14:55:11 RRSAgent has joined #personalization 14:55:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/03/01-personalization-irc 14:56:03 agenda+ ednote https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2021Feb/0021.html 14:58:19 agenda+ actions from wiki/action https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/action 15:00:39 Lionel_Wolberger has joined #personalization 15:01:32 becky has joined #personalization 15:02:03 regrets, sharon and John 15:02:07 janina has joined #personalization 15:02:10 Matthew_Atkinson has joined #personalization 15:02:16 present+ 15:02:22 present+ 15:02:23 can someone send me the link to the zoom meeting? 15:02:32 present+ 15:03:00 scribe: roy 15:03:19 CharlesL has joined #personalization 15:03:35 zakim, who's here? 15:03:35 Present: janina, Matthew_Atkinson, lisask 15:03:37 rrsagent, make logs public 15:03:37 On IRC I see CharlesL, Matthew_Atkinson, janina, becky, Lionel_Wolberger, RRSAgent, Zakim, lisask, Roy, MichaelC, stevelee, hadleybeeman 15:03:48 agenda? 15:03:50 present+ 15:04:04 present+ 15:04:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:04:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/01-personalization-minutes.html CharlesL 15:05:15 Lisa: talk about live transcript function 15:05:28 ... start with introduction 15:05:39 Meeting: Personalization Task Force Weekly Meeting 15:06:07 chair: lisask 15:06:13 [introduction] 15:06:59 regrets: Sharon, John 15:12:18 Welcome! 15:13:20 Janina: brief announcement for APA 15:14:20 ... next week on the 10th will have a show and tell of @@ 15:14:57 s/@@/media queries 15:15:29 q? 15:16:00 Description: 15:16:16 lisask has joined #personalization 15:16:21 Niklas Schildhauer, a student of mobile media at Stuttgart Media University, in his bachelor thesis has looked into the new “user preference media features”, as proposed for Media Queries Level 5. He examined how these and other candidates for media features, as proposed by the W3C APA working group, could be used to enable user interface personalisation on the web and how web users can benefit from this. He also developed a polyfill script that 15:16:21 makes these media features available for web authors using current web browsers. Furthermore, he designed example webpages that demonstrate how the proposed media features can be used to provide a personalized user experience. 15:17:00 q? 15:17:55 zakim, next item 15:17:55 agendum 1 -- ednote https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2021Feb/0021.html -- taken up [from lisask] 15:18:05 Pasted from Zoom Chat: Description: 15:18:05 Niklas Schildhauer, a student of mobile media at Stuttgart Media University, in his bachelor thesis has looked into the new “user preference media features”, as proposed for Media Queries Level 5. He examined how these and other candidates for media features, as proposed by the W3C APA working group, could be used to enable user interface personalisation on the web and how web users can benefit from this. He also developed a 15:18:05 polyfill script that makes these media features available for web authors using current web browsers. Furthermore, he designed example webpages that demonstrate how the proposed media features can be used to provide a personalized user experience. 15:18:06 15:18:06 In a nutshell, his findings are: 15:18:06 15:18:07 - Two of the new media features in MQ-L5 are already supported by browser manufacturers. 15:18:07 15:18:07 - The media features prefers-reduced-motion, forced-colors, prefers-contrast and prefers-reduced-transparency were found to be important contributions to web accessibility. People with vestib 15:18:24 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-personalization-tf/2021Feb/0021.html 15:18:45 are we ok with text ? 15:18:53 Lisa: I remembered last week that I had written an editor's note, but it hadn't come off the it hadn't gone into the document. I think I got the permission to main branch 15:19:23 [ 15:19:25 > Personalization semantics defines a set of properties and values to 15:19:29 > annotate content. The Personalization Task Force is using the data-* for 15:19:29 > attributes for early implementations and prototypes. Implementers should 15:19:29 > be aware that we intend to replace "data-" with a reserved prefix when it 15:19:29 > is determined. 15:19:29 > See our discussion Prototypes with "data-" 15:19:30 > 15:19:30 > . 15:19:34 ] 15:20:19 Proposed to add the HTML spec reference 15:20:20 Personalization semantics defines a set of properties and values to annotate content. The Personalization Task Force is using the data-* (as required by the HTML 5 specification section for attributes for early implementations and prototypes. Implementers should be aware that we intend to replace "data-" with a reserved prefix when it is determined. 15:21:22 q 15:21:57 (it is q+) 15:22:13 Matthew: couldn't find the section 15:24:08 https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#embedding-custom-non-visible-data-with-the-data-*-attributes 15:24:38 Looks like it is HTML5.2 vs. WHAT-WG 15:25:02 WHATWG link, Change "" to "" 15:25:19 q+ 15:25:26 https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/SPSD-html52-20210128/dom.html#embedding-custom-non-visible-data-with-the-data-attributes 15:25:28 [trying to find the right link from HTML] 15:25:30 W3C link, Change "" to "" 15:26:30 Charles: not sure about if we still ok about the title description of "non visible" 15:26:45 Lisa: it doesn't mean the user-agent cannot do something visual with the tag, it means that the meta data is not visible to the user 15:27:28 +1 from janina 15:27:29 Janina: We have time to fix our reference if we need to, I good but the bottom line here is that we get a point or into the spec. 15:27:30 +1 15:27:33 +1 15:27:34 +1 15:27:36 +1 15:28:12 Resolution: should change that to a hyperlink. 