15:40:24 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 15:40:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/18-silver-conf-irc 15:40:26 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:40:27 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), sajkaj 15:40:55 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 15:41:04 Date: 18 Mar 2021 15:41:12 Chair: Sajkaj 15:41:17 agenda? 15:41:25 zakim, clear agenda 15:41:25 agenda cleared 15:41:30 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items 15:41:30 agenda+ Continue work on March Deliverable -- Report on Use Cases 15:41:30 agenda+ Assigned github issues https://github.com/w3c/silver/labels/Subgroup%3A%20Conformance%20Options 15:41:33 agenda+ Use Cases Discussion (Continued) 15:41:35 agenda+ Other Business 15:41:38 agenda+ Be Done 15:59:36 Azlan has joined #silver-conf 16:00:17 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 16:01:58 Todd has joined #silver-conf 16:01:58 present+Regrets: Jemma 16:02:08 present+ 16:02:12 present+ 16:02:14 present+ 16:03:09 JF has joined #silver-conf 16:03:14 Present+ 16:03:20 agenda? 16:03:48 regret+ 16:04:45 scribe: Todd: 16:05:06 present+ 16:05:56 zakim, next item 16:05:56 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:07:36 q+ 16:07:38 sajkaj: look through agenda but not enough to be present to pass 16:07:51 bruce_bailey has joined #silver-conf 16:08:16 sajkaj: useful comments to look at from github 16:08:50 q? 16:09:01 present+ 16:09:14 ack Az 16:09:21 ask jea 16:09:24 ack Azlan 16:09:32 q/ 16:09:34 q? 16:09:51 ack Jea 16:09:56 ack PeterKorn 16:10:09 PeterKorn: would explain what was done earlier this week and deliver report in March to Silver 16:10:09 zakim, next item 16:10:09 agendum 2 -- Continue work on March Deliverable -- Report on Use Cases -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:10:57 PeterKorn: Deliver report in March of use cases to Silver. Put use cases into 4 "buckets" 16:11:12 Wilco_ has joined #silver-conf 16:11:40 present+ 16:12:03 q? 16:12:47 PeterKorn: Collection of use cases that need deeper discussion. 16:13:10 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/ 16:14:09 q? 16:14:26 jeanne has joined #silver-conf 16:14:38 PeterKorn: Scoring with letters, scoring use cases in Google Doc (link above) 16:15:32 q? 16:16:30 q? 16:17:13 PeterKorn: Reiterated what buckets are about again. 16:18:43 PeterKorn: Focused on problem areas not on existing areas - Bucket 1 16:18:55 q? 16:19:44 PeterKorn: Covered by FPWD structure, but needs to be handled in to-be-written guideline - Bucket 2 16:20:37 PeterKorn: Went over use cases in Bucket 2. 16:20:50 q? 16:22:50 Group giving some deliberation time. 8 days still remain until report is due. 16:23:55 q? 16:24:11 jeanne: asking Wilco_ what aspect is not covered. 16:24:31 Wilco_: could have score that falls below the threshhold 16:26:07 Q+ 16:26:52 q? 16:26:56 ack jf 16:26:57 ack JF 16:27:48 JF: Speaking on time component 16:28:48 q? 16:32:59 Q+ 16:33:30 q? 16:33:34 ack jf 16:34:12 JF: Can't make broad predictions about users re: Whoville widget. 16:34:55 q+ 16:35:10 ack p 16:36:15 PeterKorn: Suggestions, whether it could be covered with a guideline that is disgreed or outside guideline. 16:36:34 q? 16:38:11 q+ to read the definition of the critical errors 16:38:32 JF: touching on impact of classification/prioritization/criticality 16:38:32 q? 16:38:53 ack jeanne 16:38:53 jeanne, you wanted to read the definition of the critical errors 16:39:40 Q+ 16:39:45 jeanne: discussing definition of critical error 16:40:17 +1 16:40:22 PeterKorn: Put 3A into Bucket 4 16:41:30 q? 16:41:43 ack jf 16:44:49 q? 16:45:57 PeterKorn: Bucket 3 - 4 items proposed to be placed in bucket. 16:46:37 Bucket 3, not covered that we see. 16:46:51 q? 16:48:32 PeterKorn: Bucket 4, Whoville item and to be discussed use cases. 16:49:58 q? 16:50:29 q+ 16:51:34 scribe: sajkaj 16:51:43 q+ 16:52:01 Todd: : Wonders whether Errors SG should look at Detlev's use case? 16:52:38 Todd: : Offers to check with Sarah and report back 16:53:10 PeterKorn: : Suggests bucket 4 with note about request to Errors SG? Objections? 16:53:14 [crickets] 16:54:04 scribe: Tod 16:54:09 ack tod 16:54:16 ack Wilco_ 16:54:23 Wilco_: ask about potential use cases 16:55:41 zakim, take up item 4 16:55:41 agendum 4 -- Use Cases Discussion (Continued) -- taken up [from sajkaj] 16:57:45 Wilco_: 3rd party components discussed, what fits into category 17:00:17 JF: discussion on whether CRM is involved in 3rd party 17:00:29 discussion between CRM vs. CMS (WordPress) 17:00:52 What end of the spectrum those are on if not near or with each other 17:02:16 PeterKorn: Agreed on new 3rd party principle that Wilco's use case goes into 17:03:38 Todd has left #silver-conf 17:03:43 Bye all 17:03:47 Azlan has left #silver-conf 17:04:14 rrsagent, make minutes 17:04:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/18-silver-conf-minutes.html sajkaj 17:05:03 zakim, end meeting 17:05:03 As of this point the attendees have been ToddLibby, Azlan, JF, sarahhorton, John_Northup, PeterKorn, jeanne, sajkaj, Regrets:, Jemma, Todd, bruce_bailey, Wilco_ 17:05:06 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:05:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/18-silver-conf-minutes.html Zakim 17:05:08 I am happy to have been of service, sajkaj; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:05:13 Zakim has left #silver-conf 17:53:33 zakim, clear agenda 17:53:56 rrsagent, bye 17:53:56 I see no action items