14:36:29 RRSAgent has joined #did 14:36:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-did-irc 14:36:31 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:36:32 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 14:36:40 Meeting: DID WG Telco 14:36:40 Chair: burn 14:36:40 Date: 2021-04-06 14:36:40 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Apr/0012.html 14:36:56 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2021-04-06: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Apr/0012.html 14:36:57 Regrets+ manu, brent 14:41:15 yoshiaki has joined #DID 14:56:44 burn has joined #did 14:59:28 TallTed has joined #did 14:59:32 present+ 15:01:12 justin_r has joined #did 15:01:21 chriswinc has joined #did 15:01:37 GeunHyung_Kim has joined #did 15:01:47 present+ 15:01:53 present+ 15:02:08 present+ 15:02:26 present+ 15:02:43 yes 15:03:06 present+ 15:03:28 zakim, who is here? 15:03:28 Present: burn, rhiaro, GeunHyung_Kim, shigeya, cel, ivan 15:03:30 On IRC I see GeunHyung_Kim, chriswinc, justin_r, TallTed, burn, RRSAgent, Zakim, tzviya, dmitriz, ivan, ChristopherA, dlehn1, wayne, faceface, shigeya, cel, bigbluehat, 15:03:30 ... hadleybeeman, dlongley, manu, Travis_, rhiaro 15:03:36 markus_sabadello has joined #did 15:03:37 Topic: Agenda Review, Introductions, Re-introductions 15:03:38 present+ 15:03:42 scribe+ 15:03:55 agropper has joined #did 15:03:59 present+ 15:04:07 Special topic call will be about W3C Notes we will be working on. Then we hope to get an update on DID Rubric, and status review of DID Rubric. 15:04:56 s/Special topic call/today's call/ 15:05:07 Anyone joining for the first time? Anyone want to re-introduce? 15:05:14 burn: Maybe Adrian? 15:05:32 KelseyRhoda has joined #did 15:05:33 regrets+ dlongley 15:05:40 present+ 15:05:48 present+ TallTed, justin_r, adrian, KelseyRhoda, kristina 15:05:55 agropper: I am around as Invited Expert on privacy and community issues. I'm volunteer CTO of Patient Privacy Rights, and also lead of a reference implementation of some of the SSI stuff, called HIE of One. 15:06:01 jonathan_holt has joined #did 15:06:11 present+ chriswinc 15:06:11 agropper: One of my immediate goals is to harmonize IETF GNAP with data models of VCs and DIDs. 15:06:13 Topic: Special Topic Call 15:06:19 drummond has joined #did 15:06:20 present+ dmitriz 15:06:28 present+ 15:06:33 burn: Special topic call will be on Thursday at noon US Eastern. 15:06:39 burn: This will be a test suite working sessions. 15:06:41 present+ 15:06:48 present+ jonathan_holt 15:06:50 burn: Also if you're in the process of writing tests and need help 15:06:58 burn: Last session on test suite was quite productive. 15:07:03 Topic: Additional Notes 15:07:28 burn: We have two WG Notes: 1. DID Rubric, and 2. Implementation Guide. 15:07:43 burn: There is a first draft of the Rubric document. I believe something has come in for the Implementation Guide. 15:08:02 burn: People have expressed interest in the Imp Guide, need a draft by end of April. 15:08:20 burn: If we do not have a first draft by end of this month, then as a WG we will encourage not to produce something. 15:08:39 burn: We havent agreed on the PR as first draft, but there's some text to look at. 15:08:50 burn: If you have any opinions, now is the time to contribute. 15:08:58 Topic: DID Rubric status update 15:09:25 burn: Anyone know the status of the DID Rubric? 15:09:52 dmitriz: I know that Joe &co are actively working on it. I reviewed one of the drafts. It is in progress. 15:09:59 burn: But it's still not a first draft? 15:10:05 dmitriz: Reach out to Joe, it might be ready for that. 15:10:25 burn: We're at a point where it has to officially move into the group and become one of the WG items. 15:10:33 burn: Otherwise we won't have time for the group to work on it. 15:10:41 dmitriz: Do you mind emailing Joe? 15:11:00 burn: The chairs will follow up on that. 15:11:02 Topic: Test Suite status review 15:11:15 q+ 15:11:23 scribe+ 15:11:28 ack markus_sabadello 15:11:45 markus_sabadello: I was on the last special topic call where we made a lot of progress, merged all the PRs 15:11:52 ... people have contributed a lot of work, multiple people have contributed not just one or two 15:12:05 ... the PRs that have arrived pretty much cover all of the spec, or almost all of it 15:12:21 ... what has to happen now is some restructuring and harmonisation because different test implementers becauseu people have approached it differently 15:12:27 ... and there's a certain amount of duplication 15:12:30 ... there oculd be code reuse 15:12:33 ... that is expected at this stage 15:12:35 ... it's looking good 15:12:45 ... now just about deduplicating things and getting the test suite into a structure that works for everybody 15:12:55 ... I don't think it's quite ready yet for did method implementers to submit their data or results 15:12:59 ... because there is this restructuring going on 15:13:01 ... but almost ready 15:13:06 Topic: DID Method Implementations 15:13:09 scribe+ 15:13:14 dbuc has joined #did 15:13:17 present+ 15:13:26 present+ 15:13:30 burn: There is some refactoring that still needs to happen. 