15:56:25 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 15:56:25 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/12-pbgsc-irc 15:56:38 Zakim has joined #pbgsc 15:56:46 Meeting: PBG SC 15:57:11 Date: 2021-02-12 15:57:22 chair: Tzviya 16:01:52 avneeshsingh has joined #pbgsc 16:02:37 present+ 16:02:44 present+ 16:03:07 Daihei has joined #pbgsc 16:03:26 present+ 16:04:09 Bill_Kasdorf_ has joined #pbgsc 16:04:17 present+ 16:04:36 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 16:04:51 present+ 16:04:57 wendyreid has joined #pbgsc 16:05:06 scribe+ 16:05:07 present+ 16:05:37 George has joined #pbgsc 16:05:39 zhengxu has joined #pbgsc 16:05:42 Agenda+ MediaDo + Firebrand 16:05:42 Agenda+ How can we help the TDM CG? 16:05:42 Agenda+ Offering a WCAG 3 presentation to the Business Group 16:05:42 Agenda+ Update on Documentation TF and Wikipedia info 16:05:42 Agenda+ Proposed charter for Math on the Web [3] 16:05:42 Agenda+ Around the table 16:05:58 present+ 16:05:58 topic, next 16:06:03 present+ 16:06:10 present+ 16:06:16 tzviya: First item, Daihei, can you give us an overview! 16:07:07 Daihei: MediaDo has bee na partner of NetGalley for a while, and this was a mutually agreed acquisition 16:07:20 ... we acquired 100% of Firebrand and Netgalley 16:07:25 ... all under MediaDo International 16:07:39 ... MediaDo is the largest ebook distributor in Japan 16:07:54 ... it's a large part of the digital transformation in Japan 16:08:07 [Ralph arrives] 16:08:09 present+ 16:08:11 ... in addition to ebooks, we want to provide other solutions for publishers, retailers, and rights owners 16:08:20 ... anyone concerned with digital publications 16:08:36 ... we intend to establish ourselves as a global publisher service platform 16:08:51 ... FB and NG will be operating as is 16:09:05 ... the intention is to enhance and expand FB's business 16:09:26 Cristina has joined #pbgsc 16:09:45 ... MediaDo plans to invest in international publishing 16:09:52 present+ 16:10:11 ... for W3C, I plan to discuss with Fran about participation in W3C activities 16:10:15 ... publishing and beyond 16:10:50 ... any questions? 16:10:50 q+ 16:10:53 tzviya: That's exciting 16:11:05 +1 exciting! 16:11:07 ... one of the areas I would love to get them involved in Audiobooks 16:11:12 ... Wendy has spoken with them previously 16:11:34 ack Bill_Kasdorf_ 16:11:35 ... it might make sense to set up a new member's welcome meeting with them too 16:11:38 Ralph: Agreed 16:13:28 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2021Feb/0001.html 16:14:09 i|Agenda+ MediaDo|-> https://www.w3.org/2021/01/08-pbgsc-minutes.html previous 8-Jan 16:14:10 topic, next 16:14:15 zakim, next item 16:14:15 agendum 1 -- MediaDo + Firebrand -- taken up [from tzviya] 16:14:23 close this item 16:14:24 zakim, next item 16:14:25 agendum 2 -- How can we help the TDM CG? -- taken up [from tzviya] 16:14:38 zakim, who's on the call? 16:14:38 Present: ivan, avneeshsingh, Daihei, Bill_Kasdorf_, liisamk, wendyreid, George, zhengxu, tzviya, Ralph, Cristina 16:14:43 tzviya: Laurent started this to address article 17 16:14:57 ... at this point he's posted a doodle poll to get the community together 16:15:02 ... what can we do to support this 16:15:07 q+ 16:15:09 ... any thoughts? 16:15:12 q+ 16:15:13 ack ivan 16:15:28 ivan: I would just repeat what Laurent said, we have set everything up 16:15:39 ... he has contacted Coralie and others internally to get help from W3C 16:15:53 ... he can write a blog or something else 16:16:06 ... he has already contacted the AC reps of the applicable members 16:16:20 ... his fundamental problem is that he needs TDM actors 16:16:39 ... he's concerned that they develop a vocab outside of the community that would use it 16:16:58 ... I presume that publishers are targets of TDM, and also TDM actors, like Elsevier 16:17:03 ... any contacts we have 16:17:08 ... get them to Laurent 16:17:16 ... and he can take it from there 16:17:21 ... for now he needs contacts 16:17:22 ack liisamk 16:17:39 liisamk: We've encouraged publishers in the last two BG meetings to join or at least monitor 16:17:46 ... tried to