20:08:38 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 20:08:38 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/11-aria-at-irc 20:08:55 MEETING: ARIA And Assistive Technology Community Group 20:09:06 CHAIR: Seth Thompson 20:09:15 rrsagent, make log public 20:09:22 rrsagent, make minutes 20:09:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/11-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 20:09:28 present+ 20:09:34 present+ 20:09:35 present+ 20:09:38 present+ 20:09:38 present+ 20:09:47 present+ 20:09:57 scribenick: boazsender 20:10:04 present+ Hadi 20:10:30 scribe: boazsender 20:13:59 s3ththompson: we're kicking off our 2021 work on ARIA-AT project in our standard way at Bocoup, but this year we're going to be running the project in public. 20:14:03 present+ 20:14:07 TOPIC: introductiosn 20:14:20 s/introductiosn/introductions 20:15:15 s3ththompson: we have myself Seth Thompson (he/him), working for Bocoup as Product Owner, Jes Daigle (she/her), eng manager at Bocoup, and Boaz Sender (he/him) supporting the project from Bocoup. 20:15:31 s3ththompson: we also have Mat King who is the project sponsor 20:15:49 s3ththompson reads the Bocoup Code of Conduct summary, and references the w3c CEPC 20:15:59 TOPIC: Scope 20:16:30 s3ththompson: (Reading out the goal from the agenda) our goal is to design and implementation of a hybrid manual and automated testing architecture in the aria-at.w3.org app and github.com/w3c/aria-at test suite. Improvements to the existing manual system. Strategic changes to test authoring tools that help test-authors scale up output. Support for new strategic test suite development. 20:18:21 Matt_King: I want to clarify that this is the app and test runner, but that Sina is running a different project writing tests, and Bocoup is also running another separate project to run automation. 20:18:27 s3ththompson: good point 20:19:16 s3ththompson: this project scope is the app running at https://aria-at.w3.org, the database and backend that stores results from that app, and the reports we're making with those results 20:19:21 TOPIC: success criteria 20:19:43 s/success criteria/Success Criteria 20:19:57 s3ththompson: like we said this is currently a manual test running app 20:20:43 s3ththompson: and we also want to automate, which we'll get to in our success criteria 20:21:01 s3ththompson: our first criteria is about supporting material outside of APG: "Integrate automated tests alongside manual tests and extend tests beyond APG" 20:21:35 s3ththompson: our second criteria is to scale our design to support a lot more tests and test results: "Prove that our app scales as test corpus and results matrix increases in size" 20:22:24 s3ththompson: our third success criteria is about making a more unified experience across all our connected projects in this area, and deal with our acronym soup better: " Unify identity across WAI, ARIA-AT, and APG" 20:23:14 s3ththompson: our fourth success criteria is to make sure that the data from this app are available to web devs, browser teams, and AT makers: "Bring ARIA-AT testing insights to web developers, browser implementers, and AT vendors" 20:23:29 s3ththompson: and our last criteria is to "Involve screen readers and marginalized AT users, manual testers, and others as co-designers" 20:23:46 s3ththompson: anyone else have anything to add to the success criteria? 20:23:58 michael_fairchild: I think these are great, and I don't have others to add. 20:24:17 jongund has joined #aria-at 20:24:18 Jemma: as someone working on APG, I'm really happy to see the integragtion. 20:24:51 Matt_King: I think we might want to make some of these more specific, once we are ready to discuss our sucess metrics 20:25:29 Matt_King: it might be good for us to add key success metrics to the aria-at app 20:25:44 s3ththompson: I like that idea 20:25:58 One of measurements can be the percentage of integration rate with exisiting APG examples 20:26:13 the next section is priorities, let me add a measurment dashboard to that priorities list 20:26:53 present+ jongund 20:26:56 s/the next section is priorities, let me add a measurment dashboard to that priorities list/s3ththompson: the next section is priorities, let me add a measurment dashboard to that priorities list 20:27:21 s3ththompson: there was also sina's idea about number of key strokes 20:27:23 Matt_King: yes 20:27:49 Matt_King: I think it would be great if 2-3 times this year we could stop, take a breath and share with the world where we are 20:28:02 s3ththompson: yes, great, lets make a priority for that, potentiall 20:28:11 TOPIC: Priorities 20:28:18 s3ththompson: let me read through the prios 20:28:47 I went through all the work we had in our backlog at the end of last year, and the above criteria to write these 20:29:09 s3ththompson: first, we'd like to focus on the API: "Build a better API foundation and data model that encompasses alternate test sources and automated tests" 20:29:30 s3ththompson: right now we assume all tests are manual and from APG, and we might change that 20:30:21 s3ththompson: next we might do something that to "Improve smart updates for evergreen tests", and this really speaks to the ability to make small changes to test results with minimal overhead 20:30:39 s3ththompson: next we'd liket to "Evolve ARIA-AT working mode and improve alignment with App publication workflow." this goes back to the bar for merging tests. 