15:51:23 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 15:51:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-pbgsc-irc 15:51:26 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:51:27 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 15:51:53 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021Mar/0002.html 15:52:05 agenda+ Any EPUBcheck updates? 15:52:12 agenda+ London Book Fair 15:52:20 agenda+ Debrief on WCAG 3 presentations to the BG and followup actions 15:52:29 agenda+ Next Publishing@W3C webinar? 15:52:36 agenda+ Around the Table 15:52:39 agenda+ AOB 15:52:56 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/02/12-pbgsc-minutes.html previous 12-Feb 15:53:26 regrets: BillK, George 15:54:07 Daihei has joined #pbgsc 15:54:16 present+ 16:00:40 mateus has joined #pbgsc 16:02:14 present+ 16:02:20 present+ 16:02:35 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:02:42 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 16:02:46 present+ 16:02:51 present+ 16:02:53 present+ 16:03:11 present+ 16:03:17 present+ 16:03:42 present+ 16:03:45 zakim, who’s on the call? 16:03:45 I don't understand your question, Ralph. 16:04:56 scribe+ 16:05:09 zakim, next item 16:05:09 agendum 1 -- Any EPUBcheck updates? -- taken up [from Ralph] 16:05:24 zakim, who’s here? 16:05:24 I don't understand your question, Ralph. 16:05:43 Tzviya: Romain has sent me an update 16:06:08 ... I expect to work with him on an announcement on the release of 4.2.5 and the update to the web site 16:06:51 ... then we’ll continue with the next milestone 16:07:02 q+ 16:07:12 Avneesh: I met with Romain yesterday and we discussed the preparation of that announcement 16:07:30 ... in the previous SC call I noted there are two releases coming up 16:07:45 ... the production-ready release will be next week 16:07:52 ... and the test release after that 16:08:01 ack Daihei 16:08:06 ... the new release will have localization updates for 6 or 7 languages 16:08:16 Daihei: how much fundraising remains to be done? 16:08:24 Avneesh: $7k 16:08:26 q+ 16:08:37 Daihei: I will make a campaign in Japan 16:09:06 q+ for Garth 16:09:07 ... there were initial contributions from Japan; there’s been some time since then so it’s a good time to try it again 16:09:09 https://inclusivepublishing.org/epubcheckdonate/ 16:09:12 ack ivan 16:09:12 ivan, you wanted to discuss Garth 16:09:21 ack ga 16:09:24 q+ 16:09:39 Garth: we met with Avneesh, George, Tzviya, and Rick to talk about going-forward fundraising 16:09:48 ... how we get EPUBcheck into a self-sustaining state 16:11:20 ... my back-of-the-envelope calculation was that if we could get the “big five” to decide that for every new EPUB ingested into their pipelines for sales, if they’d contribute 2 cents for each that would get a funding stream of at least $50k/year 16:11:56 ... it was suggested that I ask folk to ponder this in your companies; whether there’s any possibility 16:12:10 ack ivan 16:12:46 Ivan: Ralph and I have been waiting for Romain to settle the final URI for the EPUBcheck page 16:13:22 Ralph: we know the URI on the W3C side; we’re waiting to hear where to proxy it 16:13:24 Ivan: right 16:13:50 Avneesh: that’s fine; Romain will make the site ready -- he’s finishing the bits on Monday 16:13:55 ack Ralph 16:13:58 ... I’ll send you email when it’s ready 16:17:46 Ralph: I’ve been looking into the Web Monetization work 16:17:59 ... it might be of interest to this community 16:18:05 ... even maybe for EPUBcheck 16:18:29 zakim, next item 16:18:29 agendum 2 -- London Book Fair -- taken up [from Ralph] 16:18:52 Tzviya: it sounds like they’re planning an in-person event 16:18:59 ... anyone planning to attend? 16:19:26 Wendy: Rakuten has not reopened their international travel policy 16:19:33 Tzviya: same for Wiley 16:19:59 ... if they shift it to virtual, are we interested in submitting a presentation? 