WoT-IG/WG vF2F Meeting in March - Day 6

25 March 2021


Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Dave_Raggett, David_Ezell, Ege_Korkan, Kaz_Ashimura, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally, Michael_McCool, Philipp_Blum, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Zoltan_Kis
cris, kaz, mjk

Meeting minutes

Scribes for today

scribes so far: Ege, Kaz, Daniel, Sebastian, McCool, Philipp, Cristiano, Dave, Farshid

Koster for the 1st part; Cristiano for the 2nd part


Opening slides

McCool: no calls next week including the main call
… next main call will be on April 7

McCool: there are 2 weeks spring break coming up

McCool: planning to have the discovery meeting on Monday the 29th

scripting update

<kaz> Scripting slides

Spec status

Zoltan: summary of PRs and outstanding issues
… changes in InteractionInput and InteractionOutput data modeling
… uses either JSON value or readable stream
… JSON value if there is a schema, otherwise a stream with a content type

ConsumedThing and ExposedThing

Zoltan: the consumed thing changes include typing data input and output

Cristiano: should we check more conditions on validating consumed TDs?
… there is an issue with exposed thing as well

McCool: there might be 2 more stages of validation beyond schema validation

McCool: the categories are basic, intermediate, and advanced

sebastian: json schema is only one part of the validation process
… additional terms that are in JSON schema are allowed

McCool: we could use a stricter schema and require extensions to have a context file with a defined prefix
… also require assertions to drive validation
… there is JSON schema, then a script, then shape validation

Ege: the assertions are only checked for being present

McCool: we can annotate the implementation report with which assertions are checked

Zoltan: can we continue this discussion later?
… we need to know how this works for security

Zoltan: we need to discuss how are exposed things processed
… the exposed thing constructor is used to create a JSON object, then handlers are bound
… then expose() is called, then a TD is retrieved
… a big change was made, exposed thing doesn't inherit from consumed thing anymore
… exposed thing can be consumed using the consumed thing interface
… need review and input from the TD task force
… created an issue about how to create a TD for exposed thing


Cristiano: the consequence is that you need to use the consumed thing interface to invoke actions in an exposed thing
… thinking about bypassing the network interface when consuming things locally

Zoltan: for example using a local handler

Daniel: another reason for splitting this is that consumed thing properties are read-only
… and exposed thing properties may be updated

Cristiano: we don't have default handlers, now we need to set these handlers

Zoltan: it makes it harder to write identity functions

Zoltan: discussion about initialization of exposed thing

Cristiano: we use a dictionary as a partial TD and expand into a TD
… then validate and add required elements that are missing
… for example forms and security schemas
… cris: there should be a default form generation

Cristiano: there are issues how to handle title processing, whether it should be required
… partial TDs don't have mandatory elements

Sebastian: there is a question in the profile discussion about mandatory fields

McCool: title is more important than description because it's used in UIs
… also how do we handle language localization?


Zoltan: discussion of discovery
… discovery is optional to implement, node-wot is planning to implement
… there is a common pattern emerging for discovery
… there is a request with filters and a wait for replies
… the API provides control to start and stop discovery and uses a cursor pattern to handle multiple outputs
… next step is API alignment and implement phase 1
… considering using the fetch API and readable stream data type

McCool: we should consider 2 discovery methods: automatic and direct

script management

Zoltan: runtime provisioning

node-wot update

Daniel: available releases are all marked v0.7
… working on a new branch with the new API
… there is a running instance for testing
… currently node-wot doesn't support discovery
… you need to provide a TD or location for the TD to be fetched from
… there is a management API for starting and stopping services
… management uses a TD

McCool: suggest setting up a meeting with security to discuss permissions

<kaz> (+1 to the joint discussion)

Daniel: node-wot has current support for many protocols and media types, some partially supported
… NPM statistics show a lot of interest and many downloads

Zoltan: there are peaks of activity around TPACs

Zoltan: any questions, discussion?

