17:49:24 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 17:49:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-aria-apg-irc 17:49:42 Zakim has joined #aria-apg 17:49:53 rrsagent, make log public 17:50:19 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 17:50:27 Scribe: Jemma 17:50:30 CHAIR: Matt King 17:50:34 present+ 17:50:38 present+ 17:50:41 rrsagent, make minutes 17:50:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 17:50:54 zakim, clear agenda 17:50:54 agenda cleared 17:56:30 present+ 18:01:27 CurtBellew has joined #aria-apg 18:02:26 jongund has joined #aria-apg 18:02:40 siri has joined #aria-apg 18:02:42 MarkMccarthy has joined #aria-apg 18:02:55 Topic: agenda label, site redesign 18:03:33 sarah_higley has joined #aria-apg 18:03:35 present+ 18:03:44 jamesn has joined #aria-apg 18:03:51 present+ 18:04:05 present+ 18:06:02 present+ 18:07:44 /me we can still throw out some trash though right? 18:08:01 present+ jongund 18:08:03 carmacleod has joined #aria-apg 18:08:10 present+ 18:08:15 s/\/me we can still throw out some trash though right?// 18:09:55 Topic: Slider PR 18:10:26 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/March-16%2C-2021-Agenda 18:10:42 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1755 18:11:48 siri: non of screen reader seems not announce value max and min 18:15:26 jamesn:Yeah, and I wouldn't want to hear a screen reader doing it all the time reading the min and max value every time you focus in it because it seems like a lot of extra information that, yes, a visual user doesn't have to process, most of the time we just
 want to tweak a value 18:15:53 +1 jamesn 18:16:04 mck: can you comment the suggestions to ARIA AT project, Siri? 18:16:53 mck: if user is trying to go over max and min, alerting the user seems to be a good idea. 18:17:16 siri: I will file the issue. 18:17:38 checking review list of thumbslider 18:18:01 jamesn:I noticed an issue with it on Chrome, and Ed.
 18:19:01 ...I noticed an issue with it on Chrome, and Ed.
 18:19:13 ...those text elements in SVG are getting focused 18:19:55 jon: click event handler may give the focus. 18:21:47 sarah:The actual element that's being focused is the group which is even weirder. 18:21:59 ... I don't see tab index 18:22:36 one with g tag is geting focused. 18:22:50 jamesn:f I inspect it and console and do a tab index on it. I just get minus one from it. 18:23:05 it is computed dom value 18:24:02 group is doing whether it is chrome bug or not for focus problem. 18:24:13 firefox and safari works fine 18:25:36 sarah:Why does it have focused on blur listeners? 18:25:49 jon: Oh, just so that when you hover over with the mouse with an outline around it, you know that they're active.
 18:26:56 sarah: on blur listeners that are not supposed to be focused. I think we just took those off. 18:27:31 jon: I will take off the focus on blur listener. 18:28:16 another issue - https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1755#pullrequestreview-613555583 18:28:33 mark: "Disapproving/requesting changes based on HCM Black w/ defaults not working in Firefox or Edgeium. On Firefox, only some text shows up. On Edgeium, nothing shows up. Screenshots to follow. HCM White w/ defaults works as expected." 18:30:29 jon:I mean, this current color thing is kind of tricky cuz the current color is really related to text, but we're using it an SVG. 18:31:03 car: I think you're using color current color but you probably have Excuse me, need to use filling stroke. 18:31:23 sarah: I had the same feeling 18:31:36 jon: I can look into it. 18:31:53 sarah: may be fill for text? 18:32:25 sarah: Windows high contrast mode won't override color used within an sVG. So if you want current color to update with high contrast mode color needs to be defined above it.
 18:32:49 ...Carolyn is right, the CSS attribute, or CSS property would need to be filled 18:34:44 ...current color uses.
13:34:23 18:34:44 Whatever the Parent CSS color property is right. 18:36:06 ...override color defined on the period of the entire SVG 18:36:06 So if you have an SVG with multiple colors you can only have one color overridden by current colors 18:36:18 s/period/parent 18:38:09 So, and it worked on Chrome I know, and so I don't. And so I'll have to go back and look at it seemed to work, it works in one mode of Firefox.
 18:38:09 And when I looked at the dom specter on firefox. It said the text was supposed to be white, but it didn't render is white, it just wondered as black on black.
 18:38:09 I'm not sure what that was about. I will look into it. 18:39:24 Topic: Plan file directory treeview updates for aria-at (Continued) 18:40:34 mck: I would like to focus on coming up with the simplest possible treview 18:40:41 at today 18:40:46 's meeting 18:41:49 mck: Or if we need to make any changes to the current computed file directory computed properties file directory tree view. 18:41:49 Do we need to make any changes to make it simpler other than like right now it doesn't currently use aria selected 18:41:49 And I think, at the end of the meeting we were saying that maybe we should add Aria selected there. 18:41:49 But are there any other changes are things that we could do to that example, to make it more simple more basic.
