IRC log of wot on 2021-02-10

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:02:18 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wot
13:02:18 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:02:27 [kaz]
Meeting: WoT-IG/WG
13:03:48 [Mizushima]
Mizushima has joined #wot
13:03:55 [kaz]
chair: McCool
13:04:39 [kaz]
present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner, Dave_Raggett, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura
13:04:53 [dape]
dape has joined #wot
13:06:22 [kaz]
scribenick: dsr_
13:06:29 [mlagally]
mlagally has joined #wot
13:07:20 [kaz]
present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima
13:08:19 [kaz]
13:08:34 [kaz]
present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch
13:08:49 [tksuzuki]
tksuzuki has joined #wot
13:08:49 [dsr_]
Topic: Invited Experts
13:09:20 [dsr_]
Philip Blum has been approved Michael Koster's application is still pending
13:09:48 [dsr_]
Topic: Approval of minutes
13:10:01 [dsr_]
Michael reviews the minutes of last week's call
13:10:21 [kaz]
i|reviews|-> Feb-3|
13:10:58 [dsr_]
Any objections to publishing the minutes [no]
13:11:02 [dsr_]
13:11:15 [dsr_]
Topic: Quick updates
13:11:47 [dsr_]
Kaz talks about the new Japanese WoT Interest CG
13:12:01 [kaz]
13:12:36 [dsr_]
Mizushima-san gives more details
13:12:51 [kaz]
s/CG/CG. they're planning to hold an online event later February. Mizushima-san could give some more details./
13:13:15 [kaz]
present+ Christine_Perey, Takahisa_Suzuki
13:13:44 [dsr_]
McCool asks if we can update our new Web pages to link to the new CG
13:13:54 [kaz]
13:14:17 [dape]
13:14:33 [dsr_]
Daniel provides some details
13:14:36 [dape]
13:14:50 [dape]
13:14:58 [mjk]
mjk has joined #wot
13:15:29 [dsr_]
McCool: we should link to the WoT JP CG from our marketing pages
13:15:48 [Mizushima] ---> wot-jp cg homepage
13:16:23 [kaz]
s/https/-> https/
13:16:29 [kaz]
13:16:32 [dsr_]
McCool: we were asked to rename our Master path on GitHub to Main. I've tested this in my own fork.
13:16:34 [kaz]
rrsagent, make log public
13:16:38 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:16:38 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
13:16:58 [dsr_]
People need to update their local copies on their own computers.
13:17:56 [dsr_]
McCool: I have a few more things to do and will then draft some detailed instructions. Any PR's against the Master path need to be applied before we do the updates
13:19:00 [kaz]
s/Topic: Quick updates/topic: WoT Japanese CG/
13:19:27 [dsr_]
Michael shows us some of the details
13:19:29 [mlagally]
13:19:32 [kaz]
i/We were asked/topic: Renaming the "master" branches to "main"/
13:19:33 [kaz]
ack k
13:19:38 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:19:38 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
13:20:14 [dsr_]
mlagally: what's the purpose, what will happen to the original?
13:20:49 [dsr_]
McCool: I think but haven't tested that pending PR's will be automatically rolled over
13:20:55 [Cperey_]
Cperey_ has joined #wot
13:20:57 [kaz]
i/we were asked/topic: Renaming the "master" branches to "main"/
13:21:00 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:21:00 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
13:21:19 [dsr_]
Github has been a little unstable recently ...
13:21:36 [dsr_]
So taking things cautiously
13:21:44 [dsr_]
Topic: Goals and Objectives
13:21:56 [dsr_]
Our CEO, Jeff Jaffe is asking for the objectives we are setting ourselves for this year. This can include our publication roadmap, any workshops we plan to do, measurable progress with our liaisons, and best of all metrics for adoption by industry and targets for member recruitment.
13:21:56 [dsr_]
Any idea of how we can answer Jeff?
13:22:41 [dsr_]
Some of this is around marketing, and industry outreach
13:22:47 [kaz]
13:22:51 [kaz]
ack ml
13:23:08 [kaz]
present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura
13:23:15 [dezell]
dezell has joined #wot
13:23:23 [kaz]
present+ David_Ezell
13:23:30 [dsr_]
We want to set some achievable objectives according to what we want
13:23:57 [dsr_]
McCool: what do we do in respect to contacting industry prospects
13:24:19 [kaz]
13:24:53 [dsr_]
Sebastian: we're starting a joint activity with OPC and this should be one of the objectives as an important step for a WoT binding to OPC
13:25:22 [dsr_]
McCool: how should we organise this? I could create a markdown file in GitHub?
