Opening remarks

These slides were presented at the beginning of each live session to set the context and detail logistics.

See slides (PDF version)

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François: Welcome to the W3C/SMPTE workshop on Professional Media Production on the Web. My name is François Daoust, I'm part of the W3C team working on all things related to media and entertainment. A few note before we actually start discussing.

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François: The call is being captioned live. You can enable or disable live captions, I think, from your Zoom interface, and hopefully that will make it easier to follow the discussions, in particular if you're not a native English speaker. I'm not!
... Second, please note that the call is not going to be recorded and that is on purpose so that we all feel comfortable just discussing. A transcript will be published after the calls. If there is something that you would not like to see included in the final transcript, get back to me afterwards.
... The call is meant to be interactive. To make sure that this work well, please use the "raise hand" feature on Zoom to queue yourself and please mute yourself when you're not speaking so that we may avoid any background noise.
... We will be using a couple of side channels to discuss and to organize the call, the #media-production channel on the W3C Community Slack instance and Slido to collect questions. Please connect to that and feel free to start entering questions there so that we can prioritize topics.

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François: The workshop operates under the W3C's code of ethics and professional conduct. You all have different cultures and perspectives and different means and ideas. We value that diversity, keep it in mind when you exchange.
... Talking about diversity, I think we're doing great on a number of dimensions there, except one: gender diversity. We did try, but there must be something that we did wrong to end up with such a bad result. I'm leaving that as an open question for now. I guess I want to apologize for this.

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François: This workshop is organized by both W3C and SMPTE. To keep things short, W3C is the standards setting body for the web, and SMPTE is a standards setting body for motion-imaging content. I won't give any more details today.

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François: The main goal of this workshop is to bring the two communities together and explore evolutions of the web platform to address media production requirements.

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François: Essentially that means that we are going to look at media production workflows, needs, gaps on the web platform and choose where possible next steps we could take on them from a standardization perspective.
I'm not going to go into details about the different options listed here. Just to keep in mind that what we would like to all get out of this workshop is a set of actionable items.

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François: I would like to thank Pierre-Anthony Lemieux and Chris Needham for agreeing to chair the workshop, and we would liek to thank all those that joined the program Committee and have been extremely helpful to set the scope, as well as collect topics and talks.

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François: Talking about talks I would like to issue a huge "thank you" to workshop speakers who submitted pre-recorded talks that helped scope the workshop and initiate discussions online. We're very, very pleased by the diversity of perspectives and the topics that the talks cover and we strongly encourage you to watch the talks if you have not done so already.

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François: We will not be going through the list of talks during these calls. We will rather organize discussions using a topic based approach.
... Roughly speaking, there will be three live sessions this week. We're the first session. There will be a second session tomorrow or the day after, depending on where you are on earth and a final session on Friday.
... We obviously realize that the times may not be convenient for all of you. I would like to thank people who are staying up late to join the call and people who may be waking up early for it!

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François: Before I hand over the background to Chris and Pierre Anthony Lemieux for starting the discussion, I would like to acknowledge and thank Adobe for sponsoring the workshop. Thanks a lot!
... That's it for the introduction. The floor is open for discussions.

Pierre-Anthony: I would be happy to keep track of Slido, to help us keep track of questions, especially as they come up.
... So sometimes somebody will be going over a certain point and you will have a question and instead of jotting it down on a piece of paper and remembering later, forget about it, please go to Slido and enter it!
... The other advantage, you can thumbs up questions, that will really help us to prioritize questions and make sure that all of the questions have been answered.
... Again, please login to Slido and enter questions as they come up and we'll manage the queue that way.



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