MiniApps CG Call

25 March 2021


angel, Dan_Zhou, hax, Jia_Wang, Keith, MartinAlvarez, QingAn, Tengyuan, xfq, xiaoqian, Yongqing, Zitao
xfq, xiaoqian

Meeting minutes

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CJK meeting preparation


xfq: current speakers, only three speakers so far
… I'd like to propose two options
… Opt 1 is First part based on pre-recorded presentations + subsequent discussion
… Opt 2 is Divide the event in different topic-oriented sessions (e.g., IoT)
… each topic can have its own chairs or coordinator
… I'd also like to postpone the deadline to collect videos and topics

dan: pre-recorded videos can give us more time to understand the topics

tengyuan: have the Japanese companies used MiniApps in their products

xfq: yes, for example Line
… also some other companies have products similar to MiniApps or MiniGames

wangzitao: we should also ask participants from the Japanese and Korean companies what kind of meetings they would like to attend, especially for the format
… the format of the meeting

xfq: not sure the Korean companies, Angel is reaching out to them
… for Japanese members, they may prefer listening at this stage

Angel: how many Japanese participants so far?

xfq: about 10 companies
… only 1 from Korea

Angel: prefer to have videos + live discussions
… every speaker should get the slides ready

martin: a few comments on the Opt2
… for different topics, if we are to list the topics, it can help look for speakers in that area
… f.ex, mini-games
… it can open possibilities
… they may help propose ideas or use cases

xiaoqian: could you reach out to the Korea office again to see if we can get more interests from Korea, angel?

angel: I'll try

<martin> some topics: automotive, games, social, IoT, e-commerce, public services, ...

angel: we have a few companies work on framework that can help developers develop cross-platform miniapps
… I also heard interest about miniapps in cars and IoT devices
… mini-games would be an interesting topic as well
… maybe we can have 4-5 different topics for a meeting that lasts for 2-3 hours

angel: back to the reason why we want to have this CJK online forum
… 1. we would like people in Japan and Korea to join the working group
… 2. I think it's important to invite them to incubate ideas together in the community group
… they do have MiniApp products
… I agree with xiaoqian that we can have a few topics
… but first we need to tell them what we're going to do in the WG and invite them to join
… and invite them to the CG as well

xiaoqian: I suggest to give xfq or the CG chairs an action to send an email to the CG and Japanese and Korean participants to call for potential topics
… ask if they have any preference on the topic and the format of the meeting
… hopefully we can make a decision before April

angel: @@
… about the logistics, how long do you need to get the pre-recorded video recordings?
… 5 working days?

xiaoqian: yes, because we need to generate, translate, and proofread the captions
… at least 7 days
… it would be great if people can give us the recordings before April
… we can work on the English captions first
… because most people understand English
… and make CJK captions later

angel: for late arrival speakers they have to do live talks?

xiaoqian: they can still do pre-recorded videos but we may not have the time to translate the captions

xiaoqian: we can still upload the video recordings

angel: do you need more speakers from the China side?

xiaoqian: yes, the more the better

angel: OK

angel: current speakers and topics?

xiaoqian: Yongqing from Xiaomi will talk about the Quick App architecture and ecosystem
… someone from JD will talk about the cross-platform framework, Taro


xiaoqian: someone from Alibaba will talk about automotive and miniapps
… maybe someone from Playco can talk about super apps

angel: what about the current work of the WG?

xiaoqian: Yongjing agreed to do so at the beginning but we need to confirm with Huawei again

xiaoqian: anyone is welcome to talk about our current work in the WG

angel: if we have 4 speakers that's not too bad
… we can have some discussions
… we can send the discussion topics to Japanese and Korean participants to let them prepare
… another information, Jay Kishigami in W3C/Keio said he's interested in this meeting
… I think there should be someone in Japan speaking
… if we can't find a speaker in Japanese companies, can we invite Jay to talk about the general situation of miniapps in Japan?
… same for Korea, we can invite the Korea chapter to talk about the general situation of miniapps in Korea
… if you like this idea I can write an email to invite them

xiaoqian: let's collect feedback from the Japanese and Korean companies first

xfq: they don't have to speak, they can moderate a session/panel they're interested too

xiaoqian: or just provide comments

angel: that's also an option
… we need some presence from the Japan and Korea
… is there anything you would like me to do?

xiaoqian: please contact the Korea office again

GitHub issues



Dan_Zhou: QingAn commented 3 hours ago

QingAn: I had some investigation on the links provided by xfq
… some of the features of TV miniapps are already in W3C specs and we can reuse them
… I do have some questions
… there may be requirements to define a new HTML element
… currently HTML is being developed in the WHATWG
… can this happen in W3C?

xiaoqian: the usual process is if we would like to work on a specific element in a certain area
… we need to write down the use cases and make a proposal
… I would suggest that we write down the use cases and talk to MEIG
… talk to the media companies to get support there
… once the proposal is mature enough
… get interest from the media companies
… it's easier to get it into the WHATWG HTML Standard

QingAn: thanks
… I'll write it down and hopefully we can have a joint meeting with MEIG

xiaoqian: that would be great
… would be happy to help

QingAn: I'll do this before next month


Dan_Zhou: IoT
… Tengyuan had comments

tengyuan: this issue discussed MiniApps for IoT devices
… the MiniApp architecture has already said it can be run on top of the OS
… including IoT platform
… but some IoT devices have limited APIs/components
… opportunity to develop @@
… Bluetooth/mDNS/DLNA use cases
… this is API level
… I think it's low priority

QingAn: thank you for clarifying the background and rationale
… I think it makes sense that a MiniApp can run on OS-level
… different from MiniApps in mobile
… I'm writing the use cases and a proposal
… hopefully I provide it in the next call
… if we have rough consensus we can discuss with WoT WG

UI Components

Dan_Zhou: let's invite Zitao Wang to share his thoughts about UI components

[Zitao shares his screen]

zitao: I prepared some materials to describe our proposal

zitao: problem statement
… currently we have different MiniApp vendors
… different vendors have similar UI components
… but the developer guidelines are different
… even the logic is the same, the DSL is different
… Alibaba's axml, Baidu's swan, Huawei's HTML
… not standardized
… same event with different implementations
… for example, Alibaba and Baidu use 'tap' while Huawei named it 'click'
… developers need to a lot of work to develop cross-platform miniapps
… standardize common UI components in MiniApps
… allow developers to migrate to different platforms easily
… define common language to develop MiniApp UIs
… so how do define a standardized component?
… we need to identify common UI components in existing MiniApps
… define the scope of MiniApp UI components
… define a model language
… something like "MiniAppML"
… XML syntax and structure in a DTD document
… or implement it using HTML custom elements and polyfill them
… we can cooperate with existing groups
… like the Open UI Community Group
… they're doing similar work
… we can reuse their elements or extend their elements
… find some ways to exchange good ideas
… any questions?

Dan_Zhou: thank you very much!
… I think creating a new markup language is difficult in W3C
… I think I prefer option 2, i.e., extend HTML using custom elements
… we also would like to know which components are used more

hax: I have a question
… what does option 2 mean?
… does it mean MiniApps will provide some mechanism to support HTML custom elements?

zitao: no
… let's get into the technical details
… currently we use MVVM but do not directly interact with the DOM
… but HTML is different
… but if we want to define a model language we need to be compatible with W3C standards

xfq: I think it's better for accessibility

xfq: user agents can create an accessibility tree based on the DOM tree

Dan_Zhou: can you put it into a GitHub issue?

zitao: sure

Next teleconference time

April 22, same time

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).