13:30:27 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:30:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-silver-irc 13:30:30 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:30:31 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:30:40 agenda+ Highlights of WCAG3-applicable conference presentations 13:30:44 agenda+ Planning update 13:30:47 agenda+ Subgroup updates 13:30:48 agenda+ GitHub issues 13:30:51 Present+ 13:31:07 present + 13:31:08 present+ 13:31:09 present+ 13:31:09 present+ 13:31:12 present+ 13:31:15 present+ 13:31:16 present+ 13:31:16 present+ 13:32:13 scribe: JustineP 13:32:19 present+ Laura_Carlson 13:32:27 Makoto has joined #silver 13:32:42 present+ 13:32:53 present+ 13:32:55 Zakim, take up item 1 13:32:55 agendum 1 -- Highlights of WCAG3-applicable conference presentations -- taken up [from Lauriat] 13:33:32 Shawn: Following up on discussions from last week re: WCAG 3.0 work 13:33:45 Jan has joined #silver 13:33:45 Chuck: I have one but need to locate my notes. 13:33:55 Jemma has joined #silver 13:33:55 q+ 13:33:58 present+ Jan 13:34:08 present+ 13:34:16 q+ 13:34:18 JF has joined #silver 13:34:20 Janina: APA's call -- in process of making video available and will be announced on Silver list. 13:34:27 ack CharlesHall 13:34:28 Present+ 13:34:56 Charles: Accessibility roles/responsibilities mapping project might be beneficial for "how to's" 13:35:24 ...will paste in link momentarily. 13:35:26 ack Wilco 13:35:36 KimD has joined #silver 13:35:38 Wilco: Also worth noting ACT discussion 13:35:38 https:bit.ly/si-arm 13:35:42 q+ 13:35:42 present+ 13:35:50 https://www.axe-con.com/event/accessibility-rating-framework-a-simple-way-to-compare-accessibility-quality-across-a-portfolio-of-apps-websites/ 13:35:54 https://bit.ly/si-arm 13:36:06 https:bit.ly/si-arrm 13:36:14 https://bit.ly/si-arrm 13:36:18 Shawn: Link doesn't seem to be working. 13:36:28 bruce_bailey has joined #silver 13:36:30 Charles: typo, will fix 13:36:55 ack Chuck 13:37:32 Video isn't published yet, but should be soon: https://www.axe-con.com/event/w3c-rules-for-accessibility/ 13:37:39 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 13:37:49 Thanks, Wilco! 13:38:01 present+ 13:38:10 present+ 13:38:23 Chuck: Session re: simple way to compare accessibility across apps/websites. Was an adjectival system...when asked question about WCAG 3, presenter hoped that WCAG 3 would address conformance of large apps/websites. 13:38:27 q? 13:38:45 q+ 13:39:04 ...pasted link if people are interested. 13:39:18 ack CharlesHall 13:40:02 Charles: One quote..."people are not dependent or independent...they are interdependent". This relates to privacy and security functional need when someone might rely on another person to facilitate using digital device. 13:40:11 ...want to explore further in functional needs work. 13:40:28 Difference Drives Innovation & Disability Inclusion Benefits All of Us Haben Girma 13:40:29 present+ 13:40:48 Accessibility Rating Framework: a Simple Way to Compare Accessibility Quality Across a Portfolio of Apps & Websites Aidan Tierney 13:40:56 Aidan Tierney 13:41:43 Chuck: Any other interesting discussions form last week? 13:41:50 Zakim, take up next item 13:41:50 agendum 2 -- Planning update -- taken up [from Lauriat] 13:41:51 s/form/from 13:41:56 Present+ 13:42:47 Shawn: Left planning meeting early. Was anyone else able to attend? 13:42:56 Zakim, take up next item 13:42:56 agendum 3 -- Subgroup updates -- taken up [from Lauriat] 13:43:04 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Main_Page#Sub_Groups 13:43:31 Shawn: any updates from subgroups? 13:44:06 Francis: Put call out last week for help on conformance testing. Received comments and will reach out to those folks today. 13:44:29 Visual Contrast of Text - Cadence was skipped due to two conferences at same time. Will review asynchronously and update next week. 13:44:35 Shawn: Good to hear that you have volunteers. 13:45:01 agenda? 13:45:24 Janina: Conformance options discussed deliverable calendar for March. We hope to close on it one week from Friday's call. 13:46:06 Shawn: Any other updates? 