stress how it relates to their business 16:17:59 tzviya: Laurent is working on the publishers in the non-exempt category 16:18:01 ... trade, etc 16:18:14 ... building up the tagging to indicate that a book is not to be mined 16:18:23 ivan: Not only text, but also data 16:18:35 liisamk: Also to indicate licensing is possible 16:18:39 ... Adobe involvement in this 16:18:44 ... using it for images and PDFs 16:18:49 ... it's important for people to be aware of 16:19:03 tzviya: Alot of the metadata is embedded in XMP data for scholarly 16:19:14 ivan: Separate requirements for scholarly 16:19:19 ... for research 16:19:31 tzviya: We'll spread the word 16:19:35 zakim, next item 16:19:35 agendum 3 -- Offering a WCAG 3 presentation to the Business Group -- taken up [from tzviya] 16:19:56 tzviya: Some of you may know that WCAG 3 has been released FPWD 16:20:01 ... they want feedback 16:20:07 ... I've spoken to some in the working group 16:20:12 ... they would like feedback from publishing 16:20:23 ... would the BG be interested in having someone come and present 16:20:43 liisamk: Yes please 16:20:48 ... for the sessions in March 16:20:56 tzviya: Problem is that the feedback is needed in Feb 16:21:09 ... is there a chance for a slot in the next BG meeting 16:21:14 liisamk: It's the week after next 16:21:35 tzviya: The 23rd? I will reach out 16:21:41 ... people can read it on their own as well 16:21:47 q+ 16:21:59 ... If she can't make it, we'll find an alternative for that meeting 16:22:24 ... because of the timeline, if people have their own feedback, offer it directly 16:22:29 ack ra 16:22:33 ... we don't need to offer unified feedback 16:22:44 q+ 16:22:45 Ralph: I imagine it'll take people a while to read and gather feedback 16:23:04 ... this is only the first working draft, there will be others in the futurre 16:23:12 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-announce/2021JanMar/0002.html 16:23:18 ack ge 16:23:20 ... the deadline is important but not the only one 16:23:34 q+ 16:23:42 George: I was thinking of recording Jean's presentation to make it available to the Asia-friendly time slot group 16:23:50 +1 to recording 16:23:54 ack Bill_Kasdorf_ 16:24:13 Bill_Kasdorf_: Would it make sense for it to be a standalone presentation for everyone in the publishing activity 16:24:25 tzviya: Coordinating something like that might be challening 16:24:27 ack avneeshsingh 16:24:33 ... we could invite everyone to the BG meeting 16:24:49 avneeshsingh: I agree with Bill, there's some deep technical matters in this 16:24:58 ... one week is not enough time for deep feedback 16:25:04 ... Matt is in the taskforce 16:25:08 ... there are many proposals 16:25:26 ... there will be a lot of back and forth on this version of WCAG 16:25:28 q+ 16:25:35 ... we should definitely get some technical feedback 16:25:45 tzviya: There's a lot that went into this 16:25:49 ... major change to the approach 16:25:54 ... it's not just for the BG 16:26:08 ack liisamk 16:26:09 ... feedback needed on the approach not the SC 16:26:19 liisamk: I think it's important how we position this 16:26:29 ... no one in the BG is discouraged from accessibility 16:26:34 ... but keep them involved 16:26:50 tzviya: I'll contact Jean 16:26:53 ack ra 16:26:58 s/Jean/Jeanne 16:27:33 Ralph: We should give Jean an idea of the of needs of the BG 16:27:52 ... not a deeply technical presentation, but what's appropriate for this audience 16:28:06 tzviya: I'll debrief her, if she's not available, we'll figure something out 16:28:15 ... there's lot of information in the email from Shawn 16:28:18 ... linked in the minutes 16:28:30 ... Matt has been participating, so publishing is represented 16:28:36 zakim, next 16:28:36 I don't understand 'next', wendyreid 16:28:41 zakim, next topic 16:28:41 I don't understand 'next topic', wendyreid 16:28:47 zakim, next itme 16:28:47 I don't understand 'next itme', wendyreid 16:28:53 zakim, next item 16:28:53 agendum 4 -- Update on Documentation TF and Wikipedia info -- taken up [from tzviya] 16:29:12 tzviya: We have a documentation TF 16:29:19 ... we talked about updating wikipedia 