviya: I wasn't thinking tutorials 15:22:58 ... I think we're talking about progress 15:23:02 ... what we've done, what we plan to do 15:23:08 q+ 15:23:10 q+ 15:23:14 ack r 15:23:18 Bill_Kasdorf: It should be one or the other 15:23:52 Ralph: The advantage of recording the updates, come back and it'll be efficient, it solves many of our issues, time zones, internationalization 15:23:57 ... people can link to it 15:24:07 ack ge 15:24:24 George: In the menu, on the business side, giving people a headsup for the EUAA 15:24:34 ... people will find it very useful 15:24:42 ... especially something that management can use 15:24:58 ... CG updates and WG updates, all three areas sound good to me 15:24:58 +1 to George 15:25:16 ... make it spreadsheet, then people can signup or recruit 15:25:26 ... editing will be a challenge 15:26:00 ... we use zoom to record, Richard has edited a few 15:26:10 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Jx5VvkMTQ4EL0Xfb3pDMDUiccq79mmIPHetSRfbziFM/edit?usp=sharing 15:26:53 tzviya: Spreadsheet created, please populate 15:27:06 ... other challenge will be where to host, communications 15:27:09 q+ 15:27:22 ack liisamk 15:27:41 liisamk: So doing this way takes the pressure off having a hard date to work towards, but do we have a soft date? 15:27:50 tzviya: We did this in July last time? 15:28:12 ... in general in July people are away, but maybe it's ok 15:28:25 ... target having a list of videos by the next steerco 15:28:28 ... recorded by june 15:29:02 ... edited and published by July 15:29:12 ... schedule our AMAs in July/August 15:29:15 +1 15:29:18 ... depending on calendars 15:29:20 +1 15:29:22 q+ 15:29:31 q+ 15:29:55 what is vacation? 15:30:29 ack avneeshsingh 15:30:52 avneeshsingh: I was just thinking if we want to utilize the time of the content creators, isn't July a good time to record 15:31:06 tzviya: Good point 15:32:13 ... move the filming and editing to the summer, AMA to September 15:32:32 ... shifting everything by one month 15:32:48 ack cr 15:32:51 avneeshsingh: If vaccination speeds up, people might take time off 15:33:06 Cristina: There's a need to provide guidelines to the people who make the video 15:33:42 ... what we want to achieve, length, content, with slides or without 15:34:02 ... editorial guidelines 15:34:56 TOPIC, Global Participation in the CG 15:35:13 tzviya: We know that Mateus and Zheng on finding an APAC friendly time 15:35:22 ... and Karen and Bill are looking into membership 15:35:30 ... increasing awareness and members 15:35:40 ... first question, hows it going? 15:35:56 mateus: Attendance in those meetings has not been good 15:36:00 ... only one person 15:36:06 ... it doesn't seem to be a timezone issues 15:36:17 ... we did it specifically to allow for more participation 15:36:26 ... it seems like a community engagement problem 15:36:36 ... we've sent a few notes out to the groups 15:36:49 ... it has not been easy to get people participating 15:36:53 ... I've spoken with Karen 15:37:05 ... she connected me with someone from Australia 15:37:42 ... I've reached out 15:37:46 q+ 15:37:47 ... so if anyone else has ideas 15:37:55 ... we want more participation 15:38:06 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:38:41 Bill_Kasdorf: One thing we've found is the interest in AU is about accessibility 15:38:56 ... Daihei is very involved in getting more membership and attention from Asia 15:39:01 q+ 15:39:03 ... working with him might be productive 15:39:05 ack liisamk 15:39:11 [Manisha Amin is our Eastern Australia W3C Evangelist -- she is the CEO of Centre for Inclusive Design] 15:39:29 liisamk: Daihei and I are in the same place, I've been reaching out with my contacts as well 15:39:37 ... Daihei has contacts in Taiwan and Korea 15:39:58 ... we got a lot of participation in Japan 15:40:14 ... we'd like to see beyond Japan 15:40:33 q+ 15:40:53 tzviya: I know Zheng had made some efforts to contact people through the miniapps group 15:40:59 ack mateus 15:40:59 mateus: I haven't heard anything back either 15:41:06 ... thinking about this more 15:41:16 ... there's a different between the business group and CG 15:41:40 ... we have a number of task forces that might not be addressing problems these group aren't interested in 15:41:49 ... but we don't know what they want without participation 15:42:02 ... we can't generate work interesting to the community without the community 15:42:18 ... if we can get 1 or 2 strong advocates from these places with ideas that are useful to them 15:42:25 ... miniapps, etc 15:42:33 +1 to Mateus 15:42:42 ... if we have a strong advocate like that, it'd produce engaging activity 15:42:56 ... everything right now is quite "western" 15:43:05 ... the publishing industry in NA/EU 15:43:18 q+ 15:43:20 tzviya: We need to get involvement in