13:49:22 RRSAgent has joined #epub-a11y 13:49:22 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/25-epub-a11y-irc 13:49:31 Zakim has joined #epub-a11y 13:49:39 zakim, this will be epub-a11y 13:49:39 ok, avneeshsingh 13:49:51 present+ 13:50:07 chair: avneeshsingh 13:58:13 mgarrish has joined #epub-a11y 13:59:45 BenSchroeter has joined #epub-a11y 14:00:14 MattChan has joined #epub-a11y 14:01:07 wendyreid has joined #epub-a11y 14:01:09 gpellegrino has joined #epub-a11y 14:01:19 present+ 14:01:25 present+ 14:01:31 present+ 14:02:24 present+ 14:03:53 https://w3c.github.io/epub-specs/epub33/a11y/index.html 14:03:55 scribe+ 14:04:17 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1500 14:04:18 avneeshsingh: let's move to the first issue originally created by gpellegrino and elevated by mgarrish 14:04:27 Topic: Page list ordering 14:04:46 mgarrish: right now the pagelist is required to follow spine+content order 14:05:06 ... pagelist will therefore match digital sequencing 14:05:17 q? 14:05:20 ... but should we lift the requirement, therefore allowing the pagelist to follow print sequencing 14:05:26 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #epub-a11y 14:05:30 ... right now there is no choice in it 14:05:44 ... we did require this for toc, and we reduced that requirement 14:05:50 ... i don't have a strong position on this 14:05:52 q? 14:06:00 q+ 14:06:03 ... it really comes down to which one users expect, and what makes sense 14:06:07 avneeshsingh: thoughts? 14:06:15 ack next 14:06:33 q+ 14:06:39 wendyreid: i have no seen RS that uses pagelist to dictate page number order in epub 14:06:44 ... kobo doesn't do it 14:07:06 ... pagelist is more likely treated as just an additional nav aid, like toc 14:07:09 q? 14:07:13 CharlesL has joined #epub-a11y 14:07:21 ack gp 14:07:30 present+ 14:07:31 q+ 14:07:40 gpellegrino: as far as i've tested i think that apple books uses it for UI toc, where they put "real" page numbers for different toc entries 14:07:54 ... from my point of view, which are the use cases for end users for the pagelist? 14:07:59 ... what are the requirements for RS? 14:08:00 q? 14:08:02 q+ 14:08:09 ... what are the requirements for content producers? 14:08:32 avneeshsingh: one use case i would like to mention is if there is a classroom, and there are students using print, and a blind student using ebook 14:08:41 ack bill 14:08:51 q+ 14:08:53 ... if teacher says "move to page X", then it make sense for pagelist to match print 14:09:16 Bill_Kasdorf: what is the relationship of the pagebreak markers to the pagelist? 14:09:22 ... i thought they always had to correspond? 14:09:25 ack mg 14:10:08 mgarrish: They have to correspond. So, they need to be included in the pagelist, but why should they match the order of the epub content? 14:10:33 +1 to Matt 14:10:57 ... e.g. if an epub has reordered pages, and you're looking for a particular print correspondence page, then how do you find it (without using a UI where you can type in a page number) 14:10:59 ack gp 14:11:26 gpellegrino: another use case could be for quotations, and for finding quotations in books 14:11:33 ... usually quotations are based on print page numbers 14:11:44 Will has joined #epub-a11y 14:11:50 ... also, from UI point of view, few RS are using something like an input tool to navigate to page 14:11:58 q+ 14:12:11 ... because there can be a mix of page number styles (e.g. a, i, I, arabic numbers) 14:12:13 ack next 14:12:18 ... hard for a single tool to find any given page 14:12:34 wendyreid: any time i've seen implementation of pagelist it has been in toc style (e.g. a list of links) 14:12:58 ... in this case it makes more sense to follow the correspondence order (e.g. print) 14:13:00 q? 14:13:12 ... and always be in linear sequence, of course 14:13:39 avneeshsingh: so it seems like we are all in favour of relaxing the requirement of pagelist following content order 14:13:41 q+ 14:14:18 ack bill 14:14:33 mgarrish: i think we can have some sort of a recommendation, at least, that pagelist follow the print 14:14:38 q? 14:14:57 q+ 14:14:58 Bill_Kasdorf: i've always thought of pagelist as a correspondence tool to an authoritative print equivalent 14:15:08 ack next 14:15:13 ... but for publications without print equivalent, what is the purpose of pagelist? 