13:26:06 [dsr_]
kaz: this is in relation to how Jeff manages industry sectors via the staff champions
13:26:29 [dsr_]
We should clarify the existing targets and expectations
13:26:58 [dsr_]
McCool: we need a clear place for where we keep those objectives
13:27:26 [dsr_]
He creates an issue to kick this off
13:27:58 [dsr_]
... along with a markdown file ""
13:28:31 [kaz]
s/expectations/expectations. for example, what I suggested during the marketing call and the use cases call yesterday. extending the timetable for spec generation might be a good starting point./
13:28:49 [kaz]
13:28:55 [kaz]
13:28:56 [kaz]
ack k
13:28:59 [mlagally]
13:30:04 [dsr_]
The issue is #956 "Capture objectives and goals"
13:30:08 [McCool]
13:30:12 [dsr_]
ack mlagally
13:30:42 [dsr_]
mlagally: what is the lowest entry level for compliance with WoT
13:31:03 [dsr_]
I believe that we need to have the entry barrier very low
13:32:01 [dsr_]
We also need to encourage convergence by the Mozilla web things
13:32:37 [dsr_]
McCool: a tutorial would list what components you need to build a WoT compliant solution
13:32:38 [kaz]
s/this is in relation to how Jeff manages industry sectors via the staff champions/W3C Objective is related to the Industry Team and the Industry Champions including Dave for WoT and myself for Smart Cities are in charge of generating the Objectives documents./
13:33:05 [Ege]
Ege has joined #wot
13:33:24 [dsr_]
McCool: we need to raise our visibility and encourage adoption
13:33:53 [dsr_]
We're working on our marketing plan with a March 1st milestone
13:33:53 [kaz]
s/We should clarify/what I as the WoT Team Contact would like to ask the group to think about is rather clarifying/
13:34:38 [dsr_]
Ege talks about microcontrollers
13:35:07 [dsr_]
McCool: for a product the cheapest device, along with a hub device ...
13:35:23 [dsr_]
mlagally: we should talk about this in the architecture call
13:36:05 [dsr_]
Sebastian: the Mozilla web thing community meet regularly, and have plans for W3C WoT compliance for 2.0 version
13:36:48 [dsr_]
rrsagent, draft minutes
13:36:48 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dsr_
13:36:56 [kaz]
13:36:57 [kaz]
13:37:03 [zkis]
zkis has joined #wot
13:37:20 [kaz]
13:37:21 [dezell]
q+ to ask about
13:37:29 [kaz]
ack k
13:37:37 [dsr_]
kaz: is Ben Francis still leading the Web Things community?
13:37:48 [dsr_]
McCool: I think so
13:38:16 [zkis]
present+ Zoltan_Kis
13:38:45 [dsr_]
Topic: Plans for joint calls
13:39:10 [dsr_]
Michael reviews the pending plans for joint call with external groups
13:39:36 [dsr_]
13:40:06 [dsr_]
Topic: plugfest and Virtual F2F planning
13:40:11 [kaz]
ack k
13:41:17 [dsr_]
dezell: I wanted to ask about, which talks about Raspberry Pi a lot
13:42:09 [dsr_]
McCool: we want to provide instructions for running node-wot
13:42:27 [kaz]
s/external groups/external groups, WebThings (Mozilla), Microsoft DTDL, IEC CDD, ...
13:42:41 [dsr_]
... it would be my preference for a reference platform
13:42:53 [kaz]
i/Plans for/kaz: in that case, we can chat with Ben directly too :)/
13:42:55 [mjk]
13:42:58 [kaz]
13:43:02 [kaz]
13:43:03 [kaz]
ack d
13:43:03 [Zakim]
dezell, you wanted to ask about
13:43:28 [kaz]
i/Topic: plugfest and Virtual F2F planning//
13:43:42 [Ege] esp based lightsensor here
13:43:59 [dsr_]
Michael talks about some development hardware options
13:45:22 [kaz]
s/Michael/Michael Koster/
13:45:26 [dsr_]
NodeMCU is based on ESP8266 chip plus WiFi
13:46:30 [dsr_]
We should talk about a tutorial for a minimally comformant systems
13:46:44 [dsr_]
13:47:04 [kaz]
13:47:29 [Ege]
13:47:37 [dsr_]
Further discussion in the plugfest call ...