15:13:43 burn: This is not a call for implementations yet, this is a call to get ready. 15:14:08 burn: Once the refactoring is done, we will be asking implementers to submit their reports. 15:14:27 burn: Anyone planning to submit, please mention it in the chat. 15:14:31 +1 impl report for did-key, did-veres-one and did-web 15:14:37 Microsoft will submit, possibly incoordination with other Sidetree implementers 15:14:38 q+ 15:14:49 ack mark 15:14:58 markus_sabadello: manu did create a PR to do this refactoring or part of it 15:15:01 kristina has joined #did 15:15:02 ... not merged yet 15:15:10 ... can't say if after that PR we'll be ready for data 15:15:15 ... but that work is happening to this refactoring 15:15:24 present+ 15:15:25 ... the second comment is that the idea is that there could be multiple types of implementations that can be submitted 15:15:34 ... so you don't necessarily have to implement your own did method, you can also test implementations of other parts of the spec 15:15:40 ... producers, consumers, parsers, resolvers 15:15:41 present+ dpuc 15:15:53 ... the idea of the test suite would be that you can submit implementation reports for those things even if you don't implement your own did method 15:15:57 scribe+ 15:16:15 burn: dbuc, do you know what you are planning to support? 15:16:26 burn: e.g. are you planning to submit implementation support for JSON 15:16:33 dbuc: We'll support both. 15:16:54 burn: That's helpful, we were not sure if we will get enough implementations of JSON. 15:16:58 +1 Spruce to submit an implementation report, possibly including did:tz, did:key, did:web, did:onion 15:17:16 yes 15:17:28 JSON, by way of doing basically nothing to the JSON-LD variant 15:17:36 burn: We need to cover all of the tests, this includes the various implementations. 15:17:49 Topic: Test Suite Issues 15:18:19 burn: As chairs, we wanted to go over test suite issues, and DID Core issues. 15:18:50 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc 15:19:15 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues/53 15:19:15 markus_sabadello: we can go over the 10 open issues 15:19:32 ... the first one I raised. I submitted tests for did resolution and url dereferencing sections, which have bene merged 15:19:47 subtopic: Missing tests in DID Resolution and DID URL Dereferencing @issue 53 15:19:47 ... this issue tracks sentences in those sections that are not yet covered 15:20:16 ... eg. in did core there's a statement that says a conforming did method spec must guarantee that each equivalent id value is logically equivalent to the id property value. Not sure if this is testable at all 15:20:19 ... that's what this issue is about 15:20:34 q+ 15:20:42 ack dbuc 15:20:55 dbuc: we had one we were taking about in a PR that we were going to mod some language.. 15:21:20 ... did we decide if we're going to accept... the equivalent stuff the method defines.. there are ways inside method sto figure this out 15:21:37 ... can we accept a test where an implementation test takes in a did and says I've got an equivalent and id property, I'll save both - test success 15:21:38 ... is that acceptable? 15:22:04 markus_sabadello: I don't know, the did core spec says a conforming did method must guarantee that some identifiers are logically equivalent. I don't know how to write a tests that tests that the did method spec guarantees that 15:22:13 dbuc: it would happen inside.. i don't know that the external thing would be testing that 15:22:28 s/issue 53/issue did-test-suite#53/ 15:23:02 ... eg. the did spec says the did method should determine the correct keys to put in the did doc.. I don't know how it's doing that, we can't test inside all the methods how they're doing that.. grabbing keys and sticking them in a json object.. but because we tell them they output the correct json doc we assume they get the correct keys 15:23:14 burn: if you join on thursday that would be a great time to discuss the topic 15:23:18 dbuc: okay 15:23:32 I am, will do 15:23:34 burn: and you were also signed up to write some tests? good chance to talk about that and the question 15:23:43 markus_sabadello: this is one case where I just didn't know how to write a test, maybe someone can help in a working session 15:23:47 dbuc: I don't think there is a way 15:23:55 markus_sabadello: that might occur in several more times 15:24:03 ... we discover some statement where we don't have a way of tesing it in an automated wya 