14:15:40 q+ 14:15:50 CFI? 14:15:51 wendyreid: this is virtual page numbers. We're exploring this topic. The need for these has become more prevalent recently 14:16:13 ack bill 14:16:17 Bill_Kasdorf: this is a key distinction. We should be careful with the distinction 14:16:37 ... only use page number for print equivalent. The other one should be called "locators" 14:16:44 q? 14:16:46 avneeshsingh: we are using the same terms in wcag 2.2 14:17:00 proposed: relax strict requirement of sequential page numbers in EPUB 3 specification 14:17:08 +1 14:17:09 +1 14:17:12 +1 14:17:15 +1 14:17:15 0 14:17:21 +1 14:17:37 +1 14:17:39 +1 14:17:49 avneeshsingh: this may require main group approval later 14:18:37 wendyreid: we're going to have to discuss this in the main group call, maybe on the agenda next week 14:18:38 resolved 14:18:58 q+ 14:19:35 ack gp 14:19:41 avneeshsingh: mgarrish will make changes and do PR 14:19:42 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1470 14:19:50 Topic: Rechecking accessibility 14:19:56 George has joined #epub-a11y 14:20:35 q+ 14:20:40 q? 14:20:43 present+ 14:20:46 mgarrish: this came up in ISO. How long does the certification of content being accessible last for? e.g. For website the certification might degrade over 5 years, after which the accessibility certification might not be trustworthy anymore 14:20:53 q+ 14:20:55 ... less of a concern for packaged up epubs that shouldn't change 14:21:02 ... but what about reissues of epubs? 14:21:11 q+ 14:21:25 ... should we have guidance for that? A specific recommendation? Leave it to authors? 14:21:27 ack gp 14:21:35 avneeshsingh: it will depend on publisher processes 14:22:03 gpellegrino: we check all the books published by our members 14:22:12 ... we hash each epub 14:22:27 ... so when we get a new file that matches an existing isbn, we match the hashes 14:22:27 ack charles 14:22:35 ... if hash mismatch, we recheck a11y 14:22:43 q- 14:23:02 CharlesL: for GCA, once we certify a publisher, they can stamp all books coming off that workflow as certified 14:23:12 ... but the publisher must get recertified each year 14:23:29 ... and that recertification process will bring them up to the state of the art 14:23:46 ... if they then reissue epub after that point, then they can update the certification as well 14:23:54 q+ 14:23:55 q+ 14:23:57 ... i.e. our solution is to keep the publisher up to date 14:24:33 avneeshsingh: if the user gets an old ebook, say 3 years old, how can the user ensure that the latest revision is accessible? 14:24:36 q? 14:25:11 CharlesL: the user would just refer to the a11y metadata in the reprint. And it would be up to the publisher to use the latest standards in the publishing pipeline 14:25:35 ... between recertifications, we leave this up to the publisher 14:25:39 ack ben 14:25:54 BenSchroeter: if its a new edition, i would consider that a new publication 14:26:19 ... that would go through whatever processes the publisher uses for normal a11y check 14:26:39 George_ has joined #epub-a11y 14:26:52 ... in terms of GCA certified publishers 14:26:59 present+ 14:27:03 q+ 14:27:40 ... i can see a case where a title goes through the certified workflow, but on republication changes are made (e.g. inserted image) that doesn't conform with a11y standards 14:27:44 ... this is a potential gap 14:27:55 ack next 14:28:05 ... and also, we may be moving towards a world in which there are more and more frequent updates to epubs 14:28:32 wendyreid: any guidelines we put in place will have to apply across the board - from GCA certified to micro indie publisher 14:28:55 ... for a lot of repubs, the content of the book is not really changing (maybe just update to copyright page or something) 