13:51:52 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 13:51:52 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/03-rqtf-irc 13:51:54 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:51:54 Zakim has joined #rqtf 13:51:56 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 13:51:56 Date: 03 March 2021 13:52:03 chair: jasonjgw 13:52:07 agenda+ RAUR and XAUR any updates. 13:52:07 agenda+ Accessibility of natural language interfaces. 13:52:07 agenda+ Miscellaneous updates and topics relevant to Task Force work. 13:52:17 present+ 13:54:24 scott_h has joined #rqtf 13:56:40 jpaton has joined #rqtf 13:57:22 becky has joined #rqtf 13:59:02 shadi has joined #rqtf 14:02:24 present+ 14:02:24 present+ 14:02:58 present+ 14:03:14 present+ 14:03:26 SteveNoble has joined #rqtf 14:03:35 present+ 14:03:39 zakim, next item 14:03:39 agendum 1 -- RAUR and XAUR any updates. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:03:42 janina has joined #rqtf 14:03:45 present+ 14:05:09 Judy has joined #rqtf 14:05:10 joconnor: we're in a position to be able to publish 14:05:46 joconnor: do we try to publish together? 14:06:02 janina: would recommend doing it sequentially 14:06:13 q+ to say I'm not sure we need wide review for XAUR 14:06:29 ack me 14:06:29 joconnor, you wanted to say I'm not sure we need wide review for XAUR 14:07:17 zakim, next item 14:07:17 agendum 2 -- Accessibility of natural language interfaces. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:08:06 jasonjgw: currently in the scoping phase with some fruitful discussions taking place 14:08:41 https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Voice_agent_user_requirements 14:09:14 joconnor: work is progressing nicely 14:10:50 joconnor: current issue is that the scope is currently very broad so a decision to narrow the scope or keep it wide and choose focusses carefully 14:11:36 q+ 14:11:55 jasonjgw: I contacted a colleague working on this in an educational setting and they were interested 14:12:38 ack jan 14:13:21 janina: Good question raised: will w3c be writing standards in this area? 14:15:46 janina: if not then APA creating user requirements would be new and unchartered territory. Do we want that? 14:16:32 q? 14:17:37 I thought Jasons point about WCAG 3 defining Voice, if there is a dearth of other W3C standards work was noteworthy. 14:19:30 scott_h: are the wcag 3 taskforce aware that we may be looking to feed this into their work? 14:20:52 joconnor: If this isn't tackled as a seperate project then wcag 3 may be taken as the guidance for this topic 14:21:00 q+ 14:22:00 Judy: it's fine to take up a new topic and lay groundwork for a new area of work. This has been referenced as a priority piece of work in a year or two. 14:23:30 shadi: agree should not be driven just by wcag or other work happening in w3C. 14:24:34 https://www.w3.org/WAI/about/projects/wai-coop/ 14:25:05 shadi: driving factor should be on what is happening in the world and what guidance may be needed on products being designed in future 14:25:41 shadi: WAI-coop could be used to gather input from other groups 14:26:17 q+ 14:26:29 shadi: question on width of scope could be opened up for input from other groups 14:27:18 q+ to comment on feasible scope of activities, as well as extent of time in naming discussions 14:28:00 q+ to talk about voice interaction vs agent functionality vs other interaction modalities 14:29:15 joconnor: question of whether we have a mandate: one answer could be to do it in a modular way. Maybe start with speech then extend to background services etc 14:29:21 q+ 14:29:41 joconnor: shadi's suggestions of gap analysis would be great 14:29:44 ack me 14:29:46 ack ju 14:29:46 Judy, you wanted to comment on feasible scope of activities, as well as extent of time in naming discussions 14:31:33 Judy: putting a lot of work into scoping may be ambitious for the capacity of the RQTF 14:32:55 q? 14:33:04 shadi: aim would be for external work to support the team rather than all the work to happen in team 14:33:15 ack mich 14:33:15 MichaelC, you wanted to talk about voice interaction vs agent functionality vs other interaction modalities 14:34:18 +1 to Michael! 