20:31:08 s3ththompson: the working group might be able improve workflow based on the state of a test 20:31:47 s3ththompson: the next priority is to " Develop rendering engine for test runner as external library (remove iFrames from App)." this is in order to improve accessibility for AT users by getting rid of iframes. 20:32:07 this could also be for other consumers, not just the app 20:32:26 s/this could also be for other consumers, not just the app/s3ththompson: this could also be for other consumers, not just the app 20:32:38 s3ththompson: next priority is "Add filtering and advanced analysis features to accessible Reports page." 20:32:48 yay for integrating with APG site! 20:32:52 s3ththompson: next we'd like to "Build embeddable version of Reports page for MDN and APG." 20:33:09 s3ththompson: next we'd like to "Upgrade App to support hybrid manual and automated test results." This will be complex. 20:33:33 s3ththompson: next priority is to "Upgrade App to support hybrid manual and automated test results." so again this about allowing us to test non-apg patterns. 20:33:49 s3ththompson: finally, wed like to "Add accessible UX affordances to handle increased scale of data, including pagination and search" 20:34:44 It sounds like a good idea to start with backlog from the previous project. 20:34:48 s3ththompson: do folks have additional priorities in mind? 20:35:01 Matt_King: I think this is the most important part of the meeting. 20:35:24 The flexibility of AT app embed is great. 20:35:36 Matt_King: we really want folks input on this. 20:35:54 but I do see the challenge for builiding API itself. 20:35:55 Matt_King: I really want alignment on these pieces. 20:36:21 s3ththompson: this is about the big pieces of the work for us to align on. 20:37:12 s3ththompson: I see a comment in IRC from Jemma about starting with the backlog. Which is good. We did start there, and this comes from that. Thanks! 20:40:08 Matt_King: let me start with something very specific: it would be amazing if we could prioritize the working mode changes, and merging a test to the main branch easliy. 20:40:50 "Parallel velocity" is really a good key word to remember. 20:41:28 s3ththompson: ok, I'll move that up. 20:41:51 Matt_King: my next question is, is there a feature in the app that is slowing down automation. 20:42:08 s/Matt_King: my next question is, is there a feature in the app that is slowing down automation./Matt_King: my next question is, is there a feature in the app that is slowing down automation? 20:44:35 Matt_King: my 10k foot view is that humans will run this the first time always. 20:44:48 boazsender: I was thinking sometimes we could start with automation 20:45:10 jscholes: I think we need a human tester at the beginning 20:45:28 michael_fairchild: I agree, but I still think we can automate them earlier, like boazsender is saying 20:45:57 s3ththompson: I wonder if we are conflating the tool as an app for test writers and one for test runners, and perhaps there are two different workflows. 20:46:07 q+ 20:46:25 Matt_King: I was hoping the app could manage this 20:46:36 Matt_King: manage some of the writing 20:46:43 s3ththompson: I'll clarify that in the priorities 20:46:53 s3ththompson: is there anything else we're missing? 20:46:59 q- 20:48:06 +1 for Boazsender 20:48:54 agenda? 20:48:56 Matt_King: do we have a bucket of priorities around usability and accessibility? 20:49:07 agenda: https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/February-11%2C-2021-Community-Group-Meeting 20:49:30 Matt_King: do we have something to revisit the ux assumptions after research? 20:49:45 s3ththompson: great point, I'll add that. 20:50:13 jscholes: how do we communicate priorities we have for the script/runner changes? 20:50:20 jscholes: does that go here? 20:51:01 s3ththompson: yes, this is the right place. We can add a priority to focus on API changes. 20:51:40 Matt_King: I think this is related to things like reusable tests, and the way we compile key commends 20:51:52 jscholes: yes, but also github actions, and test formats 20:53:04 boazsender: maybe the prio could be "meet with test writers, catch their pain points, work them into the project" 20:53:14 jscholes: we could name all our issues in the next test writing meeting 20:54:10 s3ththompson: I think some of this is also covered by our named priorities, like expanding past APG, to include material from ARIA attrs, etc 20:54:26 Matt_King: agree 20:54:30 jscholes: agree 20:54:38 jscholes: its the data model 20:54:43 s3ththompson: exactly 20:54:54 Matt_King: could we make this the focus of the next test writing meeting? 