the CG to get involvement elsewhere 15:43:31 ... we need to get their involvement to capture their attention 15:43:53 i/present_/agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021Apr/0001.html 15:43:55 ... it's going to take research to figure out what people want 15:44:06 i|present_|agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021Apr/0001.html| 15:44:13 ... there's maybe some of that with accessible FXL 15:44:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:44:42 ... maybe this is a conversation we need to have to tap certain members 15:44:56 q+ 15:44:58 q+ 15:45:05 i/tzviya: Let's get started/topic: Planning a community webinar 15:45:23 ack ivan 15:45:34 ivan: this miniapp idea could be interesting 15:45:40 ... not sure how it would affect EPUB 15:45:41 s/TOPIC, Global/TOPIC: Global 15:45:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:46:03 ... the person who leads the chinese team in W3C, she has been in a lot of meetings with me on publishing 15:46:13 ... she actually knows a bit about EPUB and all of these 15:46:20 ... she would be a good contact 15:46:45 ... we also know people at Alibaba 15:46:58 ... it's an interesting idea, it's certainly something to explore 15:47:00 ack ge 15:47:45 George: I still think the notion of best practice collections and best way to do things on images or whatever is separate from Daisy KB or accessibility, but "how to get the job done" people would be interested in 15:47:53 ... but we've never gotten it off the ground 15:48:16 ... perhaps the CG could showcase one of the taskforce's work and let the TFs meet when it works for them 15:48:17 ack liisamk 15:48:35 liisamk: One of the things we've been working on in the BG is the idea of FXL + reflow 15:48:39 ... we've gotten interest 15:48:50 ... we're talking about it again to build usecases 15:49:06 q+ 15:49:14 ... I have colleagues building tests for this 15:49:19 ... it works but not as expected 15:49:24 ... getting to implementation 15:49:35 ... a CG taskforce and participation from big retailers 15:49:45 ... I've heard from big retailers that there's interest 15:49:51 q? 15:49:56 ack wendyreid 15:49:58 scribe+ 15:50:05 Wendy: glad that the BG is looking at this 15:50:21 ... it's also a topic being discussed in the FX Layout Accessibiility TF 15:50:41 ... let's work closely to avoid duplication of effort 15:50:56 q+ 15:51:02 ack Garth 15:51:06 ... the WG isn't making changes to the EPUB A11y spec but we should still coordinate 15:51:30 Garth: FXL + flow, it's supported in the current spec, not as well implemented 15:51:44 ... no spec changes, just RS support 15:51:55 liisamk: Trying to get RS support and publisher support 15:52:14 tzviya: And the WG is trying to make it accessible 15:52:23 Garth: Sample content would be helpful 15:52:34 tzviya: Last topci 15:52:40 s/topci/topic 15:52:50 ... George and I were in a WAI coordination call 15:53:13 ... we were asked about some videos that EOWG was working on, and that there was enough represenation of the publishing community 15:53:22 topic: Review videos from WAI EO for publishing content 15:53:48 https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/Video-Based_Resources/WCAG_Requirements 15:53:55 ... here's the list of requirements 15:54:03 ... the most interesting part is 15:54:06 https://wai-wcag-videos.netlify.app/sc-1.3.2/ 15:54:16 ... this one was written with publishing in mind 15:54:42 ... if we could get some volunteers to review this and the perspective of publishing is repped accordingly 15:54:57 log concerns at https://github.com/w3c/wai-wcag-videos/issues 15:55:06 Ralph: George and Avneesh could recommend something 15:55:14 George: This is asking us to jump in with EO's work 15:55:21 ... I will take a look at what Shadi has done 15:55:34 ... I imagine many of these videos pertain to publishing 15:55:41 avneeshsingh: Do we have a deadline? 15:55:48 George: They want feedback within a week 15:55:57 ... final deadline is December 15:56:11 q+ for an off-topic announcement 15:56:14 tzviya: This is for WCAG 2 but will carry into WCAG 3 15:56:23 ack dauwhe 15:56:23 dauwhe, you wanted to discuss an off-topic announcement 15:56:25 ... there may be gaps moreso than inaccuracies 15:56:53 * collective cheering * 15:58:19 avneeshsingh: I can reach out to the a11y TF 16:00:42 zakim, end meeting 16:00:42 As of this point the attendees have been tzviya, avneeshsingh, dauwhe, ivan, wendyreid, liisamk, George, Garth, Ralph, mateus, BillK, Cristina 16:00:44 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:00:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/09-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 16:00:47 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:00:51 Zakim has left #pbgsc 16:02:37 rrsagent, bye 16:02:37 I see no action items