18:11:34 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 18:11:34 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-aria-apg-irc 18:11:36 RRSAgent, make logs Public 18:11:37 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Jemma 18:12:00 Meeting: ARIA- APG 18:12:01 jamesn has joined #aria-apg 18:12:11 Chair: MCK and Jemma 18:12:20 rrsagent, make minutes 18:12:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-aria-apg-minutes.html Jemma 18:13:46 Meeting agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/February-23%2C-2021-Agenda 18:14:38 agenda+ PR burndown - Code viewer slider 18:15:05 agenda+ PR burndown - Disclosure navigation menu with top-level links 18:15:21 agenda+ Plan file directory treeview updates for aria-at 18:15:35 agenda+ Modal dialog questions 18:15:38 agenda? 18:15:45 present+ 18:16:13 zakim, choose the victim 18:16:13 I don't understand 'choose the victim', Jemma 18:16:37 zakim, choose a victim 18:16:37 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Jemma 18:22:19 mck has joined #aria-apg 18:23:15 MEETING: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 18:23:27 CHAIR: Matt King 18:23:34 rrsagent, make log public 18:23:39 present+ 18:23:46 zakim, clear agenda 18:23:46 agenda cleared 18:24:30 rrsagent, make minutes 18:24:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/23-aria-apg-minutes.html mck 18:24:57 agenda+ PR burndown - Code viewer slider 18:25:11 agenda+ PR burndown - Disclosure navigation menu with top-level links 18:25:21 agenda+ Plan file directory treeview updates for aria-at 18:25:27 agenda+ Modal dialog questions 18:25:32 agenda? 19:00:13 jongund has joined #aria-apg 19:03:02 MarkMccarthy has joined #aria-apg 19:03:08 present+ jongund 19:03:17 scribe:siri 19:03:25 carmacleod has joined #aria-apg 19:03:29 zakim, take up agenda item 1 19:03:29 'item\ 1' does not match any agenda item, Jemma 19:03:30 can someone unmute me? 19:03:31 present+ 19:04:11 zakim, take up agenda 19:04:11 I don't understand 'take up agenda', Jemma 19:04:12 siri has joined #aria-apg 19:04:18 zakim, next 19:04:18 I don't understand 'next', Jemma 19:04:32 present+ 19:04:48 present+ 19:04:48 zakim, next item 19:04:48 agendum 1 -- PR burndown - Code viewer slider -- taken up [from Jemma] 19:04:51 CurtBellew has joined #aria-apg 19:08:35 I am not 19:09:07 MK:March 9th CSUN 19:09:57 MK: We will have meeting on Mrach 9th 19:10:37 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/aria-practices/slider-color-viewer-update/examples/slider/slider-color-viewer.html 19:10:41 For some reason the call details link isn't working for me 19:11:42 MK: Experiancing VO problems or browser problems 19:12:37 The focus seems to change in response to some of the keyboard events 19:12:54 MK: Can any one dig these issues? 19:14:00 MK: VO doesn't have own command to go to first or last value 19:14:41 JK: When tested with slider with VO, it worked well 19:15:04 MK: iOS/VO ignores grouping stuff 19:16:00 MK: gesture is getting registered when scrolling the page instead of scrolling slider 19:16:19 back in 5 minutes 19:16:27 JN: See some strange things going on with VO 19:17:39 JN: So I mean know what you know just map but yeah there's this, there's some particularly strange things going on when you use a mixture of voiceover interaction models and standard tab navigation and worth it. Yeah. It's like voiceovers getting confused and thing. So, so, I mean the one that's particularly weird for me is if I'm interacting with the green slider and moving up and down using voiceover controls and then I press tab and go to the b[CUT] 19:19:32 JN: Is it deliberate design decision to have double foucs ring? 19:20:23 s/foucs/focus 19:20:54 JN: It is rarely used to use double focus indicator, it may cause confusion. 19:21:16 sarah_higley has joined #aria-apg 19:21:51 JN: One around the thumb, one entrire the label and slider 19:21:58 s/back in 5 minutes// 19:22:27 s/entrire/entirely/ 19:23:12 MK: Having focus around the thumb might be good? 19:23:48 JN: Sometimes you worry about how noticeable the differences but yeah so I mean, looking at native input type course range it just puts one around this, the slider control itself not the label that's associated with it, and not having one on the thumb. 19:25:46 CM: Ask Joe to look at Focus indicator? 19:26:30 JN: Suggest to remove foucs around the entire slider and have focus on thumb 19:26:39 agenda? 19:26:43 s/foucs/focus 19:26:53 From Accessibility Features: • Use of SVG enables high contrast support by providing a means for text and rect element to adapt to high contrast colors using the currentColor value 19:26:54 for the stroke and fill properties. 19:26:55 zakim, next item 19:26:55 agendum 2 -- PR burndown - Disclosure navigation menu with top-level links -- taken up [from Jemma] 19:28:13 MK: Can you translate the bullet with SVG? 19:29:29 JN: we are using current color property to match the system colors 19:31:02 MK: Can you update the document so that user can understand without looking at code? 19:31:44 CM: can you add word inline? 19:33:29 CN: I will take care of that part of documentation 19:34:25 MK: Pointer events main benefit is touch based AT can enable the keyboard event. It is worth to mention it in the Pointer bullet 19:35:19 MK: I will work on the wording for the pointer bullet 19:35:55 JK: Support Matt's view 19:36:41 MK: WOrk on pointer wording piece, JK work on visual review, Jon will work on SVG bullet point 19:36:45 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/pull/1746#issue-566208588 19:37:15 agenda? 19:37:25 zakim, next item 19:37:25 agendum 3 -- Plan file directory treeview updates for aria-at -- taken up [from Jemma] 19:37:47 zakim, take up agenda item 2 19:37:47 'item\ 2' does not match any agenda item, Jemma