16:41:14 RRSAgent has joined #silver-conf 16:41:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/18-silver-conf-irc 16:41:32 Meeting: Silver Conformance Options Subgroup 16:41:40 Date: 18 Feb 2021 16:41:45 Chair: sajkaj 16:41:58 rrsagent, make log public 16:42:08 rrsagent, make minutes 16:42:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/18-silver-conf-minutes.html sajkaj 16:42:21 agenda? 16:42:24 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Administrative Items; Use cases for Friday Silver telecon 16:42:27 agenda+ Use Cases Discussion (Continued) 16:42:30 agenda+ Other Business 16:42:32 agenda+ Be Done 16:50:54 regrets: Azlan 16:53:42 present+ 16:57:12 regrets+ Rachael 17:02:12 PeterKorn has joined #silver-conf 17:02:19 sarahhorton has joined #silver-conf 17:02:35 present+ 17:02:42 present+ 17:04:01 present+ Bruce 17:04:10 scribe: sarahhorton 17:04:20 jeanne has joined #silver-conf 17:04:22 John_Northup has joined #silver-conf 17:04:34 present+ 17:04:43 zakim, take up next 17:04:43 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Administrative Items; Use cases for Friday Silver telecon -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:04:48 JF has joined #silver-conf 17:04:49 Wilco_ has joined #silver-conf 17:04:52 present+ 17:04:53 Present+ 17:04:59 agenda? 17:04:59 present+ 17:05:14 Jemma has joined #silver-conf 17:05:43 Janina: Taking use cases to Silver call tomorrow 19 Feb 17:06:30 ...1st principle and 3rd principle 17:07:05 present+ 17:07:10 agenda? 17:07:11 Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/edit 17:07:41 Peter: How much more material before they are ready for tomorrow? 17:08:03 Jeanne: Looks good, what does group think? 17:08:30 Peter: How much principle needs to be with use case? 17:08:51 Jeanne: Connect to principle makes sense, what does group think? 17:09:24 Peter: Might be useful to paraphrase principle illustrated 17:10:18 ...frame use cases with principle 17:11:04 Janina: For Friday could explain that principles are in process 17:11:20 q+ 17:11:27 Peter: Who and how presented on Friday? 17:12:02 Jeanne: Up to Janina who, how, read principle, read 1st use case, as for questions and comments, then next 17:12:31 Peter: Could make use case page with the two use cases 17:12:57 Janina: Jeanne suggested not making more pages with same content 17:13:20 Peter: Worries about getting cause in language that's not final 17:13:52 Janina: People seeing options might be useful 17:14:09 q? 17:14:19 Jeanne: Good to have people see work in process 17:14:26 Wilco: Goal of presenting? 17:14:48 Janina: Bring use cases forward sooner rather than later 17:15:06 ack w 17:15:14 q+ 17:15:39 Jeanne: Part of critical error discussion, get more of group input on approach, whether it's valuable 17:15:51 ...let people know what we're working on 17:16:04 q? 17:16:17 Janina: Have most of the principles with use cases 17:16:34 ...will put them in buckets, covered and not yet covered 17:16:46 q? 17:17:07 Wilco: Pitch other groups to do use cases? 17:17:49 q+ 17:17:50 Jeanne: No, this group more oriented to what needs to be covered that aren't, what are solutions, approach of principles, use cases, solutions 17:17:59 ack je 17:18:02 ...impacts every group so good to let them know 17:18:39 Jemma: Also concerned about rabbit hole, people have different degrees of understanding, Jeanne can manage discussion so people don't get hung up 17:18:56 ack pet 17:19:28 Peter: Timeline discussion, idea by end of Feb have agreement and report in March, concerned about showing entire doc 17:20:11 ...share use cases and situations or general discussion, but concerned about looking at doc 17:20:28 I see Peter's concern clearly. 17:20:43 Janina: How we bring topic forward, if we pull out looks like final wording 17:20:50 q? 17:21:32 we may go for it and see how things are working. 17:21:49 q? 17:21:54 it seems Jeanne has a good idea of scoping the discussion. 17:22:12 Jeanne: Looking at the two use cases only, try to hold it there 17:22:15 q+ 17:22:33 Peter: Ask people to not edit document, welcome to make comments 17:23:16 Jeanne: Can turn off permissions on folder 17:24:56 Janina: Can see comments in Google Doc but deletions and insertions are unclear 17:25:54 ...suggests Jeanne introduces, Janina presents context, and Peter reads use case 17:26:15 zakim, take up item 2 17:26:15 agendum 2 -- Use Cases Discussion (Continued) -- taken up [from sajkaj] 17:26:19 q- 17:27:08 q+ 17:27:37 ack wil 17:27:48 Wilco: Idea for use case, worth having component themed use case? 17:28:50 +1 to Wilco - use-case = "Design Systems" 17:29:00 ...team responsible for delivering components may want to make conformance claims about them 17:29:15 Q+ 17:29:37 Peter: Might need new principle 17:30:20 Janina: Not only testing process but testing tools, e.g., components 17:30:20 q? 17:30:27 ack jf 17:31:21 JF: Publishing tools with no content, WordPress basic installation, two classes of accessibility, structure and user flows 17:31:24 q? 17:31:28 q+ 17:31:56 q+ 17:32:00 q+ to say that we postponed dealing with that issue for the FPWD 17:32:05 ...design system, buttons, colors, primitives may be accessible but putting them together may be different 17:32:11 q+ 17:32:48 Janina: Charter says WCAG, ATAG, UAAG combined 17:33:01 ack sa 17:33:47 JF: Accessible design systems, nuts