13:51:36 RRSAgent has joined #forms 13:51:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/26-forms-irc 13:51:38 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:51:38 Zakim has joined #forms 13:51:40 Meeting: XForms Users Community Group Teleconference 13:51:40 Date: 26 March 2021 13:51:43 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2021Mar/0013 13:51:47 Chair: Steven 13:53:43 Alain has joined #forms 13:57:25 ebruchez_ has joined #forms 13:58:35 Present: Alain, Erik, Steven 13:59:41 Topic: Daylight Savings 13:59:50 Steven: *Really* back to normal next week. 14:00:16 Topic: ACTION-2295: Check that his implementation combined @instance and 14:00:16 @targetref correctly 14:00:16 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2021Jan/0002 14:00:26 Erik: Continues 14:00:34 Topic: Response headers 14:00:34 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2021Mar/0006 14:01:00 Steven: Not sure if we need to say any more 14:01:06 Erik: An example in the spec? 14:01:09 Steven: Good idea 14:01:31 Erik: It could be specified to return a document 14:01:53 ... it was already in XF 1.1, returning a nodeset 14:02:18 Steven: So we can't change it, because it would make it non backwards compatible 14:02:44 ACTION: Steven to add an example of using event('response-headers') 14:02:44 Created ACTION-2299 - Add an example of using event('response-headers') [on Steven Pemberton - due 2021-04-02]. 14:02:57 Erik: In Orbeon, we do create a document 14:03:06 ... it was the easiest thing to do. 14:03:51 Topic: Sorting 14:04:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2021Mar/0012 14:05:14 Steven: It would be good to have something 14:05:25 Erik: XPath 2 doesn;t have the tools to do it properly 14:05:31 s/;/'/ 14:05:46 Erik: You want to have a function that is a parameter. 14:06:03 ... SUpporting XPath 3 would solve everything 14:06:09 s/SU/Su/ 14:07:01 Erik: It is less useful to sort and not be able to specify what you want to sort on 14:07:14 ... exforms what did they do 14:07:23 Steven: They ised strings, so they had to do an eval() 14:07:30 s/ised/used/ 14:07:54 Steven: Tricky to do it correctly, while future proof... 14:08:10 Erik: We could consider going to XPath 3 14:08:44 ... it's a movind target in the sense that they are looking at a XPath 4 14:08:53 s/ a X/an X/ 14:09:14 s/movind/moving/ 14:09:31 Erik: XPath 2 is 2010 14:09:44 ... so it's not recent. 14:10:05 Steven: Alain is going to XPath 3 14:10:11 Erik: We are planning to do that as well. 14:11:25 ... if we want sort function features, we should open the door to XPath 3.1. 14:12:16 ... We could allow implementers to use XPath 3, without excluding XPath 2 14:12:32 Alain: Then we wouldn't need to have a function definition syntax 14:12:46 Steven: Since XPath 3 supports that already... 14:13:06 Erik: XPath 2 introduces sequences, atomic values, and they remain in XPath 3. 14:13:30 ... XPath 3 adds maps and arrays and functions 14:13:43 s/maps and/maps, 14:14:23 ACTION: Steven to look at allowing XPath 2 and 3 14:14:23 Created ACTION-2300 - Look at allowing xpath 2 and 3 [on Steven Pemberton - due 2021-04-02]. 14:14:36 Erik: We say something in the introduction 14:15:05 Topic: ACTION-2296: Add text to make it clear where xforms-action-error is 14:15:05 dispatched to. 14:15:05 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2021Jan/0010 14:16:33 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xformsusers/2021Mar/0014.html 14:17:23 Steven: OK with the decision to send xforms-load-error to the handler in the same way as xforms-action-error? 14:17:25 All: Yes 14:17:49 ACTION: Steven to update load-error to go to the listener. 14:17:49 Created ACTION-2301 - Update load-error to go to the listener. [on Steven Pemberton - due 2021-04-02]. 14:18:17 Topic: AOB 14:18:28 [None] 14:18:36 [ADJOURN] 14:18:41 rrsagent, make minutes 14:18:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/26-forms-minutes.html Steven 16:02:46 Zakim has left #forms