15:31:11 RRSAgent has joined #silver-functional 15:31:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-silver-functional-irc 15:31:14 rrsagent, make log world 15:31:23 meeting: A11Y Functional Needs 15:31:24 CharlesHall has joined #silver-functional 15:31:30 chair: MichaelC 15:31:33 scribe: MichaelC 15:32:10 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-a11y-functional-needs/2021Apr/0004.html 15:32:16 present+ 15:32:23 JakeAbma_ has joined #silver-functional 15:32:29 present+ 15:34:04 topic: WBS of user needs 15:34:15 Maybe not ready until we make progress on other things 15:34:33 define user need, intersectional need, context 15:35:45 i too have presented on the topic when the list was created: https://bit.ly/functionalneeds 15:37:05 lots of ways to slice and dice the needs 15:37:12 how abstract to get? 15:38:01 user needs, outcomes, functional needs 15:38:14 need examples of what the needs mean 15:38:27 categorizations depend on target group 15:43:11 goals - needs at the level of ¨pay a bill¨ 15:43:55 Might want to define abstract user needs, specific user needs, contextual user needs 15:45:30 some specific needs like portrait vs landscape orientation are more like preferences 15:51:58 need to work together on this 15:52:06 have an extended work session 15:52:08 perhaps 2 hours 15:52:14 M or F best days 15:52:15 MC to poll 15:53:21 please prepare questions or proposals for us to go over at that meeting 15:54:13 there are existing definitions, make sure it´s not confusing to have our own 15:54:17 or use different terms 15:54:25 or don´t redefine if we can help it 15:58:56 need to figure out where Robust lives 17:06:36 zakim, bye 17:06:36 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been CharlesHall, JakeAbma_ 17:06:36 Zakim has left #silver-functional 17:06:41 present+ 17:06:52 regrets: Toddy_Libby, Joshue_O_Connor 17:07:27 scribeOptions: -final 17:07:33 rrsagent, make minutes 17:07:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-silver-functional-minutes.html MichaelC