13:47:53 [dsr_]
Sebastian has implemented support in the Lua stack
13:48:37 [kaz]
q+ to suggest we talk about the detail on implementations during the plugfest call again :)
13:48:51 [dsr_]
Michael wonders if node-wot can be made to run on small devices
13:49:19 [dsr_]
Sebastian: TUM have some baseline implementations
13:49:44 [kaz]
ack k
13:49:44 [Zakim]
kaz, you wanted to suggest we talk about the detail on implementations during the plugfest call again :)
13:50:10 [Ege] this would also run an esp32
13:50:17 [dsr_]
McCool: We've arranged webex for the face to face, but need to prepare the agenda
13:50:23 [mjk]
We should eventually have a common reference stack for embedded platforms (C/C++)
13:50:49 [dsr_]
Kaz: one hour for a joint discussion with IEC
13:51:24 [dsr_]
McCool: let's try to arrange the calls with other external groups on the same day
13:51:42 [kaz]
i/We've arranged/topic: F2F planning/
13:51:55 [dsr_]
Each task force needs to add their own agenda topics
13:52:52 [dsr_]
McCool asks Michael Koster about joint call on oneDM and ASDF, should this be done in the IETF?
13:53:17 [dsr_]
Koster: I don't think there will be time during the IETF meeting
13:54:27 [McCool]
13:54:46 [kaz]
13:54:47 [dsr_]
Sebastian is proposing a cooperation document and sub group for WoT/OPC
13:55:59 [dsr_]
McCool: I think this is essentially about protocol binding, but these are not part of our charter in respect to normative specs
13:56:15 [dsr_]
Kaz: informative would be fine for now
13:56:37 [kaz]
-> Charter
13:56:42 [kaz]
ack k
13:57:30 [dsr_]
McCool: I have a draft proposal for gelocation and am working with Christian Perry on this
13:57:33 [dape]
q+ aks for general marketing feedback w.r.t. "is everyone" ok with the current approach
13:57:36 [kaz]
s/for now/for now given the Charter says Protocol Binding is informative. also we can have further discussion during the TD call later today./
13:57:43 [kaz]
13:58:01 [kaz]
topic: TF reports
13:58:32 [dsr_]
Sebastian provides a quick status report from Marketing TF, good progress on web pages
13:58:39 [dape]
see and
13:58:57 [dsr_]
Launch date for new pages is March 1st
13:59:00 [dape]
13:59:12 [dsr_]
Please review by end of Feb
13:59:23 [kaz]
s/118/118 wot-marketing issue 118/
14:00:03 [mlagally]
14:00:14 [dsr_]
McCool: we should think about a clean experience for developers new to WoT
14:00:38 [kaz]
14:00:43 [kaz]
ack aks
14:00:43 [Zakim]
aks, you wanted to discuss general marketing feedback w.r.t. "is everyone" ok with the current approach
14:00:47 [dape]
ack aks
14:00:51 [kaz]
ack ml
14:01:24 [dsr_]
mlagally: when will we do a resolution on the new pages?
14:01:46 [dsr_]
McCool: not today, but definitely to mark that we're comfortable with the launch
14:02:15 [dsr_]
Feel free to propose PR's if you have some ideas for improvements
14:02:21 [dsr_]
.... end of meeting
14:02:38 [dsr_]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:02:38 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dsr_
14:02:40 [kaz]
[main call adjourned; PF call starts in 5 mins]
14:02:52 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
14:02:52 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
14:07:53 [McCool]
McCool has left #wot
15:08:13 [Mizushima]
Mizushima has left #wot
15:56:03 [zkis]
zkis has joined #wot
16:07:52 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wot
16:31:39 [dsr_]
dsr_ has joined #wot
16:45:52 [dsr_]
dsr_ has joined #wot
17:55:32 [dsr_]
dsr_ has joined #wot
18:14:30 [dsr_]
dsr_ has joined #wot
20:15:34 [dsr_]
dsr_ has joined #wot
20:32:06 [dsr_]
dsr_ has joined #wot
22:02:42 [dsr_]
dsr_ has joined #wot