and bolts, org that makes platform available may want to say something about conformance about piece parts 17:34:04 ack je 17:34:04 jeanne, you wanted to say that we postponed dealing with that issue for the FPWD 17:34:41 Salesforce Design System (Lightning): https://www.lightningdesignsystem.com 17:34:49 q+ 17:34:59 Jemma: Component concepts, accessible dialog widget, what is the definition/scope of component 17:35:48 JF: Theme, accessible conformance statement for theme, accessible until added content, author make statement about theme 17:36:06 ack pe 17:36:26 Peter: Wilco could draft something for review next week, something concrete to review 17:36:41 q- 17:36:44 ...separate from existing principles, then see if it needs a new principle 17:37:20 ~q? 17:37:21 Jeanne: Not able to restrict write access, will follow up with Janina 17:37:29 q- 17:37:31 Wilco: Will do! 17:37:34 New proposed use case, for principle 5: 17:37:37 Proposed Use Case example for user generated content [for discussion 18Feb21]: A site containing on-line journals of highly technical material allows user comments. While authors 17:37:46 of journal articles are required to include clear language summaries (in keeping with WCAG 3 FPWD Clear Words exception), which are verified by paid editors, website visitors are not required to similarly make clear language summaries of the comments they submit on articles. 17:39:06 q+ 17:40:17 Janina: Work in audience, could run clear words checker on content, to some degree can encourage to write more clearly 17:40:39 q- 17:40:55 q+ 17:41:12 ack saj 17:41:13 ...topic of article influences language (e.g., virus article in academic journal vs newspaper) 17:41:14 ack pet 17:41:34 Peter: might be different but related, site designed for a narrow audienc 17:41:42 s/audienc/audience 17:42:25 q+ 17:42:33 Janina: Working to improve accessibility with math, chemistry, allow professional conversation and markup to support use of standard terminology in those fields 17:42:57 ...places where it's reasonable and not reasonable to aim for plain language 17:42:59 q? 17:43:05 ack pet 17:43:26 Peter: If we can't use clear words to describe topic, have exception that have summary 17:43:31 +1 to Lainey Feingold's site 17:44:04 ...hard to craft clear word summary that conveys concepts in some contexts 17:44:25 ...tool can't assess if it's an accurate summary 17:44:47 ...what do we do about that? 17:45:13 q? 17:45:47 Jemma: Use case about whether the content is clear to audience? Or are we talking about whether the information is exact? 17:46:24 +1 to janina - that's a perennial issue at APA 17:47:17 Janina: Example, provide plain language summary of what API does, situations where people write complex stuff, always useful to have plain language summary 17:47:54 q? 17:48:11 Jemma: What about exception process? 17:48:11 https://w3c.github.io/silver/guidelines/#clear-words 17:49:25 Peter: Looking for exceptions 17:49:45 Jeanne: Knows more work needed in exceptions for clear words 17:50:00 q? 17:50:36 Peter: Maybe not useful yet, pointing out what's known that more work needed on clear words/exceptions 17:50:56 agenda? 17:51:00 Janina: Could pause work on it 17:51:24 Jeanne: Exceptions were in early drafts but no exceptions section on template 17:52:21 Peter: Pivot to focus on general public site for narrow audience, what to do about lack of clear words when audience is specific 17:52:28 q+ 17:52:54 Jemma: Glossary of terms, linked elsewhere, comply to current WCAG? 17:53:19 Janina: Professional site wouldn't want that level of glossary 17:54:19 Jeanne: Not covered by WCAG AA; Clear words links to glossary 2 points, link to 1-click definition 3 points 17:54:47 ...test tool allows loading of vocabulary, can load appropriate vocabulary for audience 17:55:06 ...good use case, worth looking at 17:55:19 Janina: Summary useful to professionals 17:56:18 Peter: Important concept, helpful to lots of people, user-generated content hard to police and ensure accessible, harder in summary than alt-text 17:56:26 +1 to Peter, and/but how do we measure whether the definitions are 'sufficient' for X user? 17:56:38 Q+ 17:56:53 ack jf 17:56:55 ...websites with user-generated content can never pass bronze, reject most content because users aren't prepared to do that 17:57:35 JF: Agree about user-generated content, solutions like Facebook generating alternative text, pretty good 17:57:42 q- 17:57:46 q+ 17:57:46 ...can be made accessible with intervention 17:58:01 +1, good point 17:58:19 q? 17:58:23 ...OCR is working for FB 17:58:25 q+ 17:58:38 ...machines can fill some gaps 18:00:11 Jemma: If statement about audience can we get credit for that? 18:00:30 Jeanne: Share with clear words 18:01:11 s/if statement/if there is accessiblity statement, clear langugae, regarding comments/ 18:01:38 rrsagent, make minutes 18:01:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/18-silver-conf-minutes.html sarahhorton 18:02:42 s/If statement/If there is accessiblity statement, clear langugae, regarding comments/ 18:02:51 rrsagent, make minutes 18:02:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/18-silver-conf-minutes.html sarahhorton 18:03:47 present+ Janina, Peter, Wilco 18:03:53 rrsagent, make minutes 18:03:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/18-silver-conf-minutes.html sarahhorton