15:15:07 RRSAgent has joined #did 15:15:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/02-did-irc 15:15:10 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:15:11 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:15:22 Meeting: DID WG Telco 15:15:22 Chair: brent 15:15:22 Date: 2021-03-02 15:15:22 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Feb/0021.html 15:15:22 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2021-03-02: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2021Feb/0021.html 15:49:40 burn has joined #did 15:50:27 TallTed has joined #did 15:58:46 present+ 15:59:07 present+ 15:59:32 present+ 15:59:33 justin_r has joined #did 15:59:46 markus_sabadello has joined #did 15:59:56 present+ 16:00:02 present+ 16:00:16 present+ 16:00:17 present+ sumita 16:00:19 JoeAndrieu has joined #did 16:00:44 present+ JoeAndrieu 16:00:44 present+ rhiaro 16:00:53 present+ manu 16:01:04 present+ 16:01:06 present+ dmitri 16:01:17 present+ markus_sabadello 16:01:25 phila has joined #did 16:01:29 Orie has joined #did 16:01:30 present+ orie 16:01:41 brent: agenda starting 16:01:41 present+ phila 16:01:44 let's go 16:01:49 scribe+ JoeAndrieu 16:01:59 ... no special topic call this week 16:02:05 ... talking about transition to CR 16:02:08 present+ drummond 16:02:10 ... test suite resolution 16:02:14 ... issues 16:02:23 ... voting for publication of other notes 16:02:31 ... any additions? 16:02:39 ... Ok. Introductions... 16:02:45 present+ shigeya 16:03:04 drummond has joined #did 16:03:10 present+ 16:03:31 ... moving on 16:03:43 ... No special topic call this week. 16:03:45 Topic: No special call 16:04:23 ... Everyone gets an hour back 16:04:30 Topic: Notice of Time to Vote for Transition to CR 16:04:31 ... We'll resume the fun next week 16:04:45 present+ adrian 16:04:46 ... Notice: our time for review is done. 16:05:03 ... We have a static document that we will be voting on next Tuesday, Mar 9 16:05:14 https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/WD-did-core-20210302/ 16:05:18 present+ burn 16:05:28 agropper has joined #did 16:05:31 ... This is the version of text that we will be voting on next Tuesday. 16:05:38 present+ 16:05:49 ... This begins a stretch where we ask the group to carefully consider before raising new issues or PRs. 16:06:11 ... As we transition to CR, we are hoping to present to W3C management that we have addressed the issues that have come before us. 16:06:22 ... We'd like to present a nearly empty issue set 16:06:46 ... We *will* still be making editorial changes. Bug fixes. Typos. That can be easily made. 16:07:03 ... as we get implementation feedback we may need to make substantive changes 16:07:10 ... in which case, we'd go through a 2nd CR 16:07:13 q+ 16:07:14 q+ 16:07:19 ... and we've prepared to have time for that. 16:07:19 ack manu 16:07:37 manu: we mentioned this previously. The security and privacy considerations are NOT normative. 16:07:45 chriswinc has joined #did 16:07:50 ... there is no language in there that should modify implementations. 16:08:01 jonathan_holt has joined #did 16:08:21 ... We only had so much time to rewrite, so the security and privacy section have not had a detailed review. 16:08:31 ... So if we find problems, we can still fix those. 16:08:39 ack burn 16:08:39 ... However, the main part of the specification should be solid 16:08:48 present+ 16:09:18 burn: at this point, in order for us to vote next week, we have to be able to vote on a single fixed URL that is stable enough for people to confirm it is what they believe it is. 16:09:27 ... minor editorial issues are fine 16:09:34 dmitriz has joined #did 16:09:54 ... and I can't ask you to not submit issues. However, please consider if your request is worth pushing another week further. 16:10:13 ... We do believe the document represents our best understanding of the group consensus 16:10:17 present+ identitywoman 16:10:36 ... That is what we are voting on. 16:10:46 brent: No one else no the queue. Moving forward. 16:10:51 https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2021-02-25-did-topic#resolution1 16:11:04 ... During our last special topic call, we talked about the test suite. 16:11:08 ... We had a resolution. 16:11:11 Topic: test suite 16:11:33 ... Not expecting to vote today, but wanted to let the group know about it 16:11:55 ... we don't anticipate this is complicated. more of a statement of intention for the test suite. 16:12:00 q+ 16:12:02 ... Any comments? 16:12:11 ack justin_r 16:12:28 justin_r: The serialization in question include defined serializations for metadata input, output, and error codes. 16:13:04 brent: yes. the language is such that such limitations could be represented in JSON, so we can use JSON to improve the tests 16:13:20 ... That methodology for that is up to the party writing the tests. 16:13:22 ... Questions? 16:13:59 ... To my knowledge, all of the sections have been assigned, and test suite tests should be forthcoming 16:14:13 Topic: Resolve Issues 693, 694, 695 16:14:15 q+ to cover issues 16:14:23 q+ 16:14:24 ... issues 16:14:26 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/labels/question 16:14:32 ack manu 16:14:32 manu, you wanted to cover issues 16:14:39 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3Adefer-v2 16:14:53 manu: current list of open issues, exclusing those already picked to defer 16:15:02 ... issues are looking good 16:15:09 ... five that staff will handle 16:15:18 ... two that are remaining open during RC 16:15:36 ... four issues that we need to talk about briefly today 16:15:53 ... we had invited the issue creator, Jack Tanner, to the call. Jack are you here? 16:16:17 ... What we are trying to do is close these while making sure the group considered them. 16:16:36 ... Several feel that these are well represented in the spec already. 