15:24:06 ... not sure then what we need to do 15:24:18 ... we've had discussions a few times if you can still have normative statements in the spec without testing them in an automated way 15:24:29 ... in that case they'd have to be demonstrated in some other way that it is possible to implement them 15:24:37 ... we've had those discussions, manu and ivan know better how that works 15:24:47 DID Key and some other initial state long-form type DIDs are really the only ones you could 'test' if they have included the correct keys 15:24:49 ... if we can't demonstrate that it's possible to implement then the alternative is to not use normative language 15:24:57 ... and just say did methods are expected to guarantee that instead of saying MUST 15:25:02 DID Key is a key, so obviously you can know what the right key should be 15:25:02 ... other peopl ekno better what to do in these cases 15:25:17 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues/51 15:25:28 markus_sabadello: I'm not familiar with this one, self describing 15:25:29 subtopic: How will be produce visualization of the test results @issue did-test-suite#51 15:25:32 But any method that has had a rotation occur forms the correct key associations internally 15:25:45 so that's always going to be specific to the method 15:25:47 ... test report in the form of a json file 15:25:52 as everything in the DID Doc is 15:25:52 ... a number o fways of how to render that in html 15:25:57 including Service Endpoints 15:26:13 burn: even though we don't have a notion of editorial with the test suite, this falls into that category 15:26:18 ... presentation, not about the actual running of the tests 15:26:25 q+ 15:26:31 ... in the end orie will decide osmething but if you have an opinion, express it 15:26:32 ack ivan 15:26:43 ivan: we discussed this with orie on the last call 15:26:53 ... we will have to produce some sort of report of the whoel CR phase, test results, implementations, etc 15:26:58 ... there are other examples in other WGs 15:27:05 ... I can help with that at the end 15:27:17 ... the only thing it affects right now is that there should be a clear strucured wya of characterising each test 15:27:20 ... metadata about the test 15:27:23 ... and about the implementations 15:27:30 ... once those are there in some format, whatever format, we can do something at the end 15:27:45 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues/50 15:27:50 subtopic: Proposal to create a suite per major section of the spec @issue did-test-suite#50 15:27:55 markus_sabadello: relatively simple 15:28:11 ... internal restructuring to organise the test suite into multiple suites which each contain tests related to one section 15:28:20 ... in the initial draft of the test suite we had one suite which contained a huge list of tests 15:28:28 ... this is a way of dividing and structuring the test suite a bit better 15:28:33 ... will result in better reports 15:28:50 burn: also editorial 15:28:54 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues/49 15:29:00 markus_sabadello: next is similar, about restructuring the input files 15:29:09 ... in an early version there was a single gigantic input file with lots of dids and did docs 15:29:17 ... and production and consumption inputs and outputs for multiple dids and did methods 15:29:19 ... in a single file 15:29:25 ... this issue is about organising that better and splitting up that one file 15:29:29 subtopic: Proposal to refactor the input json into js files @issue did-test-suite#49 15:29:31 ... which will be easier for people to submit their own data 15:29:34 ... uncontroversial 15:29:35 q? 15:29:44 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues/48 15:29:45 subtopic: Producer tests should be of the ADM not resolution result @issue did-test-suite#48 15:29:50 markus_sabadello: next is substantive 15:30:00 ... other issues related 15:30:05 ... how to properly test the ADM and different representations 15:30:17 ... a topic that has taken time on the working calls to specify that in did core 15:30:22 ... now we're working on how to properly test that in the test suite 15:30:40 ... there are existing tests that have been merged related to production and consumption and this issue is to keep track of improvements that may have to be made onto those tests 15:30:53 ... to distinguish between the did doc as a data model and the did doc as a concrete representation 15:31:03 ... ideally the test suite would distinguish between the ADM and the representations in clean way 15:31:18 ... production tests and ocnsumption tests and reoslution tests would either operation on the data model or the representations depending on what the spec says 15:31:30 burn: manu's last comment was that you, orie and cel need to get to gether to decide on a plan 