Publishing Community Group

10 Mar 2021


Alex_, avneeshsingh, ivan, mateus, MURATA, tzviya, wendyreid, wolfgang, zheng_xu
mateus, zhengxu
mateus, wolfgang

Meeting minutes

<wolfgang> @zheng_xu Jeff, would you mind posting the Zoom link here?

<zheng_xu> Morning/Afternoon/Evening. I have a meeting jumping in might not be able to join zoom from beginning.

<zheng_xu> on it

<zheng_xu> https://mit.zoom.us/j/95660594626?pwd=Sy9Sdm1VTFlGTFdRMEswZXRQWG5HUT09<https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fmit.zoom.us%2Fj%2F95660594626%3Fpwd%3DSy9Sdm1VTFlGTFdRMEswZXRQWG5HUT09&data=04%7C01%7C%7C82453b8201634be270e208d8753c925f%7C2916ea148f244be68a2d3afc0c7a4892%7C0%7C0%7C637388250311024582%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJ

<zheng_xu> WIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=VYfMK8lsZcHd2F%2FXlEssijMN723EUnhz9cQHUEXa0fc%3D&reserved=0>

<wolfgang> which code should I use?

<zheng_xu> should not need code

<zheng_xu> did it ask you to input code?

<wolfgang> yes

<wolfgang> Meeting code is asked for

<zheng_xu> #success

<zheng_xu> https://mit.zoom.us/j/95660594626?pwd=Sy9Sdm1VTFlGTFdRMEswZXRQWG5HUT09

<zheng_xu> hmm, it does not ask me for code. Can you pls try again ^

<zheng_xu> you are welcome!

Task force update rounds


avneeshsingh: there is a new work item from the EPUB WG, such as what we mean by audio books, video, read aloud, etc., and we discussed this in relation to the EU a11y act...
… but all of this information is very generic, not necessarily EPUB-related, so we wanted to propose this as a new item in the PCG
… a small document to explain audio books, audio overlays, TTS, etc.

<wendyreid> +1



mateus: doesn't sound like there are any objections to the Accessibility TF, so let's go ahead with it
… how about the ongoing work on writing modes led by MURATA?

MURATA: we need write access to the task force folder on the repository... we don't expect many changes to the specification, but the goal is to publish the work as a community group note... to allow those who can't read vertical writing to be able to choose horizontal writing for Japanese novels

Makoto: Did my email to the group reach you?
… 3 sets of docs from Japanese Consortium - plan to publish a request for metadata - some preparatory docs linked from Makoto's email
… going to submit issues for schema.org , also for ONIX, but we need no specs

Avneesh: do you want schema.org properties or values?

Makoto: can't answer that question?

Documentation TF

Tzviya: focus on getting documentation for MDN - simply exposing EPUB docu at the moment

<mateus> https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/10

Tzviya: a few people volunteered to help - take a look if you are interested and contact Juan


mateus: no EPUB taskforce now

Wendy: I don't believe there is anything new - working towards better testing - we're discussing page numbering at the moment

Ivan: a number of technical issues in the WG space - need more technical input to make a decision - invites CG members to chime in or sharing of experiencing with systems
… open issues around the usage of scripts, where the boundaries are, issue of origin - issues for many years - we are looking for a very good answer
… do we allow HTML 5 or not - the WG doesn't have any good arguments for or con - issues with scripts that don't work with XHTML, but HTML only
… maybe, Wendy, we could make a list where we would love to have CG input

Tzviya: WG needs tests to programmatically see if spec is correct

Mateus: should we ask folks to got to the repo of the WG

Ivan: specific repo for EPUB spec - EPUBS/specs

<mateus> If you're want to help out with these issues on specs: https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/

<avneeshsingh> Periodically we can collect the issues in which we need CG input and send to publishing CG mailing list

mateus: no new issues to cover today

Vincent: following all discussions since IDPF - back from a long year of absence - production platform for EPUB for scholarship brands

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 127 (Wed Dec 30 17:39:58 2020 UTC).


Maybe present: Avneesh, Makoto, Vincent, Wendy