18:39:27 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 18:39:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-aria-at-irc 18:39:48 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 18:39:56 CHAIR: Matt King 18:40:06 rrsagent, make log public 18:40:10 present+ 18:40:15 rrsagent, make minutes 18:40:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 19:01:45 alflennik has joined #aria-at 19:03:41 marie_s has joined #aria-at 19:05:03 present+ 19:07:04 present+ 19:07:06 present+ 19:07:27 jesdaigle has joined #aria-at 19:07:36 present+ 19:07:40 present+ sina 19:07:48 present+ James_Schoels 19:07:56 Present+ Hadi 19:08:22 TOPIC: Next patterns to write tests for 19:09:07 JS: Few weeks ago developed a list of patterns, and we've finished the ones we can wrk on at this time. 19:09:29 Done with buttons, started horizontal slider, nav tree under review. 19:09:39 blocked on other items on list b/c they are getting updated. 19:09:47 includes vertical sliders 19:11:12 Are there others we should avoid. 19:11:26 Or should PAC make a list of suggestions. 19:11:36 MK: not aware of any to avoid. 19:11:50 Hadi: why we call simple button a command button. 19:12:32 js: to distinguish between toggle and simple, steering clear of just button which has multiple examples. 19:24:57 JS: Propose alert, alertDialog, and breadcrumb can start now. 19:25:12 We can work through the list from the top alphabetically. 19:25:29 MK: Propose we discuss which patterns at start of meetig each week 19:25:57 TOPIC: Test Format 19:26:32 js: Deep dive based on initial proposal that Bocoup put together 19:26:55 This is what we call hybrid format, supporting both manual and automated testing. 19:27:31 Added list of issues that need to be addressed by the format proposal to the agenda, probably can't deep dive into each issue today. 19:28:03 Seth: start by talking about the proposal details. We have identified numerous dependent issues and a few subtopics. 19:28:15 Including what data is in the test and how it is encoded. 19:28:31 Want to have a phased approach to updating existing tests. 19:28:46 Start with overview of proposal. 19:29:38 Want to understand how this is coming across, how understandable, or need additional detail? Do we need to break it apart into more digestable pices. 19:29:55 Both an encoding format and content spec. 19:30:13 Currently have a few csv files that reference each other. 19:30:35 They generate a bunch a bunch of html files that embed data into json 19:31:17 Bit question is how we can make info in csv tables encode the same meaning for manual test writing but also accomodate more info needed by an automated runner. 19:33:35 Current format has a csv file called tests.csv that includes 3 key things: instructions for humans, machine readable kb commands (referenced by an ID in commands.csv), and seies of assertionswhich are stated in natural language for a human to understand. 19:34:47 What part of this format breaks if tyring to have a machine run the tests? 19:34:57 s/tyring/trying/ 19:35:25 Assertions need to become some sort of pseudo code for a machine. 19:36:10 js: the machine does not need to know anything about the intent of the test. 19:36:49 it needs to know to press x to jump to checkbox. It needs to know what key to press, but it does not need to know intent. 19:38:28 Seth: Let me back up and make my observation more generic. Where test format has separate human andmachine readable content, our goal is to differentiate between a part that the human needs to read and a part that machine needs to consume or parts that could be both. 19:39:25 Yes, the the machine does not need to know the purpose of the command, but there is some benefit to standardizing on a syntax that can be used consistently for all the info in the table. 19:40:30 One of the big changes in proposal is that we are thinking about merging instructions, commands, and assertions into a single element. 19:43:33 js: not understanding why the assertions need to be machine readable. The human assertions can each by matches to a given output. 19:44:04 How would we templatize something like "presence of autocomplete is conveyed. 19:44:35 Theoutput is what determines what passes or fails. We can state good output. 19:46:31 I don't think the tests list should be responsible for listing all the ways to achieve a given output. There are a lot of ways to get a given result, e.g., speak a checkbox. 19:46:51 Seth: recognize this is a departure that comes with a cost. 19:47:11 Want Alex to give some toughts on this? 19:47:43 Alex: Talking what each cell might look like in a row of the csv. 19:47:59 Want to describe accurately without getting muddled in details. 19:48:25 When we say Press:X, that doesn't have to be a specific key. X could be a list of commands. 19:48:52 Sina: what is the overarching problem we are tyring to solve. 19:50:33 mk: Do I understand right that X could be a command that represents in kind or amount of input? 19:50:49 Alex: yes 19:51:06 JS, Sina : that helps 19:52:11 Sina: Is it the case that most of the time we expect the speech output for a variety of similar commands, e.g., x, f, tab to go to checkbox, to result the same output. 19:52:17 JS: no 20:00:05 So, the 2 variables that most often effect output are AT and mode 20:00:22 Sina: What are the problems not being solved here? 20:00:48 James: templatized reusable assertions 20:07:12 js: Think we need iterative approach to the problems that addresses some of our immediate needs to make test writing easier and more understandable. 20:07:27 that could add more understanding to the conversation. 20:07:35 mk: seems like we need a workshop of some kind. 20:08:06 Seth: agree, le't cut meeting here. sounds like we need a slightly different approach to making decisions, maybe a workshop. 20:08:40 Sina: we have a known list of simple changes, workshop can move forward from that point. 20:08:52 Seth: sounds good, we don't need to use workshop time on that. 20:09:27 js: Before workshop, put together some simple examples, and propose how it would look in the end 20:10:01 Seth: did try to show before and after but maybe tring to make moves that were too big 20:10:12 rrsagent, make minutes 20:10:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 20:11:20 Seth: great feedback; we'll be in touch about next steps. 20:11:26 rrsagent, make minutes 20:11:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 20:11:30 zakim, bye 20:11:30 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Matt_King, s3ththompson, marie_s, alflennik, jesdaigle, sina, James_Schoels, Hadi 20:11:30 Zakim has left #aria-at 20:11:42 rrsagent, make minutes 20:11:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/08-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King