14:29:18 ... so we have to be careful of mandating recheck on "new hash" or every new revision 14:29:27 q? 14:29:36 ... maybe qualify by saying "if adding new content" or "if substantially changing content" 14:29:51 +1 Wendy 14:29:55 ... but have exclusion for if you are just fixing typos or updating marketing material 14:30:03 ack mg 14:30:22 ... also, re. comparison between epub and website, epubs don't replicate at the same rate 14:30:33 mgarrish: i think it has to be an informative section 14:30:52 ... what wendyreid has described is similar to the qualifications that we once had on release identifier 14:30:59 ... this is probably as far as we can go 14:31:08 ... don't want to get mired in questions of what it means to recheck 14:31:25 q+ 14:31:33 q+ 14:31:36 q? 14:31:45 ... maybe just say that standards change, and that when you do something to your epub you should just make sure that you are on top of the latest standards 14:31:46 ack gp 14:31:54 gpellegrino: one of our ideas was to add date of certification 14:32:17 ... e.g. in accessibility summary 14:32:34 CharlesL: the idea of a certification date is something we could definitely add 14:32:55 ... that way publishers could change the certification date, or not, when they make other changes to the epub 14:33:04 ack charl 14:33:20 ... i'm wondering about if the publisher modifies something 3 years from now, and URLs for conformsTo have changed 14:33:43 q? 14:33:43 ... do they change the URLs to new URLs, or leave them as what they were at the point of initial certification? 14:34:05 mgarrish: hard question to answer, because we're not negating the old standards 14:34:22 ... maybe the date based system is a good way to go 14:34:39 q? 14:34:39 ... hard to make normative statements because of all the possibilities 14:35:03 ... maybe we could rely on legislation to set the rules, and just offer some guidance 14:35:29 q+ 14:35:30 q+ 14:35:34 avneeshsingh: we can start by providing non-normative text like mgarrish suggested 14:35:46 ... let this mature for some number of years, and then revisit it 14:35:58 ack george 14:36:33 George_: when a publisher is doing update or new edition, if they have switched to a11y 1.1, wouldn't they just start using the correct metadata URLs at that point? 14:36:35 q? 14:36:49 ... publishers are not all going to go from a11y 1.0 to 1.1 all at once 14:36:57 proposed: add non-normative text in ePUB Accessibility suggesting rechecking the publications for major changes that could effect accessibility 14:37:05 +1 14:37:06 +1 14:37:09 +1 14:37:10 +1 14:37:11 +1 14:37:13 + 14:37:14 +1 14:37:16 +1 14:37:17 +1 14:37:21 resolved 14:37:26 avneeshsingh: we'll work on the specific guidance language over on the issue tracker 14:37:27 +1 14:37:41 https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/issues/1302 14:37:47 Topic: Audio hazards 14:38:37 avneeshsingh: in the hazards there are parameters for visual hazards in WCAG (e.g. flashing no more than 3 per second) 14:38:44 ... but no equivalent for audio hazards 14:38:52 q+ 14:38:52 q? 14:38:59 ... how are publishers to classify which audio will causes issues for users? 14:39:00 q+ 14:39:06 ack mg 14:39:30 mgarrish: i looked into this years back with Madeleine Rothberg 14:39:50 ... in the github tracker, one potential standard was indicated 14:40:11 ... but it is harder to classify these sorts of audio hazards than with visual hazards 14:40:28 q+ 14:40:41 ... maybe we just play it safe and recommend that if there is any sound at all then there might be a hazard 14:40:49 q+ 14:40:54 ack george 14:41:04 ... if the absence of a clear standard, what do we say? 14:41:22 George_: sudden increases in volume were the problem, could potentially damage hearing 14:41:35 q+ 14:41:49 ... that's the sort of thing that should be flagged as an audio hazard 14:41:55 ack bill 14:42:01 ... that sudden increase in sound that could damage hearing 14:42:23 ack chrles 14:42:24 Bill_Kasdorf: "any audio" seems broad 14:42:34 ... it would catch even the