16:20:08 ... I’ve not been involved in LBF 16:20:23 Liisa: it’s mainly about people trading rights 16:20:31 ... there’s often a small section of digital booths 16:20:51 ... it’s a mini-Frankfurt in a way; they try to get some digital stuff going 16:21:07 Tzviya: so maybe we don’t need to invest time in it now 16:21:34 zakim, next item 16:21:34 agendum 3 -- Debrief on WCAG 3 presentations to the BG and followup actions -- taken up [from Ralph] 16:21:53 q+ 16:21:57 Tzviya: Jeanne Spellman’s presentation and followup items; reactions? 16:22:01 ack liisamk 16:22:12 Liisa: the presentation was great; really helpful 16:22:30 ... I’ve had a lot of interesting conversations since then; people are excited about where things are going 16:22:44 ... there are some practical things on getting from here to there we should talk about 16:22:55 ... people I’ve talked with are excited about this new way of validating stuff 16:22:57 q+ 16:23:04 ... and wondering how far to go with the criteria now 16:23:19 ... the idea of getting to ‘bronze’ and that being where governments focus is great 16:23:27 ack me 16:23:34 ... what are the incentives to get to silver or gold? 16:23:39 q+ 16:23:51 Tzviya: it’s an early working draft so those criteria aren’t settled yet 16:24:20 ... the section on functional needs and presenting user criteria shifts the guidelines on their head 16:24:35 ... it says “think about this from the perspective of the user with various needs” 16:24:53 ... I’ve been incorporating that now into my discussions and into my internal training 16:25:03 ack wendyreid 16:25:06 ... the WG asked for us to be engaged 16:25:11 ... we need to be engaged 16:25:18 Wendy: I loved the presentation 16:25:55 ... I’m really excited about the incentive being that silver and gold mean that you’re incorporating usability and accessibility into your processes 16:26:41 ... this is Kobo’s a11y initiative but it’s hard to explain externally; saying we’re measuring against silver or against gold will communicate it in a much better way 16:27:17 Tzviya: it’s great that EPUB is mentioned by name in the WG too 16:27:27 ... it would be great if we can provide some examples 16:27:40 ... we rely heavily on Daisy; maybe others could be involved as well 16:28:06 ... Bill has asked Jeanne if she’d do a presentation to IPTC 16:28:21 ... she seems happy to do more presentations 16:29:20 q+ 16:29:25 Liisa: I had a few conversations with various people 16:29:39 ... it’s a bit confusing how much of the a11y is the content provider and how much is the reading system 16:29:55 ... it sounded like people are happy to have the information and interested in following the work 16:30:06 ... and would be happy to provide more examples if that would be helpful 16:30:14 ... people might not jump in but could be pulled alont 16:30:18 s/lont/long 16:30:29 Tzviya: the distinction between content and platform is important 16:30:33 q+ 16:30:54 ... they’re including clearer documentation about both content and platform 16:31:02 ack Daihei 16:31:02 ... this will be huge 16:31:22 Daihei: in Japan there is increasing attention to adopting a11y in a proper way in publishing 16:31:22 q+ to mention cristina's work on EUAA 16:31:49 ... at the end of January, one of the oldest print publishers established an Accessible Book Committee 16:32:09 ,,, they are looking at adapting the standards in the Japanese industry 16:32:31 ... another publisher established a new division responsible for a11y adaptaion 16:32:39 s/taion/tation 16:33:26 ... we also learned that JIS has also established a11y guidelines 16:33:55 ... we need to find out [the relationship between] WCAG 3 and the JIS work 16:34:07 ... and how to include WCAG 3 into the Japanese adaptations 16:34:39 ... on the March 23 meeting we’d like the Asia-time meeting to have the presentation 16:34:51 ... I will act on this to coordinate 16:35:12 Tzviya: Jeanne sent the presentation in Japanese at the end of the session 16:35:18 Daihei: sorry; I missed that 16:35:26 ... thanks for the reminder! 