15:31:32 ... do you have a plan? 15:31:37 markus_sabadello: I don't think we have that yet 15:31:42 ... special topic call might be an opportunity 15:31:58 ... a case where things have moved very fast in past weeks, people have worked in paraellel and done certain things slightly differently 15:32:16 q+ 15:32:27 ... I think cel has done it really nicely 15:32:35 ... very clean distinction between those layers 15:32:42 ack jonathan_holt 15:32:53 jonathan_holt: one thing i was working on before was representing the ADM in ABNF rules 15:32:58 ... that is supported in the CDDL 15:33:00 thanks markus_sabadello 15:33:04 ... I haven't seen the test suite in a while, getting back up to speed 15:33:14 ... but curious if I were to write an ABNF rule for the entire spec would that be received well? 15:33:21 q+ 15:33:30 ... would it be a soultion? I have a hard time with the ADM being too abstract, I can't test for it 15:33:38 ack markus_sabadello 15:33:42 ... I haven't followed the typescript representation orie has been working on 15:33:51 markus_sabadello: i suspect people would ask how an abnf applies to an abstract data model 15:33:54 ... probably a deeper conversation 15:33:58 ... abnf is a way of specifying a syntax 15:34:07 ... specify an abnf for one of the representaitons, not sure how you'd use it to describe the ADM 15:34:12 ... but maybe I'm missing something 15:34:22 burn: probably a good topic for thursday 15:34:38 ... we're missing some people today 15:34:43 ... would be good to raise on thursday or to submit as an issue 15:34:59 markus_sabadello: point of the test suite is to test all t he normative statement sin the did core spec 15:35:06 ... we need to prove that it is possible to implement all those statements 15:35:23 ... if that can be done with an abnf maybe that would be useful but we should look at how exactlyt hat would be done and which statements in the spec that would test 15:35:38 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues/36 15:35:45 subtopic: Use of better jest matchers @issue did-test-suite#36 15:35:49 markus_sabadello: next is about using jest matchers 15:35:56 ... I'm not a javascript expert so I probably can't explain that well 15:36:01 ... shigeya is here, maybe..? 15:36:28 shigeya: a way to define matches which is construct like a ?? sometimes useful whether you want to test whether the expected variable is in a string 15:36:31 ... or certain kind of string 15:36:40 ... eg. we have tons of the did identifier syntax 15:37:03 ... so we are going to have a string that matches.. can be easier to do it.. easy to chang ethe syntax if we want to change it 15:37:06 ... I'm going to write matches 15:37:10 ... maybe later this week or early next week 15:37:17 ... so we can refactor the entire test suite to be simpler 15:37:20 ... that's the idea 15:37:22 markus_sabadello: sounds fantastic 15:37:34 ... has exactly to do with this kind of paraellel implementation and code uplication we have right now 15:37:39 s/matches/matchers/ 15:37:55 ... at least three different people who have worked on tests for different sections have all writeen some kind of test code that checks if a string is a valid did that conforms with the syntax because that's somthing that occurs in many parts of the spec 15:38:03 ... therefore different people have implemented a test for did syntax in different ways 15:38:13 ... if we had a jest matcher for the test suite that does that it will save everybody work 15:38:17 ... and result in a more correct test suite 15:38:39 markus_sabadello: next two are self explanatory 15:38:42 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues/33 15:38:43 subtopic: need clear instructions for implementers @issue did-test-suite#33 15:38:47 https://github.com/w3c/did-test-suite/issues/32 15:38:55 ... also related to refactoring 15:39:09 ... implementers of a did method or the spec in another way so they know how exactly they submit their data 15:39:27 burn: pretty straightforward 15:39:31 scribejs, issue did-test-suite#33 15:39:37 markus_sabadello: last two are about sections of the spec which are still missing 15:39:41 ... ther eare not tests yet 15:40:10 subtopic: Need tests for CBOR/JSON Production and Consumption @issue did-test-suite#28,did-test-suite#26 15:40:37 ... those are about sections tha tdon't have tests 15:40:42 ... 28 is about cbor 15:40:45 ... 26 is about json 15:40:53 ... there are test for jsonld production and consumption 15:41:01 ... and for generic sections about production and consumption that are not representation specific 15:41:13 ... it looks like there are no tests yet for cbor and json production and consumption 15:41:26 ... the cbor one is assigned to orie and json is assigned to ?? 15:41:40 s/??