16:51:22 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:51:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-aria-irc 16:51:24 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:51:25 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 16:51:32 meeting: ARIA WG 16:51:32 chair: JamesNurthen 16:52:08 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2021Apr/0002.html 16:52:08 clear agenda 16:52:08 agenda+ New Issue Triage 16:52:08 agenda+ New PR Triage 16:52:08 agenda+ Meaty topic for next week 16:52:08 agenda+ 1.2 - How are we validating Author MUST statements? 16:52:11 agenda+ 1.2 -User agent implementation expectations for name-prohibited roles with names? 16:52:14 agenda+ Detectability of AT 16:52:17 agenda+ onboarding 16:52:20 agenda+ Add role=image as synonym for role=img 16:52:22 agenda+ 1.3 Triage 16:52:25 agenda+ New Issue Triage agenda+ New PR Triage agenda+ Meaty topic for next week agenda+ 1.2 - How are we validating Author MUST statements? agenda+ 1.2 -User agent implementation expectations for name-prohibited roles with 16:52:29 … names? agenda+ Detectability of AT agenda+ onboarding agenda+ Add role=image as synonym for role=img agenda+ 1.3 16:52:34 … Triage 16:52:35 agenda- 10 16:52:49 agenda? 17:02:53 StefanS has joined #aria 17:02:57 present+ 17:03:52 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 17:05:03 Greta has joined #aria 17:05:32 siri has joined #aria 17:05:43 present+ 17:07:25 carmacleod has joined #aria 17:07:34 present+ 17:10:19 scribe: carmacleod 17:10:28 zakim, next item 17:10:28 agendum 1 -- New Issue Triage -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:10:54 harris has joined #aria 17:11:00 present+ 17:11:05 CurtBellew has joined #aria 17:11:30 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1451 17:11:38 present+ 17:11:48 Jemma has joined #aria 17:12:15 present+ 17:12:45 Jaunita_George has joined #aria 17:12:47 MarkMcCarthy has joined #aria 17:12:52 present+ 17:13:34 WillT has joined #aria 17:13:41 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1451 17:14:24 Scott_OHara: I'll take this 17:14:34 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1450 17:14:41 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1447 17:16:28 Several features are deprecated in 1.2, so we do have precedent and pattern 17:17:10 sarah_higley has joined #aria 17:17:24 present+ 17:17:37 zakim, next item 17:17:37 agendum 2 -- New PR Triage -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:18:23 Will_T has joined #aria 17:18:28 zakim, next item 17:18:28 agendum 2 was just opened, carmacleod 17:18:37 zakim, close item 2 17:18:37 agendum 2, New PR Triage, closed 17:18:38 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:18:38 3. Meaty topic for next week [from agendabot] 17:18:42 agenda? 17:19:32 Question -- where's the draft for 1.3? 17:20:24 Secondary actions on items in composite widget roles #1440 for next week 17:20:36 Juanita: https://w3c.github.io/aria/ 17:21:21 zakim, next item 17:21:21 agendum 3 -- Meaty topic for next week -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:21:26 zakim, next item 17:21:26 agendum 3 was just opened, carmacleod 17:21:50 in 2 weeks Data Visualization discussion 17:21:50 = 17:21:57 zakim, close item 3 17:21:57 agendum 3, Meaty topic for next week, closed 17:21:58 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:21:58 4. 1.2 - How are we validating Author MUST statements? [from agendabot] 17:22:00 zakim, next item 17:22:00 agendum 4 -- 1.2 - How are we validating Author MUST statements? -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:22:04 s/=/ 17:22:40 The implementation report and summary of changes seem to imply that the ARIA 1.1 comboboxes will remain, though that role highlights "Major Changes to combobox role in ARIA 1.2". This implies a lack of implementations of the ARIA 1.2 combobox changes, and raises questions of what other changes ARIA 1.2 brings that the summary of changes did not document. 17:23:29 q+ 17:24:27 joanie: The 1.2 changes are all for authors, except for valuetext. 17:25:21 StefanS: The ARIA group should certify a validator. 17:25:36 Q+ 17:25:50 ack s 17:26:38 q? 17:26:45 q+ 17:27:03 q+ to ask Michael what we have done in previous versions 17:27:24 ack j 17:27:33 ack jemma 17:29:11 jemma: I think Joanie is asking whether we should validate what authors write? 17:29:34 ack Juan 17:29:37 ack juanita 17:29:59 ack Jaunita_George 17:30:15 ack me 17:30:15 jamesn, you wanted to ask Michael what we have done in previous versions 17:30:33 joanie: does that report need to include validators 17:30:51 jamesn: didn't we have validators in the past 17:31:37 MichaelC: I think that if we want authors must requirements, then we need to validate them 17:32:07 MichaelC: I have a vague memory of saying that it's trivial for authors to follow these requirements 17:32:44 jamesn: Harris, is there a way to know if axe covers all of these? 17:32:51 Sorry, would this task force be the one who could help with this: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/ 17:32:57 harris: possibly 17:36:03 scott: what do we need to prove here? We know that the implementations are there. 17:38:16 q+ 17:38:23 jamesn: I think we need to prove that author must statements are implementable 17:38:26 q- 17:40:08 sarah_higley: why aren't the combobox changes listed in the section on substantive changes 17:40:28 q+ 17:40:54 jamesn: They are, but there are 2 sections that need to be merged into one. That will be done before PR. 17:41:30 q- 17:41:44 q- 17:42:01 agenda? 17:42:16 scott: can we add a note to the 1.1 spec? 17:42:22 jamesn: no, sorry 17:43:02 scott: because a problem is that people still use the 1.1 spec because 1.2 isn't rec yet 17:43:20 sarah_higley: and people still have a link to the 1.1 spec 17:43:44 I can help with the testing documentation with both manual/automated testing 17:45:46 action jamesn: find a diff between author requirements between 1.1 and 1.2 17:45:50 zakim, next item 17:45:50 agendum 5 -- 1.2 -User agent implementation expectations for name-prohibited roles with names? -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:50:46 scott: focusable div should be a group. 17:51:02 Maybe a new role? Like role="generic"? 17:51:38 jamesn: should contenteditable be a textbox? 17:51:52 wow. that is a good idea. 17:52:06 Joannie's idea 17:52:33 scott: no, because contenteditable is allowed on every element, and having all textboxes doesn't work very well 17:53:23 Jaunita, we have a generic role: https://w3c.github.io/aria/#generic 17:54:25 scott: regarding authors must... it's a specification, follow it 17:54:52 zakim, next item 17:54:52 agendum 6 -- Detectability of AT -- taken up [from agendabot] 17:55:20 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1371#issuecomment-813689264 17:56:18 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1371#issuecomment-813697743 17:57:03 Greta has joined #ARIA 17:57:25 Thanks @carmacleod. 17:58:20 jamesn: Any comments on the privacy group's proposed change? 17:59:38 jemma: JamesN, your comment is easier to read, but their comment says why 18:00:46 jamesn: not sure if we want to say "invasion of privacy"? 18:00:59 jemma: we don' want to scare people 18:01:12 s/don'/don't 18:02:39 present +