15:00:24 RRSAgent has joined #wot-arch 15:00:24 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/11-wot-arch-irc 15:01:15 Meeting: WoT Architecture 15:01:33 present+ Kaz_Ashimura 15:02:16 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#March_11th.2C_2021 15:02:50 mlagally has joined #wot-arch 15:03:00 sebastian has joined #wot-arch 15:04:56 present+ Daniel_Peintner, Michael_Lagally 15:05:21 regrets+ Michael_McCool 15:05:46 Mizushima has joined #wot-arch 15:06:20 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 15:07:09 dape has joined #wot-arch 15:08:27 present+ Michael_Koster 15:08:41 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 15:08:53 mjk has joined #wot-arch 15:10:18 zakim, pick a scribe 15:10:18 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Michael_Lagally 15:10:29 zakim, pick a scribe 15:10:29 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Michael_Koster 15:11:24 scribenick: mjk 15:11:29 topic: agenda bashing 15:11:42 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Architecture_WebConf#March_11th.2C_2021 Agenda 15:12:02 ml: copy/paste from last meeting 15:13:14 ...any other agenda items? 15:13:56 sk: discussion on the new device profile issue#1771 15:15:02 s/1771/71/ 15:15:35 topic: minutes 15:15:39 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/03/04-wot-arch-minutes.html Mar-4 15:16:32 ml: minutes approved 15:16:43 topic: reference design 15:17:32 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/68 Issue 68 - Reference Device Definition for the smallest possible platform for HTTP / TCP / JSON 15:17:49 ml: reviewing the discussion on the issue 15:18:22 ml: assuming http, tls, and JSON 15:18:41 ... assuming consume-only, what are the constraints? 15:19:17 dape: there is also some work from Zoltan 15:20:00 ml: there are a lot of details in the record 15:21:36 ... 16K is a common size 15:22:22 sk: what is a realistic size based on devices and consumer expectations 15:22:43 ... using ESP module as an example device 15:23:39 ... devices will have a specific purpose and know what kind of model it consumes 15:24:22 ... the client will follow a specific information model 15:24:43 citrullin has joined #wot-arch 15:24:52 ... what kind of constrained consumers are there in the plugfest? 15:24:53 q+ 15:25:04 ml: maybe there weren't any 15:25:10 present+ Philipp_Blum 15:25:22 sk: not aware of any embedded TD consumers 15:25:53 ml: so we could assume embedded devices use a built-in information model 15:26:24 ml: reviewing use cases from issue #71 15:26:54 ... Ben Francis comments from the last few days 15:26:56 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-profile/issues/71#issuecomment-792782567 Ben's comments 15:27:45 sk: there is also a goal to find out how small devices can run HTTP, TLS, JSON 15:28:19 ml: hesitate to get into the protocols, but we do make the assumptions about HTTP TLS, JSON 15:29:22 ml: a lot of the platforms are embedded PC/linux class 15:30:36 sk: characteristics of producers and consumers of TDs are independent of scale, could have only one or two features 15:30:43 q? 15:32:01 sk: the example platforms are all general purpose and can consume any TD 15:33:04 ... constrained device consumers will only be looking for a limited set of features 15:33:17 ... based on the device purpose 15:34:07 ... then at the other end of the scale, embedded linux/PC there will be potentially very large TDs 15:34:29 ml: I understand the point 15:34:31 q? 15:35:40 q+ 15:36:06 kaz: maybe we should consider the use cases without itermediariess 15:36:22 s/ariess/aries 15:36:32 s/ite/inte/ 15:37:00 dape: what is the consequence of not having the hard limits? 15:37:21 s/intermediaries/intermediaries as the starting point, but would suggest we think about intermediary as well for the 2nd step for the use case scenarios/ 15:37:36 ack k 15:37:40 ack d 15:37:59 ml: there could be TDs that can't be processed on some devices 15:38:36 dape: imposing the limit doesn't change the situation with the small device 15:38:42 ack dape 15:39:03 sk: this seems to be a generic problem with the device being too small for the expected application 15:39:04 s/without intermediaries/without intermediaries and concentrate on Things and Consumers/ 15:39:23 q? 15:39:48 philip: TDs need to be validated and we don't know how to stream and validate TDs 15:39:58 s/philip/philipp/ 15:40:05 sk: do we need to validate TDs on small devices? 15:40:35 (thx kaz) 15:41:21 m: assuming yes, you need to parse and validate 15:41:28 s/m:/ml: 15:42:13 ml: it may take separate passes but it needs to fit in the buffer 15:42:58 ml: if the TD doesn't fit in the buffer, can you consume such a complex TD? 15:43:30 q+ 15:44:38 philipp: also prefer to not restrict the size, what about using a directory as a helper 15:44:55 ml: we want to avoid needing any intermediaries 15:44:58 q+ 15:45:02 ack ci 15:45:57 ml: we need to restrict the TD size if we want to consume TDs on small devices 15:47:17 sk: +1 the idea of an external helper that can work with client queries 15:47:52 ... the client doesn't know what to do with most of the unrelated TD content 15:48:31 ml: will the client ask the directory to limit the size of the TD? 15:49:16 sk: more like it will only return the functions requested 15:50:05 mjk: sometimes the client only needs the form that satisfies the interaction requested in a query 15:50:49 ml: ideally all devices communicate with each other 15:51:14 q+ 15:51:27 sk: practically there will be some service point for queries and serving TDs, there is no peer to peer IoT today 15:51:32 ack se 15:51:51 ml: so there may always be a gateway in our assumption 15:52:41 ml: 2 classes of devices, small devices are not consumers 15:52:57 (that's why I suggested we include intermediary for the next step :) 15:53:17 q? 15:53:25 ack d 15:53:45 q+ 15:53:52 sk: there is always an assumption that there are bigger devices in the system 15:54:20 dape: how does it help small devices to consume large TDs? 15:55:02 mjk: maybe the directory could just return the form 15:55:24 sk: you don't need to provide the full TD to the small device that knows what it wants to do 15:55:26 (yeah, that's why I brought partial TD topic to the Discovery call on March 8 :) 15:55:29 +1 on partial TDs in directories 15:55:56 q? 15:55:57 ml: why couldn't the TD producer also do this filtering? 