16:29:30 ... Zheng has kicked off the documentation TF in the working group 16:29:34 ... Juan Corona is leading 16:30:00 ... once that's updated ,we can use it to update the wikipedia 16:30:14 ... I'll be meeting with Juan soon to talk about the history of the project and MDN 16:30:22 ... will be involving Dom as well 16:30:34 ... if there's real urgency to updating the wikipedia, we can do that too 16:30:43 ... there's style guides for MDN we need to pay attention to 16:30:53 ... myself, Lars, and Juan are currently volunteering 16:30:59 ... we could use more help! 16:31:05 ... what's the priority 16:31:10 q+ 16:31:12 q+ 16:31:14 ack liisamk 16:31:23 liisamk: I think that we should probably do the wiki firest 16:31:28 ... it's contained and very public 16:31:37 ... Julian has offered help in the BG 16:31:43 ack wendyreid 16:31:44 ... I can reach out and ask 16:32:21 q+ 16:32:25 -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPUB EPUB in Wikipedia 16:33:10 ack tz 16:33:24 wendyreid: Canadian effort via eBOUND to update docs 16:33:52 tzviya: When we were working on this a while ago, there were strict guidelines on specification summaries vs best practices 16:34:01 ... as a starting point, there's no summary 16:34:06 ... and a few best practices 16:34:18 ... we've never done an EPUB 101 16:34:27 ... we're focusing on that first 16:34:44 ... the stuff in wikipedia is easy to update 16:34:49 ... I won't give a timeline though 16:34:57 ... I'll reach out to Juan and Julian 16:35:19 ... as for eBOUND, we can figure out that as well 16:35:30 q+ 16:35:40 ack Ralph 16:35:47 Ralph: Discussion in the CG 16:36:16 ack George 16:36:18 ... poiinter? 16:36:30 tzviya: George also volunteered! 16:36:42 George: THere's this issue of number of hours in day... 16:37:01 zakim, next item 16:37:01 agendum 5 -- Proposed charter for Math on the Web -- taken up [from 3] 16:37:12 tzviya: This was not on the original agenda 16:37:19 ... because Brian asked 16:37:24 ... there's a proposed charter 16:37:30 ... if you are in a position to vote 16:37:33 ... please vote 16:37:40 ... or bug your friends 16:37:50 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2021Feb/0003.html Proposed W3C Charter: Math Working Group (until 2021-03-11/12) 16:38:11 ... if you would like to learn more, we can talk, or ask Brian to come explain! 16:38:48 zakim, next item 16:38:48 agendum 6 -- Around the table -- taken up [from tzviya] 16:39:21 avneeshsingh: There are EPUBCheck releases coming up 16:39:24 ... website release 16:39:31 ... Ralph we need to coordinate with you 16:39:40 ... we need a communication plan for this website 16:40:00 tzviya: Romain is going to be working on finishing the codebase, and we'lll draft a press release for early march 16:40:07 ... once we have that release we'll share 16:40:21 ... blogposts or articles from all of the major orgs 16:40:27 ... get some publicity 16:40:37 ... recognizing the website and it's purpose 16:40:55 avneeshsingh: We need a communication channel for Japan 16:41:04 tzviya: Daihei? 16:41:53 Daihei: Making use of the newsletters in the US/EU, then we can send those to the Japanese orgs to send to their membership 16:42:03 tzviya: Great 16:42:14 avneeshsingh: The actual build of EPUBCheck 16:42:18 ... there will be 2 releases 16:42:22 ... a production ready release 16:42:33 ... the other will be a test release with the public java api changes 16:42:40 ... we'll not be putting it in the production release 16:42:48 ... to get feedback from those using the API 16:43:01 ... there will be some internal refactoring and then a release in March 16:43:11 q? 16:43:38 dauwhe: We're slowly trying to talk about our big issues 16:43:45 ... that hven't been addressed 16:43:48 ... the idea of origins 16:43:57 ... how does EPUB relate to the web security model 16:44:02 ... we had a long discussion of that 16:44:12 ... this is complicated by how RSs implement EPUB 16:44:17 ... heavy processing of the HTML 16:44:28 ... via iframes or injecting it into an android webview 16:44:34 ... we're all a little in over our heads 16:44:40 ... send some questions to theTAG 16:44:51 ... translate EPUB to the language of the web security model 16:44:56 ... slowly writing tests 16:45:10 ack Ralph 16:45:10 Ralph, you wanted to comment on fund raising 16:45:12 ... we did resolve to do the FWPD of the accessibility docs 16:45:15 https://w3c.github.io/epub-specs/epub33/a11y/index.html 16:45:46 tzviya: Congrats on FPWD! 16:46:02 yay FPWD ! 