18:34:31 RRSAgent has joined #silver 18:34:31 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-silver-irc 18:34:34 RRSAgent, make logs Public 18:34:34 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 18:34:45 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 18:34:45 present: 18:34:45 chair: Shawn, jeanne 18:34:45 present+ 18:34:45 zakim, clear agenda 18:34:45 rrsagent, make minutes 18:34:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-silver-minutes.html jeanne 18:34:45 q? 18:34:46 agenda cleared 18:35:00 agenda+ reminder of Daylight Savings time change starting 14 March 18:35:00 agenda+ Highlights of APA media queries presentation 18:35:00 agenda+ Highlights of WCAG3-applicable conference presentations 18:35:00 agenda+ writing proposals for general Issues outside a subgroup 18:55:29 sajkaj has joined #silver 18:58:20 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 18:59:34 Fazio has joined #Silver 19:00:34 Lauriat has joined #silver 19:01:50 present+ 19:01:53 Francis_Storr has joined #silver 19:01:57 laura has joined #silver 19:02:01 present+ 19:02:28 zakim, take up next 19:02:28 agendum 1 -- reminder of Daylight Savings time change starting 14 March -- taken up [from jeanne] 19:02:31 present+ 19:02:35 present+ 19:03:15 JS: Daylight savings time starts next week, so please check the meeting times for your area, since it may have changed 19:03:17 zakim, take up next 19:03:17 agendum 1 was just opened, jeanne 19:03:22 present+ Laura_Carlson 19:03:32 zakim, close item 1 19:03:32 agendum 1, reminder of Daylight Savings time change starting 14 March, closed 19:03:34 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:03:34 2. Highlights of APA media queries presentation [from jeanne] 19:03:37 Present+ 19:03:37 zakim, take up next 19:03:37 agendum 2 -- Highlights of APA media queries presentation -- taken up [from jeanne] 19:04:07 JS: Asks Janina for an update 19:04:18 It was great! 19:04:46 Agreed. Great info. 19:04:56 Janina: we are working on creating a clean presentation, and will post online, probably next week 19:05:07 Shri has joined #SILVER 19:05:17 Present+ 19:05:37 Janina: the presentation was on CSS media queries 5, which has some accessibility-related values 19:06:14 Janina: values include reduced motion, high contrast, and suggestions of additional values that APA might request from the CSS group 19:06:44 q+ 19:06:55 Janina: will post list as soon as it is ready, feel free to share it widely 19:07:17 s/will post list/will video to list 19:07:39 he mentioned dark mode 19:07:41 https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-5/ 19:07:49 Jeanne: you mentioned a high contrast option, is there also a low contrast option? 19:08:05 https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-5/#prefers-contrast (high, low, forced, no-preference) 19:08:16 Janina: posted a link in response 19:08:51 +1 to Jeanne 19:09:09 q+ to suggest OS instead of browsers, who should just respect it 19:09:27 RickBoardman has joined #silver 19:09:30 ack jeanne 19:09:34 Jeanne: Concern is turning the options on and off through potentially many different custom UIs, would be nice to get this into browsers 19:09:47 ack laur 19:09:47 Lauriat, you wanted to suggest OS instead of browsers, who should just respect it 19:11:01 Janina: agrees it should not just be browser-based 19:11:09 q? 19:11:41 zakim, take up next 19:11:41 agendum 3 -- Highlights of WCAG3-applicable conference presentations -- taken up [from jeanne] 19:11:43 David: has brought this up with Coga, and they plan to see what they can do with it as well 19:12:46 Jeanne: there was a presentation by BBC on making VR accessible to people with cognitive disabilities 19:13:22 Jeanne: will refer to XR subgroup. Presenter said that it is okay not to cover all disabilities, but it is important to be honest upfront 19:13:55 Jeanne: A different group from BBC did research on the accessibility of 20 different fonts and the differences between the fonts 19:14:42 Jeanne: They test 3 fonts that are supposed to be good for people with dyslexia, but found that people with dyslexia in the study did not prefer those fonts, and actually preferred others 19:14:46 q+ 19:14:47 Related, a CSUN presentation: "Making Design & Fonts More Accessible with Material Design" 19:14:56 Jeanne: Would like to be sure the visual contrast people pick up that research 19:15:11 (I didn't see it, but heard good things about it) 19:15:30 Janina: Was there any generalizable advice as to what would be best for dyslexia? 