/Daniel/ 15:41:47 burn: we were hoping for someone like jonathan ot contribute on the cbor 15:42:02 jonathan_holt: doing my best to get back in the swing with DID contributions 15:42:20 burn: daniel can you contribute on the json? the json format in particular was one of the biggest requests from microsoft on day one of the working group 15:42:28 ... so we really want to make sure it's complete 15:42:52 dbuc: the way we've gone about it I don't know... it's worked perfectly fine working jsonld as json and saying you don't have to resolve contexts 15:42:57 ... I can work on any tests that take that approach 15:43:01 ... that's what we're doing in our implementation 15:43:04 ... make sense? 15:43:10 q+ 15:43:11 ... are there bugs or issues out there that want it to be different than that? 15:43:14 ack markus_sabadello 15:43:15 q+ 15:43:33 Yesssss :) 15:43:34 I do 15:43:35 markus_sabadello: i know some people want to treat jsonld and json as equivalent and to include @context in both and this has to do with long discussions we had 15:43:36 Lazy 15:43:40 don't want to care 15:43:48 ... my personal opinion is this is not what the did core spec describes right now 15:44:00 ... it does not envision that json and jsonld are byte to byte equivalent 15:44:06 ... if that's what WG members want to do we should change the did core spec 15:44:09 q? 15:44:13 ... right now on the test suite we need to take the normative statements 15:44:21 ... the open issues on the test suite they list the normative statements that need to be tested 15:44:23 q+ 15:44:24 ... so we need to work based on that 15:44:27 ack justin_r 15:44:38 justin_r: +1 to what markus was saying 15:45:02 ... one of the things that got brought up a necessary test conditon is that a did doc that is described to be in plain json should be allowed to have the @context field and have it be a completely invalid value, and that should pass 15:45:08 ... that should get parsed, the @context dumped into the bucket 15:45:14 ... with whatever value it is 15:45:18 ... no checking if it's an array or string or anything 15:45:21 Yes Justin, yeeeessss 15:45:30 Love everything you are saying right now 15:45:32 ... so if you have the @context value with boolean false an d a plain json encoding by the way the did core spec is defined today that is allowable 15:45:50 ... because the reserializaiton on the producer side needs ot be able to place the appropriate context value and not just pass through blindly whatever it was handed 15:46:11 ... I will say I'm not personally familiar with the structure and function of the test suite code to suggest how to contribute this piece and don't have the bandwidth, I apologise for that 15:46:18 ... but that is the type of corner case we need to have tests cases for 15:46:32 ... if you're doing lazy validation that's not proving you're compliant 15:46:38 ack dbuc 15:46:52 dbuc: the interesting thing.. it doesn't say anything about must exclude properties... isn't lazy validation accurate? 15:47:04 ... if you had context with a bool and the spec doesn't say it has to be right isnt' the way i'd write the test to not deal with that property? 15:47:08 ... lazy validation is the valid wayt o do it? 15:47:12 q? 15:47:22 justin_r: you need to go one step further becasue the spec says what to say with unknown properties 15:47:27 ... in this case @context would be an unknown property 15:47:33 ... you need to make sure things will accept things with an invalid @context 15:47:35 ... that's important 15:47:39 q+ 15:47:50 ... not enought to just say if i give you something an call it plain json but i'ts really jsonld that you'll be happy with that, that's not enough 15:47:54 ... we need to test these kinds of things 15:48:07 ... if you do that by ignoring it using a precise definiton of ignore that' sin the spec, that's fine 15:48:09 ... that's not lazy validation 15:48:15 ack dbuc 15:48:16 ... that's explicitly handling unknown properties in a particular way 15:48:50 dbuc: instead of completely avoidng it or not putting any lines of code that deal with unknown properties, it'll iterate all the properties and have some sort of if that says if you're not in the set.. log it.. do something.. recognise it exists.. if it is in the set do what you're supposed to do? 15:49:07 ok, this makes sense 15:49:08 justin_r: to be specific what it does is processes the serliazed property based on the type value of the serialized property and puts it into the properties map 15:49:15 ... there will be an @context with boolean value of false inside the ADM 15:49:15 thank you justin 15:49:31 ... when it comes time to do a production from that ADM if you want to do it into jsonld your jsonld producer needs to be able to make sense of that bad @context value 15:49:40 ... and either throw an error there or replace it with a good @context value on thew ay out which is more likely 15:49:46 ... there are specific rules of how to handle these 15:49:54 ... from a code standpoint it does look like the else at the end of your validators 15:50:14 dbuc: that's a good answer, thank you 15:50:30 burn: issue 26 about json... orie had asked in feb whether you might be able to contribute in writing some tests 15:50:40 ... largely this is in here because microsoft fought hard for it 15:50:55 ... we want to make sure everyone else is not doing all of the test work 15:51:00 dbuc: I'll try to do something about it 15:51:14 I will get the mop bucket... 