McCool: schedule the joint call for the week after break, week of the 12th

Zoltan: we could use the security call

McCool: short break and return for the plugfest discussion

<kaz> [5-min break]


<kaz> Plugfest report slides

McCool: I'll go quickly through the results of the past pf. If you know more information please head to the issue tracker.
… we had a lot of different projects

McCool goes trough the list of the projects

W-ADE and A-MaGe

McCool: W-ADE and A-MaGe are from Ege
… W-ADE is an ID for TDs where you can interact with your TDs
… you can also expose virtual Things
… A-MaGe is abaout Mashup applications
… we tested those tools with coap thaks to Philip Blum
… we discovered that we can fetch tds using coap
… we might to add this to the discovery document
… semantic annotations are good to help the interaction


McCool: then we have Testbench
… it's an evaluation tool to test online web things
… it was tested with different implementations

Ege: we pointed some possible problems in the slides


McCool: tool for generating TM/TD from oneDM file

<sebastian> https://github.com/roman-kravtsov/sdf-object-converter

McCool: we have alignment for using json pointers with SDF
… also there was a discussion about value scaling
… sdf has scaleMinimun etc.
… Michael Konster also experimented with the modbus protocol biding

Node-Red discovery

McCool: now node-red gen is able to automatically discover TDs in a TDDs
… and generate nodes to interact with it


McCool: now it supports TMs and some support for SDF
… the flatting process defined before in scripting can be used for TMs

McCool: ok that's it let's go in the next session


<kaz> [slides tbd@@@]

seb is presenting

Sebastian: we have a new webpage
… I really like it
… it's a good starting point
… where people can get in touch with us and with WoT topics

Sebastian: we also have an explainer video
… is on youtube


Sebastian: we'll try to support multiple sub titles
… japanese, german, french, chinese, italian ...
… now we already have Chinese and Italian
… it would be best to have a double review for each language

Ege: it was an issue about synchronization in the original file
… is it solved?
… then also the newly added subtitle are not yet on youtube

Sebastian: yep we have to do it manually

Kaz: let's talk about the issue during the marketing call

Sebastian: we are glad to add other languages

McCool: the current supported list is good

Sebastian: maybe we should add spanish

agreement on publishing material

<Ege> wot-marketing issue 151 - Documenting the Twitter publication rules

Sebastian: there is some minor publishing material that it would be not feasible to get acceptance
… we also need to be reactive on twitter
… responses, retweet, likes etc.
… I'd propose a small subset of tweets that could skip the validation

Sebastian: what do you think?

McCool: how do we decide what's in the "boring" tweet set?
… probably we could authorize particular people to publish directly on twitter
… if others needs to tweet something they could refer to them
… chairs could occupy that role

Kaz: +1. There are several questions mostly about content and procedure
… boredom or excitement should not be really a deciding material
… I like the procedure described by mm. It would be better to define another term instead of boring :)

McCool: we should be careful for short text
… in meetings people can ask directly to chairs

Cristiano: what about retweet?

McCool: I think we should follow the same review process

Ege: I had a long list of questions about this
… could you please check it

McCool: let's document the process on this issue

McCool: email would be my preferred way

Ege: so this review process will apply for everything in the list?

McCool: yes

<citrullin> +1 on that. It's a lot of overhead.

Ege: my contribution with this process would be far less.

McCool: we could add Ege as a possible responsible
… this is something to discuss

Kaz: I know that I've been very strict, but we have to remind ourselves that we represent the whole W3C community.

Sebastian: don't we represent just WoT group?

Kaz: representing the W3C WoT WG means we represent the whole consortium

McCool: right

Dave: what about tweets in different languages?

Ege: I would not tweet in different lang

McCool: maybe we could have a dedicated account for each idiom

Daniel: I would not do that

Sebastian: also we don't have the man power to handle all these accounts
… plus twitter has the translate functionality

McCool: true, let's stick with english

Philipp: I understand the concerns

<Ege> thanks philipp! :)

Philipp: we should increase the tweet activity

McCool: we could give the authority to ege since is very active

Sebastian: let's sort this out today

McCool: ok first let's agree about the procedure

Sebastian: what about a warning system?

McCool: yeah, just ege be responsible please

Kaz: again please note I'm not saying we need censorship but just suggesting we should review the content before publishing it. we should be conscious about the CONTENT of the tweet... no misunderstanding, no spelling issues, no typos, etc.

<McCool> proposal: https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/151#issuecomment-806784807

<citrullin> I guess that could be considered to be a more critical topic

Lagally: tweets should contains a little bit of consensus. Although simply retweeting usually is not harmful as long it does not endorse a particular company or organization.
… if there anything that is controversial it is better ask.

McCool: is someone object to the current process?

Resolution: https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/151#issuecomment-806784807

Kaz: we should copy the procedure to marketing wiki

<Ege> https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/117

Sebastian: I had other topics to discuss like liaisons and how to increase community awareness
… let's discuss in the next calls

McCool: I'll send email with the cancellations about the next couple of weeks

Kaz: all the TF leaders, please also update the main wikipage

McCool: thank you for your participation of this virtual F2F

<kaz> seb: also would appreciate all your contributions!

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of resolutions

  1. https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/issues/151#issuecomment-806784807
Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).