20:54:57 s3ththompson: sure! 20:55:32 s3ththompson: ok, wrapping up priorities, please let know after the call 20:55:46 s/s3ththompson: ok, wrapping up priorities, please let know after the call/s3ththompson: ok, wrapping up priorities, please let know after the call if you have anything to add 20:56:05 TOPIC: Logistics 20:56:28 s3ththompson: we're starting work at Bocoup on February 16th. 20:56:44 s3ththompson: what time is the test writing meeting? is it the same time? 20:56:53 Matt_King: no, it's different every week. 20:57:09 s3ththompson: ok, can everyone who wants to attend this regularly send me their calendars? 20:57:37 Matt_King: one possibility might be the hour before this meeting. 11-12 PST on Thursdays 20:58:17 s3ththompson: ok, we'll look at that 20:59:03 s3ththompson: other things to share: we're moving our task management to public github. 20:59:41 scribe: jongund 21:00:30 Seth: that last time we did work together, there was sprint planning and then share with Matt 21:00:42 Secth: Is there a better way to share weekly sprints 21:00:43 rrsagent: generate 21:00:43 I'm logging. I don't understand 'generate', boazsender. Try /msg RRSAgent help 21:01:19 James: We are interested in the schedule to know what's happening so we can comment if needed 21:01:33 rrsagent: please create the minutes 21:01:33 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/11-aria-at-minutes.html boazsender 21:01:41 Seth: Publish expected sprint plan for comment 21:01:52 Seth: I think we can do that 21:02:37 Matt: Especially for the first couple of priorities this is important, we want James involved the sprint 21:02:49 James; I would be happy to attend 21:03:16 Matt: That would be a stronger alignment between app and test development 21:03:52 Seth: Previously we would make changes to the App and assign someone on the team to review 21:04:16 Seth: Is anybody willing to review 21:04:55 Matt: I don't want external dependencies, but we want to do planning so external people have a chance to review 21:05:16 James: I would be happy to look at accessibility 21:05:59 Jon: I would be interested too, I have accessibility concerns 21:06:57 Matt: I would like to consider the process for the accessibility and usability, that has a longer time line, put in staging and get feedback, deploy after feedback is addressed 21:07:09 Seth: I put some work into the design process 21:07:47 James: It is a lot easier to review the insitu, the actual app 21:08:40 Matt: That speaks James to the idea, the accessibility and usability of the reports page, break up development into 6 small steps that we all agree are great 21:09:10 Matt: I think the community group can handle a1 month pace, people will appreciate the monthly progress 21:09:26 Seth: New things on a monthly schedule 21:09:47 Matt: Mostly the UI stuff, the backend can work on its own schedule 21:09:55 Seth: I like that framing 21:10:31 Seth: it involves our deployment process with staging and data 21:11:01 James: The UI might be at a different pace than the data model, we can do some testing with the UI 21:11:51 Seth: This is a bigger thing than what we were talking about, because we are using a W3C server, its not quite so easy than using commercial deploy 21:12:37 Matt: I don't want that be a major topic, let's do the best we can, humans are going to need to adapt to the infrastructure 21:13:08 Seth: I won't invent new work items, that is what I had for work plan and communication 21:13:48 Seth: Even though we have two separate repositories, but they are all one project 21:14:01 Seth: any other questions be fore action items? 21:14:52 Action Item: Email James to set up time to create shared priorities with test writing (s3ththompson) 21:15:38 Action Item: Develop project plan from kickoff priorities / roadmap (Bocoup) 21:16:05 Action Item: Confirm AT Automation time with Simon and coordinate meeting invitation (s3ththompson) 21:16:42 Seth: One zoom link for all meetings? 21:16:50 Matt: the Deque one 21:17:02 Seth: I will use that link for all ARIA AT meetings 21:17:19 Seth: When are they sent out, Monday? 21:17:35 Action Item: Seth to send out regular meeting invites for ARIA-AT on Wednesday, with tentative sprint plan (s3ththompson) 21:17:43 Matt: We usually do Wednesday, but they can be earlier 21:18:03 Seth: Probably Wednesday will have best informatino 21:18:27 Matt: Seth you need to become a cohost 21:18:37 Action Item: Confirm that Seth can be co-host for meetings (s3ththompson) 21:18:58 Action Item: Seth confirm with Michael you can be a cohost 21:19:25 Seth: Any other topics? 21:19:51 Action Item: Confirm time for weekly ARIA-AT workstream, tentatively 2pm ET Thursdays (s3ththompson) 21:20:07 Matt: Next week there will be three meetings, automation on Wednesday, 21:20:21 Matt: How long before a project plan? 21:20:41 Seth: This will probably start in about 3 weeks, look for the invitation 21:21:02 Matt: There will only be two meetings next week 21:21:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:21:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/11-aria-at-minutes.html jongund 21:40:14 it doesn't seem like the minutes worked... 21:56:45 ah, they are here https://www.w3.org/2021/02/11-aria-at-minutes.html 23:12:32 Zakim has left #aria-at