12:01:09 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 12:01:09 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/08-wot-script-irc 12:01:36 Meeting: WoT Scripting API 12:01:42 cris has joined #wot-script 12:01:53 present+ Kaz_Ashimura Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner 12:01:57 Chair: Daniel 12:02:41 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Scripting_API_WebConf#8_March_2021 12:04:06 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 12:04:12 dape has joined #wot-script 12:04:53 scribenick: kaz 12:05:10 topic: prev minutes 12:05:13 -> https://www.w3.org/2021/03/01-wot-script-minutes.html 12:05:23 s/html/html March-1/ 12:05:32 dp: (goes through the minutes) 12:06:23 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:07:27 zkis has joined #wot-script 12:08:27 present+ Zoltan_Kis 12:08:29 dp: look good 12:08:39 ... any objections? 12:08:41 (none) 12:08:43 approved 12:09:04 topic: vF2F 12:09:27 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_March_2021#Scripting_.281h.29 vF2F agenda for Scripting API 12:09:41 dp: (goes through the proposed agnda) 12:09:56 -> https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wlpO_l16XtuDPO-8DsSG6g-MjQI-dSESWqlgnt839-k/edit?usp=sharing_eip&ts=6033b061 draft slides on scripting api 12:10:03 dp: (also shows the draft slides) 12:10:14 q+ 12:10:37 zk: we presented interaction input/output during TPAC 12:10:52 dp: need to look at previous slide set about that 12:11:03 zk: would include several examples 12:11:25 ... Cristiano should talk about validation 12:11:50 ... exposedThing requires detailed discussion 12:12:10 dp: some of the discussion points have been resolved 12:12:14 ... need to check 12:12:51 ... note our slot is 1 hour on March 25 12:13:12 ... we need to split our work into the people working on the specific topic 12:13:40 ... also note that there will be conflict with the IETF call nxt week 12:13:47 s/IETF/F2F/ 12:13:51 s/nxt/next/ 12:15:41 dp: vF2F will be held on March 15, 17, 18, 22, 24 and 25 12:15:58 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_March_2021#Time_table_2 vF2F schedule 12:16:17 dp: maybe no official call but possibly additional call for the Editors 12:16:26 s/for/by/ 12:16:43 ca: ok 12:16:51 zk: ok 12:17:15 topic: GitHub branch renaming 12:17:28 dp: "master" branch has been renamed to "main" 12:18:25 kaz: some minor trouble with accessing the github.io page 12:18:33 ... but it's now available 12:19:09 zk: can with the "main" branch 12:19:57 dp: if you have a pop-up saying you need to try 3 commands, please do so 12:20:11 ... if you don't, should be ok 12:20:20 q? 12:21:32 kaz: there are discussions on memory size by the Profile TF 12:22:41 ... also pagination of big Thing Description discussion by the Discovery TF 12:22:54 ... so I was wondering about your interest in those points 12:23:20 dp: not sure how to handle streaming or memory size 12:23:39 zk: for constraint device use cases, maybe we need to think about CBOR 12:23:58 zk: encapsulated by implementations 12:24:17 zk: Since fetching TDs is separate from the API, it is out of scope 12:24:31 ca: direct discovery might be involved 12:24:42 zk: exactly, but it is possible to encapsulate even then 12:25:03 kaz: I'm asking them to clarify some concrete use cases about those proposals, so we can revisit those proposals when the concrete use case descriptions are generated 12:25:49 dp: there was some discussion about binary data 12:26:09 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-thing-description/blob/main/test-bed/reports/binary-comparison-2018-04-13.csv 12:26:19 i/encap/scribenick: zkis/ 12:26:30 i/I'm asking/scribenick: kaz/ 12:27:06 dp: this is a broader discussion than our scope, I think 12:27:49 i/there are/topic: Any other quick updates?/ 12:37:38 zk: also thinks we need to define a use case 12:39:56 ... note that these days the capability of "small devices" is getting improved 12:40:55 ... so wondering about embedded devices in the market 12:41:54 ... thought OCF had done a lot of work on limited devices 12:42:04 dp: ok 12:42:26 ... so as the conclusion, we may be interested but need concrete use cases :) 12:42:53 topic: Issues 12:43:07 - >Produce ExposedThing from a ThingModel instance, https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/304 12:43:14 s/Issues/Issue 304/ 12:43:23 s/- >/-> / 12:43:33 rrsagent, make public 12:43:33 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make public', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 12:43:43 s/rrsagent, make public// 12:43:48 rrsagent, make log public 12:43:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:43:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/08-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 12:44:16 ca: need a stable definition for "Thing Model" 12:45:22 zk: let's discuss the proposal later 12:45:26 -> Separate ExposedThing API, https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/303 12:45:39 i/Sep/topic: Issue 303/ 12:45:51 dp: security section as well 12:46:00 zk: let's keep it dormant for now 12:47:32 -> ActionHandler returning InteractionInput always, https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/302 12:47:44 i/dp: (adds a label "next iteration" to Issue 304 and Issue 303)/302/ 12:47:55 i/302/topic: Issue 302/ 12:48:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:48:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/08-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 12:48:40 zk: we can close this issue 12:49:10 ca: I'm OK if Daniel is OK 12:49:14 dp: ok 12:49:18 (closed) 12:49:29 -> Chose a particular security schema for an ExposedThing, https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/299 12:49:44 i/299/topic: Issue 299/ 12:49:55 dp: should add some label to this issue? 12:50:21 ca: ok with adding "next iteration" 12:50:33 dp: (adds "next iteration" label) 12:50:45 -> Should title be mandatory in ExposedThingInit?, https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/300 12:50:57 i/300/topic: Issue 300/ 12:51:13 ca: could you please click the link there? 12:51:48 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/212 old issue 212 - Partial TD validation for input of produce() method 12:52:03 dp: (clicks the link above to get issue 212) 12:53:00 zk: may to take it into account 12:53:20 dp: this issue 212 is about what should be refused 12:53:43 (since Ege's point was validation) 12:54:29 zk: we ourselves need to define exposedThing for that purpose here 12:54:46 ... since it's not defined by Thing Description itself 12:55:33 dp: you implementation needs to add the title 12:55:50 zk: that is regarding the low-level API 12:56:28 ca: this is not the same behavior as the one we use for form and href 12:57:00 zk: we should add a clarification to the Scripting API spec 12:57:23 ca: that's true but we may get a paradox on how to handle the TD fragment 12:57:33 zk: have not provided the title 12:57:39 ... that was a failure 12:57:51 dp: we had discussion on the default 12:58:03 ... having a default wouldn't be useful here 12:59:00 ... currently, in node-wot the default kicks twice 12:59:10 zk: but that depends on implementations 12:59:39 ... title can be changed by the users 13:00:03 ... while the id might be an automatically generated value 13:00:23 ... you could use an internally generated id as well 13:00:52 dp: we need to get adjourned now 13:00:57 [adjourned] 13:01:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:01:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/08-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 13:01:23 s/[adjourned]// 13:01:28 topic: Next calls 13:01:56 this issue about title is proving harder than I thought :D 13:02:14 kaz: my understanding was no official calls on March 15 or 2 13:02:21 s/or 2/or 22/ 13:02:46 ... but possibly casual chats by the Editors on the slides, etc. 13:02:55 dp: right 13:02:59 [adjourned] 13:03:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:03:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/08-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 14:39:00 Zakim has left #wot-script