 18:42:15 car: We need to add pointer event so that the example can work on touch device 18:42:57 mck: How do we make it seem kind of more understandable, as to what the point of the tree view is like here, you're selecting a value for a Purpose 18:43:30 and I don't know if the purpose in this case would be like to display the contents of a file but then in real life, you wouldn't want selection to follow focus.
 18:43:55 car: when selection follows focus it updates right away and I think also, it should be on the right hand side, like side by side instead of up and down.
 18:44:30 car: I guess there's checkbox trees, and they are sort of simpler except that they have checkboxes are usually for settings or options or something like that.
] 18:44:40 mck:hat's a perfect example for a multi select tree right would be settings thing. Yeah.
 18:44:55 sarah:it might be useful to make to make the declared properties tree, the one we like heavily update and like check it out, get, like, virtualized maybe make it multi select to demonstrate how you do multi select.
 18:46:15 mck: Tree behave differently in different implementations and so then I get nervous using them.
 18:46:25 .. I work around it 18:47:33 ...It's like the point of the user interface is to choose a file to open. So you're choosing the file but you know until you have the Edit box which says, This is the file, you're going to open and as an open button.
 So you have like an edit box and open button and a tree. 18:48:22 mck: I am talking about use case of uploading the file to the web. 18:49:12 car: talking about complex implementation of those use cases 18:49:34 ...a complicated dialogue and it does have a tree. 18:52:23 https://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/examples/treeview/treeview-1/treeview-1a.html 18:52:54 mck: If we're doing the simplest possible implementation should we specify Aria selected, or should we go with the new thing that we put into Aria 1.3 the language that allows the browser to set selecte 18:53:09 sarah:I think it'd be useful so something I see tree views, like relatively simple tree views, use for a lot is just like you have a file directory structure hierarchical structure so you have like a notepad like app except that, you know, rather than opening
 18:53:21 ...something, a file on your computer, because this is on the web, you have like a list of all your files within that web app on and then you can open any given one to edit the text within it, because let's say it's a text editing app like notepad or or 18:53:33 evernote. 18:53:43 ...so the selected file is whatever is currently displayed in the main view on. And you definitely don't want that to file follow focus, so I see like that sort of thing a lot where you open like a panel like activating any item opens content in like
 18:54:12 ...a panel on, we could code that like it's very similar to our navigation patterns. Yeah, so it could like we could use essentially the same code or the same pattern where any, like, instead of having it populated edit box which I always assumed was just
 18:54:20 ...like a demonstration of, you click to thing rather than something realistic.
 18:54:31 mck: So, in that case you're in that case you're proposing this would be a tree where selection does not follow focus. Right. 18:54:44 sarah:Unless you want to use like aria current or something but I think having that pattern be an example and demonstrating how you indicate which is the current item would be really valuable because a lot of people do that, and that's not reflected in any
 18:54:51 of our examples currently.
 18:55:48 mck: So, yeah, the way, are you selected is or the way, are you currently has written right now, you should actually use Aria selected for that. And the only reason we used current in the
 navigation tree view is because inside those three items they're actually links and what are your current, he pulls page was intended for specifically for navigation functions.
 18:56:54 mck: I get the IDea here is selection, not following focus.
 If that was our simplest tree view example and as one where selection doesn't follow focus is, is that okay, like so.
 18:57:16 sarah:personally I think windows deciding to have selection follow focus by default, has screwed us over in the present, and it was a terrible pattern.
 18:58:09 mck: I guess my view is, as we try to make accessibility better on the web and with Aria in a one, one of my hopes is that we actually evolve the state of of screen readers and get them less dependent on legacy
 assumptions in the, with the aim of trying to make overall experiences simpler and easier to understand.
 18:59:32 mck: The idea here would be, we have to write it up, put it in the issue, make sure people agree on. Essentially what the design is conceptually, and then we'll make the changes. 18:59:58 sarah: I'm happy to take on trees I would really like to make the declared properties tree into, like, an example where you would actually declare properties. 19:00:51 sarah will create the issue. 19:01:39 ACTION: Sarah will create the treeview design proposal 19:01:39 Created ACTION-2151 - Will create the treeview design proposal [on Sarah Higley - due 2021-03-23]. 19:02:09 rrsagent, make minutes 19:02:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-aria-apg-minutes.html Jemma 19:05:03 s/Topic: agenda label, site redesign/APG github issue clean up for the transition - APG redesign project 19:09:31 jemma: we can be ready for migration with APG redesign project by looking into open git hub issues. For an example, code example styling issues or mobile responsive design can be part of the first phase of project. We can also assign "site redesign" github issue label for these issues. Also "feedback" label will be one good place to see whether anything can be part of APG redsign projects. 19:10:01 rrsagent, make minutes 19:10:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-aria-apg-minutes.html Jemma 19:27:12 resource: CSS at-rule: @media: forced-colors media feature https://caniuse.com/mdn-css_at-rules_media_forced-colors 19:28:15 rrsagent, make minutes 19:28:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/16-aria-apg-minutes.html Jemma 20:24:26 Zakim has left #aria-apg