04:46:34 RRSAgent has joined #dap 04:46:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-irc 04:58:14 anssik has joined #dap 04:58:56 oyiptong has joined #dap 05:00:45 present+ 05:00:49 Zakim, prepare meeting 05:00:49 RRSAgent, make logs Public 05:00:50 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), anssik 05:00:54 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 05:01:00 present+ Olivier Yiptong 05:01:11 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/756f098f-08f0-4230-80fb-4762754996a9 05:01:20 Meeting: Devices and Sensors WG - 2021 Q2 virtual meeting - New work 05:01:22 present+ Reilly Grant 05:01:24 present+ Raphael Kubo da Costa 05:02:00 kenchris has joined #dap 05:02:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:02:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:02:45 Self-hosted PWA: https://thelounge.chat/ 05:03:12 Chair: Anssi, Reilly 05:03:23 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:03:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:04:43 Present+ Vincent_Scheib 05:05:55 Scribe: Anssi 05:06:04 scribeNick: anssik 05:07:52 Topic: Contact Picker API 05:08:25 -> https://github.com/w3c/dap-charter/issues/97 Contact Picker API (from DAS WG Charter discussions) 05:08:57 -> https://wicg.github.io/contact-api/spec/ Contact Picker API 05:09:51 anssik: Reilly found out via Google DevRel Contact Picker is being implemented by Apple 05:10:04 ... an early version has been in this WG's charter earlier 05:10:16 Reilly: positive signal that Apple is implementing 05:10:38 ... perhaps ask Apple to join this group and give a signal whether this API they're now implementing is good to progress 05:11:29 anssik: what is the minimal work to adopt this API to the WG? 05:12:14 Fuqiao: we need to run an AC review and HR that is restricted to the added deliverable? 05:12:49 anssik: Any status updates from the spec editors? 05:13:27 Reilly: there has been internal discussion whether this spec should graduate, the position from Google is the spec should migrate from WICG to a WG 05:13:53 anssik: Chrome implementation is feature complete? 05:13:59 ... can this be tested properly? 05:15:01 Reilly: w-p-t exists, the API surface is minimal, so complexity mainly in the UI elements 05:15:11 anssik: how is the privacy story? 05:15:16 Privacy Considerations section -> https://wicg.github.io/contact-api/spec/#privacy 05:15:44 Reilly: strong mitigations against harvesting contacts, 05:16:15 ... which is the key concern 05:16:30 Kenneth: the user can also deselect 05:17:25 -> https://web.dev/contact-picker/ 05:17:38 -> Demo: https://contact-picker.glitch.me/ 05:18:15 proposed RESOLUTION: Start the process to add Contact Picker API to the DAS WG Charter 05:18:21 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:18:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:19:18 anssik: any comments or concerns with that proposed resolution? 05:21:17 RESOLUTION: Start the process to add Contact Picker API to the DAS WG Charter 05:21:25 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:21:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:21:31 Topic: Screen Brightness API 05:22:25 -> https://github.com/WICG/proposals/issues/17 Screen Brightness API (WICG proposal) 05:24:17 anssik: have folks followed up this incubation? 05:24:40 Reilly: there's a proposal but no work on the Chrome side to implement this yet, it is interesting 05:25:28 Kenneth: alternative was to extend Screen Wake Lock API 05:26:22 Raphael: explorations on whether we can extend Screen Wake Lock API or have a standalone and what the feature set it 05:27:26 anssik: it sounds like this needs a bit more incubation before advancing to mature stages of standardization 05:28:08 Reilly: things that are needed, more concrete plan around things like whether to integrate with Wake Lock 05:28:38 ... we minimized the size of Wake Lock to mitigate misuse 05:28:51 ... Google DevRel signals demonstrate developer interest 05:30:51 xfq_ has joined #dap 05:31:29 willmorgan has joined #dap 05:31:51 Morning. Is the meeting still ongoing? 05:32:00 yes 05:32:29 Reilly: the use case of face detection relies Ambient Lighting condition, Face Detection API, also wants to control screen brightness 05:36:04 Will: Screen Brightness API is something iProov is interested in, we're using light reflection to do bidir security, we have iOS and Android apps, but would like to bring this experience to the web 05:36:42 ... feature request is to be able to set screen to x % brightness for y secs 05:36:59 ... if the tab is closed, revoke this request 05:39:32 Reilly: anssik: what would be needed from Chrome perspective to move this forward? 05:40:31 Reilly: prototyping would help, there's cost involved, the first step is to build the developer interest, with multiple developers interested in this API 05:40:50 ... one of the use cases is QR code scanning, for example 05:42:18 proposed RESOLUTION: Seek more developer signals in support of Screen Brightness API to help advancement 05:45:15 Present+ Marcos_Caceres 05:46:47 Raphael: if we'd have Screen Brightness API would ALS API still be relevant to your use case? 05:46:56 Will: yes it is 05:48:24 RESOLUTION: Seek more developer signals in support of Screen Brightness API to help advancement 05:49:10 Topic: Compute Pressure API 05:49:22 https://github.com/oyiptong/compute-pressure 05:49:44 -> https://github.com/oyiptong/compute-pressure Compute Pressure API 05:50:01 marcosc has joined #dap 05:51:11 Olivier: We propose a new API that conveys the utilization of CPU resources on the user's device. 05:51:34 ... Use cases: video conferencing, video games 05:51:53 ... API design is in the explainer, and there are some concepts we take in consideration such as Turbo Boost 05:52:05 ... privacy considerations discussed in the explainer too 05:52:26 ... we're going to have an implementation soon and incubation in WICG 05:52:31 Marcos: what motivated this API? 05:52:53 Olivier: developers have requested the ability to know if the computer throttled 05:53:14 ... in order to adapt to the device, need to understand how much resources are utilized and predict what's going to happen next 05:54:02 Marcos: any equivalent native API for this proposal? 