16:35:47 Tzviya: we can work to see if there is someone who can present in Japanese 16:35:55 ... there is a forum for feedback on WCAG 3 16:36:26 ... the feedback is an ongoing project; please make sure this is known 16:37:16 please see https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/wcag3-intro/ 16:37:26 Daihei: we have decided to appoint a specialst, who was formerly chair of accessibility under the ministry in Japan 16:37:33 ack avneeshsingh 16:37:48 Avneesh: I hear a lot about EPUB being a high priority for WCAG WG 16:38:03 ... we should look at this from a publishing perspective beyond EPUB too 16:38:19 ... WCAG 3 will be several years in the future 16:38:35 ... we want to test that things work well for publishing 16:39:03 ... we can look from the spec point of view but we really need input from the business world to verify that this approach will work for the publishers 16:39:19 +1 16:39:29 ... the business community needs to inform us whether this ground-breaking new framework will help in checking and tracking conformance 16:39:30 ack tzviya 16:39:30 tzviya, you wanted to mention cristina's work on EUAA 16:40:10 Tzviya: Cristina and Luc are working on mapping WCAG to the EU Accessiblity Act 16:40:28 ... they’re working with existing standards to make sure what the EU adopts are existing standards 16:40:51 ... it’s worth mentioning this 16:40:51 ack Ralph 16:41:59 Ralph: Jeanne allowed us to record her presentation 16:42:05 ... so it can be replayed 16:42:31 ... certainly a repeat presentation in Japanese would be ideal but if there’s not a presenter, the video could be used with Jeanne available for Q&A 16:42:34 zakim, next item 16:42:34 agendum 4 -- Next Publishing@W3C webinar? -- taken up [from Ralph] 16:42:46 q+ 16:42:50 Tzviya: it’s been a while since our webinar 16:42:53 ack liisamk 16:42:59 ... we might not have time to do it again in July 16:43:01 ... thoughts? 16:43:22 Liisa: I’d like us to produce a webinar for the self-published and the small file world out there 16:43:41 ... I got into a debate with someone who is preparing a small self-published work 16:43:51 ... and don’t really know much about the standards 16:44:01 ... it would be great to pull them into the CG 16:44:12 ... and find what cool and interesting stuff they may be doing 16:44:15 q+ 16:44:30 ... or at least make it valid EPUB so we can handle it easier 16:44:51 ack wendyreid 16:44:58 q+ 16:45:06 Tzviya: I agree it it an interesting community but I wonder if that’s where we most need to infuse right now 16:45:11 ... we did promise regular updates 16:45:25 Wendy: it might be more effective to liaise with the platforms they are using 16:45:46 ... my team has been doing amazing work to work with the authors to help them level-up 16:46:04 ... we could talk with the independent writers’ associations that are helping the authors 16:46:18 ,,, that might be more effective than going to individual authors 16:46:32 ... the Community Group is still quite technical 16:46:51 ... I wouldn’t want to invite throw people into the deep end 16:46:57 ack ma 16:47:02 Mateus: Wendy read my mind! 16:47:26 ... it’s a good idea to keep our community up to date, so a webinar -- or a few -- is good 16:47:50 ... we do expect that anyone who joins the CG to propose an idea that would require a new Task Force that they would lead that TF 16:48:20 ... so if we do get folk who are interested in issues of self-publishers or self-publishing platforms, there’s that expection but we should be nice to them 16:48:29 ... count on us to help with a joint webinar 16:48:47 Tzviya: sounds like we have consensus that a webinar to keep the community informed is a good idea 16:48:56 +1 to summer 16:49:01 ... given our workload, I’m hesitant to put this on our calendar before June or July 16:49:05 +1 16:49:07 July may be holidays 16:49:21 ... we can start to draft an agenda 16:49:38 q+ 16:49:39 ... it will be an update, less heavy on the survey, but an update on what we’ve done with the survey 16:49:51 ack liisamk 16:49:53 zakim, next item 16:49:53 agendum 5 -- Around the Table -- taken up [from Ralph] 16:50:19 Liisa: as people are working on a11y and come up with questions about best practices, do we have a good space for that conversation? 