Meeting minutes
McCool: I merged the open PRs.
PR 103, TM smart coffee machine
McCool: There was a suggestion of using td.jsonld and tm.jsonld.
McCool: Some issues with IDEs with that.
ege: I never seen the + sign in file names.
sk responds with a joke to it. Both laughts.
mc adds comment to the issue
ege: The plugin fixes it in one IDE, but this is still an issue for other IDEs.
ege: Another recommendation was to use js.ld
McCool: We should figure out how to configure the IDEs in order to interprete it properly.
mc merges 103
mc creates issue 106 "Rename TD and TM suffixes to be consistent"
Geolocation issue 100
issue 100 "Project (2021-03 Plugfest): Geolocation"
McCool: We don't have a way to validate it at the moment.
mc adds comment to add geolocation validation to the issue
McCool: I hope farshid is going to join us.
dp: I can bring up the old scanning project from the last plugfest.
McCool: I want to figure out how json pointer works. We have to think about this more.
Koster: We had a similar issue in SDF. You can look into that.
Issue 105
<kaz> Issue 105 - Project (2021-03 Plugfest): RIOT OS implementation
<kaz> pb: will work on a PR
Philipp: We are working on node-wot. There are some issues with IPv6. We will figure out what this is about.
<kaz> node-wot issue 363
<kaz> pb: still working on the issue
<kaz> mm: CoAP and HTTP andled here
Philipp: There was someone else who created an HTTP IPv6 server. We should use that for testing as well.
<kaz> kt: I made an IPv6 server.
McCool: Any other issues?
ege: I am documenting some projects.
kaz: Should we include IPv6 in the architecture?
<kaz> kaz: if we want to include it as part of the PlugFest, we need some kind of gateway between the v6 area and the v4 area
kaz: Have you set up an IPv4-IPv6 gateway? Most of the participants don't have direct access to IPv6.
Philipp: no, I haven't.
McCool: Are there any new information/links to SDF?
Koster: SDFs can't get validated without the devices.
McCool: Are the old SDFs are still valid?
Koster: I think so.
Koster: I had some issue with modbus, so I couldn't work on that.
Sebastian: Is there any SDF available I can refer to as a TD?
McCool: The examples are gone on this repo.
Koster: These are just my personal examples. You should use the OneDM.
McCool: Should we do a project for more SDFs?
Koster: Yes, we can do that. Go ahead.
McCool: any other issues?
No other issues
<kaz> [adjourned]
<citrullin> s/kt: I made the IPv6 server./pb: There was someone else who created an HTTP IPv6 server. We should use that for testing as well. kt: I made the IPv6 server./
<McCool> ok, I'm gonna fix the filename suffix thing, but note you will have to rebase before updating TDs that I renamed