05:54:33 Olivier: there are internal APIs e.g. procfs/sysinfo etc. pretty low-level 05:55:05 Reilly: has this been circulated among the privacy group, e.g. quantization scheme? 05:55:15 xfq has joined #dap 05:55:27 Olivier: some folks at Google have looked at this issue, but PING has not yet reviewed 05:55:38 Kenneth: TAG review issue has filed 05:57:05 * marcosc sure wait a sec 05:57:13 q? 05:57:36 https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/621 05:57:50 Topic: User Presence API 05:59:49 ... An implementation of User Presence API may combine information from multiple sources and adapt to varying environments, usages, and end-user behavior. 05:59:56 ... some use cases, some of which may resonate for the web: 06:00:25 - Auto dim. Can dim backlight when the user has disengaged and quickly turn off the display when the user is not paying attention or not present. 06:01:04 - Wake on face. Can wake when user comes into view, without physically interacting with the device (cookbook use case!!). Can differentiate from other movement, only triggered by a human face. 06:01:31 - Lock when the user leaves. Lock the system once the user leaves. 06:01:46 - No lock on presence. Keep the display on if the user in engaged, e.g. reading a document. 06:02:46 - Multiple faces. Can detect if multiple faces exist in the field of view, for enhanced privacy (no looking over the shoulder, think online banking). 06:02:58 - Browser auto-pause. When the user disengages, stop animations and videos, other expensive logic. 06:03:53 q+ 06:04:01 anssik: Wanted to test with you folks if this resonates to signal whether we should incubate this further? There are some interesting interactions with Proximity API and Screen Wake Lock API at play, also possibly other APIs could be improved with this tech. But an explicit API would offer web developers means to innovate directly. 06:04:27 q? 06:04:30 ack reillyg 06:04:38 q+ 06:05:02 Reilly: I think a lot of the use cases sound great OS and browser features, less certain whether they can be pushed to the sites directly 06:05:41 ... wake lock controlled by OS, maybe there are additional signals from this proposal we'd like to surface to web sites 06:05:47 > Idle Detection API: https://wicg.github.io/idle-detection/ 06:06:18 ... however there's work I'm doing called Idle Detection API, this API is currently in WICG incubation and working on prototype with developers, currently testing if it improves UX 06:06:35 ... this API is similar to the proposed User Presence API 06:07:00 ... detects active engagement in e.g. Zoom, Slack 06:07:43 ... in this use case cannot figure out the engagement if the used switches from Zoom to e.g. document editing in another window 06:08:31 ... use signals from OS whether the use is actively engaged on the particular device, and this proposed API solves that problem 06:09:55 anssik: it sounds like we could use the Idle Detection API surface with this more advanced implementation 06:10:31 Reilly: generalizing Idle Detection API signals would be an interesting effort, maybe add a third signal "user presence" 06:11:31 proposed RESOLUTION: Investigate Idle Detection API extension for a third signal "user presence" 06:11:37 q? 06:12:01 q? 06:12:04 ack marcosc 06:12:34 marcos: I like this 3rd signals for user presence 06:12:44 s/signals for/signal for 06:12:46 willmorgan_ has joined #dap 06:13:29 Vincent: the critical thing to discover is how to differentiate between "idle" and "user presence" 06:14:10 ... the key thing is to understand the use cases for User Presence and Idle Detection 06:14:48 Reilly: different apps have different apps, some apps are interested in screen lock state, e.g. when the screen is lcoked, stop recording on cam before the screen is locked 06:15:01 ... this is user presence signal but also a security feature 06:15:16 ... input activity is another signal 06:15:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 06:15:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 06:16:11 proposed RESOLUTION: Investigate Idle Detection API extension for a third signal "user presence" 06:16:31 RESOLUTION: Investigate Idle Detection API extension for a third signal "user presence" 06:18:25 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 06:18:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 06:20:49 s/Kenneth: An/An 06:20:55 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 06:20:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 06:23:14 s/Kenneth: An implementation of User/Anssi: An implementation of User/ 06:23:20 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 06:23:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 06:23:21 RRSAgent, make minutes 06:23:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html xfq 06:30:59 s/lcoked/locked 06:31:14 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 06:31:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 06:34:21 rrsagent, bye 06:34:21 I see no action items 14:53:24 RRSAgent has joined #dap 14:53:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-irc 14:53:27 Zakim has joined #dap 15:01:30 rrsagent, make log public 15:01:32 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html xfq 15:03:06 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:03:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 15:03:37 Meeting: Devices and Sensors WG - 2021 Q2 virtual meeting - New Work and Other device capabilities 15:03:38 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:03:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html anssik 15:05:15 xfq: test 15:05:15 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:05:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/04/06-dap-minutes.html xfq 15:10:58 rrsagent, on 15:11:15 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 15:46:18 anssik has changed the topic to: We're now on #das channel 16:04:46 pete_snyder has joined #dap 16:17:02 pete_snyder has left #dap 17:19:57 Zakim has left #dap