12:46:54 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 12:46:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/17-rqtf-irc 12:46:56 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:46:56 Zakim has joined #rqtf 12:46:58 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 12:46:58 Date: 17 March 2021 12:47:09 chair: jasonjgw 12:47:14 present+ 12:47:18 agenda+ RAUR and XAUR any updates. 12:47:18 agenda+ Media synchronization research. 12:47:18 agenda+ Accessibility of natural language interfaces. 12:47:18 agenda+ Miscellaneous updates and topics relevant to Task Force work. 12:56:52 JPaton has joined #rqtf 13:01:42 becky has joined #rqtf 13:03:11 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 13:03:47 present+ 13:04:00 present+ 13:05:26 present+ 13:05:46 zakim, next item 13:05:46 agendum 1 -- RAUR and XAUR any updates. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:05:56 present+ John_Paton 13:06:59 janina: What about the 2 questions that came in of late? 13:07:17 ..from WCAG 3 regarding RAUR 13:07:55 jasonjgw: Use case of caption for braille display use was another question 13:08:28 Should captions be full transcripts is a part of the question 13:09:41 janina: Problem of slowing down the meeting conversation rate for the sake of the captions 13:10:39 joconnor: Should we delay RAUR while we deal with this? 13:10:52 janina: Probably so 13:11:00 RAUR to be delayed, due to content usable anyways 13:12:06 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rqtf/2021Mar/0033.html 13:12:15 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rqtf/2021Mar/0033.html 13:15:14 janina: It is not workable to limit communications due to limitations in reading rates 13:16:18 scott-H has joined #rqtf 13:16:49 present+ 13:17:18 janina: Two weeks seems safe 13:18:20 RAUR and XAUR to be delayed till Content usable is out 13:20:43 joconnor: To blog or not to blog? 13:21:01 janina: Blogging in not needed 13:21:49 Judy has joined #rqtf 13:21:54 present+ 13:23:16 zakim, next item 13:23:16 agendum 2 -- Media synchronization research. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:23:29 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Media_Synchronization_Requirements 13:24:31 JW: We are hoping to develop this in the right direction 13:24:54 SN: I've been v busy with other things last week 13:25:07 I hope to get back to this, this week. 13:25:23 The main areas are sign language interpretation and synchronisation 13:25:38 Am looking at peer reviewed docs etc at the moment 13:25:58 q+ 13:26:07 The most interesting stuff is around signing avatars - cutting edge work on automagic speech recognition 13:26:31 We dont have the body of recorded speech that has been converted into sign language 13:27:07 We have speech/voice activated stuff - for text but there is a gap for speech => sign transformation 13:27:42 There are issues about interpretation - around context and avatar synchronisation 13:27:46 Other comments? 13:27:48 ack jan 13:28:53 JS: I found out something interesting - relating to timing - a friend is an SL interpreter, she said the hearing person who signs, vs the natively deaf person who re-signs to be more understandable by the deaf community 13:29:05 So native signing vs learned 13:29:11 That has implications 13:29:45 SN: Yeah, that's interesting - I also work in the area of audio description and gaming a11y 13:29:54 This point came up recently 13:30:35 sign => Audio description of singer and signer interplay> 13:31:23 This was with recorded video, will be challenging in live scenarios 13:31:31 Will look at literature on this. 13:32:06 JW: The question is, what are preferences under certain conditions? 13:32:24 JP: Could be a cultural thing 13:32:38 There are levels of quality of signing.. 13:33:08 Big D, first language signing vs learned etc 13:33:22 Some users may be deaf and read English v well. 13:33:47 There are variances in what is culturally acceptable 13:34:09 JS: There are variations of range, depending on real time vs pre-recorded 13:34:25 JP: The main issue with be in Live meeting environement 13:34:41 There is a latency issue 13:35:04 JP: Its not directly transcribing but interpretation 13:35:30 SN: The signer has to hear the whole sentence to sign 13:35:59 JW: So this is the issue for investigation? 13:36:17 SN: I can spend more time on this. 13:36:38 We can follow on next week. 13:37:11 JS: If we can pull this together we have two groups waiting, Silver and Timed Text want input from us 13:37:37 This is useful to promote better synchronisation of media. 13:38:19 JW: Thank you 13:38:35 zakim, next item 13:38:35 agendum 3 -- Accessibility of natural language interfaces. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:39:23 jasonjgw: Thanks to Josh on spending some time on this and make some improvements 13:39:26 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/naur/naur/index.html 13:40:06 https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Anaur 13:40:16 jasonjgw: Thanks to John for his comments as well 13:41:28 joconnor: Jason's initial framing was very useful 13:41:52 joconnor: Added a scetion on services and agents 13:42:51 joconnor: In a good place now for everyone to look at this and make sure we are good with the framework 13:43:15 q? 13:43:52 s/scetion/section 13:44:15 jasonjgw: Can spend more time on the framework if that is helpful 13:44:35 q+ 13:44:50 jasonjgw: There are cognitive issues we may need to cover and the accessibility of the underlying services 13:45:44 jasonjgw: Not all the requirements we have identified are in the document 13:45:51 ack janina 13:47:19 janina: Google added functionality to analyze individual's sleep patterns 13:50:14 janina: Privacy and security is an area we commonly look at 13:52:03 jasonjgw: Could add more to the framework - have the time 13:52:30 joconnor: Sounds good 13:52:54 joconnor: We need a tight review of the user needs 13:54:07 joconnor: A better understanding of the modality and the services 13:54:53 jasonjgw: Will look at the literature on natural language 13:54:58 q? 13:56:19 jasonjgw: Will dedicate some writing time to formalize the writing 13:57:05 jasonjgw: Will bring back for discussion 13:57:36 zakim, next item 13:57:36 agendum 4 -- Miscellaneous updates and topics relevant to Task Force work. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 13:57:42 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/ 13:58:13 janina: Need to look at Content usable 13:58:54 Do a quick review next week 14:00:45 zakim, bye 14:00:45 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, SteveNoble, joconnor, janina, John_Paton, scott-H, Judy 14:00:45 Zakim has left #rqtf 14:00:51 rrsagent, make minutes 14:00:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/17-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 14:02:25 janina has left #rqtf 16:04:13 becky has joined #rqtf