14:34:38 q+ 14:34:46 q+ jason 14:34:50 q- later 14:35:08 +1 to Michael 14:35:09 MichaelC: there's a bit of overlapping. Voice interaction has it's own set of a11y issues. smart agents are one thing that uses this tool. Scope needs to be crisply defined. suggest focus on voice interaction then smart agents. 14:36:35 +1 to Michael (again) 14:36:52 janina: core of a smart agent uses some text processing based on speech recognition interface. This could have different interface. 14:36:54 https://github.com/w3c/strategy/issues/221 14:37:29 MichaelC: voice interface itself has a11y issues before handing data to the smart agent. 14:38:56 q+ to talk about timing and to say there is an opportunity here to be part of a wider move towards VUIs 14:39:19 jasonjgw: much of the work here will be modality independent but there will be aspects confined to the individual modalites. 14:39:28 q? 14:39:34 ack jan 14:39:38 ack jas 14:40:08 q+ 14:40:13 jasonjgw: work could cover NLP interactions with subdivisions on concerns for the interaction modalities. 14:40:13 q+ to say speech will be used in emerging technologies, we should anticipate that 14:40:29 q- later 14:43:19 q+ to say a smart agent with only a voice interface is not accessible 14:43:44 ack judy 14:43:47 ack me 14:43:47 joconnor, you wanted to talk about timing and to say there is an opportunity here to be part of a wider move towards VUIs 14:46:10 Judy: need to ensure needs of deaf and hard of hearing concerns are taken into account so focus should not be just on voice interactions 14:46:14 ack me 14:46:14 MichaelC, you wanted to say speech will be used in emerging technologies, we should anticipate that and to say a smart agent with only a voice interface is not accessible 14:47:50 MichaelC: a smart agent or any tool that only offers voice interaction is not accessible and would not meet WCAG 14:48:32 q+ 14:49:54 q? 14:49:57 ack sha 14:50:40 shadi: a smaller scope may be easier to handle. Voice agents are a specific class of device which need accessibility guidance. 14:50:46 +1 to Shadi 14:53:37 Judy: by creating guidelines we create a conceptual anchor. We can focus on one class of device but should try to balance that with the aim to set that anchor to influence thought. 14:54:03 q? 14:54:08 q+ 14:54:27 q+ 14:54:32 s/creating guidelines/framing an accessibility user requirements document/ 14:55:03 q+ 14:55:10 q- 14:55:12 q+ to say I came in to look at scope creep 14:55:28 q+ to say W3C is not a shining example of avoiding scope and confounding problems 14:55:49 ack Judy 14:56:42 q+ 14:57:34 ack joconnor 14:57:38 ack me 14:57:38 MichaelC, you wanted to say I came in to look at scope creep and to say W3C is not a shining example of avoiding scope and confounding problems 14:58:11 joconnor: feel we should start with voice agents and set the expansion on that as further work. 14:59:59 shadi: potentially set title as "accessibility of voice agents with advice on accessibility through other modalities" 15:00:56 s/advice on accessibility through other modalities/cross-disability considerations 15:01:31 q+ 15:02:50 ack shadi 15:03:05 SAZ: I may be missing something, but what is wrong with the term voice? 15:03:30 JW: I think that it refers to a particular output modality. 15:03:46 SAZ: So does Television. 15:03:58 JB: No, its multimodal. 15:04:22 JW: My concern is because many dont have to those broad multimodal capabilities. 15:04:47 Defining your software as a topic, sends a particular message to how they are defined. 15:05:37 You are using a modality specific term, independent of implementation - needs a more inclusive term.. 15:06:38 SH: Lets keep this on email. 15:06:53 I have thoughts on how the Amazon echo works and supports deaf users etc 15:14:44 zakim, bye 15:14:44 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, joconnor, scott_h, shadi, jpaton, SteveNoble, janina 15:14:44 Zakim has left #rqtf 15:14:54 rrsagent, make minutes 15:14:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/03-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 16:43:38 janina has left #rqtf 17:04:16 becky has joined #rqtf