16:46:13 liisamk: WE're working towards another TPAC-like meeting 16:46:19 ... two sessions same day in march 16:46:25 ... hoping in the next week to finalize a plan for that 16:46:30 ... inviting people and publicising 16:46:45 ... good discussion this week with the japanese community about understanding the business cases 16:46:52 ... the content you haven't converted yet 16:47:06 ... Makoto helped with translations to continue the conversation 16:47:20 zhengxu: We had CG meetings this week 16:47:28 ... we started the documentation TF 16:47:32 ... juan is leading the project 16:47:35 ... we're hiring! 16:47:39 ... documentation is huge 16:47:52 ... for testing 16:48:11 ... once we get some direction from Dave/the WG, we can explore having the CG create some tests as well 16:48:33 ... we had a followup meeting with the Asia time, only attendance from Australia 16:48:40 ... lots of interest in accessibility 16:48:56 ... schools have requirements, it's interesting to explore 16:49:03 ... a11yTF might want to reach out to them 16:49:07 q+ 16:49:10 ack George 16:49:18 George: Probably before the next SC meeting 16:49:24 ... the user experience guide should be finished 16:49:29 ... a few little things to finish up 16:49:31 q+ 16:49:49 https://github.com/w3c/publ-a11y/issues/28 16:50:00 ack dai 16:50:14 Daihei: Outside of PBG, next thursday in Japan 16:50:21 ... Cristina and LIA are holding a webinar 16:50:23 ... for APL 16:50:41 ... In Japan, rapidly acessibility has been taken into consideration 16:51:08 ... we're asking Cristina to help with understanding the EUAA 16:51:37 ... In Jan, Japan's longest running publication on publishing, they formed a committee on compliance 16:51:46 ... barrier free reading system implementaiton 16:52:00 q+ 16:52:10 ... Lots of attention and action around accessibility, I'll keep everyone informed of this 16:52:18 ... I gave WCAG 3.0 to everyone 16:52:31 ... Jean's speech will be helpful to the Japanese audiob 16:52:40 s/audiob/audience 16:52:41 ack av 16:53:03 avneeshsingh: Hiroshi Kawamura is the DAISY rep who has been involved, you should get in touch with him to collaborate with him 16:53:17 Daihei: Yoshii-san has been in touch 16:53:27 ... his presence is important 16:53:27 q+ 16:53:34 ack ge 16:53:44 George: We have the EPUBtest.org site up 16:53:53 ... we've not done any testing of Japanese 16:53:59 ... we'd be happy to help with it 16:54:05 ... report the results on the site 16:54:57 Ralph: There was an email sent about the latest position on EPUBCheck fundraising 16:55:00 ... good news 16:55:25 ... the spreadsheet attached should not be publicly available 16:55:45 ... I could remove the whole message 16:55:47 q+ 16:55:49 tzviya: Thanks 16:56:00 ack zhengxu 16:56:06 zhengxu: Not related 16:56:12 ... to EPUBCheck 16:56:17 ... about the CG 16:56:33 ... we need help from Ralph, we're losing some CCs from the EPUB CG 16:56:57 Ralph: That conversation is a year old, I've reraised the question 16:57:03 ... I need to get the answer I want 16:57:38 tzviya: Have a good weekend everyone! 18:30:23 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 19:12:03 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 19:18:18 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 19:44:49 zakim, end meeting 19:44:49 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, avneeshsingh, Daihei, Bill_Kasdorf_, liisamk, wendyreid, George, zhengxu, tzviya, Ralph, Cristina 19:44:51 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 19:44:51 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/12-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 19:44:54 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 19:44:58 Zakim has left #pbgsc 19:53:49 rrsagent, bye 19:53:49 I see no action items