16:16:38 ack markus_sabadello 16:16:50 markus_sabadello: we had a call within the DIF yesterday 16:16:58 ... in one of the working groups working on this 16:17:12 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/693 16:17:14 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/694 16:17:17 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/695 16:17:19 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/697 16:17:19 ... we came to the conclusion that Jack's use case could be addressed by adding a new cryptosuite or verification method 16:17:34 ... we don't believe we need any changes to the current spec 16:17:46 ... These first three should be fine. 16:18:02 ... #697 was more about the controller property on verification methods 16:18:24 ... Conclusion is that while it might be hard to understand that property, there isn't a need to change the specification. 16:18:33 q? 16:18:34 q+ 16:18:36 ... Speaking on behalf of Jack, I'll write a summary and close the issues 16:18:50 ack manu 16:18:56 manu: Thanks, Markus. Please comment & close. 16:19:09 ... if we close those, then that's all we need to handle before we go to CR. 16:19:27 brent: before our final topic, I have some soapbox as chair. 16:19:55 ... It has been great working with this group. People who are passionate about what we came together to get this done. I'm grateful to be a part of it. 16:20:04 also -- hoooray to the Brent, Dan, and Ivan for their steady hand in directing the group through the standards jungle!!! :) 16:20:06 ... THANK YOU for your work 16:20:08 Topic: Notice of Vote for Publication of Other Notes 16:20:24 ... Other notes 16:20:53 ... Dan and I had considered pushing folks for more completion. 16:21:03 Just closed issues 693, 694, 695, 697. 16:21:07 ... We believe the use cases & requirements is ready for publication 16:21:09 q+ 16:21:20 ack phila 16:21:23 ... We are hoping to publish that along with transition to CR 16:21:24 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/did-use-cases/ 16:21:32 +1 to al the hard work. And Manu, your efforts have been herculean to help get the CR across the finish line 16:21:48 phila: Yes. Thanks to input from a lot of people, we believe the Use Cases and Requirements document is ready 16:22:07 ... Evolved quite a bit. I'd like to thank Adrian in particular. And others 16:22:13 ... We've been through the mill. 16:22:16 ... We think it is ready. 16:22:24 brent: that is fantastic news 16:22:36 ... we have invited the group to provide feedback 16:22:42 Thanks Drummond! As Brent said, the groups' been great -- it's been a pleasure -- we're all doing important work here. :) 16:22:51 ... Unless there is opposition, I'd like to recommend we vote to publish. 16:23:02 +1 to proposing ;) 16:23:20 +1 16:23:33 q+ 16:23:46 scribe+ 16:23:56 +1 this doc is utterly amazing 16:23:58 q+ 16:24:01 ack JoeAndrieu 16:24:10 JoeAndrieu: echo what phil said.. this is the second use case doc I've contributed to within this community 16:24:14 ... it was wonderful working with phil 16:24:24 ... helped me move past blinders from my americanisms 16:24:31 ... appreciate that phil helped keep that straight 16:24:34 This is the best I've seen in all of my W3C work over the past couple of decades. I hope it ends up an example for other groups 16:24:39 ... joined effort with other people and debates on github 16:24:58 q+ 16:25:05 ack drummond 16:25:20 ack ivan 16:25:38 ivan: you have been using echidna from the start, nothing to update there 16:25:38 Hey, I get paid the big bucks as a sponsor! ;-) 16:25:50 ... only in the echidna file itself you have to add something that says its' a note 16:25:53 ... no new things to be done there 16:26:17 PROPOSAL: We will publish the Use Cases and Requirements document as a Note 16:26:22 +1 16:26:24 +1 16:26:24 +1 16:26:27 +1 16:26:32 +1 16:26:34 +1 16:26:35 +1 16:26:36 +1 16:26:37 +1 16:26:39 +1 16:26:43 +šŸ˜ 16:26:48 +1 16:26:49 +1 16:26:51 +1 16:27:20 +1 16:27:21 RESOLVED: We will publish the Use Cases and Requirements document as a Note 16:27:31 identitywoman has joined #did 16:27:35 +1 16:27:37 YAY 16:27:41 present+ 16:27:43 Thanks all. 16:27:53 I said this in zoom chat - I <3 this community :) and appreciate the appreciation Iā€™m hearing expressed today. 16:27:55 q+ to mention the rubric 16:28:10 ack JoeAndrieu 16:28:10 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to mention the rubric 16:28:16 JoeAndrieu: daniel hardman and I have continued work on the rubric 16:28:23 ... we've got great input and engagemenet with the DHS SVIP cohort 16:28:34 ... we're using that opportunity to vet the current set of criteria and come up with some new recommendations 16:28:36 ... that's going to take some time 16:28:49 ... that hopefully .. I don't know how long, maybe another month, but can fold that back into a rubric within the timeframe we have 16:28:56 brent: beautiful news 16:29:16 ... have half hour back for free 16:29:21 you're welcome. 16:29:40 ... be ready to vote to transition to CR next week. This reflects years of work 16:29:41 Thanks everyone! 16:29:43 ... see you next week! 16:29:49 cheers! 16:30:21 zakim, end meeting 16:30:21 As of this point the attendees have been burn, brent, shigeya, ivan, TallTed, justin_r, sumita, JoeAndrieu, rhiaro, manu, dlongley, dmitri, markus_sabadello, orie, phila, drummond, 16:30:24 ... adrian, agropper, chriswinc, identitywoman, šŸ˜, šŸ¦„ 16:30:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:30:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/02-did-minutes.html Zakim 16:30:27 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:30:31 Zakim has left #did 16:31:25 rrsagent, bye 16:31:25 I see no action items