19:16:27 We did a study for McDonalds with children and fonts for dyslexia, and had similar results 19:16:34 Jeanne: Can share a copy of the transcript. But it appeared that the san-serif fonts were actually more difficult, because letters could more easily blend together 19:16:59 Jeanne: but it was very detailed research 19:17:23 Jeanne: both these sessions should be freely available, probably next week 19:18:02 Shawn: There was a related presentation at CSUN 19:18:39 David: This might be demographically dependent, as children in a McDonalds gaming study preferred cartoon-styled fonts 19:19:27 Jeanne: Any other interesting talks from this week, anyone would like to share? 19:19:32 zakim, take up next 19:19:32 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, jeanne 19:19:38 ack saj 19:19:43 zakim, take up next 19:19:43 agendum 4 -- writing proposals for general Issues outside a subgroup -- taken up [from jeanne] 19:20:27 Jeanne: I am almost finished moving email comments into github, therefore there are a lot of new issues 19:21:03 Jeanne: 259 open issues, plus two sets of comments from large organizations, which will likely create 20 more issues 19:21:36 Jeanne: 176 assigned to editors | about 300 total 19:22:18 Jeanne: They are sorted by document section, mostly. Many don't really fit into a subgroup. 19:23:22 Jeanne: They need to be sorted and grouped. Some are easy to address, and need someone to propose new bits language to resolve issues. Such as "instead of writing x here, let's write y" 19:23:37 Jeanne: volunteers are needed to write such proposals 19:23:48 Rich: I'm happy to help out 19:25:33 Jeanne: We said we need to get a group together to review UX for TOC of WCAG 3. I will check but I believe it was Rich, David and Jennifer who volunteered. We did get many comments related to this. 19:25:38 Rich: sign me up 19:26:22 Rich: can bring perspective of consumer who is not overly immersed in standards 19:27:17 Jeanne: something I learned from reading all of the comments, was that there are many items that need additional explanation 19:27:50 Rich: I believe there are many simple changes that will make a big difference. For example "normative" often takes a while to explain. 19:28:48 https://github.com/w3c/silver/labels/Subgroup:%20editors?page=2&q=is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Subgroup%3A+editors%22 19:28:51 Jeanne: We need a group to work on the requirements document, as there were a number of related comments. Are there volunteers to work on that? 19:30:06 Jeanne: there are 30 comments on requirements. Rochelle and I were discussing combining related comments so they are all handled together to avoid conflicts 19:30:28 Suzanne: I can volunteer to work on that 19:30:35 Jeanne: any others? 19:32:44 Jeanne: one way to start is to place everything into a google doc and then begin writing proposals 19:33:00 Jeanne: any additional approaches that anyone would like to suggest? 19:33:30 Jeanne: want to acknowledge how wonderful it was that folks jumped in to help out with triage 19:34:18 Jeanne: And also that now all of the issues filed on time on the main list have been entered into Github (other than the ones that were submitted as PDFs - we requested source documents) 19:34:35 Jeanne: Is currently sorting the comments that arrived through other lists 19:35:30 Jeanne: Encourage people to take a look at the issues that are there for topics that you are interested in - consider writing proposals, which can be to make a change, or to not make a change 19:35:55 Jeanne: please consider and email me if so, I'll help connect you with other who want to help 19:36:06 Jeanne: Other agenda items for today? 19:36:18 q? 19:36:20 agenda? 19:36:53 zakim, close item 4 19:36:53 agendum 4, writing proposals for general Issues outside a subgroup, closed 19:36:55 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 19:38:23 zakim make minutes 19:38:46 rrsagent, make minutes 19:38:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-silver-minutes.html jeanne 19:39:55 s/zakim make minutes// 19:41:06 s/JS:/Jeanne: 19:41:22 rrsagent, make minutes 19:41:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-silver-minutes.html SuzanneTaylor 19:42:29 s/JS:/Jeanne: 19:42:32 rrsagent, make minutes 19:42:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-silver-minutes.html SuzanneTaylor 19:43:32 s/other who want to help/others who want to help 19:44:01 s/other who want to help/others who want to help 19:44:04 rrsagent, make minutes 19:44:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-silver-minutes.html SuzanneTaylor 21:10:21 jeanne has joined #silver