15:47:53 RRSAgent has joined #publishingcg 15:47:53 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/10-publishingcg-irc 15:48:06 zakim, start meeting 15:48:06 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:48:07 Meeting: Publishing Community Group 15:48:19 Chair: zhengxu, mateus 15:48:28 scribenick: mateus 15:48:39 Date: 10 Mar 2021 15:54:07 wolfgang has joined #publishingcg 15:54:42 present+ 15:57:03 avneeshsingh has joined #publishingcg 15:57:37 zheng_xu has joined #publishingcg 15:57:52 present+ 15:58:18 @zheng_xu Jeff, would you mind posting the Zoom link here? 15:58:24 Morning/Afternoon/Evening. I have a meeting jumping in might not be able to join zoom from beginning. 15:58:26 on it 15:58:51 https://mit.zoom.us/j/95660594626?pwd=Sy9Sdm1VTFlGTFdRMEswZXRQWG5HUT09 WIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=VYfMK8lsZcHd2F%2FXlEssijMN723EUnhz9cQHUEXa0fc%3D&reserved=0> 15:59:05 present+ 15:59:12 present+ 15:59:15 present+ 15:59:29 which code should I use? 15:59:48 should not need code 15:59:54 did it ask you to input code? 16:00:01 yes 16:00:15 Meeting code is asked for 16:00:43 #success 16:00:50 https://mit.zoom.us/j/95660594626?pwd=Sy9Sdm1VTFlGTFdRMEswZXRQWG5HUT09 16:01:09 hmm, it does not ask me for code. Can you pls try again ^ 16:01:49 MattNelsonWaPo has joined #publishingcg 16:02:27 wendyreid has joined #publishingcg 16:02:57 you are welcome! 16:03:23 Alex_ has joined #publishingcg 16:03:47 present+ 16:05:42 topic: Task force update rounds 16:05:59 subtopic: Accessibility 16:06:40 avneeshsingh: there is a new work item from the EPUB WG, such as what we mean by audio books, video, read aloud, etc., and we discussed this in relation to the EU a11y act... 16:07:03 ... but all of this information is very generic, not necessarily EPUB-related, so we wanted to propose this as a new item in the PCG 16:07:17 ... a small document to explain audio books, audio overlays, TTS, etc. 16:07:21 +1 16:07:42 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/10 16:07:49 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/12 16:07:50 present+ 16:07:59 present+ wolfgang 16:08:35 present+ 16:09:55 mateus: doesn't sound like there are any objections to the Accessibility TF, so let's go ahead with it 16:10:39 guillian_hetzler has joined #publishingcg 16:10:48 ... how about the ongoing work on writing modes led by MURATA? 16:12:14 guillian_hetzler__ has joined #publishingcg 16:12:23 MURATA: we need write access to the task force folder on the repository... we don't expect many changes to the specification, but the goal is to publish the work as a community group note... to allow those who can't read vertical writing to be able to choose horizontal writing for Japanese novels 16:12:30 scribe: wolfgang 16:13:04 Makoto: Did my email to the group reach you? 16:14:10 ... 3 sets of docs from Japanese Consortium - plan to publish a request for metadata - some preparatory docs linked from Makoto's email 16:14:25 q+ 16:14:43 ... going to submit issues for schema.org , also for ONIX, but we need no specs 16:14:50 ack avneesh 16:15:11 Avneesh: do you want schema.org properties or values? 16:15:26 Makoto: can't answer that question? 16:15:44 subtopic: Documentation TF 16:16:39 Tzviya: focus on getting documentation for MDN - simply exposing EPUB docu at the moment 16:16:50 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/10 16:17:29 ... a few people volunteered to help - take a look if you are interested and contact Juan 16:17:53 subtopic: EPUB TF 16:18:18 mateus: no EPUB taskforce now 16:18:57 q+ 16:19:03 ack ivan 16:19:03 Wendy: I don't believe there is anything new - working towards better testing - we're discussing page numbering at the moment 16:20:21 Ivan: a number of technical issues in the WG space - need more technical input to make a decision - invites CG members to chime in or sharing of experiencing with systems 16:20:54 q+ 16:21:32 ... open issues around the usage of scripts, where the boundaries are, issue of origin - issues for many years - we are looking for a very good answer 16:22:36 ... do we allow HTML 5 or not - the WG doesn't have any good arguments for or con - issues with scripts that don't work with XHTML, but HTML only 16:23:22 ... maybe, Wendy, we could make a list where we would love to have CG input 16:23:30 ack tzviya 16:24:11 Tzviya: WG needs tests to programmatically see if spec is correct 16:24:36 Mateus: should we ask folks to got to the repo of the WG 16:25:22 Ivan: specific repo for EPUB spec - EPUBS/specs 16:25:25 If you're want to help out with these issues on specs: https://github.com/w3c/epub-specs/ 16:25:49 Periodically we can collect the issues in which we need CG input and send to publishing CG mailing list 16:26:14 mateus: no new issues to cover today 16:27:38 Vincent: following all discussions since IDPF - back from a long year of absence - production platform for EPUB for scholarship brands 16:30:11 rrsagent, make logs public 16:30:16 rrsagent, make minutes 16:30:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/10-publishingcg-minutes.html tzviya 16:36:07 mateus: Next call is on April 7. Thank you all! 17:49:49 ivan has joined #publishingcg 18:30:52 Zakim has left #publishingcg