15:51:18 burn: I think that's it for the test issues 15:51:25 Topic: DID core issues 15:51:35 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-asc+-label%3Adefer-v2 15:51:38 scribe+ 15:51:51 Someone summon drummon 15:52:00 d 15:52:05 burn: I wanted to ask drummond to cover these, but he isn't present now 15:52:07 drummond went to a good health pass call i believe.. 15:52:35 burn: The link I dropped is about least recently updated.. Last updated was 6 days ago, which is a good sign. 15:52:50 burn: I will go through them and skip editorial ones 15:52:53 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/712 15:53:01 subtopic: Explain verification suite definition and explain reuse of verification method type/material @ISSUE 712 15:53:51 burn: Any comments about this issue? 15:54:25 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/717 15:54:42 subtopic: equivalentId and canonicalId should be optional @issue 717 15:54:51 Let's fight! 15:54:58 jk 15:55:15 burn: All involved people of this issue seem to be on the call, maybe we can move this forward. 15:55:46 markus_sabadello: I raised this because my reading of the spec text regarding the equivalent id and canonical id was that it felt like those are mandatory 15:55:49 scribejs, pr 720 15:55:52 ... or the spec did not say that they are optional 15:56:01 q+ 15:56:03 q+ 15:56:03 ... which is different from how other did doc metadata are described 15:56:12 ... I raised a simple PR that adds language to say that they are optional 15:56:24 ... I think that had support. Daniel then explained what this meant 15:56:27 ... and what did methods have to do 15:56:38 ... I'm not sure if the PR is sufficient or if there's anything else that needs to bed one 15:56:39 ack dbuc 15:57:02 dbuc: the interesting thing here is properties are required for methods that implement them. it's a directive that says if you're going to implement then you can't sometimes not throw them in 15:57:12 ... I don't know if we reflect that in the spec test.. optional in the general sense of did docs 15:57:17 ... if you choose to use these features it becomes required 15:57:20 ... not sure if we shoudl put that in 15:57:23 ack TallTed 15:57:30 TallTed: I'm fine with the text as its' in 720 15:57:37 ... it sounds like there's an addtiional piece 15:57:39 Open PR to address this issue: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/720 15:57:53 ... someplace else we said methods can be mroe stringent or can require something or can define things.. maybe there's another few words to throw in 15:58:00 ...I don't think this would count as a normative change to push another CR 15:58:15 q+ 15:58:15 ... the ambiguous test that suggested it was required would have meant that they forced it and the change to make it optional doesn't break anything 15:58:29 ack ivan 15:58:30 dbuc: I can say that any method impelmenting these, the 4 or 5 today, woudl not be broken by changing it to optional in the general document sense 15:58:46 ivan: daniel answered for those he knows about. Any change like that does it affect existing implementations? 15:58:52 ... if the answer is no then we are in a good place 15:58:55 dbuc: the answer is no 15:59:10 ... if they didn't, if they were broekn by this change it means they were misreadin gthe rest of the properties 15:59:31 will do 15:59:37 burn: is there anything not said by the existing text after 720 is applied? take a look at 720 and if it's not complete make a suggestion or a new PR 16:00:14 ... thanks everyone 16:00:15 gtg, thank you for all your help (Justin, Dan, Markus, Ted, etc.) 16:00:34 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-did-minutes.html ivan 16:02:02 zakim, end meeting 16:02:02 As of this point the attendees have been burn, rhiaro, GeunHyung_Kim, shigeya, cel, ivan, markus_sabadello, TallTed, dmitriz, justin_r, adrian, KelseyRhoda, kristina, chriswinc, 16:02:06 ... drummond, agropper, jonathan_holt, dbuc, dpuc 16:02:06 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:02:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-did-minutes.html Zakim 16:02:08 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:02:09 rrsagent, bye 16:02:09 I see no action items