13:46:33 Translation of comments from Japanese attendees at Makoto's webinar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kX6DnXftI9VSrK9wgTTOqlkFp9KE4OCGxQqgDiAUcTc/edit?usp=sharing 13:46:36 Makoto: Not about subgroups, but I am working on translation of comments from Japanese into English re: FPWD. 13:47:07 johnkirkwood has joined #Silver 13:47:42 Just talked to Aidan, his talk will be posted here next week https://www.axe-con.com/event/accessibility-rating-framework-a-simple-way-to-compare-accessibility-quality-across-a-portfolio-of-apps-websites/ requires registration if you weren't previously registered for axe-con 13:47:48 ...don't have enough time to complete this week. Maya is assisting with translation and is interested in alt text subgroup. Will share high level summary of comments from Japan next week. 13:47:58 q? 13:48:21 Shawn: Any other subgroup updates? 13:48:27 Zakim, take up next item 13:48:27 agendum 4 -- GitHub issues -- taken up [from Lauriat] 13:48:37 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Issue_Processing_Report 13:49:04 ...We migrated issues from email reports into Github. Brought us from 189 issues to 270 open issues. 13:49:29 ...We have a lot of triage to work through. Jeanne and Rachael did some triaging yesterday. 13:50:12 Direct link to the open github issues: https://github.com/w3c/silver/issues?q=created%3A%3E2020-11-01+is%3Aopen 13:50:27 Jeanne: I started taking issues assigned to the editors (a big list) and put them into a spreadsheet so that we can analyze and associate issues that belong together. 13:50:41 ....So that we can begin working on them as a group of related issues rather than one issue at a time. 13:51:10 ...I finished scoring issues (23 total). 13:51:22 jeanne has joined #silver 13:51:33 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Jessi_ONIPPWBG7OwqjTqaCf2aZdG_9P_mE6R8J9rU/edit#gid=0 13:52:34 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AyXzTNqthkAZF-poXLvfAaP4dYdYmozWZhX14rvP6Rg/ 13:52:35 ...Put a quick summary of comments in spreadsheet. Started moving on to testing. 13:53:03 ...Realized that we need to label the comments and have started working on that. 13:53:55 ...Thanks to everyone that helped. We went from 150 items that needed triage to 0. I still have 2 more emails to enter -- emails tended to be from companies with a lot of comments. Breaking those up into separate issues. 13:54:05 agenda? 13:54:28 Shawn: Any updates from planning meeting, Jeanne? 13:55:06 Jeanne: Was mostly about Github triaging. Had a good meeting with Shadi about how to work with ACT group more closely. He gave an overview of issues that they might be able to help with. 13:55:52 ...Looking at issues related to scoring. There were places where scoring was less accurate then they wanted it to be. I mentioned that some of that is related to rushed work associated with deadline. 13:56:14 ...Shadi will take topics back to ACT group to discuss how they can help. 13:57:38 ...Discussed how to begin working on summary report of comments. This will provide an overview of major trends in comments. We also discussed scheduling an all-day meeting in early April with AGWG to work through some of the major conformance and scoring issues. 13:57:53 Shawn: Thanks. 13:57:53 q+ 13:58:03 ack bruce_bailey 13:58:23 Bruce: I'm hoping that all-day meetings will be later rather than sooner due to work obligations. 13:58:47 +1 to later. Will need time to clear my schedule. 13:58:57 Jeanne: Suggesting a date range would be helpful. We will release a survey requesting feedback on dates. 13:59:00 +1, same 13:59:18 +1, and +1 to have that meeting 13:59:28 Shawn: Any other questions/comments? 13:59:38 Access Board is having Autonomous Vehicle forums April 7th and 21st 13:59:42 https://www.access-board.gov/av 14:00:11 Jeanne: A reminder to subgroups -- please work on your comments. If you have something ready to close, please email me and/or label issue as "ready for survey". 14:00:15 I know I will not have time to participate in all-day forums until after that 14:00:27 ...Nothing ready for survey just yet. 14:00:56 ...Ran across a few more issues this morning that have moved to subgroups. Please ensure that you have most recent update. 14:01:19 Q+ 14:01:21 Shawn: If nothing else, we can close meeting. 14:01:28 present+ 14:01:36 ack JF 14:01:44 Options for Bronze, Silver & Gold levels https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BjH_9iEr_JL8d7sE7BoQckmkpaDksKZiH7Q-RdDide4/edit#heading=h.r8n8wkp3rutl 14:01:47 John F: We started looking at options for bronze/silver/gold a while back. Status? 