16:50:42 ... I have someone in my team who would like someone to talk with about potential directions they are considering 16:50:52 ... where in our scheme do we talk about best practices? 16:51:15 Avneesh: what stops them from sending email to the Publishing CG ? 16:51:28 ... opening a new a11y issue in the Publishing CG where people can comment 16:51:38 Liisa: it might work; we can try it 16:51:44 q+ 16:51:52 Avneesh: the EPUB 3 repo has active a11y questions 16:51:59 ack Ralph 16:52:03 ... let’s try to get some momentum without new infrastructure 16:52:08 q+ to mention https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/groups/waiig/ 16:52:11 +1 Avneesh 16:52:35 Ralph: are these questions about best practices specifically for EPUB? 16:52:37 Liisa: yes 16:53:17 ... “we have this situation and think that maybe coding it this way is best but it’s not working here and here; is there a better way?” 16:53:21 ack ivan 16:53:26 ack tzviya 16:53:26 tzviya, you wanted to mention https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/groups/waiig/ 16:53:33 https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/groups/waiig/ 16:53:36 Tzviya: there’s the WAI IG email list 16:54:09 ... that Interest Group list is like that; sending questions about a11y and experts answer them 16:54:19 ... it would be great if we started asking questions about EPUB there 16:54:31 ... look at the archive; the questions there are so specific 16:54:42 ... let’s start asking about EPUB there 16:54:49 Avneesh: that would help in many ways 16:55:33 Ivan: in the EPUB WG meeting earlier today George raised an interesting idea 16:55:51 ... one of the big problems we have in the WG right now is not having enough participation and feedback 16:56:03 ... there’s a small number of individuals doing the work 16:56:55 ... George said that the survey we did a year ago influenced the charter; he suggested we could go back to those who responded to the survey and note their specific issues and ask them to engage 16:57:04 q+ 16:57:11 ack liisamk 16:57:19 ... do we have permission to use the survey respondents’ contact? 16:57:22 q+ 16:57:28 Liisa: we set it up to allow people to opt-in 16:57:47 ... they can opt-in to stay informed and (separately) to be involved 16:58:02 ... it’s a subset of the whole but we should be able to use those lists 16:58:10 Ivan: it’s at the level of “be informed” 16:58:20 ... we can work on the phrasing of the message 16:58:48 ... part of the message is that the Working Group has been set up and working for several months, we have these specific questions, and we welcome feedback” 16:59:01 ... it’s great to know this is a possibility 16:59:04 ack avneeshsingh 16:59:33 Avneesh: the expecations of the people who responded were quite high 16:59:54 ... I am concerned about how to manage their expectations 16:59:59 +1 to Avneesh- we need to talk about the big and the small 17:00:10 ... we’re not going to resolve all their issues 17:00:33 [adjourned] 17:03:08 zakim, end meeint 17:03:08 I don't understand 'end meeint', Ralph 17:03:12 zakim, end meeing 17:03:12 I don't understand 'end meeing', Ralph 17:03:16 zakim, end meeting 17:03:16 As of this point the attendees have been Daihei, dauwhe, tzviya, liisamk, avneeshsingh, ivan, Ralph, mateus, wendyreid 17:03:18 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:03:18 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 17:03:21 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:03:25 Zakim has left #pbgsc 17:19:11 chair: Tzviya 17:19:44 s/,,, they are/... they are 17:20:03 s/,,, that might/... that might 17:20:20 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:20:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 17:22:22 rrsagent, bye 17:22:22 I see no action items