18:47:54 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 18:47:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/02-aria-apg-irc 18:48:05 rrsagent, make log public 18:48:21 MEETING: ARIA Authroing Practices Task Force 18:48:40 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 18:48:47 CHAIR: Matt King 18:48:52 present+ 18:49:00 rrsagent, make minutes 18:49:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/02-aria-apg-minutes.html Matt_King 18:55:13 present+ 18:58:17 agenda? 18:58:28 zakim, clear agenda 18:58:28 agenda cleared 18:59:23 MarkMccarthy has joined #aria-apg 18:59:38 agenda+ rename default branch to main 19:00:33 agenda+ slider PRS 19:00:56 agenda+ Disclosure navigation menu with top-level links 19:01:10 agend+ Plan file directory treeview updates for aria-at 19:01:36 s/agend+ /agenda+ 19:02:14 agenda? 19:02:21 agenda+ Plan file directory treeview updates for aria-at 19:02:50 carmacleod has joined #aria-apg 19:02:51 agenda+ Modal dialog questions 19:02:56 agenda? 19:04:30 jongund has joined #aria-apg 19:05:55 having trouble with the zoom link 19:06:16 regrets+ CurtBellew 19:07:16 siri has joined #aria-apg 19:08:22 scribe: carmacleod 19:08:54 TOPIC: rename default branch to main 19:10:04 sarah_higley has joined #aria-apg 19:10:10 present+ 19:10:19 Rename will happen tomorrow 19:11:00 mck: you will need to perform 3 git commands 19:11:28 mck: jes will be standing by in case there's any problems 19:11:33 TOPIC: slider PRS 19:11:38 zakim, take up next 19:11:38 agendum 1 -- rename default branch to main -- taken up [from Jemma] 19:11:52 zakim, close agendum 1 19:11:52 agendum 1, rename default branch to main, closed 19:11:53 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:11:53 2. slider PRS [from Jemma] 19:12:02 zakim, take up next 19:12:02 agendum 2 -- slider PRS -- taken up [from Jemma] 19:13:39 mck: color slider looking good, should we work on thermostat slider next? 19:13:46 jongund: sure 19:14:42 feedback on "WARNING! Some users of touch-based assistive technologies may experience difficulty utilizing widgets that implement this slider pattern because the gestures their assistive technology provides for operating sliders may not yet generate the necessary output. To change the slider value, touch-based assistive technologies need to respond to user gestures for incrementing and decrementing the value by synthesizing key events. This 19:14:42 is a new convention that may not be fully implemented by some assistive technologies. Authors should fully test slider widgets using assistive technologies on devices where touch is a primary input mechanism before considering incorporation into production systems. 19:14:53 mck: re color slider, is the wording of the warning good? incorporated feedback from Patrick 19:15:43 carmacleod: +1 looks good 19:16:49 mck: SVG inline elements note - go with succinct wording? 19:19:03 this is the comment Matt and Jon discussed. https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1746#issuecomment-787713917 19:19:36 mck: will make comment change, and then merge tomorrow after change of master to main 19:19:59 Topic: thermostat slider example 19:20:25 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1755 19:26:41 Jemma: Just want to note that WCAG 2.2 is discussing target size for sliders 19:29:29 This is what we have as the visual review criteria. https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/Pull-Request-Review-Process#design_review 19:29:53 "Review the visual presentation to assess whether look and feel is similar to typical modern implementations of the widget. Allow for adjustments to accommodate accessibility requirements in cases where most modern implementations are not sufficiently accessible." 19:32:07 zakim, next item 19:32:07 agendum 3 -- Disclosure navigation menu with top-level links -- taken up [from Jemma] 19:33:26 sarah and mck: talking about HCM support 19:34:13 sarah: usually regular border color tends to be text color 19:34:57 sarah: HCM overrides text, borders 19:35:02 mck: even do we recommend this HCM then? it is different form svg 19:35:11 s/form/from 19:35:39 mck: we did not do any "special" thing here for color contrast 19:35:40 mck: can we just take out that point? 19:36:15 mck: we will remove color contrast section for this example 19:36:36 sarah: I'm ok with taking that point out 19:36:50 zakim, next item 19:36:50 agendum 4 -- Plan file directory treeview updates for aria-at -- taken up [from MarkMccarthy] 19:36:52 mck: Ok, I'll make that one change, and merge! 19:38:46 zakim, next item 19:38:46 agendum 5 -- Modal dialog questions -- taken up [from Jemma] 19:39:52 zakim, close this item 19:39:52 agendum 5 closed 19:39:53 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 19:39:59 zakim, take up item 4 19:39:59 agendum 4 -- Plan file directory treeview updates for aria-at -- taken up [from MarkMccarthy] 19:42:18 mck: need posinset and setsize virtualization example 19:42:32 mck: maybe use navigation treeview? 19:42:59 sarah: prefer not to use that one - need a separate example 19:43:35 mck: do you think the file directory treeview would be the simplest classic treeview example? 19:44:27 sarah: yes, I think everyone understands file directory in a treeview 19:45:04 mck: so a separate example using file directory to show virtualization? 19:45:34 sarah: makes sense, or we could think of another example 19:47:00 sarah: maybe update some of the examples that use declared properties: treeview, list, etc. 19:50:18 sarah: virtual tree is a good test for aria-at project, because screen readers often don't trigger scroll or focus with virtual cursor 19:50:54 sarah: so the new content is not brought in, and virtual cursor feels broken 19:51:13 mck: need to talk about aria-selected 19:52:01 mck: currently the file directory example does not do anything with aria-selected - but the pattern says to use it 19:52:15 mck: should we be using aria-selected? 19:57:39 jongund: a common tree in higher education is for a library 20:01:02 agenda? 20:01:14 mck: maybe the edit box should change based on the focused item, and enter doesn't do anything 20:01:28 rrsagent, make minutes 20:01:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/02-aria-apg-minutes.html Jemma 20:02:58 mck: need to make a tree that's both realistic and super-simple 20:03:06 zakim, close agendum 5 20:03:06 agendum 5, Modal dialog questions, closed 20:03:07 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 20:03:50 zakim, who is here? 20:03:50 Present: Jemma, mck, jongund, carmacleod, siri, MarkMccarthy, CurtBellew, sarah_higley, Matt_King 20:03:52 On IRC I see sarah_higley, siri, jongund, carmacleod, MarkMccarthy, RRSAgent, Matt_King, jamesn, github-bot, Jemma, MichaelC, Zakim, ZoeBijl, zcorpan, s3ththompson, trackbot 20:04:25 regret+Curtbellew 20:04:33 present+jamesn 20:05:16 present+ jamesn 20:05:26 zakim, who is on the call? 20:05:26 Present: Jemma, mck, jongund, carmacleod, siri, MarkMccarthy, CurtBellew, sarah_higley, Matt_King, jamesn 20:05:46 present+ Bryan 20:06:09 rrsagent, make minutes 20:06:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/02-aria-apg-minutes.html carmacleod 20:07:10 s/TOPIC: rename default branch to main// 20:07:27 s/TOPIC: slider PRS// 20:07:45 rrsagent, make minutes 20:07:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/02-aria-apg-minutes.html carmacleod