14:01:59 q+ 14:02:34 Jeanne: We are looking for all comments related to that before moving forward. Peter and Jennifer are writing a summary proposal of changes that have been agreed to. I need to follow up with them. 14:02:41 ack JakeAbma 14:04:12 Jake: I want to support comment from John about scoring and way of measuring in Silver. I have doubts about achievability...wondering if we will proceed in same framework/structure and try to make it work. Or will meetings focus on structural problems related to reorganization (continuing or stepping back)? 14:04:13 +1 14:04:23 q+ to ask about Guidelines 2v3 14:04:27 Q+ 14:04:42 Jeanne: That's a major reason that I want to start working through totality of comments. 14:04:52 ack Rachael 14:05:37 Rachael: I have a series of structural questions -- we have a couple of different proposals. I need to determine how to present to the group. In all day session, we can have a conversation about next steps/path forward. I feel that we need a wider representation from AG. 14:05:48 +1 to wider representation 14:06:01 ...We have started to discuss next steps. A survey is out requesting comments about 2.3 and next steps. 14:06:12 ack bruce_bailey 14:06:12 bruce_bailey, you wanted to ask about Guidelines 2v3 14:06:43 Q+ 14:07:28 Bruce: I think some of the feedback is mistaken. Government does use adjectival rating. Regarding Greg's comment -- I want to ask -- aren't the guidelines in the middle level of WCAG 2 and WCAG 3 compatible? Referring to TOC specifically. 14:08:05 Shawn: Guidelines for WCAG 3 are slightly at a lower level. They seem to be in a spectrum between WCAG 2 style and SC style. 14:08:30 Jeanne: Changing to user needs organization, we had migration map where we took WCAG 2 SC and re-mapped by user need. 14:08:59 ...It may be time to revisit to ensure that it fits with current direction. 14:09:17 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aCRXrtmnSSTso-6S_IO9GQ3AKTB4FYt9k92eT_1PWX4/edit 14:09:59 ...This is the original map that we worked on. SC in WCAG 2 had similar user needs and could be grouped/split based on user needs with respect to outcomes. 14:10:31 ...Greg had a good idea. It is time to recycle and look at the macro level before we write new guidelines and outcomes. 14:10:46 ack JF 14:11:16 q+ to talk about govt feedbacvk 14:11:19 John F: Can you specify what government, Bruce? U.S. federal government might be using adjectival rating but is that true for all governments (with respect)? 14:11:30 ack jeanne 14:11:30 jeanne, you wanted to talk about govt feedbacvk 14:12:30 Jeanne: We've heard from a number of governments (3-ish so far). Positive feedback has been received from regulatory agencies that they like our general direction. Not necessarily every detail but they like the expanded focus. I need to add those comments to the report as its important information. 14:13:03 ...Greg has a common theme re: an assertion that governments will not like WCAG 2 format. Doesn't seem to be supported by comments received from agencies so far. 14:13:17 *courts* will have a problem with subjectivity (vs. "governments") 14:13:41 ...We need to determine if the direction is acceptable to governments around the world. 14:14:16 Jeanne: To John's comment, I will receive feedback from a group of U.S. lawyers today. Will be able to share outcome on Friday. 14:14:32 Shawn: Any other questions/comments? 14:14:56 bye 14:15:02 sayonara! 14:15:13 KimD has left #silver 14:15:14 Zakim, make minutes 14:15:14 I don't understand 'make minutes', Lauriat 14:15:14 ToddLibby has left #silver 14:15:24 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:15:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-silver-minutes.html Lauriat 14:15:24 rrsagent, make minutes 14:15:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-silver-minutes.html jeanne 14:54:28 MarcJohlic has joined #silver 15:02:55 laura has joined #silver 15:07:45 mbgower has joined #silver 15:15:38 sajkaj has left #silver 15:32:29 laura_ has joined #silver 15:58:20 stevelee has joined #silver 16:48:11 laura has left #silver 16:49:54 laura has joined #silver 17:00:27 johnkirkwood has joined #Silver 17:57:48 MarcJohlic has joined #silver 19:03:54 stevelee has joined #silver 21:12:21 stevelee has joined #silver 21:44:01 stevelee_ has joined #silver 23:08:25 goodnight MarcJohlic's MacBook