Meeting minutes
<LisaSeemanKest> agenda, Status and updates (any publication coordination)
<LisaSeemanKest> what we work on next. See spreadsheets
<LisaSeemanKest> <https://
<LisaSeemanKest> ,
<LisaSeemanKest> wiki page
<LisaSeemanKest> <<https://
<LisaSeemanKest> and
<LisaSeemanKest> Threads: priorities again
<LisaSeemanKest> <https://
<LisaSeemanKest> and
<LisaSeemanKest> research topics
<LisaSeemanKest> <https://
<Rain> congratulations Roy!
<Jennie> Yeah Roy!
<JustineP> Indeed, congrats Roy!
Status and updates (any publication coordination)
a few more W3C WAI editorial details to be finalised
lisa: the ag group have a survey on this ^^^
<Rachael> link to survey: https://
<EA> Just so sorry I cannot make it on Tuesday due to PhD student
Rachael: would be good if COGA TF people could attend the AG meeting on Tuesday where it will be discussed
<Jennie> It is now blocked on my calendar with a note that nobody can book over it :)
<LisaSeemanKest> https://
lisa: best if we have as many people as posisble fill in the survey too - only a single question
<Rachael> https://
rachael AG meeting 11:00 13:00 Eastern. Good it you read the survey results before
<Rachael> meeting link page: https://
<LisaSeemanKest> https://
Jennie: something GOCA related came up at work. Where should I add it so it is considered for next iterations
rachael: I suggest GitHub https://
<LisaSeemanKest> https://
jennie: is somehting to do with 'deletions'
Lisa: Good and bad practice images will be good for the web version
Jennie: John K and Rain have expressed interested in that. Is anyone else?
see mail list in Agenda item 3 - lets make sure it is not missed
<LisaSeemanKest> request not waist work done
Shall work on and get you to review
<stevelee> Lisa: justine can you ask the icon creators to tweak them so they look like a set.
<stevelee> Justine: yes
<stevelee> Lisa: lets say 2 weeks
Rachel: most issue now closed - will check EO's are taken care of.
… would like 15 mins with others after this meeting to discuss the issues that need a response
… seem to be jus tthose that do not yet have a draft response
what we work on next. See spreadsheets
<LisaSeemanKest> rain: https://
<LisaSeemanKest> https://
<cweidner> +1
<EA> +1
Lisa: our user research document, helped us collect and organise.
also the issue papers - which are more horizontal compaired to vertical research
neither have been published but have a wealth of information.
Then there is Gap analysis - highlights where there are problems.
also not published
<LisaSeemanKest> https://
so wht are our priorities - see this spread sheet
4 tabs to make more managable
from Rachael's emial it seems we will work on one bits topic at any time. Then 2 or 3 Research/pub items
<EA> Has personalisation been missed?
may have projects with the various groups at any time so can track them
lisa: personalization under AG
EA: also soe issue papers
Lisa: ongoing work so have a added to groups tab.
ea: yes happy as interested in symbol personalisation etc
lisa: about to go to CR - so crucial time to review - is a high priority for us
… making it "active" in the spreadsheet
Rachael should include AG and ACT
<Rachael> stevelee: The WAI website (Shawn) should be on this list. They have content
steve: add WAI website editorial
lisa: also W3C tools
<Rain> +1 to this conversation and having us involved
<Jennie> +1 it operationalizes are participation. Really like Rain's suggestion.
<Jennie> our - not are
<Albert> Question: Do we also send liaison to RQTF (research question task force)?
KrisAnne: working with everone is actually goo as we want to cover all people not a suset
<stevelee> rain: suggest one person nominated as contact for each group to better manage the interactions and make less daunting
Lisa: agree, was toying with that
<krisannekinney> me apologies but i need to drop.
<EA> Is there an overall formal list of liasion people for all the groups?
John: agree should formalise liaisons -
<stevelee> lisa: at least one person - and some tooling for tracking
<stevelee> +1
<Albert> +1
<cweidner> +1
JohnK: would be useful to have a plain language explanation for each sheet
<EA> +1
<Rain> +1
<JustineP> +1
albert: i'm comfortable with this approach
Rachael: more TFs are looking at collaboration, we are leading. AG chairs are looking at this an may be including more common ideas
<LisaSeemanKest> acl a
albert: can I get a better picture of what liaison will be and do
lisa: someone joins another group to keep a view of what they are doing. so APA review other publications for accessibility. Our Liaison will pick up on things coga might be interested in getting involved in.
<johnkirkwood> liason: also serve as a single point of contact, too. i feel
john: that often help single point of contact so they do pass issues that come up
<Albert> Thank you everyone for explaining
lisa: yes but do not make decision on behalf of TF
steve: headsup and keep info flowing
lisa: lots to do but this will help us not spinning our wheels.
… propose we make a start next week
… a few from each sheets
<LisaSeemanKest> 2-3 reaserch topic ?
jennie: when we talk about topics can we get idea of proposed timescales
<Rachael> I agree with 18 months for mental health
lisa: lets try filling it in... eg mental health: 18 months, issue paper: 3 months
Rachael: a question of what the TF want to focus on
rain: sensible to limit to 2 rather than 3
<Jennie> +1 and then also updates as appropriate
steve suggest we make sure the research behind each pattern is traceable. As well as adding new research
EA: do we have a mental health expert in the TF? The previous one seems ot have moved on
Lisa: review methodology and recruit who we need - both academics and representatives of people with such issues.
have separated this out.
EA: probably is one of the largest and most complex
lisa: we dont HAVE ot do it.
EA but we decided early it should be included in our scope.
rachael: als othink is incredibly import and and either we tackle or new set up new TF, but so much overlap
lisa: 3 things
1) review method and recruit
2) review mental health
3) community engagement with external research
<LisaSeemanKest> methodolgy and then work on mental health
<EA> +1
<LisaSeemanKest> +1
eh we recently found we needed to better understanding recent terminology used by people themselves
<cweidner> +1
<JustineP> +1
<Rain> +1
<Rachael> +1
<Albert> +1
<Jennie> +1
<johnkirkwood> +1
Q: was do we start with above
<LisaSeemanKest> comunity engment in reserch and prefrences new suggetions
lisa: methodology and mental health. It is
<LisaSeemanKest> +1
<LisaSeemanKest> comunity engment in reserch and prefrences new suggetions
lets leave that till next week
<cweidner> Have to drop now. Thank you all!
<LisaSeemanKest> https://
<LisaSeemanKest> https://