16:49:54 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 16:49:54 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-pbg-irc 16:50:05 Zakim has joined #pbg 16:58:31 MattNelsonWaPo has joined #pbg 16:58:37 zakim, start meeting 16:58:38 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:58:38 Meeting: Publishing Business Group 16:59:00 present: Jeanne_Spellman, Liisa, Tzviya, Dale_Rogers, Ralph 16:59:13 present+ wolfgang 16:59:31 Dan_Sanicola has joined #pbg 16:59:37 avneeshsingh has joined #pbg 16:59:50 wendyreid has joined #pbg 16:59:57 present+ 17:00:04 present+ 17:00:11 http://bit.ly/3onBM1T 17:00:27 liisamk has joined #pbg 17:00:36 present+ 17:00:43 present+ JeanneSpellman 17:03:33 AlexGrover has joined #pbg 17:04:54 BenSchroeter_ has joined #pbg 17:05:17 https://mit.zoom.us/j/98974538152 17:05:26 George has joined #pbg 17:05:26 present+ 17:05:44 s|https://mit.zoom.us/j/98974538152|| 17:05:48 have to jump at bottom og the hour 17:05:51 zakim, pick a scribe 17:05:51 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose BenSchroeter_ 17:06:11 zakim, pick a scribe 17:06:11 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose liisamk 17:06:32 present+ 17:06:44 scribe+ 17:07:02 tzviya: Does anyone have any objections to being recorded? 17:07:12 ... No objections, we'll begin recording 17:07:35 [Jeanne's presentation is transcribed, so will copy into minutes] 17:09:06 Presentation Slides: http://bit.ly/3onBM1T 17:10:01 present+ 17:14:49 LeslieHulse has joined #PBG 17:15:11 present+ 17:15:31 dauwhe has joined #pbg 17:21:45 MattChan has joined #pbg 17:36:36 George_ has joined #pbg 17:38:59 CharlesL has joined #pbg 17:40:34 jeanne: Any questions? 17:40:40 tzviya: Thank you, that was informative 17:40:57 ... tiny comment, EPUB is spelled with all caps 17:41:11 ... will send in an official comment 17:41:32 jeanne: I have a question for you all 17:41:53 ... I would like this group to consider how we would include your work 17:41:54 q+ 17:42:08 ... would you like to draft your own, or loan some people to us to draft guidelines 17:42:18 ... it's time for us to have more external guidelines 17:43:02 marisa: I saw mentioned somewhere "disability categories" is it on the roadmap for these guidelines to talk about these, and how do they intersect with the outcomes? 17:43:08 jeanne: That is a great question 17:43:16 ... they come from a group working on functional needs 17:43:24 ... they took all of the major category documentation 17:43:32 ... started working on combining them 17:43:44 ... as part of that they have intersectional disabilities as a category 17:43:52 ... physical/sensory, etc 17:44:00 ... they've included those categories on the list 17:44:14 q+ 17:44:22 ... we plan to make that available to all W3C to use as a reference for other guidelines 17:44:32 q+ Marisa 17:44:34 ... got a lot of attention from other groups interested in this 17:44:51 dale has joined #pbg 17:45:07 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eJkgXqbh7dx3uD6XAy8XAANmwfbbVZ5GKb_gbsUdkVs/ 17:45:16 q+ 17:45:23 ack George_ 17:45:32 George_: Great presentation and thanks for the hard work 17:45:38 ... is Matt (Garrish) on your team 17:45:52 jeanne: I think he has commented on a few things, but he's not a regular participant 17:46:09 George_: The first comment is that what we've done for accessibility for EPUB (thanks for including) 17:46:17 q? 17:46:19 ... we're in good shape in terms of conforming to this version 17:46:27 ... I'm delighted to see how many things we're aligned on 17:46:38 ... the ACE a11y checker for epub aligns as well 17:46:49 Published today https://www.w3.org/blog/news/archives/8923 17:46:55 ... we provide automated testing and tips for manual review 17:47:14 ... I've talked with a couple of people about the SMART tool we have 17:47:23 ... it's a great way to evaluate publications 17:47:28 ... structures and walks users through 17:47:40 ... I do have a question about bronze, silver, and gold 17:47:47 ... if bronze is equal to AA 17:48:07 ... but it seems to be less than what companies might strive for, but still seems good 17:48:20 jeanne: At the risk of talking about something we don't have consensus on 17:48:36 ... what came out of the design sprint, bronze, like wcag 2, is like a snapshot 17:48:44 ... it doesn't serve a11y as well as it could 17:48:55 ... if people were building it in by design as part of development 17:49:01 ... we think they should get more points for that 17:49:23 ... silver should be inclusive design, usability testing, assistive tech testing 17:49:43 q+ 17:49:43 ... we want to reward people for incorporating testing and process up front 17:49:48 ... which would be for silver 17:50:06 ... gold would be recognizing process within an org, where they keep their site accessible 17:50:11 ... there's disagreement there 17:50:18 ... some think we should only be teting 17:50:29 ... but I think there's an opportunity here to improve things for people with disabilities 17:50:34 ... stop looking at it like a snapshot 17:50:45 ... silver and gold would be optional, or make it a legal requirement 17:50:50 ... but it would be substantive 17:51:17 https://www.tpgi.com/the-accessibility-maturity-lifecycle/ 17:51:23 tzviya: At Wiley we've been advocating for something like that, I'll share an article here 17:51:24 ack CharlesL 17:51:48 jeanne: The person who wrote that is on the team :) 17:52:15 CharlesL: It looks and feels like the program for GCA 17:52:28 ... the scoring system, the sliding scales... 17:52:49 marisa has joined #pbg 17:52:53 ... we'd love to show your team our system and the similarities 17:53:05 ... as George mentioned there's the SMART tool and I could give a demo of that 17:53:45 ... bronze isn't going to just be automatic, but manual as well? 17:53:48 jeanne: YEs 17:54:03 ack marisa 17:54:07 ack liisamk 17:54:10 George has joined #pbg 17:54:12 liisamk: Thanks Jeanne 17:54:25 ... I was thinking about the comments about clear words and assessing the language of a document 17:54:32 ... struggling with how we do this 17:54:34 ... we are seeing in trade 17:54:43 ... people are using more vernacular 17:54:46 George__ has joined #pbg 17:54:47 ... more ficitional language 17:54:58 ... it's hard for us in publishing to help people understand 17:55:14 ... it's not a comprehension issue, its part of the story 17:55:28 ... this has been a challenge for us 17:55:47 jeanne: Take a look at what we have for clear words 17:55:57 ... in the draft, in the how to, and if what we have there is useful 17:56:04 ... would love your feedback on how to make it better 17:56:18 ack avneeshsingh 17:56:33 avneeshsingh: I have a practical question 17:56:44 ... I would like to know what is the expected timeline for help 17:56:54 ... we are quite engaged in EPUB a11y 1.1. 17:57:12 ...FPWD released today, and we only have 3 more months to hit the requirements for EUAA 17:57:25 ... what is the timeline for us to engage with you on writing the statements 17:57:33 jeanne: Any tiem in the next two months 17:57:39 ... we want to update quarterly 17:57:48 ... next in april 17:57:58 ... we will take your ideas as soon as you get them to us 17:58:08 ... I doubt we will be finished in 2022 17:58:13 ... much more likely to be 2023 17:58:28 ... there will be a 3.1 and so on 17:58:39 avneeshsingh: We'll do our best to meet 3.0 17:58:50 https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Er20Ij8De7Q1tdsP6w13U0jRo2rSkyGKOFy5pvwt6t4/ 17:59:09 jeanne: One of my colleagues did a presentation in Japan and did a feedback survey, I have done the same 17:59:15 ... please fill it out 17:59:22 ... in addition to other comments 17:59:46 ... I have this slide deck in Japanese 17:59:56 ... and translations coming in Korean and Spanish 18:00:12 tzviya: We have a large and active group in Japan who will appreciate this! 18:00:20 ... any questions or comments? 18:00:29 These slides in Japanese <- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Er20Ij8De7Q1tdsP6w13U0jRo2rSkyGKOFy5pvwt6t4/ 18:00:35 present+ 18:00:45 tzviya: see the links for feedback, and the links to the slides 18:01:13 present+ 18:01:14 CharlesL has left #pbg 18:01:27 Thanks everyone. 18:03:09 zakim, end meeting 18:03:09 As of this point the attendees have been Jeanne_Spellman, Liisa, Tzviya, Dale_Rogers, Ralph, wolfgang, avneeshsingh, wendyreid, liisamk, JeanneSpellman, BenSchroeter_, ivan, 18:03:12 ... AlexGrover, George, MattChan, dauwhe 18:03:12 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 18:03:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-pbg-minutes.html Zakim 18:03:14 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 18:03:18 Zakim has left #pbg 18:04:11 dale has left #pbg 18:39:29 jeanne has left #pbg 18:51:27 Karen has joined #pbg 19:57:31 Karen has joined #pbg 21:11:35 dauwhe has left #pbg