books with only narration 14:42:48 q+ 14:42:54 CharlesL: increase in decibel level is probably a good way to put it 14:43:04 ... and then also something about tones (like in those hearing tests) 14:43:06 q 14:43:10 ... probably some text around those is all we need 14:43:12 ack ben 14:43:27 BenSchroeter: I think its kind of meaningless unless its quantifiable 14:43:47 q? 14:43:59 +1 to ben 14:44:01 ... anything else (e.g. warning there could be explosions) is not likely to be enforceable 14:44:13 ack charles 14:44:28 CharlesL: i think some of that could be machine checked (e.g. with AI) 14:44:41 q+ 14:44:52 q+ 14:45:06 q+ 14:45:12 q- 14:45:14 ack next 14:45:17 avneeshsingh: we can rely on research done on wcag on this 14:45:25 s/done on/done by 14:45:38 q? 14:45:46 +1 to Avneesh, I would forward it to WCAG 14:46:02 wendyreid: we should probably ask for quantifiable information that we can provide to content producers 14:46:32 ... there is a body of research on the topic of hazardous sounds 14:46:59 ... and with the increasing popularity of audiobooks, i've seen increases in the creative use of sound 14:47:14 ack mg 14:47:26 avneeshsingh: we need proven research to drive the parameters 14:47:40 mgarrish: wcag may not have an easy answer on this for us 14:48:12 ... and what does it mean to users? If we say that it has a sound hazard, there are a variety of ways that users could be affected (i.e. seizures? damage hearing?) 14:48:16 ... what does it mean to users? 14:48:18 q? 14:48:41 ack bill 14:48:45 ... more work to be done in this area 14:49:19 Bill_Kasdorf: I bet there's an authoritative place to define issues like this (e.g. audiology) 14:49:19 q? 14:49:30 ... we should rely on those sources rather than try to strike out on our own 14:49:40 q+ 14:49:40 avneeshsingh: for now we cannot provide the necessary parameters 14:49:48 ... if wcag comes back with answer, then great 14:50:11 ... but with the knowledge we have now, we should maintain the status quo 14:50:32 q? 14:50:35 ... my preference would be if the WAI work on this on the level of the broader W3C, instead of making this an epub a11y thing 14:51:04 George_: i think that is the right approach, but i would expect that audiobook publishers and publishers in general would look to us first and not go digging around in wcag 14:51:27 ... if we put informative information, even though we can't point to the research, i think that would benefit people 14:51:38 avneeshsingh: is something like that already in the spec? 14:51:45 ... examples, patterns etc? 14:52:00 q? 14:52:09 ack george 14:52:16 mgarrish: there are very general descriptions of hazardous audio, but we don't have references to anything specific where people can go to get more info 14:52:48 ... e.g. there was reference in the issue to a standard to define what "loud" meant 14:52:48 q? 14:53:08 avneeshsingh: George_ you can go through what we have currently in the spec 14:53:31 ... the agenda also lists a number of issues that mgarrish has closed since last meeting 14:53:32 q? 14:53:49 ... we can comment on those right now, or you can put your comments in the issue tracker 14:54:10 q? 14:54:17 https://audiology-web.s3.amazonaws.com/migrated/niohlprevention.pdf_53996fb4c1ca13.61907521.pdf 14:54:23 Bill_Kasdorf provides example of CDC standard of sound that may impact hearing 14:54:41 avneeshsingh: next call about EUAA 14:54:43 https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/hearing_loss/what_noises_cause_hearing_loss.html#:~:text=Sound%20is%20measured%20in%20decibels,immediate%20harm%20to%20your%20ears. 14:55:11 avneeshsingh: i've send an updated calendar invite around accounting for DST 14:55:40 rrsagent, make logs public 14:55:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:55:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/25-epub-a11y-minutes.html avneeshsingh 15:04:09 CharlesL has left #epub-a11y 16:56:35 Zakim has left #epub-a11y 18:45:00 gpellegrino has joined #epub-a11y 18:45:39 gpellegr_ has joined #epub-a11y