15:28:20 zakim, next item 15:28:20 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, lisask 15:28:22 +1 15:28:25 q? 15:28:29 ack c 15:28:42 Charles: who will do this? 15:28:49 Roy: I would like to 15:29:14 zakim, next item 15:29:14 agendum 2 -- actions from wiki/action https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/action -- taken up [from lisask] 15:29:14 The editor's note, as accepted 15:29:15 Personalization semantics defines a set of properties and values to annotate content. The Personalization Task Force is using the data-* (as required by the HTML 5 specification section*) for attributes for early implementations and prototypes. Implementers should be aware that we intend to replace "data-" with a reserved prefix when it is determined. [*LINK IS, https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/SPSD-html52-20210[CUT] 15:29:44 Link was truncated, here it is: [*LINK IS, https://www.w3.org/TR/2021/SPSD-html52-20210128/dom.html#embedding-custom-non-visible-data-with-the-data-attributes ] 15:29:55 Lisa: we could wait for another week to resolve 3 issues of John's 15:30:27 Lionel: John did say he's aware that he didn't finish his actions then he thought he could catch up on them today and complete. 15:30:30 https://github.com/w3c/personalization-semantics/wiki/actions 15:31:57 Roy: will check all links before publication 15:32:18 https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/content/ 15:32:41 EDITOR'S NOTE 15:32:41 We intend to incorporate additional terms from the glossary from the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force, when it is ready. If there are non-editorial differences, we will use the term definitions above. See the COGA Glossary. 15:32:52 Lisa: we should go through ED note to see if anything still need be change 15:33:09 topic: going though ed notes (including glossary 15:34:08 Lisa: glossary are in another document(coga) 15:34:20 ... I think we should copy them in. 15:34:43 Janina: I think we could add that as reference 15:34:57 ... we only need change in one place 15:35:37 replace the content inside sect 2 with a include of the coga gloassar 15:36:09 I think the glossary is: https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#glossary 15:37:04 Janina: But the only problem, the one problem maybe if they have more terms than we need. 15:37:09 +1 15:37:14 +1 15:37:16 +1 15:37:17 +1 15:37:20 any objecttions 15:37:26 +1 to including a reference 15:37:30 Lisa: it's not a huge plus really can glossary that's acceptable 15:37:40 OK 15:38:27 Lisa: include the whole section to goes, including the editors notes and terms. 15:38:45 EDITOR'S NOTE 15:38:45 Since implementations have not yet been finalized, any examples in this document are illustrative only, and are provided to help in understanding the concept. All examples will be updated once implementation examples are finalized. 15:39:43 this one can go 15:39:48 any objection 15:39:58 q? 15:40:24 Matthew: the editor's note about the data dash, which we've just agreed to add but it's not in there yet. Do you know where it will go 15:41:00 Lisa: it should go to the Top 15:41:11 Janina: agree with that 15:41:53 Lisa: suggest on bottom of 1.2 15:42:04 q? 15:43:19 Becky: we mention it in Explainer, I guess that's where we would expand 15:43:28 ... suggest to put on 1.3 15:43:38 1.3 to put editors note, add a sentece asking for implemtion, let us know ? 15:44:00 (part of the anoucment) 15:44:08 Janina: that's part of announcement 15:44:16 new ed note fgoes in 1.3 15:47:33 https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/content/#personalization-semantics-content-module 15:49:36 q+ 15:50:19 Charles: that should some issue of W3C repel.js 15:50:36 ack m 15:50:40 s/repel.js/respec.js 15:51:11 Matthew: I would employ you at this meeting to ask for horizontal lines but definitely not a vertical ones because that can really make things harder to read. 15:52:24 NOTE 15:52:24 We may remove this or harmonize with other date time standards. 15:52:55 Lisa: the editors notes in that table, which is coming in its own date time things that we may remove this or harmonize with other date time standards. 15:54:03 any object to remove it? 15:54:11 Becky: i18n has comments on something need be harmonized 15:54:17 pending johns action 15:54:22 Lisa: John's action 15:54:29 no object to removing 15:54:59 Lisa: Bilss one, I think we could leave that 15:55:06 https://w3c.github.io/personalization-semantics/content/#symbol-explanation 15:55:29 Note that the reference numbers are the same references numbers used in Bliss (BCI numbers). Here is a link to the BCI numbers and additional language translations at the time of publication and the copyright licensing from Bliss. For additional updates after publication see our best practices for s 15:55:36 tay in 15:55:40 any objections 15:55:55 (janina agrees - should it be text? 15:55:58 Lisa: I think that's does what it needs to do and should stay in 15:56:19 Janina: I think it's fairly crucial So, actually I'm wondering should, should it be in the text and not in an editor's note. 15:56:47 Becky: I think you're right I don't know that it has to be an editor's note. 15:56:48 resolution, move to text as stong text 15:57:12 (or note is strong 15:57:15 +1 15:57:20 any objections 15:58:16 [RDFa 1.1 Primer] 15:58:16 Reference not found. 15:58:17 [SKOS Core Guide] 15:58:18 Reference not found. 15:58:19 Lisa: RDF1.1 not found 15:58:39 RRSAgent, make minutes 15:58:39 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/01-personalization-minutes.html Roy 15:59:11 https://respec.org/docs/#note 16:01:00 RRSAgent, make minutes 16:01:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/03/01-personalization-minutes.html lisask 16:09:57 CharlesL has left #personalization 18:06:03 LisaSeemanKest_ has joined #personalization 19:36:16 stevelee has joined #personalization