15:56:06 sk: it could if we define it 15:56:55 ml: to address dape, we can define graceful failure modes 15:58:00 kaz: need to think about all entities, device, intermediary, consumer, directory, as a system 15:58:10 mjk: need to drop now 15:58:17 scribenick: kaz 15:58:19 ml: right 15:58:43 ... Ben also suggested we think about gateway 15:59:24 ... if some of the entity handles TD, that guy need to be qualified to handle the TD 16:00:13 ... some kind of guidelines or restrictions to be provided 16:00:27 (Koster and Daniel leave) 16:01:26 sk: if the TD with some specific size or bigger size which exceed the processable size of the entity, need some guideline 16:02:21 ... good to see feedback from the scripting/discovery guys 16:02:53 ml: (adds a comment) 16:03:08 ... a consumer on a constrained device can check if it can proces the TD 16:03:12 s/proces/process/ 16:03:22 q? 16:03:24 ... or get a partial TD when otherwise 16:04:06 ... the size would be too large 16:04:41 kaz: I already asked the scripting/discovery guys for opinions on Monday 16:04:56 ... and they also wanted to know about concrete use case scenarios 16:05:01 I have to go... 16:05:16 kaz: so this discussion today is going for the right direction :) 16:05:25 s/I have to go.../(Sebastian leaves) 16:06:08 topic: vF2F agenda 16:06:51 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_March_2021#Monday_March_22 Architecture day - Monday, March 22 16:07:32 ml: (goes through the draft agenda) 16:08:00 ... introductions 16:08:08 ... terminology 16:08:16 ... partial TD 16:08:39 ... based on the input from the Discovery/Scripting TFs 16:08:55 ... TD validation 16:09:05 ... based on the input from the TD TF 16:09:08 ... framing 16:09:21 ... need inputs/proposals from the Discovery TF 16:09:28 ... then ITU-T liaison 16:10:08 ... that is not really an Architecture topic but a Use Case topic 16:10:45 ... (put "ITU-T liaison" at the beginning of March 22 agenda) 16:11:16 rrsagent, make log public 16:11:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:11:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/11-wot-arch-minutes.html kaz 16:11:35 zakim, who is on the call? 16:11:35 Present: Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Michael_Lagally, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Michael_Koster, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Philipp_Blum 16:12:23 ml: (puts the ITU-T use case summary MD to the agenda) 16:12:58 @@ 16:13:20 ml: (and then put "30 mins" for the use cases session) 16:13:50 ... (also "2h 20mins" to the architecture session) 16:14:14 ... there are many architecture issues on GitHub 16:15:07 ... 40 issues including the ones labeled with "terminology", "lifecycle", "discovery", etc. 16:15:27 ... let's talk about discovery issues and accessibility issues 16:15:56 ... (adds links for those issues to the agenda) 16:17:44 s|@@|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/CONTRIBUTIONS/ITU-T-Use-case-summary.md ITU-T use case summary 16:18:40 ml: (categorizes the agenda topics into "Discovery", Accessibility" and "Optional") 16:20:54 ... (puts "10mins" to each sub sections of "Terminology", "Discovery" and "Accessibility") 16:21:14 kaz: wondering if "10mins" for each topic would be really enough... 16:21:47 pb: yeah, e.g., "partial TD" would take longer 16:21:53 kaz: yeah, possibly 16:22:22 mizu: btw, maybe we should check the diff between the FPWD and the current draft? 16:23:18 kaz: maybe that could be summarized during the introduction session at the beginning 16:23:32 ml: yeah, would include that point into the introduction 16:24:09 ... regarding the time assignment, would give 20mins for Discovery collaboration 16:24:19 pb: how many issues are there? 16:24:33 s/there/there for "Terminology"/ 16:26:41 (12 terminology issues there) 16:26:51 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/labels/terminology terminology issues 16:27:20 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/pull/582 and PR 582 - WIP: Terminology update 16:28:35 ml: (adds edits for the Profile session) 16:28:52 ... device categolies and use cases 16:28:59 ... canonicalization 16:30:10 ... continue review/discussion of FPWD feedback 16:31:11 s|... continue review/discussion of FPWD feedback|decision: one or multiple profiles?| 16:31:18 ... proposed constraints 16:32:42 ... (and assign some initial time to each topic) 16:37:14 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_March_2021#Monday_March_22 updated agenda for March 22 16:37:17 [adjourned] 16:37:23 rrsagent, make log public 16:37:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:37:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/11-wot-arch-minutes.html kaz 18:31:21 Zakim has left #wot-arch